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Show AMERICAN Third War Xo, BUSINESS 11 A Home Paper for Home People I.OGAX, UTAH, TUKSIUY. DKCEMliKU 5. l.V Telephone 700 m Art Faculty School Good Work Kiht Iaffcs Cache Stake SIXTY FIVE High Does An Attraction PROFESSIONAL tfdDA Fan Franci&ro 92 km wiling at 22 j con's tndsy. (,2 West Center BASKEI B A L L COWBOY ROPER Logan Junior Member Has Butter Market Conference Held Sunday Qp JJQy Prolessor Harry Reynolds of the Tlie icrv t.rtx vful fruit drive Retd Rnaxit, member of me colit 'je Ulah V,a:e Agricultural 'quorum ut twelve apostles of liv j by Uie Girls' and Ut, V sponsored ait department announces a specwl L. D. S. Cliurv h and C. Clarence orgamraiiunii of tlie Logan Junattraction on December 19. when xre Neslrn, of Salt Lake City ior high aeliool, in cotmecuon w in the Olvera Puppeteers. lornuTly Uie local Junior Rf-tlw principal speakers at tlie Cache closed Cross, . Kill be prethe Vale Puppetix-rsstake quarterly conference In tlw ' Wednesday. November 29. Tneie sented at the college In a marionwere 213 bottles ot truit tunud n Logan tabernacle on Sunday. Ha String Marvin Dunbar had Great to be distributed Interesting Talk Given at ette production. Countie Have, otiar speakna included Eick-t- Council Has Many Pro Uie Seventeen by Oivt-rPuppeteers, probaoiy Red Cross chapter of Logan. We Kenneth Njman and Fianklin D. Conference Here Eve theThe best known blemt to Be Handled Representative cf all Pacinc Experience While Rid- are very happy with the success . . Richards, returned nn&f.lonane; are Had Remarkable Sales Coast marionette companies, to Receive of our in Show the w. are to e. and wish cur than; ing am, u. project Big Keceivmg Agricul- presidents J. on an eleven weeks tour the pa trims of our school for tlvtr M. Everton: Walter and Toasts Given now Lindquist Ability Xmai Talk. Madison tural at states. Square. through tlie western They Training Prod T-- Ballam and George 3 cooperation, , will play at the B. Y. U. as well will open the hoep. Utah , UtilCial. Lamb of Hyde Park; Luther M. Our next project is tlie "uw d by The Northern District of Bus- as the U. 8. A. C. In Utah. They season Aggies The annual meeting of tlie Cacti here tonight, when thy' drive. TU-swill be Winsor, A. F. Wlnimer, Geon-that toy" toys iness and Professional Women s own their own theater In California play Boy Scout council will ba chtssed a Valley AJI Sta e. Sherm roper prolessmnal Clarks 12 e Slvty-fivof farmers Richard Winston Peterson. Hill. Clubs ckiM-held January 18. the executive the Third Annual and have appeared In two movie Ccach Dick Romney has been so and rider, returned home Monday brought in by tlie students o ou 'counties of leading In attn-Uta hwere T. Henderson, Benson, committee decided Sunday. Wesley school will be reconditioned by Conference on Sunday evening af- productions. At the present lime lengthy stay in the east Uie -, Merrill bury with his football practices ,rom Anderson and Han bcUiiig and shop departmen1. dance at the opening session Moilter series ot three nieetnifs they In Bust-arc The place Is to be decided later. tliat he has been unable to deter- - wlHre he went primarilyi to co appearing of first annual the keLvn. day morning held during the afternoon they will be d: and Keaton's latest play. R. J. Becraft is general chairman mine the worth of the new mater- - bronco riding and roping at Mali- - tnbiited repaired ten agricultural to the less fortunate day training pres. J. E. Cardon was In charge of arraugments with N. D. Salisren Square Garden In New Yoik. evening. Miss J.ern Bauersfeld cl Two performances will be givcrlial. course, conducted by the extension 0f the conference sessions. Uotli families of Logan bv the Re. Topeka. Kansas, and nallonal field In Logan. A matinee presentation bury in charge of attendance and However, Captain Conley Wat's Dunbar had the nusiortune Agrl-,(- e State of the Utah service of tlie different