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Show Friday, April 3, IP 12 ho Cavite 1 I!..:.-( S ' .it f djii '.c tii Mr ' : ! J ' A Mr (nM Mi juri ! vtr.ij R.iiirst 'll.iy l..,.e I. Ai m .'l v u:al ir. Mm, moil! thnt Ml AtniTui.n, I.iiuan. Cache County, Utah 111 b N iu i r Find U - .i- 'i! 1 f.t limn :i i 1 r ,0.1 MutUvii d nt 1, Smithfield Coy Gels Certificate ti 1' l'.rje I'hr Inn t!.c i' If u' i b Vt Ih.v a L!.. of d.-- a, rap V i t s i1 . d.aiUi.h A Mrrd witirr Hal, f I, .Owed JuVtly dutlbrn (! iht ual fan A !.. Mde the hoi o cd l t a t. ihosi p.i.Mj-.- t weje Mr s. Win Hue. Mr and M. i Mr and Mm M K.Ut hi! d 1! nson, M- - and M-- , An- I, u Mi ami Mm Duwavne llumphrevs, NiU. Ldward and o- -car Munson. Milan a ml Anthon Jin son. Ivan Scott, Hi nr. an N.l-- 1 Merle Hale, i;;-Humphrejs a.l of Millville, Thelma B.irliLs eiivd i tl o. t!-f I! '. i i ilf .! i US. C n k, f'u.ird ti.i.'il'i,' i; ' u lit lull 7 iii.n I.d Willi jAil'iu! Olsnii, Km thfi Id has Jut !l two Vinks oftir h si aw anii d a Cert '.m e of Ij'Jt : it and h .s been ym.i Junior mlvi.iM In Uic iwst gu.ird, nnd i' s l.e L wi "ibi'i . 1, ill 111- - II L'eiu Kites- j " oml li y l.ui it cl if Anierua Mr. and Mrv. Rin.il rti- -. Vetmont. lie was ret-- , . tuii.i d M iui iy cwnli'g lifter ( t iu!i J fur tin- - awards by (lad's Coo;ir and Leora Hale all U- d li t tin !r btoht-D c. the Shite Uub lender. i f Lvan. LiRtie Coojx-of Prov U nes fr.d.iy morning to yo vidence and Cho Muir of Ogden. All of t;, prlvilcgei 'into the -- r:ny. Lurch mu served exe pt vot ti( Mrs PhyllU Jenson and Mis. been gtv- -, eiid a mini time enjojed by Mrs en to Iran until he is 21 years of lOUa Ander.son entertained Momde Bassett, sons. Dee. Jack aye. K nday evening In honor of land Colvin and Billy Wyatt of Ho Is the 6 315'h member of J nson. A lovely chuken supper was served. Those were Irun, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Joy.i Tlve H Calf club Mr. and Mrs. Aaron present Mr and Mrs. Arnold Archibald, Pchrson, Mr of America to achieve Mr. and Mrs. Mark Llndlev. Mr. i and Mrs. Alma Jenson, Mr. and e land Mrs. Leals Perkins. Mr. and this national reiijpntion since Mrs Jenson. Mr. and Mrs. 11. J02i when certif.cate August Mrs. Emerson Jenson and family, Mr. and Smith. Mrs. Sac number jCwen . was one I to a CalPerkins. Mr. and Mrs. Eocene Motgnn Jenson and family, ifornia boy. Mr. ad Mrs. Lewis Ander.son, and Jones, Harvey Archibald, Scot! family, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Crlstoithen and Herbert Wyatt Hale. Milan. Anthon and Joseph j and Mr. and Mrs. Jenson. Betty Humphreys. Norma H ile. also Thelma Burfuss of n Back with Cash the Blue and and Nathan Reeder of Hvde Khaki Crusaders! MILLVILLE The Monson brothPark. Bond Money is Paid to Stop a ers enteiiaincd on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Humphreys evening poo's Air Raid! In honor of Joseph R. Jenson one spent Sunday in Ogden. - ! 1 vv oi 1 11 , n- -. l5.L-.vt-i Ilr.il-t-ho- j ro 4 a-- t: r r l By BETTY BARCLAY unsweetened Hawaiian whUh aro all available with made-i- n Libels at budget priori. pineapple Juice, which la a good source America f vitamins lit and C, served franx-Roquefort, a war casualty, has been and brightly garnished with terries succeeded by Blue cheese, an American-that's a tasty and mint In your favorite cocktail made specialty Blue lasses. Is Jmt the first course for addition to anv cheese tray. cheese has also been added to the line pour Faster dinner. of cocktail cheese spreads, packed In Cru-- h Trotted Pineapple Juice White pillow mints with a rolling pin attractive reusable glasses. until they look like powdered sugar. Maflio Orange let Cream Wet rims of cocktail Kinases and d p (Automatic Refrigerator Method) in powdered mint. Kill glasses wlih (16 o. can) sweetened cups Shaved Ice, being careful not to dis condensed milk turb sugared rims. Kill with un- tj$ cupa fresh orange Juice sweetened Hawaiian pineapple Juice Orange vegetable coloring, optional Which has been wello hilled In can 1 cup whipping cream before opening. Garnish