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Show WEATHER. Workers in all lines find profit in making their announcements through Tribune Want Ada. Shower Wednesday! Thursday falrj no decided change In tm perature. Local Settlement Prlcaa. M o Silver Lead . . .M .Ill (37s Copper (cathodes). ........... Zino 10 t.lll SALT LAKE CITY, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1927. VOL. 115, NO. 20. FLOOD CLAIMS H SECTOR Rescue Work Rendered Difficult; No Additional Lost of Life Reported. if1 Arkansas River Adds to ! p. MAO CEACKEN. itlisiT n ". pres-sur- Ya-so- Secretary 7 . try MILL TOWN FLOODED. v Jonesvllle, a great hardwood lumber milling center to the southeastward from Harrisonburg, has all but disappeared, other pictures showed. lumber Only the top layers of huk-piles could be seen, giving what was of tented a the town the appearance city. the showed StUl another photograph complete Inundation of all the terriP.ed tory in and around where the This river empties Into the Mississippi. dan-ate is regarded as one of-- the major la as flood it in area, the ger points here the water from the upstate funthe parent nel will go back Into stream. In Morehouse parFar to the north. ish, Mer Rouge, never before flooded In the memory of white men, was slowly succumbing to the flood comriver. ing down from the ArkansasInto West Water still was moving Monroe, forcing several hundred famsituabut the ilies from their homes, tion In the twin city of Monroe was with the levees reported as Improved, and raised against being strengthened the coming flood crest with Its record height of water. of Along the Mississippi, south (Cratlan4 en Pr Twe.) (Celsma levea) Museum Director ,Dies at Pasadena Cal., May t (AP). PASADENA, Colonel Edward K. Ayer, 86. philandirector of the Field a and thropist museum of Chicago, died at the Pasadena hospital today. Ha underwent MacCracken Says Western Hemis phere Invites Expansion WASHINGTON, May 3 (AP). Transportation of mall and merchan diss by air between all the capitals Of the western hemisphere, was bold out as a project likely to see fruition not far hence by Assistant Secretary MacCracken, In charge of commerce department aviation, In a speech to com day before the mercial conference. The air lanes, which terminate at southern American cities, he believed, offer a real opportunity for establish ment of routes to from the United States. Specifically he named San Diego. CaJ- - Miami. Fla. and Galveston or Brownsville, Texas. DALLAS ROUTE PICKED. He said that there was "a serious Drouosal pending" to extend the Chi route southward to the Gulf of Mexico or some point on the Mexican border, and added there was every reason to believe, that with as sumption of service between New Latin-Ameri- -- cago-Dall- (CftUBMH . ible. n P 0lMia EUkt) Vwo.J MATERIALISM HELD CAUSE OF SUICIDES Return of Fundamental Beliefs and Faith in Bible Cure, Declared. Ga.. May 3 (AP). ATLANTA, Teaching a materialistic conception of the universe Is chiefly responsible for student suicides. Professor H. U. Roop of Wheaton, 111., declared In a report to the World's Christian Fundamentals association here today. Investigation of "the recent student suicide epidemic" by educators and sociologists justified the declaration, said the report, warning that unless there Is "a return to a fundamental belief In creation" suicides will continue. "When you convince a man that he Is an animal, and nothing but an animal," said Mr. Roop, "he will aot like an animal and even worse, and you will have a recrudescence to the jungle." A questionnaire answered by students, teachers and clergymen dis closed the following as reasons for aulcldes, the report said: Atheistic teaching which holds up to ridicule faith In the Bible: a too of rapid pace In- modern life; laox moral and religious training In the modnonchrlstian home: education; ern philosophies, and evils of the social system. Mr. Roop described the "real need" of colleges as "the need of Christ." an Intestinal operation at the hospital early yesterday. Colonel Ayer was the first curator of the Field museum and made fifty-tw- o trips to Europe to collect data and specimens for It. He came to. and went Into the California In lumber business. Afterwards he reChics to go to live for many turned years, coming back here but a few years ago. Colonel Ayer Is survived by his widow, Mrs. Emma Burback Ayer: a daughter, living here, five sisters and two brothers. Funeral services will be held ate NEW ORLEANS, La.. May t (AP). the Church of the Flowers In dollars In diaNearly ten thousanddiamond-studdesent