Kards, was the honoreQ will Include Santa Claus Work-- 1 has been In morning and a iter noon sessions Invitation representative ,ake a number of spills" while he Societies and the following In of charge nlgluly cultural college l a c bchc'.c acre largely attended, Allr'd charge of tickets In the worthy cause guest and speaker. A general eon shop. Tinker toys, trained seals workouts the last three weeks and'as riding in the big show", Tins districts: 1 wl-WilltAin Peterson Director so will make cilauser and his Tenth Kard clioir Dr. A. R. Cutler, Preston. Frankference held at the nunvj at and other features. The evening Rcmney will use hLs However, he got Into the money because It lettermen it dt and the coined brlelly and gales on Chris Uie musical numbera. boys girls happy glipplled three oclock was well attended production will "Tli lin and OneiJa; Casper W. Mer.at several of the periormunct-s- . present the Salt Lake team. outlined the program .lor the ias At this time Miss Bauersfeld talk- Gaieties of 1933, which Includes a against cl0eing 8unday ewn. rill. Richmond. Benson; C. E. Mca preliminary game all r. wv After completing his eneage-speclin ed on the aims and Ideals of the number sung by a puppu men will get a chance to shcwmcnt at Madison Square, Mr. lug was under Uie auspices ot Clellan, Logan. Cache; H. P. AnNational Federation and explained Uke M 1 Marie Dressier. baid dersen, Hyrum. j their wares farin' when they will be di-- ; bar went to Boston and performed organization. crops.poulUyand1'3 forage the symbols of Uve emblem as James Skidmore, president 0i there for several days. Returning vided Into two squads. Three new members were Introfarm-- ; ca'-Among fie urged machinery, they apply to present day progress those who have been showing pood home he stopped off In Tulsa, o - Boys organization. duced at the meeting. Dr. Cutkr er to make a carrlul study of tne , "Leadership among business ar.d form In early workouts are Ken: lnhoma, where he also rode wild and Carl Cutler, Preston, and C. L. .agricultural college and take ad- -j professional women Is paramount Ryan and Willord Kowallis o' horses and did calf roping at a Hall, Hyrum. vantage of the opportunities hlch! today", asserted Miss Bauersfeld. 0 Harold rodeo. Hansen and big Logan high, lord d by lhe short course Troop and council probabilities and the federation has taken as Russell Peterson of Jordan. Kav for winning the Roosevelt award Marvin Dunbar, son of Geoir.e designed especially lor leaders. rl lts responsibility the training o' Howc11 of Toccle' Paul Elant0n o! Dunbar 1 of this city, will be were taken up by Scout Executive President E. G. Peterson oilicwas the Weiuvill- ethe ind.wdual member in eiv.e and A1 Preston W. Pond. It was decided member T by those who attended tally passed over the kys of tl.e i of the Primary .ward con- - flicks thinking for group action." Two from star Grace, the Cache county fair this fall ax VY to give J. W. Kirkbride, president 1 IT Cl institution to the leaders, then ference held in connection wn.i Idaho. college piano selections were given who carried oil many o; the launched direcUy into a discus- j Dr, J. A. McCausland, Cacne of the council, a "Christmas preFrances Wtnton Champ at sacrament meeting Sunday in the Lettermen who will see action the njan sent of 2323 scout In the counhonors as- - a rider and roper of avrl- - county's oldest alter this meeting and Miss Marlon Hate Wellsville ward tabernacle C. Harris Larson, 26, sion of the importance Mrs. practicing dentist. Mary Include the Cap- at that performance. against the In cullural present rcaried his 86th birthday anm- - cil. Already 2056 are registered. leadership a ten exercises and the wife of Ola Larson, the retired opening accompanied by Miss Ruth Johntain Cleo Watts, Conley Petty. Mr. Kirkbride will choose a speversary on Monday, December 4 son, sang the national federaCon minute talk by high councilman A. Frank McNeil. Joe