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Show rriiK lit 111 OL Junior bw bail b am Logan tin kn-.p sa bRl tivaiiy in the Ha'f flub. t. k wood twill at Price l lou: i.vij Wpt'fl of Salt Utke Uim4 out thefl of 10 to lx..nit by the T!e rotitet 1 oil all llw eUmenU this iai of a titular can r. lmlt.il.iMt bux-bs'- and B'xl tu Iditig le.fr i AlU-both clubs hail pitih.t.g. tout. ted ome ttt the lit t 11111111' ' p ttl tie vm'id Wolfe a hr to wore f eir nut on M'Gulres gii.fO... a t.i. ie by Kiiicht. a bae on L.i!K a' d J.tl.tiny lhifiiat.it tiime rt.it mured otue lit The Salt LaD-ttach of tlw fourth, fifth and ith laH inntnya. but the Logmitb1 Alter wormit rtyl.t at th- tr one In the third, one In Hat four'll in tlie sixth, tlie Cach" and ahiKRen came atthtn an ace of tying tlie wore In the eighth a mailt, a single and an error tent over one run. club mas The following m lecti d by M. J. Scanlon and E. E and Arthur McCarty, umpires Draper and Albert Vecchio, scorers: Catilx-r- j Laub, Logan; Jensen. Ogden. Pitchers Joe Eaquinta. Helper, May. Cox, Wolle's; Jenkins, Logan; Charlton. Hoopri First base Coburn, Logan. Second base llengoechea, Ogden Shortstop Heads, Helper. John Plgnataro, Third base Utility Nyman, Logan. Albert Plgnataro, Outfielders Wolfe's; H. Ptterson, Ogden; O. Petersen, loean; Grecco. Helper. WOLFE'S B. H. O. A 2 2 . .. 6 Call, ss . .. 6 2 4 J. Plgntro, 3b S 3 1 A. Plgntro. cf 0 0 Stahl. If .. 1 0 Wise, rf 0 8 Price, Jb 2 2 McGuire. 2b . t 10 Knight, c . 9 0 Cox, p 1 0 May. p r lu-e- . - N. R. A. -- rrriE. W. ELLIOT & COf rT- ?- N. to al)-!.t- ar UN. Heres Why We Recommend Wolverine Shell Ilorscliidcs! e concrete floor to that number of ikaur- Tin-rmill be no charge for to tlx ska'.lng rink and all who rnish to be a sja-- tutor ai d a.iuh the j,i..i:ers. lime an tmi'j 1 here mill Is? a t.on to do so, nun her of spelt skaters on hur.d to dt inonMiu'c fumy skating to in beginners, '11k tkaies are nd)i.t-abl- e and will fit every foot. Hare and H"!i is no finer to be found any fa re than mu It rolli r skate. It baa ben a hn; H mlule since roller skating ha 'fi o u d on such a large scale as O mill be at Die Sinithficld rink. Mr. MrCiacken has a floor that U about go fei-- t by 150 fret. Everyone mho mhlM-to get a thrill at skating should be on hand at the rink Thursday night, Smithtield August 10. As the opening inch has extensively advertised, !t U ex.s-cteskater mill be there from all parts of the valley. atiotn-n.ixl.if- rern-aiio- VCLVE IuH3 SHELL fZ iow' o O Tlicy Slay SofL...rii(l Ontwcar Or(iin:irv Work Shoes Utah-Idah- t Two-bas- Announced For Thursday Eve Henry McCracken l m rr o H one-sixt- R no Elliots 25c duck's jE. W. ELLIOT N. & CO. R. A. -- C husbandry, mill be shown and discussed at the second annual dairy-dato be held at the college Wednesday, August 16, according to Professor George B. Caine, head of the dairy department. n "Various rations of feeds have been fed to the dairy 16 stock on the experimental farm, including alfalfa hay, barley, beet-pul2 bats, bran, and silage. Physi13 cal condition of the animals fed on the different rations and their records will be studied," Professor Caine said. Tlie Totals breeding program adopted at the 35 college mill also be discussed and TREMON1 ON coma number of daughter-daA.B. R. H. 6 work parisons will be made showing the Conger, 3b Results of experimental 6 2 3 which has been carried on at tlie effect of a proved sire on the pro- Hunsaker, lb-G. Richardson, If 4 Utah State Agricultural college Harris, cf 3 during the past eight years in dairy Ewing Watkins, c Score by innings; Haight, 2b Elks 3 Nelson, ss 000 000 030 301 000 lOx 5 Randall, ss Collegians SMITHFIELD A. Richardson. 