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Show EMERY COUNTY PROGRESS. CASTLE DALE. UTAH ME IPR(D)lUjDEY QJjJIEIEKS 9tite .WHITE FAR: Lieut Col. gnrtt. pUt of the Flying Fortress xhe Swoose, which escaped of that fatal day (terk Field, tells J japs struck la the Philippines. another Fortress, Is struck dewa g can get oS the (round, killing crew. KurU and his men I (f her lor a reconnaissance gettlns ready Sever Formosa when they heard the of bombs. They ran (or the (tfdint un-- 7 4 foxholes and stayed In them Irst Jap formation tew away. 1 avall-taey get what antiaircraft k oction. The fleld li Uttered with akeletona lot Flying For-Lp charred including Old M. They plan to the wrecks. THUS fgg STOKT ' 7 c, CHAPTER nr lot of damned fools were wav- flashlights around unnecessarily, A ud I pt thought, Suppose a Jap Recco catches a glint of this. Pretty SNAPPY PACTS ABOUT W.N.U.TEATURLS alertlf were 3 constant strain, even though each one was called off fifteen minutes later. Ive since wondered if maybe weren t turning in most of them. That morning our y fighters s raid had left fifteen out of the two dozenmaybe which had been on Iba Field) were doing a magnificent job. And learning, toe -t- his was their first day of real fighting, and there is just a hell of a lot about war that you cant find in any book and that they cant teach you in maneuvers. Buzz Wagner, the best fighter of them all, would have told you that. Buzz, with a single had done a job that ordinarily would be assigned to an entire squadron. (4 (yes-terda- fighter squadron is 25 planes.) Buzz had been sent out in the early morning full of ammunition for his six neatly lined-u- p RUBBER SEWING CIRCLE Enervating Youre looking fine, Walter. These spring days are certainly bracing. Well, I should say so. I put on my spring suit and found $5 in the pocket. Jap planes, and then Buzz still watching Russ pulled up t the end of the fleld in a slow half-roand went in. Buzz says its Just possible Russ was able te bail out he couldnt wait to be sure; for now he was getting ready for his second run, all alone. He came tc on this second pass through the Jap ack-acwith his six pounding away at those parked ll Sign in a drugstore window Try our cough medicine; youll never get any better. k Whats That? planes some were already burning from the bombs he and Russ had dropped crossed the fleld once, and had banked to come in for a third pass when Jap tracers began whizzing past his cockpit from behind. He looked over his shoulder to see that the last two of those four Zeros were diving on him. Of course there was nothing he could do but push his throttle up to the fire wall jamming on all the gas his engine would take and try to get away. Angler Youve been watching me fishing for more than three hours. Dont you want to do some fishing yourself? Onlooker Nope, aint got any patience. It Is Now Barber JTns your tie red itfcen you came in here ? Customer No, it uasnt. Barber Cosh, I must have cut your throat. Planes fly I supplies and bring aut crude rubber Irena Central Americae plantations. Weeks ere saved by this method el traespertetiee. In building a battUihip It takes 150,000 pounds of rubber. This b equivalent to lha rubber used In the manufacture of more than 12,000 tlreh small pasenger-ca- r Tha first city omnibus linos ho fororunnor of modern motor but transportation, started operations ever tha streets of Paris la 1662. Seventy.three per cent of (he in 94 war plants depend upon their cars for transportation. Rubber U essential to iheir work. guns and with fragmentation bombs under his wings, (Air force his plane so he was ready to tackle almost scent into the slang meaning four-motInformation, Please ground .) tI recognized the deep he saw. anything own Fortresses Hotel Guest (phoning down at Inch by inch he pulled away pad of one of our He was out over the sea north from those Zeros he looked 2 a. m. for the third time) Say, .Wras undoubtedly one of the dozen back at are you the night clerk? had been left down on Del of Luzon, sitting on the overcast, the field once and saw about six Crabbed Clerk Yes, whats bitbarField, now coming in from when suddenly a terrific ack-acgood fires going and Buzz said it was damned lucky he got back to lion trip from Mindanao to spend rage came snorting up at him ing you? Guest Thats what Id like to the field, because he could tell the x rest of the night on Clark and through the cloud layer. There was edlet-- r so much of it Buzz figured it must boys that a know. the morning pound some of those 0 could outrun a will Icores of Jap transports which were have been at least a Jap battleship Zero at sea level. Remember, off Luzon. ud to be swarming shoveling it up at him, so he was though, he said outrun, not outma-neuve- r. No Wonder en cos. luch u pulling off to the south still stayDid Jack And I