will be The d body monds. Saturday. Including to Harvard, m., for Interment. garters, were forcibly removed from Mrs. John Abrams. wife of a sportsman, by bandits In city park here last night. Mrs. Abrams reported to the nolle that she was driving through tbe hailed by name. park when she was car and a man She stopped her each oa leaped running board, one holding a revolver against her side and the other stripping two lings from her fingers and then removing her garters, which wars fastened with a gold buckle In the design of a pear with a diamond on It. Only a meager description of the men oould be glvea by Mra Abrams. ll - Bandits Rob Woman of Jewels Glen-dal- well-kno- Features z for Men, Women and Children Appear Seven Days a Week in The TRIBUNE. Lassen Peak Puts Every Feature On New Show Hand-pickeIs 4 d to Meet the Needs of (Every Reader. Tl Second Explosion Feared Signal for Caution; Six Dead Removed. W. Va., May 3 (AP) Fearing a second explosion In the Everettsvllle mine, where twenty-fou- r men are known to have been killed and seventy others entombed three days ago,, rescue leaders tonight decided to seal a section of the workings where a fire 1s raging so that other parts of the mine can be exFAIRMONT, WILLIAM FTO PLCTT. Cel. May I (AP). Tbe first eruption of Laaaea peak la many year started this morning Smoke came from the crater for forty-ltminutes, rolling high Into tbe ey. A errong wind then carried the smoke cloud a southward No rasnbUng was beard by valley' iBbahlteaia, - v Praas SerTtee. Bridge for 10 cents a point ws th May J Every once smrseated as an Ideal same, with"that fair coeds pointedly mentioning In a while some one speaks right out perfectly divine evening gown you In a class. This time It was an un- saw at known Columbia professor at Barnard .Klsboratlng further on tha advice, the Spectator scribe sets down to in college. Students and faculty were exalted first test. snrlved at tha club slgisg this morning when the Spectator, the you"Having muat protest vigorously that you a win never but little drink Columanything at undergraduate newspaper However, or my dear. bia, came out with the story of an vou chamnatcne. would Just ss soon have gin If it unnamed professor at Barnard who wpuld make you feel better. The gin gave his class of girls three ultra- Is purchased, and a orange modern tests, whereby a coed oould blossom is mixed. You merely sip teH If a young man loved her. flirtation wild a then and begin this, The tests, according to the Spec- with the nearest waiter. tator, were these: "You then Drotest that you're sim First, get drunk with him. ply cockeyed, my dear, and prove It Second, play cards with him. by. trying to kiss the cute bald spot on Third, note what he laughs at. that adorable old man at the next The article was headed, "Strip table. You then must laugh and long Poker Taboo," chosen apparently be- at everything in general, and nothing cause that game was not mentioned in particular, saying to your escort specifically by the learned man. And "Oh. you re face Is so funny. what with the amount of clothes the If the escort survives this. fair coeds wear In these stirring times, he Is a lover in the third degree, and said the Spectator, "the game would may be safely married and filed for be over almost before it started." ' future reference. Chicago Tribune END ing Any Alive Fading, , plored. NEW YORK, COURT ORDERS BOAT RELEASED After an Inspection of the mine during the day, when rescuers located seven additional bodies, Robert Lamble, chief of the West Virginia Cargo department of mines, announced that Federalship the southwest . sections of the workof Liquor Seized 170 ings, where the fire Is burning, would be sealed in immediately with brick brattices. This will give the rescue Sea Freed. Miles workers an opportunity to enter the northeast sections, where, Lamble said, some of the fourteen miners SAN FRANCISCO, May S (AP). known to have been laboring there The federal district court here late While blast. the have escaped might Lamble .held out this slender thread today ordered customs and coast of hope, other mine experts felt that guard officials to release, the Federal-Bhl- p the seventy missing men are oead. and her Jl.000,000 liquor cargo, either killed' In the explosion or by seized last March 270 miles off the gas. VERITABLE VOLCANO. California coast.. The court order have forbade officials to oppose the vessel's For three days rescuers d worked untiringly In the recesses. Lamble termed It a "vol- departure. The United States attorney here cano," because the fire In