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Show Iai-- Fri'I.iv, Aiuii't Twelve Mil LOGAN SUPS lb . 4hll,S, MU.tVSIi, ft 2b WotKiimry, UJb-'!l- , C hmi lw twill twi) Inofiii Uk ally team. team, Dan 2t 302000-0 8 14 0 2 2 4 18 7 5 -- 20 fstunmarv' Htoli n b.i es ntei bri k 4 W.sui, fn kill. IE lee lati.b, linns. llo.y lilt run - Mmtwi. f hn Two-bas- e hits Wolf, titter Beck. Uibble. Coburn. F. T' lerson 2. Yates Cnburil Kacnflres Charge defeat to Wilson Struck out I jLsIutuin 8, Wilson 3. Isam 2, Woods 2. Woodbury 1. Haws on bulls Woods 2. Lelslmmn I, Woodbury 2 ARRIVALS -- D.b-Ul- e, -N- yman. . TRIPS TO FAIR to It-n- Dansante College Boot Shop City Grocery Ace's Cafe Baugh Motor Company E. W. Elliot Company Thatcher Music Company Central Milling Co. Grand Theatre Cinderella Ladles' Shop City Drug Company Any girl or lady between the ages of 16 and 35 single or married except emploves of the Caehe American and employees of the stores may enter participatin'?, this contest and compete for the crowned MVs honor of being Cache Countv or one of her Court and receive one of the poorer oir THE MOST ECONOMICAL fULSlZEDjCLLPOmilEP QEFniGERitTOn on the market Mrs, Mi. Kenneth Thrre are oxfords, strap and pumps In a wide variety of Iratlirru and color. Choose your new fall shorn now! Pederson - 000-mi- le Ruth Johnson Naturally, you want low operating cost in an electric refrigerator. But be sure to ask about POWER and FAST FREEZING when confronted with extravagant economy claims. Above all, be lure the answers you get apply to the model you are considering. Many manufacturers today make several different types of refrigerator, with varying quality and features. Westinghouse makes only ONE line . . . and ONE quality, the best that can built! Get adequate refrigeration PLUS economy. West- inghouse models at our show room. Vida Lucus Veda Lucus Ruth Watkins Margaret Watkins Dixie Johnson Gayle Cardon Dorothy Garff Donna Spencer Afton Crassall Glades Jessop $119 AN EXTRAVAGANCE A TO PAY MORE GAMBLE TO PAY LESS flefirtyerdfors Crystal Bottling & Furniture Company 0 West First North . Mrs. A Logan . 5oj0 50 Ji) 500 .. . . ,. . .. . . ,. 5000 5000 Its Caspers VOTES 5000 5000 .. . . . VOTE .... .. . .. W. Product 5000 5000 5000 5000 n McLaughlin. US. engineer who resides at Berkeley, California. Is a visitor in Logan for a week. While hi.s visit ts on official business he has taken the occasion to call on a few friends. Mr. McLaughlin had the honor of bring the first to Rtcla-maUo- TheBARRELL fjsflifa' Ib.; Uj rndm ,5g 8 in the way of full measure, honest values arid truthful advertising O Now that prices are going up, it is more important than ever before, to get the utmost for every dollar you spend O Logan Garment will always give you MORE value, MORE satisfaction, MORE quality for your money. Patsy Jame Frocks Cache Valleys Largest and Most Beautiful Ballroom LADIES 10c Delightfully new - delightfully pretty and truly delightfully low priced In broadcloth, voiles, seed O voiles, chiffon voiles latest styles. One Rack $1.45 One Rack $1.65 is now locat- Old Style L.D.S. S1.00-- Up Silk or Cotton Ljo Tubes . Accessories . For Service, Telephone We Call Organdies, Knit and Silk, 1933s newest. 85c Values to $3.95 Beautiful House Frocks fast colors, organdies percales, and broadcloth . . now voiles, 85c 3. 2 for SSc So aE8ffimfifits Men new Style Peeler Cotton Unbleached 85 c $1.45 New Style Cotton New Style Rayon Mens and Ladies Mens and Ladies 60c ILogaim GaEimaeirat 139 Blouses 56c Rayon 127 25c Turbans Ladies New Style Best Grade Silk Batteries for and Deliver 0)o Rompers for the kiddies, good for school wear. Now Clean up Price Garments are now open to serve you with . P G Always MORE for your money at Logan Garment Co. O More for your money, not necessarily larger quanity, but more Texaco Products Tires 357 North Main St. Eddie Lundquist and his band besides some special entertainers will be there. 25c Cone i VOTES To A Special Entertainment GENTS f FOR I i 50 s) 5000 5000 5009 5000 5000 5000 Here from Berkeley Saturday Nite August 5th U- - 5000 . Going to the tl.- - 50'jC .. . W. in ... - 5000 ... . 500 .... soxi June Benson Mrs. George Datwyier a0 Mile-H- 50-- VOl . Kat unlay 5om 50 0 5oX) 5001 . ... .... Helen Jones Gale Berry EA a Junes .Beth Mauglian Viryle Maughan Lorn. Stewart . Evchn Gunnell NIKI.EY lo ien Yates .. Jane Smith MILLVILLE Julie Jensen 5000 Lucille Jcssop . IIYRCM ShO Drew Allen Effie Larsen Maurlne Petersen Roasella Jensen i1 :'l- - ' I arm B arctlMi iu.r ih nw i Ti-- ! .r .U J. M pt 11, 12 and 13 500 Theun-- r u uisMiii: Dansante c-- 5"1 50 0 5000 . Mrs Clara Peterson ... uv: M'i'h Greta . aid nm!V Its Here 5010 . . ui I 5o0 Jkxmi OIl.S arma Larltsuii Margaret Hoey fern Cluing Washing and Certified Lubrication OS DISPLAY AT 72-8- e Smith 5th North and Main Street We jDuacuLfciiiac mnmiM Annubelle odock . 