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Show J' v r J CURE YOUR KIDNEYS. NMWS SUMMARY. i When the Back Aches and Bladder Troubles Set In, Get at the (Tais Dont make the mistake of believlntf-backach- e and bladder Ills to be local ailments. Get at the cause and cure the kidneys. Use Doans Kidney Pills, which have cured -- officers General wounded and two killed, thirty-onmissing lor the engagements of October 10, 11 and 12. The Undue ill and Evansville packet Iloh Hurley sank eight miles above Paducah, Ky by strilcng a sunken wreck. All the passengers were saved. Oku reports four e thousands. Capt. S. D. Hun- ter, of Engiae No. 14, Pittsburg. Pa.. The' Prussian minister of public works, the interior and commerce, have just rejected a petition for the erection of skyscrapers in Prussian cities. It is reported from Seoul that the Japanese minister to Korea is using every effort to induce the Korean government to agree to fifty-yea- r FIre Apartment. and rcsidins at Wjlie A,e- was lhree years ago that I V used Doans Kidney Pills for an attack of kidney trouble that was mostly backache, and they fixed me up fine. There is no mistake about that, and if I should ever be troubled again, I would get them first thing, as I know what they 1,11 f leases of public lands. A powder magazine at the fort on One Cochons Island has exploded. are. man was killed. Fortunately a chamFor sale by all dealers. Price 50 ber containing 3,000 fifteen pound cents. Foster-Milbur. Co., Buffalo, shells did not explode. N. Y. Seventy dwellings In San Marcial. Says the Misanthrope. eighty miles south of Albuquerque, N. cultivated their disposition If girls M., have.bcn ty the floods c? as assiduously as they do their com th'e past week and there is great suf- plexions there would be fewer old bachelors. fering and destitution there. Wilhelmina Masur, 35 years old, the wife of John Masur. one of the oldest newspaper men of Pittsburg. Pa., has Tea is almost nothing; been stamped to death by a bull in the stable at their home in Allegheny. how much weight do you. The revolution in the Republic of think there is in the taste Santo Domingo is extending. Azua de Cocpostela, near the south coast, and of it ? all the departments of the south have Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I am so pleased with the results obtained declared in favor of Isidoro Jiminez. Weight is no measure from Lydia E. Pinkliams Vegetable Compound that I feel it a duty Dora Meek, aged 18, who slept for teal .. and a privilege to write you about it. the winter nearly six months during I suffered for more than five years with ovarian troubles, causAre Perfumes DisinfecyFrAV. " "(.-of 1901, died at Centraiia, Ills., Suning an unpleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at times a faintness I asked a doctor in England if perwould come over me which no amount of medicine, diet, or exercise day, as the result of a general decline fumes are No, really disinfectants. seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found the weak spot, following an attack of measles last he said. How can they be?" t however, within a few weeks and saved me from an opere4 March. asked a doctor here in France th,i all my troubles had disappeared, and I found myself once more 1 have exiles The gathered same question, and he ... answered: Haytien and well. Words fail to describe the real, true, grateful feehn "Mais oui, Madame,. doute and near the frontier, preparing to in my heart, and I want to tell every sick and suffering sistei that basis of tle explained an insurrection every perHayti, and attempt dally with medicines you know nothing about, but take Lydia L a is fume essential strong eit of some ham's Vegetable Compound, and take my word for it, you w., against President Nord in favor of and those essential kind, oils are thay different woman in a short time. Mrs. Laura Emmons, W en. Firmin, leader of the insurrection which is right? ow, antiseptic, ville, Ont. 1902. London trutlj. report has reached Halifax, N. S., that the steamer Call, bound from Tra-cadi- Excellent Opportunity to Arrange for Your Reception at St. Louis, During N. B., for New London, P. E. I., the FairFjee 4. has been sunk near New London, and If you Intend going to the Louisiana! that the captain and crew ot seventeen Dear Mrs.. Pinkham: For several years I were Purchase Exposition, St.. J.ouis, Mislost. was troubled with ovarian Trouble and a painful souri, opened by President Roosevelt Fred J. Kefferty of Atlantic City, in- April 30th, 1904, It will be very much and inflamed condition, w hich kept me in bed part of the