the south' section threatened at any moment to told the court that he saw no legal Justification for holding the vessel (Continued ea Face Vine.) (Calaaaa fix) further. He based his opinion on a Walker telegram from Mrs. Mabel Wlllebrandt, assistant attorney general, which said her office had desolely In layed releasing the ship courtesy to a request of the state and treasury departments. Another telegram from Lincoln C. Andrews, assistant secretary of the treosury, asked that the Federalship be held pending negotiations with Panama. THe court's formal order of release says seliure ot a vessel "does not mean that the government or its 1 officers may retain the property definitely without proceeding to have of the property adjudi Secret Service Operative disposition cated. Upon a proper showing, po such proceeding in retard to the prop erty having been taken, the court may Begins Survey of Proorder its return to those 'entitled to possession. "In the present case, I believe that posed Sites; Will a proper showing has been made, and that the applicant Is entitled to the Come West. return of the vessel and to permission to continue the voyage." and at gaa-fllle- PRESIDENT SOON TO DECIDE UPON SUMMER HOME In-- WASHINGTON, May S (AP). Ed ward Starling, White House secret service man, will leave In a day or two to Inspect sites In the west which been offered for a summer have White House. He will go as far west as Colorado Springs at least. Lake Mlnnetonka, Minn.; Colorado Springs, the Black Hills of South Dakota, several sites In Wisconsin, and Lake OkoboJI, Iowa, were mentioned at- the White House as among places to be Inspected. accommodations for the Proper large staff which must accompany the president, and weather conditions will be governing lectors in lniiu enclng President Coolldge's. choice. Altitude Is being considered In so far as It affects the temperature, and It was said the altitude at Lake OkoboJI was virtually the same as that at Psul Smith's. New York, where the summer White House was estab lished last year. Mr. Coolldge expects to establish his summer home this side of the Rockies, although he might go as far as the slopes ot the mountains. It was emphasized tnat sites in Minnesota Wisconsin and northern would bo riven careful consideration and that ho decision would be made until a report was received from Starling In about two weeks. Theft Coast-Wid- e Ring Broken Up PORTLAND. Ore.. May t (AP). A coast-wid- e theft ring, specializing In automobiles and the robbing of fine homes, police declared, has been broken up. Police and federal sgents who ar rested Frank Patera, is. sea captain; his wife. Merna. 14, and Leslie Barton, 14, of Tigard, Ore., reported that recovered three automobile they had loads of loot worth at least 115,000. The rooms of the auto theft division at police headquarters were piled Jewelry of all high with furniture. kinds, rugs ana araperies, pantos. fkmr lamps, suitcases, grips and fire arms. The theft of six automobiles and the looting of ten homes In various parts of the Pacific northwest, according to federal agents, bas been traced directly to the trio. Kellogg Carries , Proverbial Chip May I (AP). Secwent to the cabinet retary Kellogg with a chip on his today meeting shoulder, but It was picked off by Hoover a dash. without Secretary The chip, or small plee of paper, was spotted first by Senator King of Utah, who had called at the White House t protest against Mr. Turkish policies. the 'Secretery of After greeting state, he shouted to Mr. Kellogg, who was walking toward tbe oablaet room; "Ton bad better take that chip err your shoulder." Wberespon Secretary Hoover h removed tbe chip, aod t be aa saaa saeeuag jreeeetaa. WASTiIXOTON, Kel-loc- I Death Calls 1 ' I Director Orders Secjtion Sealed; Hope of Find Dangers; New Orleans Safe. Now Appears NEW ORLEANS, May S (AP).-- Ai tha determined fight to protect the vast area In central and southern Louisiana want steadily forward to- -, day, flood waters from the raxing v" Mississippi and lti tributaries claimed new towns and fields In ortheaatera " Louisiana. Bertou problem! of rosco and ear of refugees were presented, but the enormous machine, hastily built up by Civilian Dictator Parker, was func-Vtlonlng smoothly and thousands had been evacuated to high ground without the report of a single loss of life. Everywhere along the line, except at Mllltken's bend, across the Mississippi from Vlcksburg, the river Hnes were held. At that point, the Mississippi, e a . raced madly under the added of flood water from the Delta o . region flowing back through