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Show CACHE AMERICAN' Tuesday, January 21, 1033. LOT, AN, CACHE COUNTY. UTAH if lie the sub.cr.bed to underwrite the ur- - j eomnuitee should sjionsor lo he efforts education. f thu 700 acre ft. of water in I the various hue cf business, A lire PrrvrnUor . The committee chamber of Cuinii,m has been on Fire Prevention, with O. A to voik for a united guodaill of order to make the project go. Tin May Jubilee Sale was conduct J was surely a demonstrati a of faith land duruig the month sales cou-i Garff as thou man. and Adrai: the county I feel that our Comour coimnonweaUh and a d wire I pons' were given saay by the nur-l- o n.an, did a lot of hate been really successful. Hatch, TI conuml Committee! Ilraltb 1th a excellent work lie'p in kite buildirj up of our chants and on June 1, the b.g tie very schools. Tlie coopvi.llon ol i..e tec lata done a lot of a oi it and in-- 1 community without turn's pay, b it drawing took plau. n was a bu c- Tliousands showing a allllngniue to wait for day for Logan. ol City Fire Department and th? tcstigation on heller meat inna worked out a the growth cf our Valley to people came to tom to participate schools with our committee has mm In Logan. Tl-Approximately 650000 coupons for been very fme. Awards of electric plan wliereby a municipal slaughter J their returns. clocks ail! soon be made to the plant could be erected and run) One of Ue great factors that has the drawing had been placed In a (Continued from Ono) winners in the city and county aithout cost to Use City. In other made this project possible is tin big cylinder. The committee and others, for the new plaque cn schools. It has had tn the Utah ranged with President E. O. It would pay for the g the Pioneer Monument on the and also amort Use Itself. To water Storage commission. W. R jerson for the AH State Band at he Committee FUh and Game: Tabernacle Square, and arranged the College Summer School under of the date our committee has not been Wallace, chairmna, Archie Biglow. officer with together and held appropriate dedlcatorlul Chamber able to unite all Interest. We hope. the late John O. M. Barnes, and the direction of Mr. McAlister to Commerce of attended services on April 15th. our Director Win. Peterson have give a concert down town tn Juiu Fish and Game meetings held In however, tlial it will not be a EduratJon: The Education Comwhile before such extremely loyal to the pro- - 17th. A large platform was erected proper great Providence and Logan dur mittee cooperated with the US A.O. Hyrum, and of be Ject meat In haie worked sometimes J la front of the tabernacle square had speetton may lng the year and cooperated with In canvassing the city for employagainst great odds to keep the ap-- 1 to accommodate a band of 150 In Logan. the Fish Game association and ment to cover board and rooms for Many people attended liynira Irritation Project: Oeorg? propriatlon from being switched to members. students who wanted to attend the their program. B. Bowen, chairman of th projects. I thank th Water this concert which was really a comThe GoodwiU Comm! lire: college, but did not have sufficient mltlee together with officer of the j Storage Commission and fspee-- 1 worthwhile affair. Many other means to do so. The committee mittee arranged for members of the of Commerce, have put a tally tlie above named gentlemen Titles the committee participated with the city schools sponsored the chamber to visit Richmond cn lot of time and effort to bring in for their lojalty to the project. I in. Including the Christmas street National Education Week. Speak- Black and White Day and Smith-fiel- d project to a reality. Many meet-als- o thank the Government One of special note on Health Day. ers were sent to all the wards to lngs have been held In Logan. .,y-- 1 clamatlon Engineer E. O. Larson was the Advertising Campaign In discuss the necessity and value of During the last three year one rum, WellsvUle and Mention. Many and his colleagues for their untlr--1 which the newspapers participated, -trips to Salt lake City and Ogden jin work In surveying and plotting Ten full page ads Looking bark to 1931". The Merchant have been made. One trip of over the project Com- 500 mile was made by our Secre- I commend the South Cache Jmlttee purchased the service and and Chairman Charles Water Users association with Chas. the Herald-Journand the Cache tary C. J American ran the ads gratis, a fine Maughan of the Water Users as-- 1 Maughan as chairman, aoctation to get the signature vice chairman and community spirit, of Christiansen, New Industrie.: Committee with several farmers who were in Parker secretary, and all SIX HIGH CLASS D0UTS ha A few things I would like iottembers of the different commit-- 1 4ohn A. Hendrickson, chairman, ALLEN ARENA, LOGAN. UTAH call to your