Lambert, Ha -florist died Saturday evening lol scheme of things. "Tlie re never was a more opporcial committee to work with IV song, The Golden Key," written T. Clawson of Hyrum. The fol- old Hansen, Duffin Pugh, Verlis lowing a long illness. Funeral ser- tune lime lor leaders to consider and his daughter. Miss Addle commissioners and gave a birthday paity vanguard vices are being conducted lowing program was given with Wood, Elton Vvllcox and De-by Carrie Jacobs Bond. today ot tlie nation and in honor of the event. both camping committee In developing From four to five o'clock presi- President Anna Parkinson In charge Henderson. It Is very Music, In the Sixth ward chapel with great problem that 111 likely world, than today, said Presithe proposed marking of the sie dents and officers, representing the Singing "Earth's Fairest Flowers some first Bishop Olof 1. Pedersen olficiating. dent Peterson. "The old days of vocal and Instrumental, was ren- of will also an old fur cache near Hyrum. dered during the evening. Cut three clubs assembled, met In the by Primary children. Talks were see action Inyearthe players Burial will be in the Logan city individualism have Wc game. passed. John H. Wilson, Logan, and hi flowers, which were gifts from library auditorium for a round given by Elaine Archibald. Fred cemetery. cut the Coach will Romney must sit down together and help friends, were used in decorations table discussion. Miss Nlal Nels n Garrett Fay Wyatt, Velma Larsen camping committee were authorized Mrs. Larson was born in Aus- solve our the latter part of the week. problems. The respon- along with house ferns A. delic- to outline projects to come under of Brigham City was in charge o and Alice Miller with faith as the squad 1857. She November 28, wears tralia, Is Ruth nineteen Chatterton greatsibility of the Individual ious birthday cake centered Uie the C.WA. program and make apthis meeting. subject. Song "Jesus Friend ot different gowns In the First Na- (iime to Logan in 1900 and 17 er than In tlie past, but his table. Tlie highlight of the conference Little Children, by beginners and plication for funds. LarMr. married she work-nwhich years ago tional come wll picture, "Female, through was the Sunday night supper held first group. A story dramatization Guests included: Prof, and Mis, Besides son. the her on husband, to not the Theatre conies Capitol thinking and planning, H. R. Kepner, Dr. and Mrs. A. J. at 6:30 at the Bluebird with 80 of The Healing of Naaman, tlie children survive: George V. alone but with the group. Thursday. These include smart women in attendance. At this meet leper, by Home Builders group, Brooking, Dlllion Williams, WilSanta Roy Barbara, Calif.; Harris, the and cf frocks, then spoke The president sport suits, liam Allen, Salt Lake and James ing Miss Bauersfeld stated thut song, "I Thank Thee Dear Fatiwr Olive swankiest counHarris, Hams, and Magna; negof gowns this evening the glutted markets C. McCausland of Provo. "as we look back in history we by children. "The Significance of a even and Logan. and while ligees, poverty nifty bathing try and Europe by Ivsn find that out of the chaos of their the Articles of 1,'aith starvation threatened parts of the time women have dared to ven Spence, Lewis Smith and Clayton Construction work has been suit. concluded He Orient. The customs were designed by by predicting ture Into the fields of opportunity Allan; song "The Light Divine," started on a new garage and that in the future the world leadhitherto unheard of. Women have by children; the concert recitation equipment shed for the state high- Milo Anderson, one of the young- -, he would solve ers problems cf Smithfield Joseph Elijah Larkin been In business and the profes- of the Articles of Faith by the way commission. The new garage est studio designers, who has woni distribution and supply the wants 38, died Sunday sions ever since the creation of congregation was led by Theron is locatet