the river, and flowed over the' embankment for a distance of 100 feet, threatening to loosen a torrent of water Into Tensas parish, already partially Inundated. TOWN THEATEN ED. j Reports to former Governor Parker J were, that If this flow were not checked, It probably would carry from six to ten feet of water Into Tallulah. parish, seat of Madison, which has a population of approximately 150 peoThe town Itself Is .about ten ple. miles from the river. It was estimated by officials that If . this threatened break materialized. It jffc would result In the early Inundation of approximately 2000 additional square miles of territory In Madison, Tensas, East Carroll. West Carroll, Morehouse, Franklin, Richland, Catahoula, Concordia,- I Salle and Rapides parishes, much of which already Is under flood or backwater. Immediately upon receiving word of the, danger spot, Mr. Parker directed v that rescue and relief operations be conducted from Vlcksburg and Natchez, with additional craft sent from here, If they should be needed. Harrisonburg, parish seat- of Catahoula, to the west, already Is under many feet of water, according to photographs taken to Baton Rouge by naval aviators, who dally are winging their way over the flooded territory to 1 search out marooned and direct their rescue. In the picture, only a few house tops In Harrisonburg were vis- tarif Columbia College Undergrad policy Newspaper Quotes Professor RESCUE on Love Te$ts for Coeds in u. s. hurtsIF-'- BLAZE FORCES HE TINS IN 111 E y"h Sn 11 II f i I 24 King Protests 1 Sen- ic relations mlth Turkey In view of the defeat of the Lausanne vtreaty by . the senate. Senator King protested against the proposed modus vlvendl suggested by Secretary Kellogg. The administration's policy In China and Mexico, however, was given d support by the Utah senator, who Is a member of the senate foreign relations committee. whole-hearte- Jury Exonerates LOS ANGELES, May (AP). United fltstes Immigration Inspectors other aviators were arrested at Eagle airport, were exonerated at a coroner's Inquest today. The Jury found that the killing occurred while the officers were attempting to make ar rests In an alien smuggling plot. TC-- 7 Sets Out on Long Flight SCOTT FIELD. Belleville, 111.. May I (AP). The TC-- 7, nonrlgtd dirigible, left hefe shortly before 7 p. m. for San Antonio, Texas, where maneuvers will be psrticlpated In Msy 10 by air force units from all parts of the United States. The shin. In command of Major Harold A. Strauss, carried a crew of six. WITNESS STAND Corset Salesman Picture Complaint; Imposes Hard Trade Restrictions Ruth Snyder as Pred- Conference Commercial I BENJAMIN TDB WHKKI.ETt. PEKING REPORTS REACHING U. S. HEU)SJJSPICIO0S office. When the disappearance of the books was reported to Mayor Meffan. 'he Immediately swore to a complaint President Shows Irritation against Moffatt, and a warrant was of Continued Issued for his return. Telegrams have been sent out sll over the country, and officers notified to hold Moffatt Resignations Over and wire local officials. The former city clerk was under a $500 bond, and his bondsman, the Policy. Maryland Casualty company, has been of his disappearance. Audit notified ors were making a check today of the city water fund records, and funds WASHINGTON, May 1 (AP). In turned over to the city from the Can- - tlmatlona of official Irritation over von county collections. Moffatt Is said to have disappeared press reports from foreign sources from Nampa Sunday. purporting to state the attitude of the Washington government on quel tlons In China were given at the White House today In connection with a flat denial of such a report that Minister MacMurray at Peking had resigned because of differences with JACKSONVILLE, Ore., May t (AP) tbe state department over American Hugh d'Autremont, one of three brothers accused of murders commit policy In China. It was said President Coolldge, ted In 1923. when four Southern Pa cific trainmen were killed In a hold knows of no foundation for the re to hear up In Oregon, prepared today port that MacMurray baa -or Intend the case against him. attention Selection of a Jury was expected to resign. The president'to be completed In time for the ha been called to a number of re opening statements of Isattorneys to ports of foreign origin of the same morrow. D'Autremont specifically the murder of one of character and he looks with consid charged with men killed. His two broth the four erable suspicion as to the motives ers are fugitivea hlch underlie their circulation. condition In the present chsotlc within the