attention: the fine tees for the energy and continuity has been active. The chinchilla of the corporations operat- - J of effort to put the project over. dustry was enoouraged to come to M. Thursday Night, January 26, 8:13 lng in Cache Valley, the wonderful! Gentlemen, the building of the logaa and It was our pleasure to a few days ago the first of A Big Night of Fun and Entertainment bold our Senators and Repre-- 1 Hyrum Project will be commenced these little fur bearing animals to sentatlves In Congress have been I this year. In getting the numerous snags j Library: The Library Committee come Into Cache County. The . been active under the chair-- 1 dustry promises a great deal for out. At the last ses-h' Seattle Omaha slon of congress when the bill went man ship of Frank R. Arnold. Two Logan In the future. I 2 OUT OF 3 FALLS Roads: Committee with John H through the House carrying with it exhibits have been made at the the of the $300,000 Library. One exhibit of china, and Moser, chairman, has accomplish to start the project, the provision one of rugs. Both were well at- - ed much during the past year. We for the department of reclamation tended and some money was realiz- - have seen the road to Hyrum and 1 FALL TO WIN 30 MIN. TIME LIMIT to do business with a water users ed which U to be used for the the one from Webster Spur to J Lewiston oiled. Work started on the association, waa Inadvertently omit- - j benefit of the library. . . . . Our membership new approach to Logan canyon. All ted. It took a lot of work by our Membership: Senators to have tlie bill amended j committee has secured fifteen ad- - of these were projects to be ac-t- o 1 FALL TO WIN 30 MIN. TIME LIMIT make our project possible. This j ditlonal members during the year, oompllshed during 1932. The corneas not only accomplished, but thc Logan Canyon Parks and Trails: mittee is to be commended for the j . . time of repayments was extended J Committee has been busy. 1.000 phone company. The rates have' 1 FALL TO WIN 20 MIN. TIME LIMIT from thirty to forty years. This as J small golden willow trees were pro- - County in Its efforts to have these you will understand Is a great help vldcd and planted by this commit- - neoessary Improvements go for-a- s the repayments by the farmers ice. and some other very worth- - ward. Let me here state that the do not carry Interest. j while work Is being conducted by j Chamber of Commerce appreciates and compliments the City Fathers I call to your attention that In I the chairman, Carl B. Arentson. . . the final subscriptions for J National Legislation: Committee for the fine road program securing they FOUR ROUNDS water there were 700 acre ft. short has had a great deal of work to do have put over in Logan City dur-o- f tlie amount required by the gov- - during the year. Many referenda lng the past year, eminent. A meeting was called by I from the National Chamber cf! Miscellaneous: During the win-tRate Adjustments: Joseph Qulnney officers of tlie Chamber of Commerce and recommendations Commerce and the heads of the I given to the directors as to how to! Jr. chariman, Dr. W. L. Wanlass. corporations operating In Cache J vote on the same. Am very pleased and Attorney E. S. Chambers com They have Valley were Invited to the meet- - J to report to you that we were able pose this committee. Central Rail- - j to have our National Councillor, met several times with local and lng. The Utah-Idah- o way company, the Oregon Short- - Hershel Bullen, Jr., attend the U. with state officials of the FROM SALT LAKE The rates have company. line, the Amalgamated Sugar com- - 8. Chamber of Commerce Conven-panthe Franklin County Sugar tlon held In San Francisco, last been discussed from many angles and a report submitted by the comcompany, the Utah Packing Cor- - May. GENTS Merchants: The committee with mittee to the directors of the poratton, the Sego Milk company, the Morning Milk company, An- - I C. A. LundaM, chairman, has been chamber stating that It had been LADIES 10c derson Lumber company, the three extremely active the past year. It able to accomplish very little. The STUDENTS 10c Logan banks, with a number of started out with a questlonairre to report has been referred back to UNDER 16 . 