Show belief that Is It Jt Is the tho common popularly known na us catarrh la Is a chronic cold In tho head houll This la Is truo but na an a matter ot of na far a ay It ROCS fact catarrh Is by no hO means wn to the nasal nn al passages but wherever the tho mucous ex extends e tends which mcana nearly every elery part par of the boll The membrane 1 I the skin of or the tho body and la Is nearly na as ox us tho skin akin any in III of ot this membrane an secretion of or is JS noll cat catarrh Catarrh la III therefore un old ohI enemy d by II many names for Instance la Is nasal catanh and cat catarrh cy Cp and nephritis catarrh of the tho bInd blad del kidneys Therefore although the locution location of the trouble It various names in reality the Bum aum total U lit catarrh anti and nothing else elso IJo Do not mako the mistake of thinking you have no catarrh becu e the head und nose noe uproar to b be cl i r If th t la Is a u cough In the tho throat threat you ou have throat catarrh If It there la 18 no appetite but nausea gag Raff pint disgust for tor food tood especially In Inthe the tho morning you have catarrh of at the tho stomach II The fhe treatment for tor every form of or catarrh Is III an nn external e remedy which on the tho Wood bloot and mu mucous mucous auch Huch a n remedy la Is the tho now preparation sold everywhere by under the name of ot Stuart Stuarts Catarrh Tablet a medicine In III pleasant tablet form and containing nil 1111 tho best bast and latest specifics for Catarrh Tableta contain In highly concentrated form bloodroot red gum of tho tree many other equally valuable curative lumen I and antl no one who suffers from any form of or catarrh and ling hils seen the Inefficiency of or douches and pow dora will ever er RO go back to them after once so Ita a preparation aa as Stuarts Catarrh Tablets one which gives so much relief In BO 80 short a I time lime Alt 11 sell Rell Stuarts Catarrh Tablets at 50 0 cents for full sized pack fIe ape and tho regular use of or them will wll effectually cure troublesome omo and antl lI |