1 50nO . Earls Service Store ... Westinghouse . Ellabilh lemons Texaco Service Station INSTALLED n j 3 mull l.m.e U.e r.ui.iuitee nt lit ru. .!., Working on Fair At .1 A 1 iotn iO'J . Era Earl, former manager of Firestone Service Stores ed at his old stand at FROM uti i ; i'SKl . ' v'V., I 5u 0 iOCJ 5i . ' 5o()0 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 50001 5000 50C0, 5000 5000 5000 0o, 5000 5000 5000 5500: 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Wanda Morrell Shirley Boyle Phyllis Lewis Helen Johnson Imagine starling a SO, trip in a automobile! PRICED .... Clara Turner Katherine Preston Edith Green Thelma the latest .. 5000 5000 5000 5003 5uu0 5000 ::i n C VOTES ... ttu . .. . iAwe are I.OGAN Mac Nielson Ethel Nielson Nada Rich Ruth Lundahl Grace Rasmussen Lucile Emmett .. Ruby Cardon Vera Dunn Fannie Hodges Ruth Owens SlUrley Anderson . . Caider Marion Fkldmore . jHiirtense Moduli . Fdna Krrsle . Violet King Prices as low aa Jessie Hill Dorothy White . Cleo Monxon Faye Dalla s . ZetU Itenson . Clearance Sale on All Fue Benson Naomi Anderson Summer Shoes 'Harriet Anderson Evelyn Carlisle .... Iris Smapp Elolse Torgenson Bernice McCracken .... Clarice Olsen Gail Nielson Mary Spieker ... LaRue Carlson . Carma Cardon lasts Nelson . . world tlie and to Chicago trips lone Tarbet fair, and tlie complete wardrobe. Maude To enter tills contest all that is Lorraine Cooley Richards required Is to sign the nomination Margaret Morgan coupon found in tlie advertisement Julia Gessell today and bring or moil it to the news-p- a Joyce Bpencer of this manager campaign Vivian Spenorr ... per. Jean Blshoff We are publishing the names Marjorie Mathews of the girls who have been nom- Lorre McGee inated for candidates in this race. If you have been nominated get in touch with the campaign manager at once. Below are names ot girls who have been nominated for candidates ill the Prosperity Festival. After one has been naminated the next flop ts to get in touch with the campaign manager. Tlie campaign office Is lorated on the second fl or of the E. W. Elliot nt Store. College Boot Shop . , tlie new law at like W.lham Wats' te till fd.ral av.ina;. ") 5ot) - , . . Mis lutWril fsiuu.'t hdwiiond Oldham . Boi.iiie E amot.s luutiiia Westoier Ovun Wadd.w or.h Deaton C.a'. .1 Walton . .. Wanda Clark .. Vua ltoutidy . V r ba Larsen Aha luirsen . iltn Catdon . . Margaret Edwards Bevsa Brown . .. .. Daus Ruth Alin Ruth Bedford Is Know Mr li M Ixiui.v I, nd . Mrs, Ted Fish Hattie Larson Ann Thorston See h ui Hansen . Mary Ann Lent Voiida Mhal fear . Mrs P.irl Wlndbiirg Muxme Corletl . Nidra Anderson ., . Mrs, Tta lma Hansen Ruva-l- l iti.v'.l 6 ... Li.i.Ie I. 'I. hi i ,nl Mrs U!:ii r 1 1. ) rmi id.t n.. . Mar June THREE FREE be 1 Wlsoti The smartest new colors lira Cl'akiU Virgil., and leathers are found in Ei run Jrnv-Nathalie Hansen this Autumn Footwear. c!r TTm Mrs " ih the IVp 811 completely cru.slied Hurniane at Trice Thursday Itenixn alien tlic final wore max 29 to 5. Tlie stale ill rl'ee tiMiw.fioa lounmmciit night ai d Uxt.m a ill play esatn Uxlay and tumor ru' Tlie Log .nub ckut d 21 Jill .. base bloas mumi Nyman .u U.i Wading xmaGHmii. felting a home run in tin1 Hf.h Inning mi'll the bases loaded, as well an a triple and two .single Otter be k and Wolt also shone on tlie atuk by taking a Hurricane miprlv-lead ill tin first Inning 6evn sarrtires hits, a a lid pitch and in the gave Logan seven nin aerc third, ahile Uietr opjKHa-nmaking two. 'Pie winners added fix more in tle fifth and climax ed their offensive with a (Continued from Page One) barrage In the final frame. Leish man gave up only four hits, strikor over Folks don't fall to rents ing out eight and walking one. a.sk for free votes wtien making A banquet In honor of visiting Your votes may elect haws. platers was given by Price poet pur' of the American Legion Thursday your favorite candidate. Independent Grocery evening in the LDS. tabernacle Casiier lew Cream Co. Members of the Rotary and Smith Service Station clubs attended ttu affair. Crystal Bottling and Furniture LOGAN Company. Royal Bakery 2 tJoi.s Partii.gtou Dus KastJl i n Lurti'ul.I , lt.ai. h Car unit Cai it. a Cool y Anne Hiudtmry I hut in e Huil-lo.s Mae Anil' i sn Marjorie Muxut Jfijt.l CiUiloti Coral Nielson Joan Card. II Klii. II . Totals Iftiri l aoe :1 Veia I FIRST It Hill'll, OUT TO Msr.ul.IJ J'ulkil.joll . .jif 1. West 1st North 85c O Free Temple Markings. Gssapasiy Logan, Utah |