10c local merchants were represented. all business houses In Logan ask- the committee with Instructions to At the meeting $25,000 In cash was ing for suggestions as to what the give to the public thetr findings or at least that part that should be published. Misce'laneous: During the winters of 1930, 1931, and 1932, the Logan Employment Fund was through the office of the Logan Chamber of Commerce without one cent of expense to tha This Logan Employment Council. activity added much extra work to the secretarys office. Several thousands of dollars were received, accounts kept and disbursed for labor on city projects. Due to the many small amounts and frequent shifts, much detail work was neces-- 1 gre.t Presidents Report of of cna-vo- 1 Chamber of eft-a'-- m Vlce-clt- Activities merce for 1932 gt Ja. run-frien- Pet-nln- -- com-oth- al TALENT Ida-Har- ry I. Ernie Olson Harry Peterson vs. Doc Johnson ... Bud Taylor vs. vs. ... tees for the fund All tha fundi the secretary and Chairman are disbursed by warrants bi have tried to bo absolutely the treasurer and approved by the neutral and have not Influenced county commissioners. anyone or even suggested where Chairman A. A. Firman and they should trade out their orders Mrs. I. S. Smith of the execn;,v Most of tlie money has been excommittee have also given a great pended for food, clothing and fuel deal of time and thought to get the ruary are expected from the P, and administer the ruary are expected fro mthe R right set-u- p fund properly. In Logan they have r. o. had very fine cooperation by the In conclusion I commend See Relief Societies. M. R. Hovey for his steadfast In Issuing work or relief orders, and untiring efforts for the ad-Fir-ma- d 1 var.ee ment of our community and the success of tlie Logan Clumiber of Commerce. When all the additional work was piled on to him there was no complaint. I thank the director and tha member for their loyal support to the chamber. Trurt this support may continue In th future. A good live Chamber of Commerce ts a great asset to any community, B. O. THATCHER, President. r.UaUfiEess SjpseSaB er MIXED ATHLETIC SHOW NEW Page Three Old Mattresses Remade $545 In New Strong Cover As Good As New A Good A New This offer is good only during the month of January. Only a few days left to take advantage of this exceptional offer. Get our mattresses renewed now and save We call and deliver in Logan free of charge. ... as 1 Kid Taylor istNw Everton Mattress Factory Legrand Parks Jacob Dietz vs. Jack Christensen BOXING Ace Jacobsen vs. Jimmy Taylor MIXED BOUT he I Kid Glen and Battling Hank vs. Two Colored Boys Tele-Jho- ne y, ADMISSION 40c Special Washing achine Deal STARTS Feb. 1st sary. Continues Sor Sis Weelts FREE A. B. C. Washer With the Purchase of each 60 Spinner or You too can economize and chase Model L No. 77-Model No. 55 Wringer during this those Washday Blues away by uscampaign, we will give FREE a . . ing an A. B. C. WASHER. No. 3 2 $25.00 $19.50 $15.00 Florentine Perculator . Sunbeam or in money. Mix-Mast- er , a A more beautiful, efficient and . pendable washer cannot be had. It saves time, labor and money. . Premiums Given With Each Washer Sold i Take advantage of this special offer now and need. -- a good washing machine for every purse Pehrson Electric Co, a Wiring and Radio Specialists Phone 125 115 N Main, Logan, Utah de. . In October 1932 George Dern with a National R. F. C. representative asked that the Logan Chamber of Commerce be affiliated with the county committee to administer the R. F. C. Relief Fund In Cache County. The following were appointed: A. A. Firmage, chairman, representing the Elks club; M. R. Hovey, secretary, reprtsenting the Logan Chamber of Commerce; Mrs. I. S. Smith representing the Relief Societies; A. F. Wimmer, representing the American Red Cross: Rev. T. R. Paden, representing the Presbyterian Church, D. M. Bickmore, representing the Hyrum Stake and Ray Pond representing the Benson Stake. A. A. Firmage, M. R. Hovey and Mrs. I. S. Smith were appointed as the Executive Committee. Since Oct. 20, 1932, $25,000.00 Government Relief money has been received by Cache County and expended In Logan and all the settlements for work relief projects and direct relief. All work orders for labor and all wok orders for direct relief with receipts attached originate and clear through the office of the Chamber of Commerce. All notioes for men to work on Logan projects come through the office of the Chamber. Some days nearly 100 laborers and direct relief cases have to he taken care of by orders through the Chamber. The records of all work orders and direct relief orders for the entire 4 Our Complete Stock of Furniture will go at Coresponding Low Prices during the county Including Logan are kept month of January. You cannot afford to miss these values. up to date at the chamber office. At present there are over 1300 case records and survey sheets of families kept at the chamber office. More case records are being added as the winter proceeds. All this has made a great deal of extra work for the secretarys office. Exclusive Dealers in L. and II. Electric Ranges, Gibson Refrigerators, Universal All without any cost to the Emergency Relief Fund. Washers, Westinghouse Vacuum Cleaners, and Kolster Radios. County Clerk Carl Mohr Is the Phone 444 72 W. 1 No. Logan Treasurer of the Fund and the county commissioners are the trus-- , SZ CRYSTAL BOTTLING AND FURNITURE COMPANY |