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Show Lynn Ann ones, Lynr.ett Thordersn, Nor-- h Litster and Trudi Ward. Here for a weekend visit Johnson Johermeh Mrs. vith Mrs. Cell Erickson were Mrs. Naomi Jensen . e Mr and Mrs. Joe Sherman, Utah State Univeat from and . our in Ogden. Workshop Shorty books I library New Milton and Helen Woods. PRIMARY REORGANIZED Callean Eden has moved FIctaH- - A Mosdy Mr. and Mrs. Ferdy Judd was re-ward The Primary Cas to Logan and is attending sum1 rse1 Uny hus ind Mrs. Judds sister and cntly reorganized with Mrs Ina Hearted Endless Night, suit and John Wells were hen mer school at the . USU. She the of Lee Magnuson as president; band, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones, Wright. veniS apportionment sevhave Preliminary NOThFictio- n- Picture from Salt Lake for a weekenc vas home for a weekend visit will Utah anglers . federal aid funds for Mrs. Elaine Hatch, 1st counsel- f California are spending a twc (mogene Wnght, m Rialto, Cal Wells home vith her mother, Mrs Velma of Utoh, Inspirational! visit at the Loren eral new waters to fish begin- 5420,097 in wasBoc pro. or and Mrs. Margaret Magnu veck vacation fishing in oui fomia last week. Lynte BU1 Ward Marina calif. Eden. ish and wildlife restoration avail-iblwaters some when 1, stre ocal ning July mountain and lakes ladies of ne The son, 2nd counselor. in Utah will become a friend, George Cowley Mrs. Gladys Allred and ctudenS' ers Pinto, ABC Book, Home-an- d in Duchesne, Rich, Uintah and ects to the Division of Fish and ill spoke in Sacrament meetinf eams, and visiting friends and he senior class of 570 W(j also haVe a Seaside, Calif., have been guesfc Mrs Nora Jensen have had as Jdeals Wasatch counties open to fishelatives. jlen and Ida unday evening. The formei lame July 1, 1968. good variety of magazines both at the Van Jones home the pas' quests at the Allred home the Bob and Mlba Olsen, Sac ing for the first time this year, Kat Mrs Blaine Tingey, takinf last week, Mrs. Zerma Linton president. to for adults and children that can week. They left Friday allotment River noved to Idaho with her fam- m men to, Calif, are here visit our Bills son, Sheldon Ward, bad ind son Robert, Anoka Minn. In Duchesne County, the West The preliminary as the same borrowed vLi be receive to Division of Duchesne :alls for the as her husband will teacl ng. They and Bobs sister, George and they all toj uld onlylhome. Sheldon attended schoo Thursday Mr. and Mrs Ray Fork drainage pxMOl Vanda Jones, are at their bro-hefor wildlife under the ily t year Tensen next there River and Red Creek drainage 5341,896 year. came from Tacoma, Robertson Act and Delon Olsens ranch in th Wash, for a visit and Saturday, i at from Highway 40 to source will Pittmen for fisheries a wee weenena iwo pci-tor visitors urv loaneo m be and will projects me of their son Mack liod Mrs. Viola Newland o foes Valley. The Olsens be open from July 1 to Novem- 578,201 Dingell-Johnso- n try to have another Claude Sadliers were Ellis anc Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Jensen Act. ler the fou iere until after the Olsen fam visited Aril ber 30, 1968. Town, Young hour June 27 from 2:30 to Kay Sadlier and children front ind son arrived from" Magna story hek Announcement of the annor' which will reunion be ' th(s week with her friend ly Vernal. Monday Claude anc tor a visit. Helen Kirk andj;3o Mrs 14 the Joes Valley Ranch the Allen Canyon Creek in Rich jonment came from Secretary 1 I donated Elder Randy Jensen, just have Gilson spent has Alice Sadlier made a business UdaU Ida., Clyde ResL. children, Boise, County and Grouse Creek will jf the Interior, Steward In allo- located to tfie states is based o veekend of July 4. with I two dozen Hymn books to our I trip to McKinnon, Wyo. Mrs cently returned home fr001 bis here vacation weks two an increase noted Uintah i ind County ervoir in hold was the We are very grateful to Zona Jensen took care of the mission in Canada, Judy and Janet Andrews her parents, Dave and DoralWard. 