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Show CAL UK Friday. December 23. 1932. LOGAN HIGH SCHOOL of director Prof. A. T. Urnaon, the Logan high achool band, hai announced that the band will be divided Into three or lour groupe on Chrlitmaa day. the varloua to be loaded Into tlelgha and will tour the city. Chrlstmai music wlU be played In various the sections of Logan between of 13 to 3 oclock. Thu hour Is made In order announcement that those who are fortunate enough to be serenaded will understand the music U being given to bring cheer to the dtlaena of Director Henson the community. feels this J lust another opportunity to render public service and in doing so. lie with the members of hU excellent band, are to be commended. Xmas Specials BUTTER, Fresh Creamery, lb. TOT ROAST best cut, lb. PORK ROAST Ofc ' . . lb. HAMlSlRGER He 20c lb. iac porKchOPs lb. Oc MIXED NUTS lb. 15c or 5 lbs. ORANGES!! Sweet Juicy, med. 2 doz .... RAISINS, fancy Qc pksr. MINCEMEAT; r c OftTc best, 2 lbs. COFFEE, Schillings QQc or Hills, red can .... FELIX CASH MARKET SM North 1st East Phone 16S features of tlielr of Salt Lake mas ap- guests of the club. On a mot ton as Christmas prepare a suitable re- from the bouse It was decided to program, e.houl will be dismissed was ordered appoint a suprrusoc of the Ice until Tuesday, which January 3 ruik who would be responsible for the minutes. home The of of Ken llaes was the pond the proper condition at all time. practically destroyed at about I The various social clubs of the p. m. on Sunday evening The community are sponsoring a danc- local fire obltuat-e- d was department at ing party Wednesday evening In their efforts and subdue Ue the North Cache high school gymnasium. Special features have been flames because of a frucen pipe arranged for and It Is hoped a but the county fire Boise By a caprice of nature good crowd of married folks will made a record run of department 13 minutes a dike was bunt across the north attend. from Logan. It was thought the end of Bear Lake many years ago Christmas programs and plays, fire started by efforts to thaw that now Is causing the state land etc, mill be given Friday afternoon1 out water pipes with coles. department and local residents by the students of the park school considerable trouble. J. M. Isaacson, state land explained the situation Tuesday in announcing that a meeting of the state land board had been called tor Friday to handle the situation. The dike, cutting off about acres of land, made It available, part at a time, for grazing hay cultivation and other uses to which slough land could be put. Early residents saw the land and filed on It. It was a filing. Isaacson said, which permitted use of the land only, without giving title When, the natural drying out rf the end of the lake was accelerat ed by a canal dug by the Utah Power and Light company, filings on the newly exposed land also Increased and conflicts between new and old arrivals increased The department of the interior studied the situation briefly, then referred It to the state, pointing out that the beds of navigable lakes belonged to the state. reasoned Commissioner Thus, Isaacson, .the land In fact belongs to the state endowment trust. How to get It will be discussed by the board. Board Talks College Plan For Bear Lake Slough Land . At State Meet The state board of Balt Lake education mat at the state capital Tuesday to discuss at some length the situation facing the state In the demand for the provision of Junior colleges, in spite of the fact that general fund revenues. have fallen off sharply during the past few years. The board took no action on the Two years ago matter Tuesday. the board had an Investigation made of this subject, and reported on It. at the request of Governor George H. Dem. At that time tlie board thought the condition of state finances precluded lnlltating any system that would mean still further expenditure. fer The legislature thought-diffor the $40,000 ently, appropriated Initiation of Snow Junior college at Ephraim during the current school year, and made some provision that Weber college at Ogden should become a Junior college next July. It provided, but did not set up the machinery, for local governmental participation of In the costs of maintenance hc such institutions. BEKFSTEAtf" CACHE COUNTY. UTAH MUSIC Fight Waged group Merry Christmas To You AX. Greenwood pointed to solution, spread on BA1 TO GIVE CHRISTMAS AMEKICAX-LOS- Governor Dern intimated that he would like further study of the subject by the board, and the meeting of Tuesday was largely to ascertain if the board" thought it wise to make further suggestions. After the meeting It was announced that the