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Show Official Newspaper of Emery County, Utah Foreign, $2.75 Per Subscription, $2.00 Per Year A. C. SAUNDERS and JESS E. SAUNDERS, Publishers For year our Year Published Every Friday Morning at Castle Dale, Utah . First Class Publication Entered in the Postoffice in Castle Dale, Utah, as second class mail matter, under the Act of March A gov-ernm- xveuuai enjoy doing business wltthT Bonneville Dam has worked to improve condition for our citizen everywhere. Bonneville Dam in Oregon i one of hundred of Carbon Emery Infe projects erected for our benefit 3, 1879. REDD MOTOR All Communications and items for publication must be signed by the writer, whose name need not appear in print. Write on one side of the paper only. Use no abbreviations. All communications subject to acceptance as the judgement of the publishers may de- ONE STOP a. Mil: LANE FROM Keep in Step Dny War Bonds American Engineers harnessed the waof the Dnieper ters River. Hitlers Huns marched in and the Russians destroyed their greatest work of this generation. Price, Utah Price Floral Shop MRS. JOHN GROSSO, prop. 1903. Orangeville reached its majority on August 3, 1903. It was just 21 years on that date since the ward was organized, and the event was celebrated with a Years Ago Twenty program and dance. Over $40.00 W. Cooper, publisher of was cleared from the dance and Harry the at Price died this amount used toward payat his home in that city on Aug- ing the wards indebtedness to ust 13, 1923. the Emery Stake academy. Miss Myrtle Cramer and Oscar Nielson, two prominent I LAWRENCE young people of Cleveland, were married August 11, 1923, and went to Stoors where they were Mr. and Mrs. Archie McArthur to make their home. left Sunday evening for Arvada, Mr. and Mrs. Orson Madsen Colorado, upon receiving word were entertaining a new son at of the death of Mrs. McArthurs their home in Castle Dale, in son, Wendel Jensen, who died August ,1923. Tuesday, August 10, of typhoid Mrs. Andrew Johansen was fever. Wendel had been spendhostess August 17, 1923, at her ing the summer with his father, home in Castle Dale, to a num- Walter Jensen at that place. ber of friends, the occasion beJames Battie, of Murray, is ing her birthday. spending the week here as a The Emery County Board of guest of his uncle, Farrcl Day, Trade members were entertain- and family. ed at Emery on August 15, 1923, Miss Louise Stoker came down by the Emery members at the Saturday night from Hill Field, Duzett hotel. Fifteen members where she is employed in defense were present. work, and returned to her work John Klllpack and family of Sunday. She visited at the home Arizona, were visiting relatives of her sister Mrs. Mart Cullum. in Ferron la August 1923. Albert Tuft and sons, Notl and Owen Williams, Hannah Rich- Donnie, were down from Murards, Alice Ward, Matilda Lar- ray Sunday for a short visit with sen, Jane Lltster and Elizabeth home folks. Noel remained here White entertained the Cleveland for a few weeks. Relief Society at a luncheon and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jensen and children of Castle Dale program on August 24, 1923. Dr. Easley operated on Ted, were Sunday visitors here. the small son of Mrs. Wareham, Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore in August 1923, for the removal and children wentCloyde to Greenriver of his tonsils. last week for a few visit Price was enjoying a building with Mrs. Fillmores days Lee brother, boom during the summer of Christiansen, who is leaving for 1923, with $215,000 in new con- the army. struction underway. Mrs. Mart Cullum and daughCalvin t Coolidge succeeded ter Carrol, and Mrs. Ernest CulWarren O. Harding on August 3, lum, spent Friday visiting rela1923, as president of the United tives in Price. States. He was the sixth Mrs. Lee Collins of Kenilworth to succeed through a few last week at spent death of the president. The five the home of days her mother, Mrs. other presidents were Harrison, Christina Hansen, returning Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield and home Saturday. McKinley. Mrs. Hope Harper left Tuesday for a few weeks visit in Salt Lake City. Forty Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jensen David Sorensen and Miss Deland la Edwards, both of Emery, were Mrs. daughter Judy, and Mr. and Carrol Cullum of Hiawatha were married in Manti, the first were Sunday visitors In Lawweek of August 1903. Twins were born at Cleveland rence. A birthday dinner in honor of on August 14, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oliver a boy and a Mrs. Tina Jensen was enjoyed Sunday at her home. Those in girL Lew Olsen and family, who attendance besides the honored went to Canada In the spring of guest were L. P. Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thomas and family, 1903, were expected back someMr. and Mrs. Melvin Jensen and time in August of that year, as Judy, of Hiawatha, Mr. they decided that they liked daughter and Mrs. Bud Fike and daughbetter. Emery county Miss Betty Jensen, of A daughter was born to Mr. ter, and Price. and Mrs. A. E. Jones in Castle Mrs. Penny Thomas left last Dale on August 14, 11903. week for Salt Lake City where The people of Independence she has employment. Flat held a meeting at the resiMr. and Mrs. Ben Black and of Will dence Price in August of Price were guests Sun1903, and unanimously voted to family day at the home of Mr. and turn their land entries to the Mrs, Ernest Cullum. state with the object that the state select that land under its Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wilstead have as their guest this week, grant, complete the reservoir Mr. Wilsteads father, A. H. Wilsystem begun by the settlers and sell both land and water to stead, of Price. o the parties then living on the Modern Miss flat and to all others whom A WAC promoted, sped in glee might settle on the land. A son was born, in Orangeville To find some boy and wheeon August 9, 1903, to Mr. and dle Mrs. John T. Reid. Him to sew her chevrons on. The She couldnt thread a needle. baby o daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Five metals are unrestricted Day, of Lawrence, fell into a boiler of soap suds, which had by wartime regulations. They been left in the back yard of are lead, palladium, gold, sodthe home .and died four hours ium, and indium. TAKEN fr' later. The child was one of the twins. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Williams at Emery, the early part of August DOWN MEMORY SUPERSERVICE Certified Used Cars-Ag- ent for Chevrolets and Buicki In Russia the Soviets with the help of Publication of notice of meetings where admission 1s charged or a collection taken will be charged for at our regular advertising . THE FILES OF PROGRESS OF 20 and 40 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK. 56 N. 1st West THE News-Advoca- the county war board. Applica- nt twenty-month-o- ld B I BRAND Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey "CIMEEItFUL AS iTS XAMEJ National Distillers Product Corp, N. Y. '' 'mL 904 Proof EMERY COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. o Fathers To Be Drafted Fathers 18 to 37 years old, with children born before September 15, 1942, will be reclassified to make them available lor induction into the armed forces after October 1. Fathers will be drafted only when it is necessary to fin a local boards quota , they will be called without distinction regarding the number or ages of their dependent children , those who are Key Men in agriculture or essential industry will be deferred , and those whose induction would cause Extreme hardship and privation to their families will be deferred. More Woolens for Civilians Several million mens Mackinaw and Melton Work Jackets, childrens legging sets, blankets and other needed items of mens womens and childrens apparel will be added to the civilian supply this winter as a result of a program arrived at jointly by WPB and the War Department. Army procurement on some of the principal worsted and woolen products will be reduced by 50 percent during the last four months of this year. CASTLE DALE, UTAH without guessing at the titl Demand an Abstract of Tit O. SORENSEN, Mgr. Evening Hours: 7 to 8 P. M. Wednesday Friday Sundays and other evening by Appointment only Phono SOS-Rm. (.7 Silvagnl Bids PRICE, Utah Monday A Funeral Service To have beauty, dignity and consolation, the last tribute need not be expensive. Wallace Mortuary Home-canne- home-canne- Home-cann- Jr, Announcing New Office Homs DR. F. A. MIGLIORE Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments Hours: 10 to 12 A. M. 1 to t P. M. Fruits, Berry Prices Increases Formulas for establishing maximum canners prices lor seven fruits, 11 berries, fruit cocktail, and the juices and nectars of the fruits and berries have been announced by OPA The formulas take into account higher costs to canners, and d foods since canned fruits and berries Rationing of Each person In your family are sold under fixed mark-up- s may give away as much as 50 at both wholesale and retail, it d food will mean increased costs to the quarts of housewife on these items. withcalendar during any year out collecting ration stamps. Americas Sugar Any food which 1s sold does not The normal sugar consumpqualify as a gift, however, and points must be collected for all tion in the United States is about sales at the rate of eight points 7)000,000 tons; last year only per quart (4 points per pound). 5,400,000 tons were available for food contributed the needs of civilians, the armto school lunch programs and ed forces and o similar services is included in the 50 quarts. More than SO Butter wrappers printed at quarts may be given away pro- the Progress Office at no invided ration stamps are collect- crease in price. ed for all gifts exceeding that number. The stamps should be LEGAL DEPT. turned into your local ration A. ALVIN WALLACE. Licensed Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director Ambulance Service Lady Attendant Castle Dale, Utah Phone ed lend-leas- e. boards. Rule For NOTICE TO CREDITORS Poultry Truckers Estate of Callie Asimus, deTruckers hauling poultry must ceased. post within their trucks the Creditors will present claims name and address of the per- with vouchers to the undersignsons to whom it is being ship- ed at