time. I did so dread a surgical operation. dicted for killing John Biddle in a to your advantage to correspond with I tried different remedies hoping to get better, quarrel over the latters wife, in New Mr. F. II. Worsley, No. 411 Dooley but nothing seemed to bring relief until a friend York City, last May, has committed. block. Salt Lako City, Utah.to have all Mr. Worsley has arranged who had been cured of ovarian trouble, through suicide in N. at his J., Landing, Mays parties met at the St. Louis depot the use of your compound, induced me to try it. I but cuttingjail his throat. and escorted to their lodgings, which took it faithfully for three months, and at the end be reserved in advance. That the canteen is of groat moral will of that time was glad to find that I was a 'well Information relative to passenger woman. Health is natures best gift to woman, benefit to the army is the claim made rates, stop-overticket limits, hotel and if you lose it and can have it restored by Brigadier General G. H. Burton in rates and all other necessary informahis annual report as inspector general tion asked for will be cheerfully given through Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Comfeel that all suffering women should of the army, to the secretary of war, free of charge. This will especially pound I be of benefit to those desiring to travel know of this. Mrs. Laura Belle Colemade public last week. with Utah parties or in parties of Tom man, Commercial Hotel, Nashville, Term. Winnipeg, Mann., has been visited or five. School teachers will also to their Interests by It is well to rememember such letters as above when some druggist tries by the worst fire in its history. Two hear something above party. writing to get you to buy something which he says is just as good of the most important business blocks That is impossible, as no other medicine has such a record of cures as Lydia E. Pink-ham- 's were destroyed, entailing losses agJapanese Superstition. Vegetable Compound ; accept no other and you will be glad. gregating $700,000. Insurance, $300,-000- . The Japanese have a plant called No lives were lost. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkliam if there is anything the otoma, which is considered by about your sickness you do not understand. She will treat you The recent Yaqui Indian troubles in many to be a type of the marriage with kindness and her advice is free. No woman ever regretted Sonora have been very much exagger- state. When a young couple of bewriting her and she has helped thousands. Address Lynn, Mass. ated by some newspaper correspond- lievers marry they will take a specients. Only one district was involved men of the otoma with them, plan! cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures ol FORFEIT 'f it and carefully tend it and be fully above testimonials, which will prove their absolute genuineness. and it is now thorr hly patrolled by persuaded that their conjugal felicity Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Ljiai, Mast. rangers and federal troops. is assured as long as it lives and Clifford Ragel, 14 years of age, of Edna, Kan., died at Sedalia, Mo., hosHALLS CANKER AliO DIPHTHERIA REMEDY pital Murine Eye Remedy cures sore eyes, Saturday as the result of injuries makes weak eyes strong. All druggists, 50c. received in the collison near Warrens-burg- , FOR THE MOUTH. THROAT. FOR SALE BY ALL BRUQOISTB NEVER FAILS AND in the Missouri Pacific wreck. STOMACH AND BOWELS.... OENERAL STORES Long Lives. This makes the list of dead thirty. Nelden-JudsA contemporary has discovered that Salt Lake City, Utah. Drug Go., General Agents. The correspondent of the London no person who ever deliberately set Times at Tokio says the Mikado has out to live 100 years accomplished the warmly thanked the Manchurian army feat. What of it? A great many WANT YOUR and full particulars of NINE for defeating the offensive movements men and women who have deliberateLEAD, ZINC AND QUICKSILVER of the Russians and SILVER, COPPER, COLD, driving them ly set out to live honorable and usename us will send and address. if Free. Mining Maps ful lives have lived ten centuries in your you Companies, back after many days of severe COMMISSION CO., 311 Olive Street, St. Louis, Ms. point of usefulness to the world- .- Minneapolis Times. n Two severe cases of Ovarian Trouble and two terrible operations avoided. Mrs. Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell TEA how they were saved by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. frs re-ent- er Another Case of Ovarian Trouble Cured Without an Operation. e, s, on UE HADE |