2b A.B. R. II. R. Waldron, lb 4 0 0 Wolfley, rf Ewing, rf 5 0 1 Johnson, p Richards, If M. Hansen, 2 b 2 D. Hansen, c 44 13 4 Totals Van Noy, lb 4 000 000 020 Smithfield 4 Olney, ss 100 124 32x Tremonton cf 4 Fulkerson, 3 Chambers, p 1 Pitcher, p home-grow- p, College Announces m 11 11 11 ran nase M ' da) m tuns !t r,nt i.r no but paiiy ain-u.jo- w.i at hi M W, llw 5 Park m of Mr A. J Liow.i' of Torrm.-ion- . wvomir.g who i. .'iin-nua ft w !n vi lame d 5f;s. L, h J T1e aftirtaiui was ! c; a: t nail truif-- efi r ml.tih ri si. ma to bo course lutiiln-oM mI.hi.u T B I arr ll L. Pe-T V. Jarvis, J. A. Gutke, L. fl. Mil' . C W 55 lun Paiold Deppe. n,:f' J v4,n Oliver Nil-o- - rCtlV&l VaAthcrinj Momentum Already . ;i- ' at Dauy arm. Cl airman P. ehn ctor ol exjariuar.i I - - Audn v Harr.. S. b.l liiillil), Ci-- o Mr. lt nJiti Johnson. Gladv Hci.iliii k. Vto- p. K. Have. K- lit Bate-man- , ( j Mr Van ORMll Edward Ki t.!, Mr. Ihlv'a Ordt-n- . Crtlli:lj, Afrs. fn- - Mr' Amanda Mil- j - NOROE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR the discussions, services for Weldon Potts in the First ma d Counselor rhajx'l with B. Roskelley in charge. The ward choir under the direction of Lowell Smith with Mrs. Bertha Mather at the organ furnished the singing. Special musical mere: duet, In That numbers Beautiful Land by Mrs. E. B. Lundquist and son Charles and duet, "Unanswered Yet by Lowell Smith and Miss Hilma Corbridce. Those mho spoke conoling words to the bereaved wife and parents were Dr. G. L. Reese, George Done, Samuel Nelson, Alfred Ainscouqh and Bishop Geo. G. Nelson. Prayers were offered by Earl Allsop and H. B. Roskelley. at the cemetery The grave was dedicated by Brother James Monson. Tlie profuse floral oifcr-ing- s showed the love and respect our community held for the deceased. John Weldon Potts was born at Smithfield, February 4, 1906, son of John and Carrie Gyllenskog Potts. He is survived by his widow Mrs. Carlyn Jorgensen Potts, one daughter. Arleen Potts, his parents two brothers. Gordon and Spencer and two sisters, Carrma Potts and ln-i- THE IN Funeral I MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION I Before you select any refrigparts, stuffing boxes and belts? This is important. For these erator . . . look at the mecha are the things that make the Ask . . . Is it Hermetically-Scaled? Is it sealed and Westinghouse Hermetically-sealemechanism your greatest protected for lifetime performance? ... Is it bathed in a guarantee of continued economy Is and dependability. See for permanent supply of oil? it free of all exposed moving yourself.. . now! Come in today. Tune In the thrilling new V. e.linghouse mystery radio j ... d ... serial by OCTAVES V vs. Vaudeville Shows at 4:30 7:15 9:30! Admission: Matinee Until 4:30 Adults 30c Children 15c Children 25c Adults 40c Night: cstiughouse o7ie CONVENIENCE DOESNT COST YOU A CENT OF NORGE Because of su- perior insulation THE ROLLATOR and simple, efficient mechan ism, Norge Electric Refrigerator is very economical to use. So economical in fact, that it its first cost soon quickly pays for itself comes back to you in saving of ice and foods. So that the marvelous convenience of having constant, dependable, year round refrigeration actually costs you nothing. But ... Remember that Norge economies are the result of Norge features many of them exclusive with Norge. The Rollator, for example . . . the simplest cooling mechanism known to electric refrigeration . . . only three moving parts which are practically everlasting. When you are ready to equip your home with electric refrigeration, be sure you see the Norge before you buy. Westinghouse