50 states In the numbet of paid license I open on July 1, and remain open tted funds to the eacl of and area most weel Utore Sacrament land a in for while meeting his Lake relatives 5alt generous were and other visited total speaker and away. ers fish they for City, Clyde Denison, through the 30th of November, he total of $22,100,000 and reported vith their friend, Marie Vandei friends. She also visited a fewlajft Let us all try to keep them state. evening, asterbrook Sunday Miss restoration projects. wildlife ; ind Wasatch County waters openI aid Jrc- - qerp, then Marie returned home Vera anc ooking clean and new. he' on his mission. whose work transferred days with her sister, Funds for this program come Under this federal -d I Colleen Jen ing July 1, will be Current 5rom federal excise taxes on with them for a weeks visit. Max Finley, Price. Recent visitors at the from Price a few min provo Creek drainages above Highway I Cox Lillian and Darrin motTawn and home ojiq Then Wilford the girls returned of and Valoy home Wve.n in, Shin, Ken ammunition ls&i home and arms Duchsporting 40, the West Fork of the Jeffs I Larsen were Mr. and Mrs. Will-- I now Nev. to visit the to Stella ored and with are Marie and Wells, forhere witf The Fathers Peggy gpen(j Day laughter esne River, and all tributaries ind sport fishing gear. a few days lard Alkine and Mre. Flomceher parentSi Mr and Mrs. Harry Fathers Day weekend with her 1 for another two weeks. son spent and funds which are Jay under mula to Strawberry Reservoir. Mr. and Mrs. Parker in Yellowstone National ParkpauSQn 0f Lakewood, Calif. andEaserj)rooij she visited other yarents, Mr. and Mrs. Verdell I Mr. and Mrs. Robert R1611 I Childs met the plane in Salt this week. and friends and &t- - Larsen. relatives l anded the Lake Saturday to get their two Mr and Mrs. Richard El5ait Lake City. wed Minchey,Sharpe The library will be open Mrs. Velma Eden travel-- 1 children, Allen and Debra, who Painter and three children o, I night Saturday July 3, from 2 to 5 Wednesday, a had visited two weeks in Concord, Calif, with perl Vickie Jensen is here Huntington Beach, Calif, visited pm. and will be closed Thursas house guests of their here last week a,t the home ol I children Beth and Darwin Dow-jfroconcord. Calif, visiting 4. uncles, George and Fred Lowry Mr. Painters mother, Bernice I er and son Jeffery, to visit Mr.her grandmother, Velma Eden, day, July Last Thursday Miss Nor- 1 fam-North Hollywood. The chldren Peterson. land Mrs. Blain Jensen and por a weh ot jwo Litster traveled by jet to Los ah fr--1 I and and their uncles also visited Emma and relatives other Huntingtor Mrs Svava Anderson, ;iy Angeles Calif. As soon 83 the exercises I lends there. On her return sheMrs an uncle, Mervin Lowry, and attended graduation Davis and children, plane sherry landed she was dircted to at-an aunt, Mrs. Ivy Hall, both for- at Utah State University twchpgnj two weeks in Logan l foster daughter the Western Airlines office .Lori and mer residents of Emery County weeks ago for her son Ross and Ending a School Food Services Qohi were two Bicknell building where she spent the I The school lunch cooks his wife, although Ross was not I week visiting with last dayg ! day taking tests and being interfrom Orangeville visited an af- present to receive his diploma and Bert and Adonna Johnson viewed, along with 39 other ternoon this week at the home On June 9, Rosss wife, her sis-NOWS tUlOlV (family. girls, to see if she could qualof Bemiece Nielsen, who is also ter Larne Ward, Rosss sister Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Mc- an chl ify for the position of airline an Orangville school lunch Peggy Nielsen and Emma drove ir .birty were Farlane, Cory and Darren, She will haVe to stewardess. Fort cook. Present were Mrs Vada at met Ross f1 car and grandchildren JP ingville. visited at the