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Show UTAH EMERY COUNTY PROGRESS, CASTLE DALE. Your Dreams May Tell Secrets About Yourself T that UCKY dream, lose my job. was just he thinks, or miMBBIMI- --' lMriNas.fiai - ir.lLL 1MI JLU1 - jJiaLl. mi THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE a Id But hes wrong. No dream is Often it reveals just a dream. something in yourself that you never knew and perhaps should. Dreams can really help when you take them to heart. You maj Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young I j s ss-i-WnuSS T8W8LE Should He Ignore His Dream? ALL-MA- dream of stains, inkspots, because youre feeling guilty about something. Thinking out what it is might relieve you greatly. Instead of lightly dismissing these dreams, use them to help solve your problems. Our booklet gives the set entitle explanations for several dreams flying, falling off a cliff, running from wild animals and other typical dream situ atlons. Tells why some dreams are pro For your copy send your phetlc." order to: EAT nraERycay In73 AND DRINK PLENty OF WATER. LALA PALOOZA By RUBE GOLDBERG A Useful Gadget liable Indifference Slay, Affection can withstand, Res vere storms long polar Sir Walter etc. of vigor, but frost of indif&J Scott. We First PIAh Aut 6 Delicious SERVICE 117 Minna St. San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 10 cents In coin for your copy of THE MEANING OF READER-HOM- Crowr md op Flavors MIX IN A JIFFY Afore flavor in every glaee Perfect for Picnics or Hone ua, IS DREAMS. S HE So rd BIG GLASSES S BA Hate Leghi 18.25 AAA Chid Hi Painfully Good Some people are so good that they would rati right than be pleasant-L- C. ASH lYTAG sin Tp RE1 S DONT BE When you feel gasay, heeded;, due to dogged-u- p bowels, do a id at betom do take morning thorough, comfoiteble t helping you start the day fiill d normal energy and pep, feeiiog I doesn't i million! your nights rest or interfere withni the dr next day. 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