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Show ASSESSMENT NOTICE. tlllNSIPON IUKUMTION COMPANY.-Princi- pal place of bulnt-s- , Gunnison, Siui-PIs hurt by sluu county, Uiaii.-tfo- tl'n that at a tnuetlng of ttio stockholders, held on the 1st day of February, lBoJ, an assessment. No. 5, of fifteen and one-ha(15W) cents per hare was levied on tho capital stock of the corporation, said asaosament to be applied for purposes. towlt: Twelve ard one-ha- lf (1CV) cent for general purjHjses and three iS) cents on tho reservoir, and by an order of the Kurd of directors made on tho 1st day of October, ltfU, lspayableituundlatcly toJ. H.Uoj lance, secretary of thecompany, at Ids otlice in room 2. town ball. Gunnison, Utah. Any slock upon which lids usscssnn-nmaj remain unpaid on thy 1st day of December. IfcU. will 1h d Uixjiient and advertised for dale ut public auction, and unless payment Is Diudo before will he sold on thrt day of December, lhd, t j pay assessment, U'gclhfr with the cost of advertising and os pi nso of sale. J. If. liOYf.ANCr. Pecretary. Oilh o In room tw n hall. Gunnison. Utah. First publication, Oct. 7. liHU. te GUNNISON TOWN OFFICERS. Preriuent T. F. Kenrnd. f Oht is I. Chriu neun ! 11 lf Landlord Well Supplied. The young man suffering from over In the study arrived at the lonely mountains." Ten dollars per day? gasped, reading the rates over the dek. Certainly, sir, the responded suave proprietor. I hope you will understand that this la a nerve rana-torlum.- " I should re y It la, and you have thb most nerve of all." t D-t- Regular Custom. advice and send inlnt-juleyour poem to the editor of that Kentucky insgazlne? Yes; and he took It Of c ".rpo he did. Didn't I tell 3xu no true Kentuckian would decline a Did you follow nil right; cents for It. . Ciiritenou. . o - 'irv,v.T ra-h- Dj-- J - m V - V' O. B. - v H.--- EKGI.lN 1J - , . II. ChristeiiHon. Pound keeper- - Anyone Yepscn. f. ! - I), Arrowpisis Rauch, -- PRECINCT OFFICERS. Justice of the Peace Albert Swain - - If.tli. - Gunnison, Coustablo A. D, Diinmick. SCHOOL TRUSTEES Chairman Brigham Jensen. Cler- k- W. II. Gribble. rvasurer Xephi Ai(u'n. NEPHI QLEDHILL. but he paid me In the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District, State of Utah, Sitting in and for Sanpete Couuty. L. II. Kricksen. Plaintiff, vs John A. Anderson, Defendant Summons. Hard Work Ahead. Where are you bound now? asked 1 lio State of Utah to tho said Defendant; You are hereby summoned to of Cupid. appear within The Atlantic Coast resorts' replied twenty days after tho service of this sum-moupon yon. if sen ed within the County Cupid. in whbh this notion is brought, otherwise, Dut where are your bow and ar- within days after service, mid defend thirty rows? tho above entitled action, and in case of your Oh, I have to use a machine gun failure to do so. judgment will by rendered there. Its gone on ahead of me. against j on according to tho demand of thy complaint, of which a copy is hi row 1th served upon you. His Secret. only 15 , , - L-- - N. Gl.ilhlU Chris I. Ckristeuaon, eo ttorncy--A- r.a S. PcterMr.. Treasure! Marshal J. P. Fjeldsted. Fleidftwl Supervise of Street.--J.- P. Quarantine Physician J. A Il.fgau. SUMMONS. mint julep? Thats Clerk-L- N A. Mod on 4m U Judge. IN-ych- e AC Public- - (Notary Gazette Office, - - GUNNISON - II. GRIBBLE . Livfc Stock 4 . Gunnison UTAH. . Utah. ns Raphael was explaining his fame. I simIt was easy, he confessed. Tost told woman on the block Utah. ply every that I had painted my cherubs from hers." Bitterly be regretted he had waited Ms talents on art Instead of shia-n! .1 W. K. IlKID, she? HOUSE. SION anJ DECORATIVE PAI.NTlNO. (iRAIMNU. Trade Mark3 Designs Copyrights Ac. a sketch and Dr. C.H.I3IRIJ Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive special notice, without charge, la the Scientific Jftncrican. QEINTIST handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.arirest 93 a of any acientlllo journal. Terms. ye.tr; four months, L Bold by alt newsdealera. A MUiiUCo.35'8'1 Drench C'ifl'.