is! THE COP AND THE WOP ; Tuisday afternoon ass UWJE. The Norge is manufactured by Norge Corporation, Detroit, one of the world's largest a Division of Borg-Warne- r, makers of automotive parts, including free wheeling. The TTatervoir shown in the model illustrated in this advertisement is extra equipment. ItOY COHEN . ,. M)C Network Dual-automat- ic J Refrigerators on display at . ROLLATOR & Furniture Company Christensen Furniture Crystal Bottling 72-8- 0 West First North - C I.ARKsTON Hilen P. Tool- -, Chamber. Mr Josephine Clark t . .. ... and tie eui-. of' NEWTON ,n score pruv mas mm. June Benson. n JiaUtijn to tlie Silccuon ol honr- Hu-W by Mr. J. E. fcoelfer and a gue; Tlie Prosperity Festival officially Dairy Herd tiin . George B. Calmprize was presented U Mr. Brown. closes. Sept. 16th on merchants in'."id dairy department. The Second ward MIA mm vote and subscription votes, 11 15 a. m. liie amount of milk hold their conjoint meeting Sunday Grand Prosperity Ball will be and butterfat produced on dd leant evening, August 6 at 8 p tn in held Sept 20. mere Rulers o Low Prices p. m. Admission 25c & 10c Uiii - rn TlK' Utah Stale AgMealfural C'ouege a a Semvice in Agrlrulti.ie E. Ci. ITterson, pro- s.dv lit el the-- tillage. Snuthfield E. W. Elliot & Co. (North Logan) Fair Grounds mill exj-- i 5 Smithfield rjj Pays Tribute To Weldon Potts n! o k. Texaco (College Ward) All Games At frwr 11 ftndu.S t r a r From ankle-lengtto knee-hieyou'll find your favorite style in Wolverine. They cost no nwire than ordinary good work shoes. Cone in and 117 a pair today. Evans-Cowle- y Old and Young alike will be thrilled with Wonderful Sport Use of Skates ofT Games Each Day 4 p. m. 2 p. m. Thursday Games 2 p.m, 4 A v i.ortli id tn.- tohry,to wh.ch everyone in- d is u.v.l, d to atu ud, to- - 22 Caine will the scam dont rip, and arid rolls off them like watrr FRED PISANO AND COMPANY August Mu I.nue C.-- li.',' aid n lUit-C- : seutT-proo- Thurs., Fri., Sat. Providence Beginners. I e Commercial League Play-Of- f Series ,10 ,11 12 n;c e 'll :i liie;r. lir: il.e. hud" miiiih re l.n el H"'- - A Mu in h a d ),( tu.. hut 'i ku 1 of 1 r aw xrv.d mere laid I rc.agun and lan..!y on i ii. ta.n-Flank M. Luis S.m-n.,:is.-Da- n. Hut.diV evening Fu.nuii. fVde at hef 1.1 line man, C. W m hiauT of Ray b.r I.J-i- ai.ntver ui Claik. W,;;.am W.nn ary. 'Ha- - ev.nmg mas Martin It.k l:i-i- ; v , II IS Paints game Hunt and o e Lu.-i-nl . L'.u.tfii i m. and M.-It, i, da Ci..in.b : t.Ui score piue mas won bv r ,'lalik Vkii.n nd gut t p!!,-- e w. : . !.:i d to Mis 'Jo. J at t..e 11. i j iidl-iarhide a your finger nail romp ires w.lli your skin. Aoull also linil that Wolverine Midi llorset-iildry soft afle.r soaking. They always look neat end trim because tlie tops are Wednesday, August 9 5 -- Act Vaudeville-- 5 Cache Valley Largest Skating Rink Floor in Utah pairs of Fibre Roller Skates t'.e ad- f.iiiiim Woik IlorM-hidWolverine Mn-lMine in your farm piicr. faerj-tliiu- g the V utvrrine j ople nj ImmiI them is absolute fact. Thrs-dwear longer and give greater comfort. One cuolomcr ufter another tells us so. Tlie picture above explains why. h Wolverine use tnily the of a horses hide around tlie hips that contain a shell. And in resistance to wear, it compares with 5 fl en CapitolTheatre (Fifth Ward) vs. 300 !y )f thes SZBeEBQ32BgEB5Sragzmi Open Air Dance Pavilion Smithfield, Utah and Recreation Experts will be on hand to Demonstrate fancy Skating to proha! vrrtiadnriita rf Roller skating mill be revived in Cache Valley Thursday night of this week when the Henry McCracken open air dance pavilion r.t Smithfield will be opened to this sport. Three hundred pairs of fibre roller skates have been procured and there is space enough on m ; I. Rl r Dairy Day Plans Roller Skating !j P U-- o. Nightly VOirVE b-e- Pig-nata- 1'is I i, a. 1 t J 1 . I : Cache Valley Commercial Base Ball Play-Of- f . (, a. i.i.i d at a jkfirr Q. Bateman. j glown ration. 