a mile north of Logan acclaim for his creations for such morning at a . the with of the Mas"The unfortunate as films to the on U. S. highway 91. "Cynara, the world. Miss Bauersfeld traced LeLshman.; singing "True Logan hospital, following a two Provldenoe Eliza Mrs. Janes fields. the of abundance a I'm and Hallelujah, the history of the business woman, Faith, by children and congregaAccording to W. J. Funk, road querade left Friday for Ogden where she weeks illness induced by internal During the training course the will He was an active beginnings with Eve, who showed tion Benediction, Kathleen Theurer supervisor, the shed will replace Bum. visit at the home of her hemorrhage. be furnished farmers will housing Brad Mrs. Miss Chatterton, In her role of remarkable sales ability in the Gar- stake board members the present garage at the mouth Funeral services will be held lr. accommodations on the campus daughter Mrs. Paul Woodburn and worker In the L.. D. S. church bemade remarks. of Logan canyon. This shed will a wealthy girl who has gone In the den of Eden, to the present dav ley and Miss Allred ing a member of the Seventies ward chapel Thursday and varied and Interesting enter- family. The Wellsville Second ward Pri not be abandoned however, out for business In a big way, is a at 1 Eighth with Francis Perkins, Secretary o'clock for Mrs. Eva Camp- tainment has been The First ward will hold their quorum and having served a mislor conprovided ward of Labor a member of the Na- mary held their annual will be used for storing of obsolete person of many moods, being ex- bell Wise, 52, widow of Joseph H. on Wednesday and sion In California beginning In Speilfest the class periods, Directional Federation of Business and ference on Sunday evening. Pres- and wornout machines. tremely flirtatiously inclined and Wise. Mrs. Wise died Sunday af- following town hall. A 1930. in the Thursday said. Peterson tor busiFlorence Mr. Larkin was born In Sno.c-vill- e, ident Professional Womens clubs. Branchley presided. The new building on a half having many lovers after ternoon at the home of her moAmong the delegates registered good rousing time is expected. The theme of Miss Bauersfeid's Prayers were by Bishop E. H. acre lot, will be 36 by 65 feet, ot ness hours. Utah, 13, 1895, a Mrs. Sarah Campbell. ther, and the counties they represent: They encourage the patronage of son of JosephFebruary and Mildred J. and Agnes Robaddress was taken from the book Bankhead Mye.s. sheeting metal, and will have five The costumes were designed view the body at Russell Centry; Box Elder; W. R. the public. Friends may u whethe-thoStuart Barbara Second bins Larkin. assistant of Esther; "Who knoweth On October 27, 1921 stalls for storing equipment. with an eye to catching these var- the until Hawkins, Wayne D. Holmgren, R. Richards arrived he married Anna Muller. ha Mortuary Zollinger pont art not come Into the king- directed the drama part of tr.e ious moods, said Mr. Anderson. be will when it Orville Lee home after spending several weeks He Is survived, C. Richards; Cache: morning dom for Just such a time as this: program Faith In His Gifts." A by his widow, his "The artistic designer not only Thursday taken to the Campbell home 296 Ernest Leishman, Marvin Thaync, at hi ranch in Mackay, Idaho. father and stepmother, Mrs. Mae "The National Federation was or- story dramatization of The Healto his sub- North 8th East where It can be to fit tries the gowns Mrs. Annie Schenk was hostess reEugene Zollinger, N. S. Johnson, Larkin of Snowvllle, two ganized In 1919, after the World ing of Naaman the Leper; ject physically, but to the temper- viewed between 10 and II a. m. Irvin Coleman, D. N. Reid, N. at a quilting on Monday alter Fuller Melvin Arthur and Albert sons, War, when womens ability was marks were made by Sister Phybs ament. It Is only in this way that on the day of the services. Mrs. W. Ballard Jr.; Davis: Frank Ben- noon. Those present were