ranks of the nationalist party In China, the president does notses tnat any anvantage coum do atrived by sending another note re It garding the Nanking outrages. wss said flatly at the White House he did not believe that any of that VANCOUVER. B. C. May J (AP). the other powers. Great Britain. months or dispute. an After France and Italy, which Joined amicable settlement has been reached Japan, with the unitea Mates in sending by Mra Sarah Smith Wilbur Bool to the Csntonese authorities Identic lard In her legal differences with her drmanda growing out of the Nanking husband. George Francis Seollard. to Inoident. have agreed, upon a note regain M.OnO.OO worth of securities to follow up those demands and press he Is alleged to have misappropriated. for compliance. The settlement was effected at a It waa conceded that th minis conference here among Seollard. his ters in Peking of the five governwife and their respective counsel. W. ments might have agreed upon a draft E. Burns, counsel for Mrs. Seollard. note to be recommended to their declared today that charges standing governments for transmission to naagainst Seollard In Washington courts tionalist leaders. It was added, howwill be withdrawn. ever, that the home governments appeared not to know anything about LIQUOR SHIP SEIZED. an agreement of this nature that In NEW YORK. May 1 (AP). The any way committed the governments British steam trawler Gabrtella, al- themselves. leged to have a liquor cargo valued at was seised and thirteen 11.100,000, men arrested as the vessel was entering port today. Talk at on Settlement DARBT. Pa.. May t (AP). Six wo spons te hi call at several of the men out of 100 who defied the local homes and there was nothing for him to do but on te the next delintax collector and refused to pay a quent. He pass found Mra Margaret Lytle She-wa- s hold14 were of 0 home. still at personal tax busy doing an odd eat tonight against tbe payment Job In painting. "I'm the tsx collector," said Sheln. "So t see." said lira. Lytle. "Too had better pay your taxes." aid Sheln. "What will sir husband do If ha eomee home and finds no upperr asked Mrs. Lytle. Sheln had do reply to this and agala warned Mr. Lytle that nonpar ers ot taxes wtll go te Jell. Another womaa, who Is reported te have failed to pay her tax, aeeerted ahe waa laerried at by her fnende when ahe paid her tax In former years, and she would not be laughed at any NOTED SCHOLAR ldge. ." DIES IN VIENNA Benjamin Ide Wheeler, in Some Time, , at ... wit-ne- as PLANE MAY MAKE FLIGHT War le Gasoline War Coming to End would-,retur- n 1- Yaquis Reported Across Border s, New Naval Pilots Killed in Flight Many People the ground -near the municipal grain elevator. The dead ar Lieutenant R. V. formerly of New Jersey, but for Lieutenant Commander H. V. sad PITTSBURGH. May I API Al Page of the Judre advocate general most t per cent of the population office at Washington. that la, uses one ere Is more than the other, according to Dr. Fin E CAUSES LOSS. A. M. Snyder, professor of pereholrtgy WATSONVTLLB, Cel., May t (AP) at the University of Pittsburgh, who Tlv large fruit packing plants, sli conducted teeta la cooperation wttk John T. Seatoa, Instructor In pey- - residence and other buildings and at least a dosen freight ears were ehology. In a test. by fire late today that longer. hl freehmen and eonfc- - destroyed rased iheoush a bLwk of the Watson- The tax hss been Imposed to comwaa I The ! new right-eyeInduefial ville were II Darby high erbnol. and hat I plete tbe 0 that It needed. is pert ef Ad lend 14 andedded, tbe phycbologlsta estimated at betweeai lioe.eoe and tbe saea apparently feave paid the tax. eaaouae- Use Only One Eye d" ex-tto- 1 uel L. Miller. th Convict Sentenced to Die Escapes left-ey- NEW YORK, May I (AP). Henry Judd Gray, the HtU East Orange, N. J., corset salesman charged wills murdering Albert Snyder, magaxin art editor, took the stand In hi own Snyder-Gra- y defense today In th murder trial. vole well pitched, hi dlo4 tlon unusually good, th "lovable) Httl cuss." Mra Ruts Brown) Snyder, hi paramour and eodefen-dan- t, called him lit her latter, aoont waa launched into a atory of vnt leading ' up to th murder of Albert Snyder. It was a story that followed th outline given In th opening mad for him by hi chief of counsel. Same H fixed upon Mrs. Bnyder thai conception of a Blot, to kDl her hus- hand for hla Insurance, which, la Son's Home. case Passes of death by accident, would net her, a beneficiary, almost f 100,009. H began a picture of Mra SnydeP VIENNA, May S (AP). Dr. Ben that revealed her a woman predaJamln Ide Wheeler, president emerl tory In her love, pursuing him by letters and by telephone call and tus of the University of California, as his companion at numerous night, died at a local hotel last night after club parties and at hotel a He pictured her a aubtl mentor In th ina long Illness. trigue that preceded th killing, and told of her Introducing Insurance and BERKELEY, Cel. May I (AP). murder Into their conversations. Dr. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, president ENDS. LONG QRUELINQ emeritus of the University of CaliGray took th witness stand late Mrs. In whose In death last after the day, fornia, Snyder'a deVienna, rested. He followed Lornight was announced at the university fense had Bnydoer" raine, Mra today, was credited with being the daughter, as a witness. Little Lorperson most responsible for the growth raine was asked whether It was light when her mother waked her on the of the new Berkeley Institution. after the murder. She said Dr. Wheeler bad been la poor health morning It wa light and. In response to anfor several year a He had been abroad other question,' said she ran to neighbor's house for help. Bb then less than a year, having gone to Vienna last summer to be with hi son, was excused. Mr. Snyder surrendered th o Benjamin, who is connected with the chair to her daughter after University of Vienna. After his retirement as aetlve bead cupylng it for more than twelve Of that number, eight and hour. of th university here. Dr. Wheeler lived In Berkeley until he went to a half hour were devoted to a seShe fixed vere Vienna. upon Gray both the plot to kill her actual murder. the and husband Th state, through th persistent AtGOOD-WIL- L questioning of Assistant District Mrs. torney Charles Froessel, brought conSnyder's testimony to evident fusion in it last phases. She contradicted herself, failed to recollect and became fidgety. On contradictory reply, followed by th accuse, tlon that shs wa lying, brought opnear blowa posing attorney ahe resumed her seat beside Department Consid- herWhen counsel, Mra Snyder wa In evident distress, but did not cry. She Lorraine Intently as th ers Sending Maj. Dar-gu-e watched child, a mite almost lost In th great chair, added her bit of testion Exhibition Trip. witness mony to th thousand of words th have perspiring court stenographer taken line th trial started. HANGS HER HEAD. WASHINGTON, May I (AP). A Gray took th stand and betour of principal' American el tie by ganWhen giving intimate detail of their Major Herbert A. Dargue, leader of meetings. Mrs. Snyder wept, dabbingthe army' good will at her eye with a whit handker(Ceatlaaad ea Pate Twe.) flight, waa under consideration at (Oelsau rive) ths war department today, while the and his flight companions major rested after completing their 20,000-mlJourney here late yesterday. Details of the tour have not been worked out, but It Is believed Major Dargue would make the flight In his New York II, some time flagship, the summer and will touch during the LOS ANGELES. May t (AP). Her New Vork, Philadelphia. Chicago and war, western cities. A flood alding the end of the gasoline Califar possibly which has been In progress la of requests that the full flight be state coast other and since fornia dereached war on has tbe tour sent March, the California Petropartment, but officials felt they could early leum company today announced that, not be compiled with. for re- Congratulations of Major General effective tomorrow, It price to the Mason M. Patrick, chief of the army tall gasoline cent a gal- air corps, was extended to the filers March 1 schedule of IS to ths general's office today. They Ion. Th mov of California Petroleum, wilt- - present an official report of their waa assertedly taken aa a "cor flight during th week and then will which of unstable condition In th rective of on absence. leave go California oil Industry." wa quickly followed by the Richfield Oil company, which announced that it retail price, effective tomorrow, also would return to the former 18 1 'cents a gallon. Ill-Heal- NOGALES, Art.. May t (AP) An unconfirmed report to the Herald today states that a large band of Tsqul Indian warriors, who engaged Mexican federal troops In battle near Nogales, Mexico, Saturday, crossed the Inter national boundary Into Ariaona at a the Mexican town. po'nt west of are said to be from the The Taquls main body of rebela In the state of Honors and ar reported to be seeking ammunition. The hospitals at Mexico, are filled with federal soldiers, wounded In Saturday's bat In which forty were