hoped to God that single you hear the joke Ha and Welcome the Sun! above the cloud layer when he "In those days everybody was about my bed? for the Unaining runway strip had been ing k 'T'HE sleeveless, u bah Cleared so they could get down, and spotted four Jap fighters high above learning stuff that wasnt in the Belle No. S dress with full dirndl Jack I havent made it up yet wouldnt have to circle and go him. He was tempted to dump his book, and passing it on. Everybody bombs which would give him more had to learn, which is why we dont anka to skirt, big pockets and romantic a nervous then home. Just oduct!" h is here to stay everyone, and maneuverability and go get bitter at being mishandled at gtiaircraft battery opened up on the speed s Are,, to tangle with them, but first and there up old, is bent on getting young did. all and then they Mess, loesnt those bombs, according to his brief- But Buzz always hated to talk plenty of sun and air this sumAnd what about Margo, halfway BRAN is mer. This bolero and sun-dreabout himself. Did you hear about urnd the world? Had she heard I found to be of one the the Rat? he asked excited. prettiest me, very lack njthing? And how long would it be The Rat of course was our old friend Itfore I could tell her that Eddie jlosic" Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1942 la deLieutenant Sam Marrett, who had is one Ever and I were Ell that were left signed for Bizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 40. Size 14, ensemble, requires 43, yards of picked up this nickname at Ranources d Old 99 she had waved goodby to material. Field of his pointed because dolph sip the 4 (Albuquerque six weeks ago? Or nose and small face. took Rat The and ip nuld I ever tell her? with its Little sisters sun-drefour winglings out on patrol, and Patchwork Apron. reasy, bolero can be made own matching I hid promised the boys this was OGG'S they were laying back above a ITS the nicest apron that ever in the same fabric as her older st the opening game and that there native! hillside on Lingayen when they spot- 1 went into a kitchen Big enough "Tbs Crains art Crsat Foods' sisters or mothers! a lot more Saturdays coming, m ;ouH ted a Jap landing party, so they o cover your dress, well-fitte- d so what did it matter if this first de1943 Is regj. climbed to get altitude and then hat it is as smooth as Pattern No. Kelloggs Rice Krispies equal the youd like Barbara Bell a belonged to the Japs? In the sizes 3, 4. 5. 6, 7 and 8 peeled off out of the sun onto It the in apron to be, bright with color signed for whole ripe grain in nearly all the of this 2 of Size be-iu id we would win. yards requires Only now I Rat leading, of course in one long ipplied in an interesting design at years.material 4,for food elements declared BRAN the ensemble. protective wondering about that sprawling string, each picking his barge. What he hemline, its an apron which to human nutrition. muffins essential and to. where it pointed a Maybe happened no one knew for sure. But ends itself handsomely to any . See if SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. trailed of! into nothing, and at one of the Rats bullets must have ood ef! colored percale, mus-i- n 149 New Montgomery Street bright kind would be only chaos and detouched off the magazine racks in Calif. Sen Frsnclsco cotton. or bt I didnt know, and when I Creek. the Jap barge he picked, anyway Enclose 20 cents in coins for each talized it would do no good to guess the barge blew right up in his face, pattern desired. Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1937 la Size Pattern No rhope, then I went to sleep. and the Rats plane disintegrated. for sizes 14, 16. IB, 20, 40, 42 and "Over at the field, six of the Min.-taa- o Name But the other four kids continued on 14. Size 16 requires 23,i yards of bias fold for trim-nintheir runs, first dropping their frag naterial; 4 a yards gang had come up from Del Address , yard or bright scraps for lower bate, coming in two and three at bombs, and then strafing back and 'acing. time and forth they had Japs diving off those landing on the KAOUNITE FIRE CLAY barges in every direction. strip of runway which was that remained of Clark Field, That day, said Frank, my Job KAOLIN SOAPSTONE en they had been pulled off into was the tower, not going on mis I with SILLIMANITE answers A BENTONITE offering quiz ipersed areas while they were sions myself or even listening to BAUXITE SILICA psed up and loaded with bombs., gossip. A little after noon I hapon various subjects ?? information n were pilots of this pened to be looking up at the overTALC FELDSPAR ? assembled while the Colonel cast toward the roar made by one a (W fb (b fbo (W ba n (ba fb ve them their DIASPORE CLAY tower-ove-r e KYANITE and of our planes which I thought maybe targets, The Antwert the group was Colin Kelly 1. What is the facial aspect for would be trying to come in when FLINT FIRE CLAY GANISTER f could see his curly black head, his suddenly I saw a parachute bios which the Cheshire cat is noted? 