Mrs. Lawrence; three daughters Edith recognized and was necessary In Leishman of the Primary General it is possible to bring out the per- Wise was born in Park Valley, PetNellie Merrill, Mrs. Annie Atkins, nett, George E. Dibble; Iron: Hazel Mariee and Roberta the growth of the business world," Board of Salt Lake and Sister sons real beauty and personality and er H. Gurr, William H. Wood: Mrs. Martha Bryson, Mrs. Clara Ruth, the daughter of Jonathan Anna all of Logan; seven brothers, asserted Miss Bauersfeld. Through Christensen of the stake primary 18S1. Anderson also McNovember 1, the Sarah designed Campbell, Juab: John W. Fowles, H. E. Astle, Mrs. Eliza Rigby, Mrs. Rose Nephl A. Larkin Snowville; Reed organization, we have been aole board. New York Tlie same Broadway gowns for other feminine players For the past seven months Mrs. Pherson; Morgan: Joseph Reese, Schenk, Mrs. Susan Schless, Mrs. E. Larkin, The Wellsville Ward Primary to establish prestige and influence Juniper, Idaho; Alma WilLois in of home the at Wise been 14 the has M. picture, Including J. Davis: Piute: Lena Egg. A chicken dinner w .s P.; George W.; Amos Bingham, years ago drank a farewell Coe R.; James F. that is elevating standards of wo- officers and teachers entertained that Ware Juliet atter-nooson, Ruth here. her M. mother to Old John Barleycorn Donnelly, Lars C. Peterson, Reed Beebe; served at the close of the men in business, which has led their husbands and the retiring toast and Thomas F. Larkin all of SnowaccorAll Muir. Jean and Chengowns, followOtis was Mrs. Schenk was assisted ville; three sisters Miss Harriet Rich: Glen McKinnon, Besides her mother, the being redecorated tonight to ob- officers and teachers and partners up to adopting the dingly to Anderson, were design- ing brothers and sisters survive: ey; Salt Lake: Emil Feulner, Don- in serving by her daughter Mrs. E. Larkin, Snowville; Mrs. Lavina Miss Bauersfeld further and bishopric at a dancing party hail repeal. jective. accentuate to ed with lines Is same others. long the Elma Johnson. and It Mrs. Helen M. Lowder, San Lean- ald Hogan and in the Broadway, R. Austin and Mrs. Sarah stated that during the next de- on Wednesday evening Miss Coy Fife spent the Thanksdro, California; Mrs. Julia E. Games and dancing yet a totally different Broadway, the slenderness of the form. both of Juniper, Idaho. Federation tabernacle. the National cade Prohibition and the L&ng-treSwan Lake; Josephine years have George Brent has the leading Funeral services will be conductshould fit itself to assume real were enjoyed. A delicious lap lunch Road giving holidays with her parents Good Building as such famous Mrs. masculine obliterated role in Female," while places Tillamock, Oregon; In the ed at 1 p. m. Tuesday leadership on thinking on econo- was served to seventy guests. The Peiersboro Highway, known Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fife. Charlotte Barlow, Simms, Mon- as The Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Garrett Smithfield L. D. S. ward chapel, mic problems and their social im- retiring officers and teachers' and Rector's and Shanleys. Old timers others in the cast include FerdinCow Lane, will eventhe Logan will Mack Swa and Gottschalk, recognize the place, Mrs. hardly l tana; Jonathan C. Campbell, Johnny and children of Wellsville spent with interment In the Snowville plications, with a view to establish- partners present were but perhaps they will be so busy Brown, Phillip Reed, Gavin Gor- Valley; Mrs. Isabella C. Goff and tually be a good road, according and Friday with her cemetery. ing through scientific methods of Oscar Hendry, Mr. and Mrs. of Hyrum who is Thursday Jack to Wright Kenwined dined Idaand won't and don, Sterling Holloway Mrs. Ruth C. Walker, Rigby, they The body was taken to the morconditions which assure to women, Maughan, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. being of the force that is parents. in charge is notice. screen Thomson. The neth Falls and E. A. Chugg and Grant Chugg tuary of Larkin & Sons in Ogden. play ho; Clem Campbell, Twin and to men as well, the fullest Poppleton, Mr. and Mrs.