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Show Supplement to Cache American WE SELL We Sell Better BK ELECTRIC IRONS DISINFECTANT First Published March House Organ of Evcrton & Sons Co. Logan, Utah 1914 1934 OUR LOOSE SEED COSTS LESS PAINTS ARE ONLY HIGHEST CHEAPER IN THE LONG RUN QUALITY SEED O Every year many of our SOLD HERE return to us after they iLOWE BROTHERS Best Buys In Dairy Supplies j KING IS KING of When Dairy you Hunk thave used Lowe Brothers High We do rot s second grade Supplies, you should think of Standard Paint, and tliey report or third grade garden Evcrton & Sons. We sell these We hove sold seed or thousands many 'tliat this good paint covers more flower seed. The seed which we goods at the right price, and we of packages of King Kalsominc liuvc surface than any paint they also have the right quality ever used. Men wtio have paint-- ' have In stock Is all cf the best iars we1 For more than fifteen Whether It Is dairy pails and have been distributers for own homes over and quality. It las been teste d and their a .rd this, and over again, and have always used proven to be fertile. -strainers, or milk bottles It Is free became I and kalsonune, good to milk caps, we are prepared husbands their and We also carry Wy- housewives serve you. ou sa.i-siato Paint four gallons is sufficient uarant.fd are andotte Cleaner for cleaning King Kahomme. better than better prepared to I if they have been using a clieap non. Wc rt erything around a dairy. We sell any other brand, our sales have care of our seed customers -at the same PriU'mot;mcii into hundrets of t - n "'ir t grade of paint they can often lake Wyandotte with three gallons oi this year than we have been In get that Is charged by the wholesale We have along Because of the -years. nothing in our More it former Lowe Brothers save Paint where lht, distributors, and you is more pleasant to sell than f t five gallons of the cheap grat rush of people who come be-to required freight by buying from us. We Uiat Kalsomine. to buy thtir seed because we ' 1 y The fV grade also carry B. K. Powder, the nws; spreading our store paint. hat when a person bi.vs tin. of a paint must be con cause they are sure of getting The efficient dairy disinfectant. quality less Caboinme they will be pleased sldered when you are deciding belter and more s ed for 'y dairy supply business is real busi,ere will be no complaint imm-- 1 which Is cheaper to buy, and money, it has sometimes been ness with us and we are anxious , y after the sale nor at un i S while Lowe Brothers Paint costs necessary for some to wail forbe- a to supply your needs. . .line in the future. The materia; v than onsidcrable length of time gallon lightly more per (j OtTe; frcni which King Kalsomine ; brands it does not cost fore they could be served. Tills pother ini' i made Is ground liner than is tli more to paint the house with year we are pieparing a corn, table. in most other kalsomine. Peas, beans, inatei Lowe Brothers Paint than it costs and as a consequence it spread i o paint It with cheaper paints. carrots, radishes, and other poinwill be and covers belter farther and put i.p in Those of our readers who have pular seeds stead of using cement as some used Lowe Brothers Paint, know popular sized bags labeled with do King We have Just added to our lent other kalsonnnes is smoother the brand and the price, so that T .hat the surface department, a new stack of long bound together with high grade r,AV5 after they have the Job you will be able to serve yourself IV63.Q grocery bristled kalsomine brushes. These glue. This makes it much morci with Lowe Brothers Paint than it just as In a We of coures, will still brushes make it cheap to apply easily applied than other kaBo- is with of store. most oilier brands if kalsomine, and if you use King'nnnes. II you have never tried paints. This smooth surface re- retain our sales people, and Kalscmine with these fine longlKing Kalsomine, this is the year sists the action of tlie weather, you wish to buy an unusual bristled brushes, your job is soon you should try it. If you have beenj There is something worthwhile and Lowe Brothers Paint lasts quantity, or an odd variety which done. When you do your house a user of King Kalsomine in lhe'in rvcrv jv,ll0 0f Brass Tacks longer than other paints. And I is seldom called for, we will the seed out for you. We cleaning this year, rent one of ? lhf There are prices quoted which ithinkIs I hearto some one say thatis weigh these brushes to do the kalsom-ininhope this arrangement wtil enfor that easier apply, i? There tave iwl11 'ou nlo'ey. You'll be surprised what somine you can buy. one of the reports that we get able us to take care of our trade !n, w s items of hardware concerning Lowe a more satisfactory a difference a real good kalsomine manner, Brothers High in ve Lope that more people brush makes. Standard Paint. We have staked,311 to the reputation of our store on theUian ever before will come ,,,,,, a j ike or two that will helpquality of Lowe Brothers Paint Evertons for their seed this year. TltlOlCltr di.ve away your cares. Brass and it has always made good. Wei It,recommend Lowe Brothers Faint Tacks is not a big paper. Fay'll 5 The cost of the materials from takes only a short time to readifor you the next time that you have painting to do. We have been which paint is made continues it through. with the friendly recep Oil is higher, turAbsorene Wall Cleaner is the to advance. this one cleaner that disinfects as it pentine costs more, white lead ha tion that has been given Who knows whpre they You'll like Absorene be- advanced, and colors in oil have paper Ut the past, and we hope cleans. get new a a paint the bristles to make cause it works so easily and cleans also advanced. Therefore, we ex- now that it is making the will still retain so well. brush? There are two principal The cans are slightly pect the price of paint to ad- tail that it We friendships that it has made in sources, the interior of China and larger than some other brands of vance in the near future. be will There always There Is floor wax and then the interior of These Russia. wall cleaners, and therefore while are still selling at last year's the past. of the cost is very slightly higher price. We advise you to maki an orpoitunihy for you to save some more floor wax, and there bristles come from the ba-will our and a l.ttlc story are those who claim that this wax'hogs which are raised especially money, than these other brands, it costs an early purchase