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Show '"1 CACHE AMERICAN WHAT TO EAT I LOGAN. CACHE COUNTY. UTAH MoreLaceTliisSummerTlian Ever and WHY , ffou.it on (joudiit list England Bright Prints For Your Home Frocks "Royal Stag When the red deer of England develop 12 point on hla antlers, he a "royal become automatically tag. is for young figure, one mature. Both of these dresses are smart and new in ONE Maaa Hope for Better World Man' .hope for a better world consists In the fart that the orderly and sympathetic Instincts of mankind are capable of development fashion, and both are pretty enough to wear when company comes, as well as for working round the house. Each has a conIrsa Age ia America Doubled venient pocket. These designs are believe there wa Archeologist to make. easy delightfully no Iron age in America before the If You Wear Misses Sizes. of European colonists. Make yourself the charming, arrival dirndl-typ- e frock with Inigo Jones Pioneer in Art shirring at the waistline, on the Inigo Jones was the first archion end the nice big tect to adapt the Italian renaissance shoulders, pocket. Everything about it is style to England. very young and attractive espe- - Plicuilei umki of Proteins Chccso-Prin- cc TAGE SEVEN d Noted Food Authority Tells Why You Should Eat More of the Food That Is So Rich in Protective Elements. England 12 Districts In 1G5S England was divided into 12 military districts in 1655. when Oliver Cromwell ruled at lord protector. By C. HOUSTON GOUDISS E.M 3tb St.. New York City. many years, men with an inventive turn of mind have of creating a product that would concentrate all the important food elements in a small tablet or capsule. They have been inspired by a desire to simplify meal prep-- ; oration without sacrificing nutritive values. No one has ever succeeded in making a synthetic food that would both satisfy hunger and properly nourish the body. But all the while , the researcher! have overlooked the FOR AROUND TIIE HOUSE TarCleaning Rhinestones. rhinestone brooches and buckles will look like new if set in gasoline (keep away from fire) for about 15 minutes, then polished with a flannel cloth. nished fed magnificent possibilities of cheese, one of the most concentrated, nourishing, satisfying and versatile of foods, a With this Free To Clean Soapstone Sink. Wash with ammonia and let stand for 12 hours. Then rub over with linseed oil and your sink will be lovely and bright. If grease accumulates again, rub over with a strong ammonia solution. Bulletin on Planning a Correct Summer Diet for the fie. bulletin on SEND Cool with Food, The Body Builder offered by C Houston Goodin Cheese is the most concentrated It outlines the principle of plansource of protein known. Moreunprecedentning healthful summer diet, over. the protein Is ed vogue for lace is lists "cooling and "heating of such high type recorded this summer. foods and Ls completa with No longer is lace conthat if it were the menu suggestions, sidered from the luxury only body - building lust address C. Houston Goudiss, and esthetic viewpoint food in the diet, 6 East 39th Street, New York only. Lace has become given in sufficient a tremendously practiCity. A post card is all that is quantities, it would cal factor in the realm be adequate not necessary to carry your request of apparel wearable for all occaonly to maintain life, but to support are also found in whole milk sions. Lace has come into its own in a big way, so much so that denormal growth. are thinking in terms of lac One-hasigners of pound With this wealth of food values, never before. American Cheddar one would expect to find cheese" fought we be- cheese will supply appearing on the menu in some S all the protein required by an form every day. But though the, come- - womfn sre c ire adult for an entire day. annual pruction of cheese in the' are for 7fdr.0Ib, of the most ran rum non lace. This is especially true with Cheese The Energy Food those who travel, for, put to the In addition to its rich store of up under the stress and strain of packing and protein, cheese is also a fine con-we ! when fuHy email figure source of energy. of serving for sider the wide benefits that would "(Vw,. , A cube of Cheddar cheese inches square pro- result from its greater use. The failure of American homevides 100 calories or the equivalent in energy value of the lean makers to use cheese in the an wihj wuuiu ue wewuitrsscu tu be-meat of one