1. Grinning. DIATOMACEOUS EARTH mlders back as usual. I knew 2. What are a ships davits? som just under the overcast and 2. Cranes for the lifeboats. boys would be headed out into 3. WAC officers and enlisted peranother and another. I counted 3. Athena. Please send 5 pound samples, plainly marked, head-gea- r ity of trouble, and I couldnt help eight, so it must be a Fortress but sonnel wear replicas of the 4. The Chinese. d ig over to listen while the of what warrior maiden? no ninth. Instead, at the very end including address and the name of owner tot 5. The officer or person on a Colin. I felt a little 4. Who were the first printers? merchant of these eight I saw a dark object ship in charge of the mtherly about him because hed 5. What is the supercargo on a go hurtling into the ground. One of commercial details of the voyage. n one of back on whose? I didnt find ship? my 6. Since 1923. The air raid bell sounded ani our Forts, but P. O. Box 144, Sugar House Station larch Field. Now he was headed 6. How long has Turkey been a out until evening that it was Colin 7. A cup of wine or the like takoat track. of the dived those 1 1 East ut on his Salt Lako City 5, Utah guys South 3100 first battle mission. Kelly. Hed been out there follow- republic? en by a rider about to depart; of is "Colin was that bar If 7. a part his I'd that that heard stirrup briefing photographing every ing, were destined for some planes ing a farewell cup. Manufacturers of Heavy Clay Products wd In his mind. to which the strap is fas- hence He looked tired the on a morning, which was to attack Jap a saddle 8. Pennsylvaqiar ashore had put just Japs m flying all a is escorts. what cup? and their naval stirrup tened, Flue Lining Fire Brick night, had had little fleld near 9. In the bouse of representaso he kept on transports Building Brick 8. The Battle of Brandywine was any sleep He'd laid a direct hit square on the his ordinarily neat uni-'T- his course. Lingayen, tives. Tile Drain Vitrified Sewer Clays Pipe Clay was smeared with grease as very biggest target any pilot could fought in what state? 10. As for me, give me liberty But all of a sudden about three lough 9. Where must all federal revefor and had been on his way hed been working on his hope death. me or give bushels of red-ho- t Jap tracers came home had been about to let down nue raising bills originate? Mines himself and we had time whizzing by his cockpit. He pushed through that overcast onto Clark 10. What lines follow the quotafjly to exchange waves as he head-to- r his plane to load, his bombs the stick forward to nose her down, Field when two Jap fighters, who tion: Is life so dear, or peace so and then in a climbing turn to had been hanging on ever since he sweet, as to be purchased at the fad I climbed up into the tower. the right pulled her back up into the left the convoy, hit him. They put price of chains and slavery? 'The thing was practically a sieve sun and then he looked back to see Wi bullets a lucky Incendiary into his oxygen which had ripped that two of the four Jap fighters had system, and of course it started to they say : lfough the 500-Poun- d corrugated iron during detached to work him over. Edible bum like cotton soaked in gasoline. Paiche, A couple of Bterdays strafing. "rope-yar- d for Wednesday afternoon rivates had been But Colin wasn't rattled. He gave Raised in Peru They were coming up there for twen-f-toFish, Being maneuver-throttinterled cute a over orders the so he the hours without food or relief pulled regular back suddenly to let them phone system for the other eight fuess everybody must have n "41!! CLASS One of the largest fresh-watthem, but theyd done a swell go roaring on by him, and then boys of his crew to climb into their fishes in the world, the paiche, or for the favorite cigarette with men chutes and abandon ship. and Looking at all those jagged opened up on their vanishing tails, pirarucu, 12 to 15 feet long now WtfnEb in the Navy on both them in the sheet-iro- n burst first His put In is of this a Now 500 procedure walls, I didnt part pounds, weighing up to old kow Those fire. a good a Fortress is that the pilot must be theyd come out alive, but raised commercially on p ELD DAy"for thorough cleaning of shift had six of them and when the last to leave. Its the same in being Fey explained it told me if I got the 0 fish farm in Peru. do all the talking Paled, I could lie down the Navy, except that its sometimes Dried and prepared in long along one they speak, they wall behind a pile of lead Remember all this time Buzz just a gallant gesture, particularly strips, the flesh from the monster cases used to run the field hadnt