Clee wait a week before she is notifather their Snow former school lunch sup- Halabird, Md. In Virginia theyjhoiror Johnson honu Fathers Day fied of the results. ervisor, Lillie Snow, , Elouise visited Major and Mrs. Patrick! father, Que Olsen, for albers gkervd Moffitt and Zinnia Humphrey Casey, formerly Dixie Truttle ( )( H H )HI 1 Connie and Earl Sherman I and Anderson Norma a-j- .,, Time was spent at needle ait and also Dixon relatives. hCsif2th refreshments were served and they were overnightjMr. andMr3. Gary Olsen uT-rhe ladies presented Bemiece gults at the tome of Mrs. M and Leo with a gift. nes Turman, who sends regardsjily. Salt Lake, Mrs. Niel-om- e d Visitors at the GlenSUen hon to her many friends here. Rosgensen JSd dinner Sunday were Ber-- I is in the A.rmy and attending I Roma and Ted Van Buren Fmn nieces sister and husband, Mr. school ini Maryland His wife re-- amily, Orem. ( Many of our townspeople and Mrs Elmer Green, Layton; mained there with him and they I Addley, son of I attended the Stake MIA Road-Tracy I I her mother, Mrs. Eva Black-lbur- live Army hssc. From Barbara. &d Rex Addcy, spent shows Tuesday sjrd Wednesday Price; and a nephew and Mrs. Turmans, Emma Peggy I wek at Como Springs in Morgan I week at Emery Co- I wife Mr. and Mrs Jay Black-bu- and Mrs Ward flew home. a Youth Camp recently. and were very schol Itjst funty high . American Fork. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rus-- 1 plugged with the performances took them five days to go back! Price & Main 4th Mrs John A. Clement and and only five hours to return, sell, Logan, visited at the homepU All young people. oyf We Feature baby, Denver, are spending a Mr, and Mrs. F rank. I of Dorthella Blackburn Satur--! very good entw- two weeks vacation with her Huntsman and 8 year old sonjday. Mr Russell was a mission Ulnment. We would to tike of San Francisco visited I companion of Dwight Black-- 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde our young people and of-mak-Cox, while her husbany is serv- three days this week with will be l fjeers for the work and practice The Russells ing with the Army Reserve at anks father, Arthur Huntsman, ling their. tom in Castle Dale. thanfcg it a Fort Sheridan, 111. enroute to Europe where they . Dermus Jensen spent' Mrs. Carolyn Blouser and will spend the summer studying (several days in the Price three children, who have visited He is a govern-- 1 pital taking tests and . . & the past few weeks at the Van-de- ment architect. They will return He was released Saturday. Herp home, will remain un- home the first of September. Beata Johnson, Monti- til August 15th and then the Willie will make bis home herecello, was a guest of her dahgh-wit- h Vander Herps will drive them his grandparents duringjter, Fay and Dewey Jensen, last to their home in New Jersey on ther vacation. week. She was accompanied by a two weeks vacation trip, Mrs. Mary Oman has vis-Jhson, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mrs. Neva Jensen enter- ited with her sister, Mrs. Edna (Johnson and family, also of tained at a dinner party at her Larsen, in Moroni the past twolMonticello. & I home Thursday afteroon in hon- weeks. Gayle and Cal Jorgensen or of her two brothers, Mr and Mis. Sharon Fox Wjy, parents, Mrs. William Ralphs, Lehi, and Denver, Colo, are SP-- thella Blackburn and Mr. and O Your credit union savings earn life insurance Mr and Mrs. J. C. Ralphs and ending a two weeks vacation I for you, up to $2,000. O Each dollar deposited irs Nephi Jorgensen, for the daughter Beatrice Tish, Boise, with her mother, Mrs. Marga-- 1 weekend. Their children re-rbetween age six months and 55 years earns a Idaho. The entire Ralphs family Magnuson and other dollar of insurance. Savings before age six monhome with them. They was present at this dinner. Wed- - tives and friends. have been vacationing in Emths, and between age 55 and 70 earn insurance inlesser amounts. O Life Savings insurance