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Show 5 PROGRES- S- Castle Dale, Utah Thursday, December 10, 1970 K Home and Schools To Use Microfilm Micropublishing, the drying, especially for Special-car- e Permanent Press fabrics. Model LW17701 care for Permanent Press fabrics Custom Dry control shuts off drying at n dryness d control 5 settings for proper drying 2 automatic temperature cycles plus timed drying e lint screen reminder buzzer Fast drying system. PRESS TUMBLE Extra-larg- Make this Christmas one to remember with a new gas dryer or Tappan Range fromGalesggliancfeating. Financing and immediate instalation available. Call us before you buy. Fciron 384-26- 49. FERRON NEWS tf Mr and Mrs Vaughn Francis and fa. mily recently returned from a week-- s va. cation spent in San Diego, Cal. visiting with Vaughn's mother Mrs Maude Francis and a sister Estel Christensen. While there they spent an enjoyable day at Disneyland. Tf Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mis Ike Kuykendall were their daughter Mr and Mrs Jerry Poulter and sons, Val and Keith. ff Babies blessed Sunday were Paige Funk, daughter of Mr and Mrs Phil J. Funk, Maxwell Warren Anderson, son of Mr and Mrs Maurice Anderson and Charles' Edward Owens, son of Mr and Mrs David Owens, ff Visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Maurice Anderson and here to attend the blessing of their grandson were Mr and Mrs Warren Anderson from Loa, and Mr and Mrs Bud Maxwell from Moab. Also from Rrice were Maurice's brother, Mr G Mrs Danny Anderson and family. ff Mr William Luce from las Vegas, Nevada, has been 'in Ferron visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs David Owens, and to attend the blessing of his grandson. ff Dr. and Mrs Stewart Nielsen and family from San Diego, Calif. , spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Ferron visiting with their families, Mrs Ada Nielsen and Mr and Mrs Gerald Stanton. ff Mr and Mrs Homer Duncan, Mr and Mrs Don Peterson and family spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Carolyn and Ellis Allred in Pleasant Grove. John met them in Pleasant Grove to enjoy the dinner with 29 members of the family, A special guest for the weekend was Miss Darlene Baker from Louisville, Ky. John was on leave from the Navy. He has just completed Personnel School in San Diego, Calif. He will be home until December 19, when he will leave for Philadelphia, Penn. , and from there he will fly to Holy Locke Scotland where he will be Personnel Officer on a for the next three years. Sim-Ten- Castle Dale ff Lloyd Kent Riley, son of Mr and Mrs James Riley and Richard Craig Hansen, son of Mr and Mrs Jerrold iC Hansen, were both approved for advancement to the office of Deacon in the Aaronic Priesthood. f Mi and Mrs Parker Childs and Mr G Mrs Wendell W. Knudsen enjoyed the f Stake excursion to Manti Temple Friday, ff Clive and Blanch Killpack and Lee and Rhea Petersen and son Kenneth were in SLC to attend funeral services for w, Blanch's Nyle Buxton, Mr G Mrs Killpack remained there with their daughter Helen and family until Sunday. Lee entered the LDS Hospital where he underwent surgery Saturday morning, ff Bertha Christensen is again in the hospital. St. Marks, SLC, scheduled to undergo more major surgery. ff Camp Dale D.LT. P. will hold their annual Christmas party December 14 at the home of daughter Dora Dennison. ff Mr and Mrs Berdell Lake and family had Thanksgiving dinner with their son Keith and wife and family at Taylorville where every member of the Berdell Lake family had gathered. Their daughter Ronda and husband Steven Cox and baby of Logan accompanied them home and spent the remainder of the weekend, ff Jim and Elaine Jensen and sons spent Thanksgiving in Roosevelt with Jim's brother Keith and family. and Mrs Perry Oveson ju?t Friday from ten days spent in California. They flew down and spent Thanksgiving with their daughter Donna and Husband Jerry Witbeck. Enroute home they were overnight guests at the home of their son, Mr and Mrs Howard Oveson, SLC. ff Small daughter of Mr and Mrs Craig Johansen was blessed Sunday and given the name of Jennifer Ann. Out of town guests were Mrs Johansen's parents Duane and Vemice Ward, Jim and Dorris Atwood and Scott Lee Ward all of Cleveland, and Miss Meredith Thompson, Ferron. f f Mr and Mrs Glen Snow visited in Green River, Wyoming recently with their daughter Catherine Killpack and family, and attended Sacrament meeting where they heard their grandson, Gary Killpack, give a report on liis mission to Australia. rMr When the world entirely fits your notions, youll be the only person in it. N. De-Va- Williams, Holmes County (Fla.) Advertiser. Don, LaVema and family and Darlene, spent Saturday in SLC at the home of Max and Gayle Assay and enjoyed a Matinee performance of the Ice Capades, ff Mr and Mrs Harold Sorenson from Moab were in Ferron over the weekend visiting with their many old friends. ff Mr and Mrs Jay Fullmer and family were weekend shoppers in SLC and also Mis LaNora Jensen and children spent Saturday in SLC. Elder Ralph H. Worthen 2090 12 Curtis Ave. Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Elder Dean Nelson Knight Mangum Hall Zone 6 Box 602 L.T.M. B.Y.U. Provo, Utah 84601 Medical Record Bank Announced A computerized system that pub- lication and dissemination of information on microfilm, is destined for a major role in homes and schools, according to Eastman Kodak Company. It will help Mom keep track of her recipes and assist the children with their school work. Dad will find micropublishing helpful in his home maintenance chores and hobbies. Curriculum packages in schools will be microfilmed and libraries may even depend on micropublishing for lending in place of books. The users of the" products of micropublishing receive them in various ways, including roll microfilm magazines, aperture cards and microfiche. Microfiche cards are especially useful in micropub- lishing because of the volume of information that can be compacted on a single sheet the equivalent of up to 500 pages. . Back in the roaring twenties the Arrow collar man led the way to the' shirt styles Americq had boldest, Now there's a new Arrow Collar seen. ever ' Man who's brought the best of the roaring twenties with him . . . bright stripes and colors in the "Dusenberg" styles, . . . higher, or rounded longer point, collars . . . wide fabrics, of course. link cuffs ... in Decton Perma-Iro- n all-ma- le dra-"mat- ic S0. nUJL From Aitovs thermite shirt company Shop 69 E. Mdn St. PRICE TRADING PI 33 N. Carbon Ave. ir CO MPANY Traits Tradln, Sim. 1190 We HUNTINGTON NEWS ff The Stake Primary Board and husbands had a social evening Saturday at the home of Mrs Della Brasher in Huntington; Cleo Johnson, President, Della Brasher and Ella Collard, Counselors, Kate Douglas, secretary, Norma Hall and Dora Larsen. ff The First Ward Primary held a Primary Officer's and Teacher's party and program Saturday night at. the school. All the partners were invited. Officers are Dixie Bass, President, Irene Owen G Joyce Brasher, counselors, Faye Roper, immediately transmits an individual's complete medical history at an attending physicians request anywhere in the world has been introduced. The 'system provides medical information of enrolled members on an emergency basis, according to Dr. Ira Greifer, medical director of Computerlife. Humanity was given an important edge in the race for life on the emergency table. Weve constructed this system to act as an efficient assistant to the practicing physician in the diagnosis and treatment of Computer-lif- e members when the family physician is not present, he explained. Computerlife is a service of Compumedic Controls Corp., New York City. would rather do it before Christmas than after Tahe advantage of these savings!! secretary. Giassvrare h ; Beware of the you may have gotten hold of the wrong half. Fred W. Grown, The Bergen (N. J.) Citizen. our clerhs to show you our Special Ash half-trut- Giftware der liens son-in-la- NOW ON DISPLAY. . ff Mrs Dora Otterstrum and son Craig spent Thanksgiving day in Orem dinner guests at the home of her daughter Mr G Mrs Omer Cook and family, ff Mrs Wanda Jones spent the Thanksgiving holiday and weekend with her daughter LaVer and Garth Peacock in Price. f f Mr and Mrs Ralph Wayman and family of SLC spent Thanksgiving and the weekend here with Ralph's parents Mr G Mrs Oscar Wayman. ff Janet and Jerry Willey of Provo spent the weekend here last week with Janet's parents, Mr and Mrs Orson Petersen. ff Mrs Odell Rice and children of Mon-tu- a, Utah, Mrs Carol Wayman and children, SLC, David Hansen and wife,BYU, and Mrs Hansen's father and two brothers, Glen Hansen, BYU, Elizabeth Hansen, Snow College, and Gail were all Thanksgiving and weekend guests at the Hyrum Dee and Mary Hansen home, ff Helen and Hershell Peacock and family, Denver, Colo, and their son Gregory, and Mr and Mrs Elwin Ralphs from Orangedale, Calif, spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs Neva Jensen. Mr and Mrs Ralphs came to attend funeral services for Mrs Sure Ida Ralphs in Ferron. f f Mrs Parker Childs attended graveside services in Holladay Monday for her uncle, Mervin Lowey, who died in a hosp-i- al in California and brought to the family plot for burial lollowing services at San Bernardino. His stake president and one of his counselors accompanied the body and gave a lovely talk; his brother-in-la- w, Dave Smith, of Holiday dedicated the grave. Cookie , Jars u Tables Vases t You could save more! ini ft lira ft DD a l8w&leFy'& Waftcha ATTEND Meeting Local Farm Bureau members who attended the State Farm Bureau Convention held recently in Salt Lake City included Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bunderson, Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson, Ferron, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Snow, Castle Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Drannan Seely, Huntington, and Mr, and Mrs Kenneth Brasher, Huntington. fitoaey Awarded The Emery County Museum has been a $100,00 grant, but in order to receive the money they will have to get all outstanding bills cleared. Anyone having bills owed by the Muse -urn please contact Owen McClenahan. The museum is now closed for the aft $ $$$$ A COMPANY DEDICATED TO COMMUNITY SERVICE S |