12. W Dairy Production Gucs.u:g ' contest. L. 12 lj p. m. Noon. Lunches m ill be av allable on tlie ground or you f THE may bring your own if you prefer, U S.A c. buternulk and loe ca-amill be served Ireei. 1.00 p. m. Dred molasses sugar beet pulp in the dairy ration. George B. Caine. 1.15 p. in. The amounts of pas- -j tine grass consumed per day bv j j dairy cows. George Q. Bateman, 2.00 p. m. The Value of Expert-- ! mental Work a reported to tu extern ton progrant. William Peter- son. dla-cuextension service. 2 15 p. m. At tills time tlie greup mill go to tlie College vvheiej the dairy manufacturing plant and the dairy herd will be impeded. a special ft attire. Utah's only Silver Medal Jersey bull mill be on exhibition. This bull is also a pro- - bn p-- ss -- luiit. Ji a. o-.- 10 30 i b-e- ir - V. C. ud aation. OI ! Jun r p.nit.ng tne m: ..nr at 1. I;,, m) i.t sf S...V, ,.!,t af'einm.n v.i 2 I'.;, ttnanul r I A lot) HOitSLUIDE I . iJi.n C; u Aifia.n n b t rr - Thereafter 1.1. of a lie- I rU- S. V. 1j 'll.-- R. A. at . Aug. 10, 7:30 p. m. M: i GJ 3 , Thursday A. ) i Four baseball teams, the best teams tn cach half of the Commercial League play mill bat Thursday, Friday and Saturday for championship honors of tlie league Tlie four teams: Providence. Evans and Com ley Filth mnrdi Elliot College mardt and Texaco i North In the fight ail Logan) have the may through the series play und not until last Saturday's game mas the winners picked for the play off. Tlie games mill be played on a round robin basis, that Is at the end of the three game series the 43 12 27 13 team having the highest per cent Totals mill min the championship. If two LOGIN B. If. O. A teams are tied tlie fourth game .5 2 2 4; mill be played, Saturday, August 17. Nvman, 3b The series are set for Thursday, ... 3 Wolfe, ss-... 8 Friday and the championship game Otterbeck, on Saturday. Evans Cowley and ... 4 O. Pelerson, rf Texaco will meet In the ... 5 Laub, c . . ... 4 game. Thursday at 2 o'clock, with Yeates, rf Providence and Elliots meeting a .. 1 Larson, 2b . . 4 o'clock. All games will be played 3 Coburn, lb at the fair grounds with a charge ... 0 Dibble, lb .. .. of 25c and 10c. Ray Parker and .. 4 Jenkins, p Lionel Thatcher mill do the offic.. 0 xBalls ... 0 iating. Leishman, 2b .... ... 0 xxF. Peterson . Standing of I League Won Lost Pet. 12 34 10 27 0 1 000 5 Totals Collegians 1 3 .750 x Batted for Larson in the ninth Tremonton 3 2 .600 xx Batted for Leishman In the Snnthfield 2 3 400 Malad ninth. 1 140 101 00310 Elks . 4 .200 Wolfe's 6 Crystal Springs 101 012 010 4 .000 0 Logan Summary: Stolen bases A. With but three more games, left Call. Home run J. o to play in the league, Sacrifice hits Wolfe. G. the Logan Collegians Just about Peterson, Coburn. Three base hits have second half honors sewed up G. Peterson, Nyman. The biggest chance for an up Knight. e hits A. Pignatarro, G. being next Sunday when the ColPeterson. Wise. Credit victory to legians clasli with the second place Cox: charge defeat to Otterbeck. nine from Tremonton. Struck out Jenkins 7, Cox 7, May COLLEGIANS 2. Bases on balls Cox 5, Jenkins 2. Otterbeck 1. Hit with pitched ball Price, Wohe. Umpires Scanlon and McCarty. Roller Skating R. TtU'-l.i- at Old Price. Advance is Sure to Come BUY NOW .ie Mtt:t, -- rnrTV. itai? rh'-w-rArn- Buy Wolverine Shoes HORS S3 ELLIOT & CO. IE. V. PEP LOGAN ami Logan WITH Company |