reery with their grandparents. Mrs. Rose Olsen is visitmains in force as long as you keep your savings ing in Dillon, Montana at the the credit union. in This insurance costs home of her daughter, Lanore nothing exttfa. You do not pay premiums, (vign and Jerry Hilton, Mrs. Flora Jonson applications or take physical examinations. The Mrs. Kate Sorensen has after only physical requirement is YOU MUST BE to returned Lake Saif TIME CHANGED Green, Granger, had a family or PHYSICALLY ABLE TO PERFORM THE USmonth for a in Emery Time for Sacrament meeting reunion in Idaho at the home of being so. UAL DUTIES OF YOUR LIVELIHOOD WHEN has changed and will be held in June Greens brother, George Mr. and Mrs; . Mervin YOU DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS. each ward at 7 p.m. except on AtkinSon, the past week. Johnson are vacationing ih CalFast Sunday when it will follow Kathy Andersen and a ifornia this week. friend, Maty Thayer, came from Sunday School. Mr. and Mrs. Dermus Salt Lake City for a visit at the Jensn attended an open house NielMrs Tom Mr. and Norman Andersen home. Mr. in Riverton night for Saturday son, Tempe, Arte, were recent and Mrs. Norman Andersen had their daughter, Kenna and La-vvisitors at the home of his par- a recent visit in California with Park. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Soren Niei-so- John Campbell, who is quite 111, - Mararet and Jerry Man-guThelma returned with them at Long Beach; Also with their to Tempe for a visit. and family Lyndon, were daughter, Mema Bee and Bob Mrs. Beth Jackson and Conover and children at Lajun-ga- . weekend guests of the Edgar mower-condition- er: Their grandson Wayne came Sorensens. children, Salt Lake City, have Mrs. Nina Blackburn is been here with her mother, Mrs back with them. They visited Ella Rowley, for a few days. with Charlotte Andersen at En- in Saif Lake welcoming home E. R. Bennett and Drew glewood and Bertha and George her new granddaughter at the home of Louise and Ron Me LeRoy went to Salt Lake City Halsey. Kean. who LaDell has Brown, and brought Francy LeRoy ! l Mr. and Mrs Reed Keele home from the Holy Cross hos- been a patient at the Provo the past week, has been are visiting in Green River with pital after a three week stay since surgery. Walter Baxter released to come home. He and their son, Gordon and Janet was taken to the Veterans hos- his childm visited with his par- Keele, this week. Mrs. Lyle Jensen is vispital this week for further med- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown, one day this week from their iting in Rawlins, Wyo. with her ical care. son, Jens and La Wayne, and Tedd Johnson and Mar home in Price. Maudie Moffit spent the family. Grange have returned home Ann Brinkerhoff from Logan where they were past week in Salt Lake Gity takspent advisors for some of the groups ing classes at the University of several days in the Gunnison Utah. last hospital with pneumonia at Boys State. Flora Jensen was in Salt week. She is at home now and Recent visitors at tne Carl Sitterud home were Gladys Lake City the past week and feeling much better. , Sitterud and Ileen Snarr, Ogden, went on a short trip with Shirand Mr. and Mrs. Doug Sitterud ley and Bessie Gay and the and went by plane to Seattle, to honor Carl for his birthday children to Bear Lake and Lo- Wash. Saturday for a visit with and Fathers Day Sunday. gan. She returned home with Mr and Mrs. Therald Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Bill SimpMr. and Mrs. Boyd Pot- Hr. and Mrs. Phil Edmunds and ter came from Colorado Springs Rick who visited a short time son, Sharon, Pa. are visiting at for a visit with home folks, Mr. and went on to Joes Valley Res the home of Mr. and Mrs Doug Harrison, who met them in Shit and Mrs. Heber Ward and fam- ervoir to fish and water ski Dr. Geary McCandless Lake City. The Simpsons will ily. The children stayed for a and family, Colorado, have been ilso visit in Castle Dale with