dumped his bombs. They when the captain cant help much fish was the poor mans beef in lihts. might easily have cost him his life, by staying, and if the ship does go the Amazon region for years. My job of course was to Once it was so plentiful that handle but his job was to get to Lingayen down under him he can float away tower lights give the boys the Field, where he had a rendezvous from the bridge In his life jacket, fishermen from one small village fnal when catch by and pretty soon someones giving could count a two-wethey could come in to with Lieutenant Russell Church. n N on the fleld but the Colonel the thousand. Unrestricted fishing "As he approached Lingayen, first him a slug of rye and a brisk in the wardroom of another almost depleted the waters, so fiat taking any chances losing he saw Russ, who fell in on his more on saw his target ship. the ground. He said wing, and then he Peru has established a hatchery to E IT Pen any Fortresses came back, to But In the Air Force lt the replenish them. all those Jap planes on the ground lrp thefn in the air, circling the lined up just like it was for an real McCoy. Becausehasif a Fortress to stay on until he changed the order. is on fire, somebody ordinary peacetime Saturday-mo- n level her and right to stick to the want I keep "Presently there comes you get Waxed Fruit scooting ing inspection. while the other eight make I of those little low that this to see it isnt only the Ameri- side up That is the somebody I Uscd by the Filipino Air Force can Air Force which gets caught their jumps. Before shipment to market, one old with its pants down and its suspen- pilot, and thats one of the things job with to do in order be must ready quarter of all the oranges, lemons you landing gear which ia ders trailing. silver wings on and grapefruit grown in the Unitthose wear pretty to "Mtically a museum piece. I the long glide down, They started give ed States today are coated with that the chest the green light, because I can circling the field, and then Buzz your at in the an invisible wax solution which stare he is girls en in off them, and started so full of bullet peeled already reduces moisture loss and pro!s bars, dont see stay in Russ was to follow, but at a good 30 tjI lr and out how he can on the stick longs the fresh life of the fruit. Well, Colin stayed jumps this little distance, so he wouldnt pick up in its with his as oxygen dropped of the fighter lmPlno plane fragments Jap pilot All he wants his propellers and all eight got Eas and more bullets for his Buzzs flaming, tossed system , up by frag planes 30 caliber out, and I suppose carefully counted gun, and hes back bombs. INS two thousand three Th0S "So down they went Buzz first, one thousand did6 ar f0F mre 0f a it like thousand says in the book, for fleld. .Job their the magnificent ntt. 8 then Russ, just skimming their cords and witl1 before pulled they that decrepit junk. LES As the first target came into sight blossomed. verybody was jumpy we didnt Buzz let go first one and then the their chutes hat minute the Japs would other of his But by the time the last one was When you can get Cutter quality at such reasonable cost, you wont fragmentation INS Colin got his own chute on bac'c and over his back I out, and take chances. Because any vaccine or serum which fails to protect your one looking watched truck bombs, hat h winhis escape-hatcwas top old Russ and saw opened just animals is expensive at any price! Every Cutter Vaccine and Serum wandering around the field shoulder, he fume-fillethat went trusted Buzz above dow him. behind cockpit in bomb craters. hng ?ang up coming idrf is prepared with the same care that makes Cutter Products .?n y air-rai- d bell sounded, on across the field and then pulled and crawled up through it well, he doctors. Demand Cutter, for extra protection! d Western with favorites Se all right, but he s E?ys dived out of the truck up sharply to watch Russ bombs go cleared the plane Cutter Laboratories, Berkeley, California, to the so close was tail was ground that he Russ e direction to run for the line. ply down right in and he never bad a chance to crack his eaving 'he driverless truck on fire from Jap ack-acP wandering right on over onto knew it, but he stayed dead on his chute. 0Se in a TO BE CONTINUED) shell crater. Those run, making direct hits on those heard a plane and raised up 0l (listen, but when it came in plain mwm ft k BIGoodrich P-4- QESiUDfinniTran low-neck- sun-bac- a tie-sas- So Crisp J ss mm 14-4- ss 1 WANTED RAW MATERIALS h mt ? a mwm ! half-doze- Colo-briefe- cnosTAic cruet ts O JCbIH THE fJAVY Sunday" ur UBERTy"!:miLVS er for-ptte- P-4- FIRST IN THE SERVICE Sg-eet-iro- ek rub-dow- P-3- stick-and-wi- non-actab- le better-upholster- better-upholster- Wlufr ,as Mik dolbu - ic Awe pennied,? d fox-cke- USE CUTTER VACCINES & SERUMS colony |