- Thos H. on the improvements now working Feverish for Gene and applicants liquor by Markley Kathryn Alma R. Campbell, Logan. possible opportunity and reward Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Hcber D. under way on this road. The grade who are working in Ogden spent Mr. and Mrs. Leroy selling licenses awaited some wore-fro- Scola. It was directed by William for the development of what ever Maughan, part of Thanksgiving with other is being leveled and widened. 'l the control Dieterle. hard pressed members of the family. Leishman, Mr. and Mrs. Cy-Show Fine Picture capacities they may possess. board. The authorities estimate B. Mrs. Wells Whitney and Mts A patriotic scheme, centering Maughan, Mr. and Mrs. John W. limanager will George Thatcher, 3500 have Non.Resident they granted Judge Bonnie Whitney of Brigham City around the U. S. A., formed the Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Parley of the Lyric Theatre, gave censes sounas the time Utah of W. McConkie by Oscar lusj ju(jge motive for the supper. Miniature Smtth. spent the week end at the home patrons an excellent treat over- Sat Lakg is on tlle this afternoon. fn the of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Zollinger. Apgong Mrs. Millie Baxter entertained the flags marked each place, while a s Milthe end week Jack Pearl, famous Baron Mun5000 in ararday have court applications proximately District plr&t acu..g large flag was at the lower end the officers of the Peter Maughan been filed. chausen of the radio, and Jimlions. This was a football picture in stead of Judge M.today, c. Harris. of the hall. The salute to the Camp of the Daughters of Pioneeis CO cavort in Pearls my Durante, days in jail. The and naturally was a big attraction Farren Johnson is the court re By ship and rail, the ferment d $23 and given flag by all those gathered in the at 'her home on Friday evening sentence is first motion picture, Meet the provid-- 1 for Logan picture and football r orter. The kcase is the one m quilting was enjojyed and a chid jiiices and the distilled spirits so jail the fine is suspended hall was a most impressive fan: oi which is playing here alike. The dramatization Baron, Ogden city paid. which Roe Brothers, proprietors oi Miss Alice Pedersen, stale supper served to Mesdames Chios long outlawed were being poured 9 led week. this up R;au-- Department store are ask-t- o police are seeking Thomas when the plot was excellent and Incidentally, while they s, Maughan, Sadie Maughan, Fanny into the city. Trucks were leaded he federation president and a wonderful game of footban. were at it Pearl sold Jimmy the is liberated her. Viggo Koae from Logan city for Lena at warehouses for the race to res Martha Haslam, damages jng toasted the U. S. A. Brown, a thrills lor of of debut on radio. was idea stores that will beMillville Mr and Mrs. Hans L. given 60 days in the county There were plenty retusmg to allow them to go given by Mrs. Maughan, Veda Maughan. Therase taurants and Responses were The new picture shows the lace one eveniiigs entertainment. for petit larceny. Matcomes Mrs. Martin Mr. when word and the jail Nilson, sale with gin when that their ahead Rose Elizabeth the they Bankhed, N. Wyatt, Mabel Fry, representing to Preston on of the man whose voice is fathews motored Pearl "possession, sale or transportation Bessie Jones opened up for business here Ogden club who toasted the R. Bankhead, were dinne, miliar to millions of radio listenno where is Leon Fonnesbcck they months longer illegal. Thursday Mattie ago. Miss was toasted C. Leishman, C. Margaret Darley, by F. C. C. will be Mrs. Mr. and details of Extra is Ray Nilsoi, ers and the film proves him to ba guests for police Florence and George Logan attorney City t.v Bankhead, Brenchley