killed. tle. SEATTLE, Wssh., May 1 (AP). General Armenta. federal leader who With orders to "shoot to kill" If the waa the killed, was buried toamong sllshtest resistance I offered, po- lice authorities today combed west day at Magdalena, Sonora. ern Washington in a aosvea man hunt for Edward Sickles, who, under sentence to be banged May 11 for he murder of Percy Brewster, mar- ehal of Sultan. Wash . eecaped Satur day Right from the Snohomish county snonomian county Jail at ivereti. ha offered a reward of SSOfl for the (AP). Two vnnmtjr. Va. Mar 1killed of Sickles, "dead or apprehenakra toriav aval avlarnra vara alive." when a plane from th Hampton Roads naval air station burst Into "one-eye- ; of Slain Man Testifies? Mother Is Confused. of C. to Hear Coolidge. With Theft Dau ghtet Nine-Year-O- ld Held With National C J (AP). WASHINGTON. May L'nlted States tariff policies were the target of Luis Duhao, president of the Argentina Rural society, speaking here today- as a delegate to the commercial eon third ference. which met Jointly tonight with the United States Chamber of Commerce to hear President Cool- Her Love in atory "After the war the United States became our creditor country," be said, "but. In ordsr to maks use of Its financial services, we are not able to send our products because of high D. W. Moffatt of Nampa customs duties wtolch hinder entrance. We see ourselves obliged to continue sending agricultural and catCharged tle products to European markets, where prlcea are kept down by excessive supplies. Records. of Public WHERE MARKETS OPEN. 'The" real cost of financial services Is becoming very onerous for our nato tional Tha Tribune. economists, because the debts Special must be paid for by merchandise i Canyon which NAMPA, Idaho, May hss depreciated In price. It Is county sheriff, O. G. Boyd, and au auite natural for us to prefer as a thorities of. adjacent counties have creditor that nation which allows easy of entrance Mof W. products." , D. Argentine a Instituted search for Frederico Alfonso reset, rormer fatt, former city clerk, whose term Peruvian ambassador here, told the expired Monday, and who la said to conference that citizens of the southhave suddenly and jnysterlously dis ern republics dislike being classed as appeared. A warrant for Mr. Mof generally 'We do not like the way in wnieh fatt's arrest on a charge of stealing (Ceatlasae aa !ate Twe.) public records was turned over to (Calnma Ose) Sheriff Boyd. The absence of some of the record books became known Monday, after noon, when Howard Snell, public ac countant, went to the clerk's office to make an audit of the books, as directed by Mayor George A. Meffan, Mr. Snell was unable to find the cash book, day book and general receipt books,' covering the period of two years, during which Mr. Moffatt held WOMEN CHALLENGE TAX COLLECTOR AND MAY GO TO JAIL AS DELINQUENTS ing ef tbe Impost. Unless they pay the 8. Robert Shaw, collector. C says be will be forced to aend them to tbe Delawar emnty jail onttl they meet this obligation te the borough. Despite tbe resistance of the little band, a majority ef tbe housewives of Darby rhoee to pay tbe tax la preference to going to Jail. Many of the women who decided to pay brought their babies along to tbe tax collector office, and at one time there was a string of baby coaches ' ou'sltfe the door. Harry W. Sheln. deputy ecsiertnr. had bis rroablee in trving to find some erf There wa ao re- - Mi; TAKES " - BEING SOUGHT : Argentina Delegate Voices Federal Officers Scollards Agree who shot and killed A. J. Daugherty, aviator, last Ssturday when seven ' FIVE CENTS GRAY ACCUSES Si pan-americ- rn: Turkish Policy D'Autremont Jury WASHINGTON, (AP). May President Coolldge was urged by Nears Selection ator King, Democrat. Utah, today to refrain from establishing diplomat3 - " PAGES Spurious Coins Found in Prison SAN FRANCISCO. May t (AP). A sack of counterfeH coins wa found to. of Folsm day in the rock quarry t.te nenltentlaria Government off - clals said the coins were cleverly msde of new mold ana tn Denominations of quarter and half dollars. were working on three Investigators v- t that the polns were made by Folsora convicts: thst. being mads in the prison, the coin msy havs been allpped regularly through th walls to outsid confederate, who. In turn, flooded western cities with seen them; thst th coin mayannav old gang by arreted In th inquarry ..- two year tha nrtson ago, but wss broken up; in. n...i 3 ' RESOURCES of and trust companies increased from $114,136,-406.7- 4 on April 1, to SI 19.484.- 857.65 on the same date of 1927. 1926. . |