lamb chop or one amounts that they shou d is I j h ri ht lace for the ri ght to factors: three first,1 occasion One-halieve, due medium-size- d potato. knowledge concerning you can can ,aceg h pound of Cheddar cheese furnishes food values; second a gcarce, 1,000 calories, about half the daily its splendid ,dentif ag , g0 fabrlc. that old m the belief superstition tailor ag ,ike ,g their mesh requirement of an adult leading a cheese w not easy to digest; and a B0. cloth and c fect sedentary life. of to take failure advantage third, As for histicated air about can which it in the many ways service you'll be delighted with Cheese for Mineral Salts be served. their practical wearableness. Then Because milk is rich in minerthere are the handsome, washable als, it follows that cheese, which cotton and linen laces that tailor Digestibility of Cheese is made from milk, contains these The foregoing outline of its g0 smartly in simple daytime precious substances in highly conshould give a dresses you will be wanting above all centrated form. It is an excellent many food values of its place in the else, at least one of these practical new conception mineral source of calcium, the s Perhaps we would be which is responsible for building diet. As to its digestibility, the United States Depart- - ter expressing the idea to insist that strong bones and sound teeth, and mentbyof Agriculture have entirely you invest in severaL They will for keeping the heart beating the fallacy that it is not carry you through most any disproved A normally. jcial crisis. digestible. inch cube of American Cheddar It was found that on an average So far we have been talking of cheese contains as much calcium about 95 per cent of the protein lace from the practical standpoint, as an glass of milk. 95 per cent of the faf when it comes to reviewing the tri-o- f The individual who does not and over cheese were digested and ab- - umphs of lace from the esthetic care for milk as a beverage can The various kinds of side of the question we think the sorbed. easily obtain the necessary cal- cheese tested were found to com- - lovely evening ensemble to the right cium from cheese. But it is pracfavorably in digestibility in the illustration tells the story tically impossible to get adequate pare more than any eloquently amounts of this mineral without with the food of an average mixed It was also demonstrated ex- - ture could do. This exquisite ere- either milk or cheese. that there was In rennet cheese, phosphorus, perimentally as well as calcium, is present in practically no difference betweento the same proportions as in milk, cheeseof and meat with respect digestion, at least in such but is much more highly concen- ease as are commonly quantities trated. As in milk, these min- eaten. erals are in a form that is most There was also a notion that nearly perfect for easy assimi- because it is so high in food value, lation. Rennet-cur- d cheese is alcheese should only be eaten in ways high in sulphur and fairly small But scientific high in iron. Furthermore, the tests quantities. that cheese have may proven iron is in the most readily assimibe eaten by normal individuals in lated form. large quantities, as the principal source of protein, with entirely Cheese and Vitamins beneficial effects upon health. Cheese is a splendid source of vitamin A, which promotes growth Place of Cheese in the Diet and increases resistance to disThere is a case on record of a ease. It is especially important young man who lived for two for eye health and is necessary years on a daily diet consisting of to prevent the affliction known as pound of cheese, a night blindness. The amount of loaf of whole wheat bread vitamin A varies with the type of and two pounds of fruit. While cheese, but both American Ched- this limited diet prove modar and Parmesan cheese are ex- notonous to some might people, it is postremely rich in this substance, sible to utilize cheese as the easiand cream cheese is an outstand- est method of providing important ing source. Vitamins B and G food value, varying the diet, and simplifying meal preparation. For there are more than 200 distincDo You Want to Leam tive varieties of cheese listed by the department of agriculture, ranging from the smooth, delicately flavored cream cheese, which may be given to very young children, to the sharp tangy cheese which is especially popular with men. Fortunately, almost every Decidedly on the