Lenore Romer, representing lTanson a most accomplished actor. Amid Varnick zone the Mrs. moved Mr. into and Roe D. Preston Bros. bright light A. Woodward. N. represents R. club and by Amy Brigham were the hilarity Pearl takes the audl tomorrow oversee to of and the City night, Brigham family just Edith Miss Brenchley, daughter Miss May McCarrey representing comand Mrs. cnce into a broadcasting station Mr. back Police of welcome luncheon party. guests Thos. Mrs. Brencnp-Mr. of Peterand Esther Miss club. the Logan Bringing Body Here and with Ben Bard shows them not Edward Larson on Sunday. son sang "The Flag Without a left Thursday for Venice, Cal to missioner Bolan says he does how he does it. Ray Nielsen, a former reside it Nils P. Olsen spent disorders. serious Mrs. Mr. and any expect Night Mr. with and winter the each silver Four candlebras, spend Stain. of Logan, a son of Cache Valley the week end with relatives in In Meet the Baron Durante clubs will be permitted to remain L. E. McCullum. Mrs. can blue and white red, holding Hans Nielsen, died in Salt Lake Preston. . and The Baron undergo hilarian hour later, but liquor sales who open Mrs. formJohn roses Mr. and red Wyatt, with dies, together this week. Tlie body will be brought The genealogical committee met ous adventures at a girls college, were .observing their fifty first must cease at the regular closing ed the table decorations. and services cn Wednesday of 3 a. m. James Hancock, to11L?Far, Wednesday Mendon Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. cock, daughter evening at the home The Baron and Sazu Pitts make Miss Laveta Wallace, president o' wedding anniversary on Thursday hour 1 ?l3ck Some confusion still existed over Sorenson of Mendon celebrated She was born in Salt Lake m Twll Anderson ler love in a freezing Icebox. He and of Mrs. Elizabeth thf ,he'dat the hostess club and general con- were honored by members of their New Sons Mortuary chapel, the purpose of outlining their win- Durante make a triumphant York state's regulations, but their sixtieth wedding anniversary 1852 and remembers well how they Linguist entry ference chairman, was in charge family at a delightful oyster supln the "an clfy ters work at the close of the meet- aboard an elephant. There are was clear there shall be at their home. Dec. 1, 1933. one buried food and put dry straw iBulla W1 Assisting her in general arrange- per served at their home in ide no thing cemetery-Laksorts all of servwere were at bars. This rule in and Salt home refreshments funnv Mr. doc; leaves Mrs. in Sorenson their and screamingly drinking ing light ments were Alice Pedersen, Mrs. evening. A basket of brown Chryscomplications against which is a ed. married in the old Endowment when Johnson army forced the centered tab,a not apply, however, to 3.2 beer. Mary P. Carter. Pearl Spencer, Eva anthemums of 1 music was to and dancing, for Efforts the In Smithfield pattern beat Dec. them on move Fire Monson in south. to Salt House Lake gun any Jeppa Mystery Woolfe, and Blanche C. Pittman. where covers were laid for twenty. the students in the girls colThe city fire department an-t- a Millville visitor on Friday. The sixth quorum of Elders of way were being resisted. George 1873. They made the trip to They have had ten children Other committees were: Dinner, a New York real estate Salt Lake in a wagon and a fine Mrs. Olof Nelson of Logan, Mrs. lege are a bevy of of them, Mrs. Luzina Blanch-- ! swered a fire call at 11:42 p. m. Annie Peterson, Omega Campbell, the Wellsville ward entertained at Harrison, man. declared two bottles of whisky team of horses. It took two days ard of Logan and Fred J. Soren-- 1 Monday night at the home of Matilda Olson and Mrs. Annie Mayers most beautiful chorines, Eva Woolfe, Violet Nielsen, Clarice a dancing party at the tabernacle when he and now they have made many son of Mendon died several years Emery Mitton, 184 South, 5th West Humphreys were luncheon