with sliced condensed milk, sweetened Mix Strawberries and sprigs of mint. brve orange Juice and vegetable coloring, If at once with short cocktail straws. custardto desired. Chill. Whip cream Fold Into chilled like consistency. Strawberry and Grapefruit Cocktail X freezing unit of chilled cups grapefruit sections, mixture.rate Freeze In r until half frozen. Scrape free from membrane and split In refrig until smooth, Beat from freezing tray. hnUes but not nulled. Jt place in freezing Chilled grapefruit Juice Wien 1 box (16 ox ) quick-froze- n sliced unit until frozen, berves 6. voy use sweeten d condensed milk as straw berrits, thawed an Ice cream mix, you re assured of I sprigs of mint texture. h, velvety Sweeten grapefruit sections and chill a creamy-smootou can make thta luscious And hour. Jxrain, reserving June triumph without cutting Into your Arrange I grapefruit sections In bot sugar ration. tom and around Miles of eah riieilxt Spiced Coffee glass and fill c ntr w'th straw berries Four grapefruit Juice over fruit. 6 cups d caff Innted coffo r, Garnish with mint. Serves 6. Keiucm-becup cream, whipped straw-berTlewhen ou use quit i teaspoon clnnanua thit thre s no wiste. AU h teaspoon nutmeg quick-froze- n foods come to you ready each cup of coffee with a spoonto cook or serve, with all the.r frhh fulTtp of whipped cream into which the flavor and full Nltamin content scaled pices have been folded. Sugar may In by quick-freezinbe served with the coffee If desired. ou can use jour favorite method of Lima Loaf the coffee, with regular grind making 2 cups cooked, dried Limas for percolated or boiled coffee and drip 2 tablespoons minced onion for grind drip or glass maker. Allow 2 tablespoons tomato catsup a heaping tablespoon for eah cup. 2 tablespoons nulled butler And If you perk It, give It a few 1 egg, well beaten mlnut extra brewing to bring out 1 teaspoon salt full flavor. This Is a delicious its teaspoon pepper brew to serve for supper on Faster 1 cup soft bread crumbs Hay when you and jour gusts will Combine Ingredients and turn Into want to linger over second cups withA buttered broad pan Hal e In n out over sleeping problems moderate oven (3tu F.) about 23 later worrying on. minutes. To serve, unmold in center After-EastGames of platter, place strips of crip bacon Games that nil the fimlly can take over the top and garnish with slices an can in tomatoes. of fried play Important part In part building good morale on the home Cheese Tray Hospitality front. Favorite parlor pastimes that When you plan a hospitable cheese si hool age children can share with buffet, take your cue from the chefs their parents include Pig, a new end add an extra plus of glamour by version of word building played with Llederkranz cheese with little gold miners picks and Thumbs fresh fruit. You can feel free to In- Up, the V for Victory game that's El dulge In gracious hospitality when ou based on matching tile symbols. serve cheese, because It doesnt cut Dorado, the treasure hunting game into the sugar ration. Stock your and Monopoly are other p irlnr favortray with such treats as Camembert, ites that provide good competition for Brie, Swiss and Llederkranz cheese, parents and children. Canned WELLSVILLE WELLSVILLE Mr. and Mrs Wm. H. Glenn entertained at a luncheon party Monday evening after the dance in honor of Mr. Glenn, who was observing his birthday besides members of the family those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hershall Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. James Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. James O. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Haslam and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Wyatt. Captain LeGrande Neilsen and wife and two children of Fort Lewis, Washington, spent Tuesday and here with their brother-in-lasister, Mr. and Mrs. James Bradshaw. Gapt. Neilsen was chosen one of two of the western states to go to Washington, D. C. to take a course in Plastic Srugery. A family dinner in their honor was given Tuesday evening at the home of their mother, Mrs. Nora Neilsen at Hyrum. Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw and family were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones entertained Monday evening before the dance in honor of their son D. Howard, who left Tuesday for Fort Douglas to tram in the Air Corps. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Maughan of Logan. Leon Von Almen of Bedford, Wyo.. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Van Dnmmelin and Miss Edith w Jones of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Jones and sons D. Howard and Max. Refreshments were served , and all attended the dance. David Nelson returned home on after spending Tuesday evening two weeks there. He spent part of the time with his and Mr. and Mrs. Nephl daughter, Mehr. Mrs. Mehr and daughter Sharon accompanied him home, and will spend two weeks visiting relatives. Brother James Hyrum Hall, 91 Mrs. Rachel years of age and Bankhead, 89 years old are both seriously ill at their homes here. The American Legion Auxiliary meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Henry B. Murray on Wednesday afternoon. President Sarah B. Parker was in charge. Singing "America" and Salute to the flag was led by District President Mrs. Ella Bateson of Logan. Prayer, Laura G. Leishman. Chaplain Mrs. Bateson took charge and introduced the visiting ladles and remarks were made by Department President Mrs. Melba Bills of Logan, State Secretary Mrs. Goldie Second Vice McShane, President, Mrs. Mary Barber of Logan. There were ten members and five visitors present and during a social hour enjoyed a lovely luncheon served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stuart, daughter Helen and son Kay of Los Angeles, Calif., spent Monday evening and Tuesday here with le , Ja-cp- h . i min-FrlfM.i- ; I E-lt- iw-ui- t. Lo-ire- $2970 V x f .at FOE DEFESSE V 'T V 4 N. a . V 1 la, - - t V-- :j'U CAMP KlltlKTS. California Private Iity the mailman; Roman II. Jala. Battery C. 51th Field Artillery Tramin Battalion here has a letter 150 feet in length I The letter. twlre the length of the barraeka building, written by frfrntU In Jagla'a home town of Brookflrld, Illinois. Approximately loo person the whieh required (he total aum of $1.12 in postage. It took three and one half hours to read it. u AT pj f oo . , v ; S a I v . dF V ' $925.00 WORTH OF SAVINGS For CACHE VALLEY RUG BUYERS . '' A IMP jt V,- QUALITY CARPETS BY ALEXANDER SMITH MILLS - e have invested thousands of dollars in Carpets and Rugs to secure our share of the factory warehouse BROAD LOOM REMNANTS and a share of all short roll goods. Check the list of sizes below and note the Savings ! s V-- 6.r NOTE: The Regular Price as listed below does not Include Padding Our Sale Price includes Padding as a Leader Special! ... THE FOLLOWING REMNANTS HERE TO CHOOSE FROM AXMINSTERS - WILTON VELVETS (Each Carpet Bound On Ends at No Extra Cost) MATERIAL SIZE x Best Grade Axminster. 1 Piece 1 Piece 12" x 7" 2" 1 Piece 10" x 9" 8" 1 Piece 9" x 7" 1 Piece 12" x 10" 8" 1 Piece 12" x 8" 8".. 1 Piece 12" x 6" 9".. 1 Piece 12" x 7" 1 Piece 12" 1 Piece 12" x 9" 8"... Piece 12" X 4" 8" 8... 9" x 9" 8" 1 Piece 12" x 15" 1 Piece 15" x 19" 3" 1 Piece 12" 14" 5" Wilton Velvet WAFFLE PADS INCLUDED IN ABOVE SALE PRICES And Many Others to Select From COMING SOON $7.95 every Monday Lonjr WosU:ia $ --n (Oi r ' ' O L I . ; 1 A .. v ' A v'--t x- '. V i radio musical 53HB L SiP ON SALE k' NO EXTRA COST . V Crystal Furniture1 Irans Tradins: Center Bell System All Good Patterns! New Rolls Wilton Velvet Broadloom in 12" width. Listed today with pad at yard. Select yours Today from our Samples. A small square yard ... on Sale at $5.95 square will Reserve Your Selection. Deposit at 7p.m. Buy Carpets -- Rugs Today On Easy Terms Starting Monday, April 6th Crystal Furniture Co. Will Be Broadcast (instead of 10 p. m.) Tune in any IV B C Red Network Station i jmim MILLVILLE w That popular i M-s- I 1 program heard n , puiii!"1 mrnrnwmm p.u 254 LOGAN NORTH MAIN ufrrta.U." PHONE flnifclMWgf 444 4 |