square is the Get This Free Bulletin type can be purchased in pack- - formula that newer bags follow, and Offered by C, Houston Goudiss are aged form, in sizes that are con-- as to size many of them for large and small fami- - mous. Pictured is a bienen-davi- s this of newspaper READERS to write lies, making it possible to enjoy bag on the tab of which are mono-- a to C. craft miniature initials. Wide, fiat wide variety. Houston Goudiss, 6 East 39th Cheese can be used as a main handles and zipper top opening are Street, New York City, for a dish; in salads or sandwiches; as; added features to this bag, which free copy of his bulletin, "Helpa sauce' for- vegetables; as a des- - comes in tones of black, navy, rust. ful Hints on Planning a Laxaserf. It is desirable at the same tan and black patent leather. tive Diet. time to serve bulky foods, such as The bulletin gives concrete fruits and vegetables. Cheese may Suit of Hopsacking suggestions for combatting also be combined advantageously faulty elimination through corA suit of yellow hopsacking is a with carbohydrate foods. This is rect eating and proper habits of costume for. a summer because the balanced diet requires flattering hygiene. It gives a list of laxaIts Jacket may be fitted and day. tive foods and contains a lull more carbohydrates than protein. belted or swing straight and free. week's sample menus. A postAnd cheese ls essentially Add a card is su&cient to carry your vestee request. meats and fish. Prmted lawn 6 WNU-- C. Houaton aoudl-l3- S-a Cheese lf lf 4 stud-jg0wn- bet-ie- word-pic-die- t. one-ha- Haui lf one-poun-d ta Plan a Laiiatiue Diet? enor-venie- White Coating on Chocolate. The white coating which sometimes appears on cakes of chocolate is caused by keeping the cakes in an overwarm place, where some of the fat melts and cially the snug basque top, square neckline and tie belt. In a gay print, with ricrac to match, this atlon is of bottle green Chantilly will be one of your most flattering lace, so delicately meshed it is like cottons. filmiest cobweb structure. A water If You Wear Women's Sizes. green foundation with bands of Then you'll want the slenderizcrepe in rainbow colorings at the ing dress, built on classic shirthem end bodice top of this slip rewaist lines, with a plain, slimflect the spirit of Joyous summer. hipped skirt. Fullness beneath The evening veil which has become smooth shoulder pieces gives it a favorite headdress for formal occorrect fit over the bust. Notice casion is of bottle green net with there is a slight blouse at the appliqued motifs of the lace. waistline, for freedom of action. A lace dinner and evening dress, That narrow roll collar, finishing such as is centered in the group, is the is becoming to full womin almost indispensable any faces. This, too, will be pretty in ans wardrobe. The short rounded any tubfast cotton that you like, bolero of matching lace, the full trimmed with ricrac. short sleeves as well as the easy fullness of the skirt are all features that make this dress distinctive and correct for both dinner and dancing. It comes in delectable colors in a new pattern of angel skin lace. You will be wanting an afternoon dress of lace. A very apt model ls shown to the left Pale blue Chantilly lace fashions It Its styling gives a particularly interesting interpretation of the draped bodice treatment that terminates in a wide molded corselet-girdlline. The hat is a Toya straw. Lace costume suits, especially in jacket types, in navy, dusty pink, or various blues are outselling other sheer media this season. The jacket may go to extremes, varying from bolero to full length coat, but a jacket there must be with every dress for practical daytime wear. In many instances the lace jacket suit is enhanced with ribbon-bounedges. Frog fastenings made of tubular ribbon cording add a touch of distinction. e d C Western Newspaper Union. FASHION DECLARES FOR WHITE SUMMER By CIIERIE NICHOLAS We grant that white is always a summer favorite, but this summer fashion Is playing it up in a highly dramatic manner. Costumes are described In the fashion story as "white as snow or of icy whiteness or white as fleecy summer clouds and so on. You appreciate the stupendous accent on white in fashionable gatherings where white as a swan capes and jackets; and boleros of marabou, fur or ostrich are the favored wraps, and where evening gowns float about in billowy masses of white net or chiffon or that