subject had been discussed, but that no action had been taken. The"' board considered some routine matters, including appro- - ( val of certificates to a list ofj teachers. It was the last meeting at which Dr. C. N. Jensen, state superintendent of public Instruction, will preside as chairman, a A duty he performs committee of Dr. composed George Thomas, president of the University of Utah, and himself a former state superintendent; J. C. Swenson 6t Provo and Joshua Tape Five Providence Pioneers In Meet Thursday Providence The following program was rendered In Pioneer meeting on Thursday at thf home of Mr. Louisa Puhrtman. Christmas story, Vesta Alder; two selections, Ifr. McCann of Logan; sketch. Harsh Baer; guitar selection. Jesse and Bethea Zollinger; reading. LaVon Zollinger Billys Unde 12.-0- t social hour followed and re- - ents on Tuesday evening, I frechments were served. Three cases of scarlet fever are Mrs. Matilda Hansen entertain reported here dutng the past few ed at a quilting on 7 Thursday days. evening. A late luncheon w as served. Those prerent were Mea- I.iquor Seized ds mes Annie Schmidt, Sylvia Two car loads of liquor was Fite, Lunette Chugg, Lillie Hanw ised In Ogden this week by the Emma Bullock and Verani son, Tibbttts. prohibition authorities. Now that Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ream arc It has been seized, the officer rejoicing over the arrival of a son dont know what to do with it. at a local hospital. They are walling for telegram Frank Jenson left Friday even- from points on the ooast, tree ing for Trrreton, Idaho where he points In the middle west an has employment for the winter. t from Washington. If The First ward primary held seine a pint flash or an automo their Christmas program on Tues- bile load of contraband, the off! day afternoon In the ward chapel clals know exactly , what to d A program of songs, stories and There should be no difference poems and a short pageant of the with two car loads even If it does birth of Christ were glvrn. Santa run Into an approximate ly $100,-00- 0 In value. It Is Just such gases came and presented each one present with a sack of candy, nuts as this that make a laughing stock out of the proldbition law. and an apple. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Garrett The big fellow gets by while the made a brief visit with their paMittle fellow la made a crknlnal. A the-wer- fit Logan . . Smithfield . . Hyrum . . Wellaville for Saturday, Specials BUTTER SUGAR Fresh Creamery Powdered or Brown per ib. Lions Club At .. pkg. Dates, bulk . . Walnut Meats Citron Peel . . Richmond The monthly meeting and luncheon of the Lions club was held Monday evening at the North Cache high school cafeteria. Special repqjts were given by Mayor H. F. Olsen on relief activities and G. G. Merrill reported the activities of the Red Cross. Cooperation' was urged between the Red Cross and the Lions club Two prominent students from North Cache, Arthur Alysworth and Spencer Merrill were special lib. c PINEAPPLE Richmond Holds Monthly Meet Dec. 24 Currants . . c"kOT Bits, 8 oz. can .... per lb. 9c . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Raisins, seedless . . per lb. 29c per lb. 25c 25c pkg. 5c seeded 6c 2-- oz. pkgs. 14 ms&mmmmm&amxt.E . WE WILL UNTIL 9 REMAIN P. M. FRIDAY .... 2 lbs. 35c Valnuts, soft shell Mixed Nuts OPEN AND lbs. 39c per lb. 19c 3 Almonds, I.X.L SATURDAY NIGHTS. CANDY CHOCOLATES Drop Mix Shoupe Williams 5 Buy Yourself a Christmas Present New Low Prices ' ' lb. box at these ffl)c . 55c 2 lbs. 29c I Mixed Candy Chocolates. Gum Drops, Creams v.' ; . lb. 23c Fancy Mixed Candy Cream Filled Mints Fudge Assorted 24 lb. Chocolates t Permanent Waves $375 $500 $2o . End Curls 75c up Scalp Treatments 75c up Facials . . . $1.00 up box Shoupi Williams & Chocolates, Fancy SWEET POTATOES Christiansen Beauty Shop We Can Serve You Better Phone 412 Celery, large, jumbo . . . . . . . 5c 2 lbs. 33c Cranberries Lemons, large Sunkist per doz. 25 c POP COM Black, Variety ESEc per lb. .. U. S. INSPECTED MEATS 50 lb. a Felt Mattress' I A Real Bargain Guaranteed Heavy Special Ticking 3 g 4 off on all Chirstmas Toys Crystal Bottling & Furniture Phone 444 72 West 1st North lb. 124c Hamburger, fresh ground 2 lbs. 15c Pork Roast Leg Spring Filled Mattress I Wfitake this opportunity to wish alllour .tin many friends andfpairohs Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. Piggly-Wiggl- y and Modern Market Pot Roasts, baby beef lb. Sc to 12c Bacon, sugar cured, sliced Pork Roast, Loin Chickens, nice and fat . .... lb. 13c lb. 12c lb,' 15c 2 lbs. 19c Lard, pure white Choice Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens, Lamb, Pork and Veal . |