longer visit. Lush alfalfa, clover, timothy, mixtures you Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nielson visiting at the Ray. McCandless Marilyns father,' Merrill Braname it. Even heavily-lodgewere visitors in Cedar City this home the past week. Also visit sher. crops are cut and Elizabeth Hanson took conditioned cjeanly with New Hollands Haybine weekend with son Hal Nielson ing were some other relatives THE her daughter, LeAnn to the Cotand bride Kay. Verna reports' from California.: . Even in tangled, down crops, Vanda Corgiat was' in tonwood hospital in Murray that daughter Pat and husband, the reel keeps the cutterbar clear . . . practically IN EVERY Roy Fessenger have moved to Salt Lake City several days Monday for medical treatment. eliminates plugging. New, aggressive, intero Mr. and Mrs Ernest WilCalifornia. near her sister, Bertha Janes, meshing rubber rolls crush with a crimp: the : Fenton Moffitt attended at the LDS hospital where she ton and children and her father, Ideal conditioning action for both tender lean educational conservati O n had surgery. Bertha will prob- Thomas Kay and daughter and stemmy sudan-sorghugumes but another Mr hybrids! week, Chinle, Ariz., and tour in Weber and Morgan co- ably be there and See this Mrs. Bevan Wilson and children practical one-mahaying machine unties on Thursday and Friday is getting along well. now. . Stop in or phone. And remember; New of last week. Attending with Beverly and Dee Nielson of Flagsaff, Ariz., spent the past Holland Purchase Plan financing makes it him were Donald T. Coif, Em- and girls, Woods Cross, were week here with Mrs. Lela Wileasy for you to own the best! ery County ASC chairman, and here with1 Della Brasher one son and the rst of the family. Thursday Lela went with Bevan James Atwood, commun i t y day this week. Edith Collard accompan and family to Salt Lake City to committeeman. Willard Sandberg has re- ted her daughtr, Kay Winger, see Grant Wilson and the doctor turned home from the Carbon Salt Lake City,' on a trip to released him from the Veterans hospital after receiving medical Montrose, Colo, to visit with hospital to come home. care. Roger and Gaynell Maj another daughter, Roma Larsen Mr. and Mrs LaVar Gr- and family. They also went to ors were here from Spanish een, Mrs. Eva Jensen and chil- Mesa Verde and to Blanding to Fork a day th past weekend visiting his father, Roscoe Majors, dren, Huntington; Jean and Don visit relatives. 687-247- 5 Mr and Mrs. Lund Leon-- and other relative. Horrock3 and baby and Ray PROGRESS-LEADE- Castle Dak, Utah June 27, 1M8 Thursday, 8451S Castlo Dale News New waters to Wildlife funds open on July allotted to Utah to Aretha Jensen, nesday the family was dinner guests at the Axtfiur. Lemon home in. Ferrari. The family had gathered to visit their brother, Leon Ralphs; who is in the Price hospital. Glen and Ida Snow at- - Cleveland Nows Jol-jn- Suatm ercforia duer I r, '''7 c.- I Calif-lomi- , am tirnniGBu gun - 1 . du:ii::g Fracas c:g sidewalk Spr-the- andH St S' P mX mr IIS 0 Velvet Freeze n, ( But Dcn't j - THUlis. Children oxfcrds - flu. Sat. W&ns cdtivds ... ; . . . $li50 f.bns & Dcystigh low Canvas Shoes . . . . . . . .$1.99 Womens Heels - Gold i . . ... White, Dlack & . $2.99 Miss This Anneal com-Will- ie Hamburgors Fr-jj)u- what loan protection Think r Event degtr.3 Today Runs insurance (when you borrow) life savings insurance (when er Through Means To You! you save) nndlj n, rela-Lurne- (j Saturday Hurry Huntington Nows O . Womens Stmccr Thongs $2.99 KIDS - $3.99 Slt02 Bclva's stom Gloria Price Shop 56 East Main - Castle Valley Fed. Credit Union ar n. m The Haybine in Ideal for heavy or lodged crops Price is hos-pita- 1 celebrating Sidewalk Days with Get ih on the many o o lUlVUsVS bargains. d ON SIDEWALK DEPARTMENT AND TIIURS., - FRI., - SAT. Stop mower-conditione- r. in Cy-nett- a, tltairs., n Pri. Km Holland and . QVWpXOLAAA Sat. Jensen Equipment Huntington Co. |