which is late style the slim e draped dress of rayon jersey draped sculpture-like- . Then there are the new white taffeta frocks, "beauties, that they are. For day there are numberless suits of sharkskin and other fascinating wash whites, while the afternoon dresses of white rayon jersey compete in endless The comes to the surface. a Removing Finger Marks. To remove finger marks from polished furniture, use a piece of chamois wrung out in cold water and polish with dry chamois. a To Keep Casters in Place. When casters on furniture keep dropping out, pour a little paraffin into the hole, insert the cast- er and let the wax harden. a a Economy Note. Childrens outgrown stockings that have holes at the knee can be made over into socks for a smaller child, Patterns. a a a sizes 12, 14, To make Dusters. Dustless requires 44 material; 9 yards dustless dusters, saturate cheeseyards of of ricrac to trim; l2, it yards ribbon cloth with kerosene oil; let the oil evaporate and when the cloth for tie belt. 1529 is designed for sizes 34, 36, is dry you will have a good duster. 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46. Size 36 remateriquires 44 yards of al; 2 4 yards of ricrac to trim. Success in Sewing. Success in sewing, like success in any other field, depends upon how you approach the task in ASK hand. To help you turn out clothes YOUR dein every professional looking GROCER tail, we have a book which plainly sets forth the simple rules of home Care of Little dressmaking. The beginner will It is no small commendation to find every step in making a dress well. He is a good clearly outlined and illustrated manage a littlecan turn in a little wagoner that within its covers. For the experienced sewer there are many help- room. Bishop J. Hall. ful hints and suggestions for sewing short cuts. Send 15 cents (in coins) today for your copy of SUCCESS IN SEWING, a book every home dressmaker will find of Do you feel so nervous you want to scream T value. Are you cross and irritable? Do you scold Send your order to The Sewing those dearest to you? if your nerves are on edge and you feel Circle Pattern Dept., 149 New you need a good general system tonic, try E. Pinkhama Vegetable Compound, San Lydia Francisco, Montgomery Ave., made ttpeeialiy for women. Calif. Patterns 15 cents (in coins) For over 60 years one woman has told another bow to go smiling thru with reliable each. 1567 is designed for 16, 18 and 20. Size 14 35-in- h NERVOUS? Bell Syndicate. Pinkbam'a Compound. It helps nature build up more physical resistance and thus heipe calm quivering nerves and lessen discomforts from annoying symptoms which often accompany female functional disorders. Why not give it a chance to help YOU? Over one million women have written in reporting wonderful benefits from Pinkham's Compound. WNU Service. Oriental Citizens naturalization of Chinese and other Orientals is not permitted in the- United States, but those born in this country are citizens on the same terms as any other natives of the United States. The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution provides that all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. The KILL ALL FLIES Placed anywhere. Daisy Fly Killer attracts and kills flics. Guaranteed, effective. Neat, Cannot spill convenient Win not soil or injure anything. Lasts all season. 20o at all dealers. Harold Somers, Inc., 160 De Kalb Av.Jb'klyn,N.Y. DAISYFLYKILLER pencil-- snow-whit- SOCIAL and BUSINESS ACTIVITIES CENTER at the 4jotaL man-tailore- d NEW HOUSE parade. White lingerie has come in and is the wanted kind at present And as for accessory whites, footwear, gloves, bags and details too numerous to mention make their bow on the fashion stage in pure white. f . - 4: 5V ' ? In SALT LAKE CITY i- - 400 1 Top a Print Frock With Silk Coat of Monotone women find appeal costumes that top the print frock with a silk coat in monotone that repeats the leading color of the print For instance wear with a brown beige and rose print dress, either a jacket or coat of brown silk crepe. silk print dress Or a adds a bolero of red silk and there are red ribbon bow trims on the frock. d In the new summer CAFETERIA BATHS ROOMS-4- 00 Rates: $2.00 DINING ROOM to $4.00 Single BUFFET All Located off Main Lobby DINING DANCING Entertainment EVERY FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT full-leng- 4f0td RHEW MOUSE Mr,. J. H. WATERS, Pr.iid.nt CHAUNCEY W. WEST, Manaer 9 |