of paint foi in nicest be the Uwavs told cU: very r. or that wax is better than the for their bristles. "Since the no more to do the job. and itjthis spring's clean up, as we We sell Golden Star Ploorisians have become industrialized does the job better than the not know just how soon we may ,vav that we knew howr to tell it. Wax, made by the same cohipany and have all joined the union, cheaper kinds of wall cleaner. Get be compelled to advance the price that makes Golden Star Polish the peasants refused to raise hogs Absorene this time when you of our paint. and Golden Star Mops. We hav for their bristles, and that supply clean your walls, and you will used this wax by the side of other has almost cea.wd. know that they are really clean Chinp.se bus4.7 as It CS for absorene disinfects high priced floor waxes, a part of tles also are scarce, and therethe room being done wit Golden fore the price has gone up and cleans. If you should spill water on a Star Wax and a part of it being we may expect farther advances done with other advertised brands. soon, we are told. Of course it jrhair and allow it to remain' And as a result of all our tests is useless to tell you to buy your It is about ten years now sinceUcre until it has turned the we are glad to tell you that there paint brushes now before the we conceived the idea of renting Ivarnish white, which polish would is no better wax we are tellbut in advance than Golden price, who be best to restore the chair to its Star Wax. We are so sure to people goods profitably that it ing you just the same, so that the to restore and color original were not in a position to buy is Gcod that we offer you a can you will not be disappointed when iron This rent department has been a varnish to its original luster? Our of this wax, and if you Why does an electric are not we tell you that the price has Polish. is. Golden answer Star in smooth the surface of the ma- very satisfactory department later in the a satisfied with it after you have gone up a little We If your piano has stood in terial over which it is passed1 our store .since that time. (Continued on Page Four) iseason. Is it because of the weight of collect many hundred dollars in room that is slightly sweathy, and the the iron, or is it because of the rent each year, and we have a the smoke and dust from heat in the iron? In the oldllarge variety of goods which we stove have accumulated so that vour piano needs cleaning as days they knew that it was heat rent out. The principal items in that was necessary, but in order nur rent department are guns, well as to polishing, which wepolish do this? Again say. to get an iron that would hold kalsomine -. brushes, typewriters, is best e8iti.Lo Use it acPolish. - v heat, they had to make it heavy sanding machines, vacuum clean- Golden Star to and the directions, and when the electric iron came ers, adding machines, a reseating cording be will much ycu very surprised into use, the weight was contin tool for repairing leaky taps, all (Continued on Page Four) ued about the same as in the old kinds of dishes, knives, forks, fashioned iron. This weight was spoons, and quite often items of Some one said, "there not necessary for the electric iron furniture. to hold the heat, as there is a is money in doing the things peoconstant supply of heat in an ple want you to do. People want electric iron. After a few mil- to rent goods, and we are supplyare lion women had been ironing with ing that demand, and we very pleased with the results. (Continued on Page Pour) It is not necessary to plant vour tomato seed, and other tender plants in the house in order BETTER TIMES AHEAD to protect them from frost. Thpse tender plants may be planted at (EDITORIAL) the same time that von plant Brass Tacks makes its bow again to the public after having sus- radishes or lettuce, but nlace Hot THUMBS DOWN ON FALSE ADVERTISING pended it circulation for more than eighteen months. It is slightly Caps over them. grow They changed in form but is still Brass Tacks. In years past, advertising faster under Hot Caps and thev (EDITORIAL) men from all over the country, from New York to Portland have are protected from the frost We are heartily in accord with the movement on foot commented on Brass Tacks as the snappiest house organ with which Also, you do not have to move throughout to the nation honest a compel advertising. We believe that a merchant's snappy House Organ. It will them so that their growth is no' they were acquainted. It will still be should what he will to sell. is has say exactly a cotton If it keep you set, back bv their being disturbed advertising still review the news of the hardware business, and suit it should not be called wool., and rayon hose should not be posted on the latest devices for doing your work around the home, and usually they are ahead of called silk. Neither should be fish oil as of sold Japanese Brav discontinued the We publication genuine linand around the garden. the plants which have been raisTacks because we were hit pretty hard by the depression, and the ed in a hot house. In our gar- seed oil. Dealers who compound water and dirt with a few other future looked quite uncertain. Things are different now. We feel den we have tried for several ingredients to make a cheap paint should be compelled to put the sure that we have started cn the upgrade, and we feel that we years, planting both the hot house label on their cans so that everyone may know what their paint must again put out this little paper that it may bring to us our and the Hot Gap plants. In ev- contains. The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, and all classes of tradesmen should be included in the rule that honfull share of the new business that will be found in Cache Valley ery casp, the Hot Can plants have other issue of Brass Tack., each gjven us tomatoes before the hot est advertising should prevail. If there is a misstatement in Brass this year. Our contract calls for one Look Tacks as to any piece of merchandise, we do not knew it, and we for this paper. We are bouse month during the next twelve months. plants did. We sell Hot are anxious to have it corrected. worthwhile. (Caps. going to try and make every issue 11 l rr- - suss L, f & j k , Rent a Kalsomine e Brush '' g. f It J T lO finl.-he- self-servi- TaLis r,.;U'VV'rrt' Paint Soon To Clean With Absorene pVOSt I- Guaranteed Floor Wax Point Raise In Price ks Rus-othe- Which Polish Our Rent Electric Irons Too Heavy Department 1I li Plant Seed Under Hotcaps , |