-J- . (S!5 F Et. Utnh. GUNNIriON, Anrona aondln dpserlpOnn may quickly Ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention la probably patentable. Oonirutmtca tlonsatrldtlyoontidenllal. Handbook on InteuM ent free. lldet agency for aecarlng patanu. The Mutilators of Books. I have had lots of friends who were milty of mutilating books they had borrowed from me, but my latest experience was the most novel of ail. What was it? I lent Mrs. Blanks my dictionary a w days ago and yesterday she it without a word. The Boston Way. Towne Shes from Boston. Dealer In nd Appllerof wall Paper and Moulding Attorney fur Plaintiff ofllce address: Manti, Sanpeto County Harpers Bazar. politics. C. CIIRISTliNftUN. JU. YEAR9 EXPERIENCE BO 31 ANTI Office, Hew York Washington, D. 0. rjX AND GUriNlSOn LEWIS LAKSOX itimfv(E5 Isnt Browne I cant tell. She hasnt had occasion yet to pronounce the world either. Towne Shes not from Boston, then. If she were, shed have found the occasion long ago. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- V. All legal matters ncelvy pnynpt au.l careful attention. TABLE NoBl IN EFFECT APRIL 3. 1902 1 191 M Train No. 13 loavee Gn micn for I t.ooa Money on Forns. Hiii-To rtt 3 Manti, Ephraim Mt Pleasant, Provo, Salt Lake City ana Interbuy an fell K tl Estate, i n : mediate points at II J24 a. m. and tovn pr.p- r. Arrives at Salt Lake b 00 p. m. Train No. 10 leaves Salt Lake Office o er Po fire. for Bingham, Provo Mt. Pleasant, Manti, Gunnison and 2 rvffr. tJi Intermediate points 8:00 a, m. ;3 Nothing- lifH i Train No. 142 leaves Gunnison for Nothing can evi Salma, Richfield, Elsinore and Marysvale at 2 :11 p.m. Arrive J at Marysvale 6 :15 p,m. Connections made at Thistle J unction for all points east.1 1 . Not Inconsistent. Tess You dont mean tosay youre going to marry him? Jess Yes. Tess The idea! Why, you said you Mistah Jackson (at the cakewalk) wouldnt marry him if he was the last Look heah, niggah, doan yo laugh man on earth. Jess (snappily) Well, my gracious! at me; doan yo laugh at me! Mistah Johnson I aint laughin; lie Isnt, is he? my face jes slipped! No Chance to Enjoy It. Paterson Pete I dresmed last night Why He Tarried. I a had million dollars. Harold You pV'uldnt wait for dat Stacked Oats Did yer enjoy it? something to tut, up, old chap; yon ' I wuz sued should pitch right in and turn it up Paterson Tete Nit! fer breach uv promise, operated on yourself. fer appendicitis an mentioned fer de Rupert But Iti my- rich uncle3 vice presidency fore Id even got it toes, old chap, that Im waiting for. counted . J udge. New York News. ,' - I. A. Benton, G. A. P. D. - The Reader. Para.pvocal. That child eos.t s to be spoiled. Rieder suppose Im a blockhead, Hes entirely Jed, He Is notbut I must confess I dont like Henry too fresh. Jamess novels. A. J. Mrr.rny, Local Agent. ur. Ifegs Elgw BisesvsrJ or vhs Throat and For 8PfiYSUMPTItUf (II HH8 ana a. prf .tt-- v O'l- All A Perfect Lung Troubles. Cure: , Money back If it falls. Trial Dottioa fhee. jsrrrsri I - JOB PRINTING NEATLY EXE We promptly John Firtt-clae- a T, .seu'I CUTED AT THE GAZETTE f free mok-i- , t e ihI V, b. tn.U i i. '. v- V ugEpi s h or k'i-.f- i i,u How to Secure Iacr.ts ohta I wl Parties wanting marble tombston work put in this fall should write a postal card to Arthur Henrie, Richfield, Utah, who will call ard tube the order. Best satisfaction given in both goods and prices to c i u 1 C fl P fI Ri.bi"-Vh ,1 I D n: -- si 3 Christen sotf, plaster? r work. Reasonable pa) The Gunnison Gazette, $1X0. 3 OFFICE, Cboositc; U. S, Patent OUicc D.O. WAGliUiJGTOSNj , "N. |