guests singing and dancing to music by and two of Ball, Almeda P. Brown, Margeiy on Wednesday evening. A gotd arrived on the champagne liner Columbia. They trips to Salt Lake in an automo- ago. and Dorothy The following sons and Mr. Mitton was awakened when of Mrs. Edward Larson on Friday. Jimmy McHugh Liddle and June Ska belund ; hos- crowd attended. The presidency, were Mr. and Mrs. Roland Gallager Fields. promptly confiscated by cus- bile in a little over two hours. I he daughters and their families vis- - he detected smoke in the home, Russel Stuart, Melvin Archibald tess. Marv P- Carter, Edith Walter Lang, of The Warriors men. radio, electric lights and talking ed with their parents to honor The department answered the call and son Verrance of Layton arSara S. Harris, Clari.e and Irvin Leishman were in charge. toms Mrs. John S. Sheppard, a mem- pictures are all enjoyed and mar- them on their wedding anniversa.;.'. and found some rags burning In rived here on Wednesday evening Husband fame, directed with left Mrs. Earl Murray was hostess Liddle and Edna Davidson; pubJ. Parley: A. A.; Chauncey L. the basement. There was no dam-Fra- where they were guests of Mr. and skill a mixture of human Interest club at her ber of the state control board, veled at by them. licity, Blanche C. Pittman, Eva to the on suggestions that E. Sorensen all ot Malad. t.ge and the mystry is, how did Mrs. James P. Olson. Mr. Gallager hilarious comedy Mr. Sorensen was born in DenA commenting and diverting Baxter, Lottie Batkin, Edna Jor- home on Thursday afternoon. to hundreds of places might open mark In 1844. He joined the L. Mrs. A. W. Coley of Salt Lake; the rags catch fire? cast of no returned on Thursday evening but music. An genson. Aldythe Thain, Marguerite dainty luncheon was served mean proportions appears, includMrs .Gallager Is here for an Mesdames Wm. Joy, Eugene Jones, their doors in anticipation of fav- D. S. church and with his family Mrs. W. G. Longstroth, Mrs. Vance Edwards and Claire N. Hulme. ing Ted Healy and his Stooges and stay. Ed Bassett, orable action on their as yet un- came to Utah in 1854. He is the D. Walker and Claud A. Soren ; in Archibald, Miss Melba Bachman of Provo Melvin the amusing Edna May Oliver. of Mendon Ernest Hall. graded license applications, said: only original pioneer of Mendon of the Spencer Maughan. Loan Insurance department. and First igage So far as I am concerned, having come to Cacche Valley in . , , We wish them peace, health .. One reason there wont be a Utah Federation of Business and Wm. M. Walters and the hostess re?ular saloon on every comer is because The first American automobile through their Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wyatt mot- places wthout physical possession 1859. Although in his 90th year and happiness Professional Womens clubs was of licenses should be raided and he Is enjoying fairly good health. remaining years of their journov raes Phones, office 234, res. 822. there is already a filling station sold for export was steam driven also in Logan for the conference ored to Ogden on Saturday where (Advertisement) closed. Mrs. Sorensen was Susan Han- through life. ' on every comer. and was sent to Bombay, India. on Sunday. they spent the day. WOMEN MEET IE TdGHTjH 0 OPEN III JANUARY AGAIN I . ! lx-all- y s Who Preident Present ' i e 1 Mit-Wta- j j j n Blu-bir- j ; i ' ai ' fn,he , I mrs. mary Larson W. Phix T OcrvlLcS o il III OIXtn j i JjjJa y J parjy Given P ouayi For Father All-Sta- rs ; Ruth Chatterton in Female at Capitol Theatre State Road g. Equipment Has New Shed Joseph E. Larkins Died Sunday At Logan Hospital ot-fi- ce Mrs. Eva C. Wise Sunday At Mother Home Died Broadway to Toast Legal Liquor Flow ten-ye- ar Rent-meist- Bit-to- n, e, Mr.-an- Le-la- Meet the Baron Belange of Mirth j d ceie-mon- i MILLVILLE toast-mistres- al VENERABLE CELEBRATE HENDON COUPLE 601 WEBBING BAY j ' of j Metro-Goldw- - Eay-T-rin- k, - j Just-A-Me- re , nt |