Greenriver, Utah, or to ped, the place from which the Rugger! and Gibson, Attorneys items were shipped, their quan-itie- s, At Law, Price, Utah, on or types, grades and weight the 28th day of December, classes, and the number of head A, D., 1943. of each, the OPA has ruled. ExeWilliam F. Asimus cutor of the Estate of CalTo Get Application Blanks lie Asimus, Deceased. Members of the Armed Ser- RUGGERI and GIBSON vices of the U. S., and of the Attorneys for Executor bt-fo- United Nations who are eligible to use War Ration Book Three, will receive application blanks from their commanding officers beginning about August 15. Processing of these military applications and issuance of War Ration Book Three will be completed between August 15 and September HO. The book will not be needed for buying rationed commodities until after the time. It is estimated that approximately 700,000 men and women in the military services will be entitled to receive War Ration Book Three. Waste Fats Collected Waste kitchen fat collections Silvagnl Building Price, Utah First Publication, Aug. 20, Last Publication Sept. 9, ORDINANCE Storage For Potatoes Arrangements have been completed to provide additional storage facilities for the handling of the 1943 crop of Irish potatoes. Allocation of materials for the construction of storage facilities sufficient to take care of 15 million bushels of potatoes has been made by the War Production Board. However, construction must confirm to specifications. State and county USDA war boards will handle this program locally and specifications as to the type of construction and the materials to use may be obtained from re 1943 1943. NO. 76 An Ordinance regulating the assigning of unexpended Balances, to the General Fund. The Board of County Commissioners, of Emery County, State of Utah, ordain as follows: Section, 1. That the unexpended funds from the County Poor, $3,000. That the unexpended funds from the County Dependent Mothers, $502.08. That the unexpended funds from the County Advertising and exhibition $750.00 and from the Needy and Blind $35.87 the total sum to be assigned to the general fund of Emery County, State of Utah, $4,287.95. 2. This Ordinance Section, shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and being duly published. Passed by the Board of County Commissioners, of Emery County, State of Utah, August 2nd, throughout the country totaled during the setting an all time high mark since the inauguration of this program in July 1942, WPB has reported. The total collected is still not sufficient to meet war demands. WPB Region I, comprised of the J943. CARLYLE CRAWFORD, New England States ranked first County Chairman In pounds collected per occup8,440,274 pounds month of June, ied dwelling. S Price, Utah tions for construction should be handled through the county USDA war boards. te vice-preside- CO. Gas, Oil and Accessory termine. rates. Bank PRICE, UTAH Member Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Corporation Attest: FRED W. REID, , County Clerk. Members voting for the Ordinance, Carlyle Crawford, Clinton N. Wakefield, and Frank J. Hatt. I, Fred W. Reid, the duly elected qualified and acting Clerk of Emery County, Utah do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance No. 76 passed by the Board of County Commissioners of Emery County, Utah on the 2nd day of August A D. 1943. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of Emery County this 2nd day of August, 1943 A. D. FRED W. REED, Clerk. Look in the attic . . . search the cellar . . . hunt through cup- boards. Perhaps youll v find Electric Appliances youve for- gotten all about. Theres a need for these Electric Appliances among War Workers and other families. New appliances are no longer being manufactured. So sell them and put the money in War Stamps and Bonds thus helping your neighbors, your nation and yourself! k k THESE APPLIANCES Electric Irons Electric Clocks Electric Toasters Electric Mixers Table Lamps Floor Lamps Electric Radios Electric Washers Electric Stokers Electric Shavers Electric Ironers Electric Vacuums g Date.. I wtmld likt to trsde (check seU buy transaction la which you are interested) the following used Electric Appliances: (Typo oi AppWmaca) (Approximate Valus) (Typo oi AppUaMo) (Approximate Valu.) (Typo oi AppUoooo) (Approximate My Hobo Telephone Number a ARE NEEDED Electric Roasters Electric Ranges Electric Grills Electric Motors Electric Coffee Makers Electric Water Heaters Electric Sewing Machines Electric Refrigerators Electric Hot Plates Electric Commercial Cooking and Baking Equipment Addroou - (Street P. O. or X. F. D.) citT State Nolo: This lilting Is good for fifteen days after date received. II appliances are still on hand after that time, they should be or DELTVEH to one of (he dealers listed below, or your nearest Utah Power S Light Company office. Your e inquiry will bo turned ever to a "Wartime Electric Trading Poet" Dealer who will aeaist yon. MAO, AppU-anc- th; followint Electrical Dealer: ope os s to assist you in buying, selling, trading used Electric Applian Castle Dale Valu) Co-Op- ., Castle Dale Hunter Drug Company, Castle Dale Guymon Mercantile Co., Huntington |