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Show CACH Subscription Per Year Mail or Carrier $1.50 First Year H J A Home Paper for Home People I.OtiAN, UTAH, TL'FSDAY, JUNK 14. 19J. Telephone 700 No. 67. tea Whereas. June 11th has set apart as Flag day to give honor end respect for the flag of our country; And. whereas, our flag represents all those finer things which contribute to the stability and permanence of our gov- LEAVE FOR JORDAN CAMP CONCERTS HERE TORRINGOUT aUAYLE STOCK And. Whereas, Morning Under Command of Captain George D. till-se- ns NOW. THEREFORE. I. A- - O. Logan Lunds troln, mayor of cui-aecity, hereby call upon all to observe June ltlh. ea Flag day. by displaying the States flag at their United homes and places of business, and also by attending the Flag Day program splendid which has been prepared and will be presented at the tabernacle at eight o'clock js m. on Tuesday, June 14th. A. O. LUNDSTROM. Mayor Preston. Preparation to leave for the Jordan Narrow art under way by all the member of Battery C. 145; Field Artillery, where they go for annual training camp duty. The roeter of officer and men trill be under the direct aupervtalon of Captain Georgs D. Preston. When the battery returned from camp last season two guns, caissons and reel cart, battery equipment, was left at the camp. The ofloert and men are looking forth with much pleasure to the training camp activities. Including Equipment. horses, will be loaded and the bud diet will leave Thursday morning of this week for a two weeks training period. Boater of Battery C, lii F. A. officer. Captain Commanding George D. Preston. Executive officer, 2nd Lt. Web-ite- r B. Hunter. Assistant Ex. officer, 2nd Lt. Edmund B. Spencer. Reeonnalsanoe officer, 2nd Lt. Herman Johnson. Jr. who Is fust Robert R. Holden. completing a service station at the First Sergeant. John EngUnd. mouth of Logan canyon near HerFirst section, firing battery: mans Inn. has made a Ue up with O. O. Sorensen. Sergeant-Josepthe Shell Oil company for the supAllen, Gunner Corporal plying of Shell product foe this Boyce Greene. station. Arthur T. Henson. Jr. The service station is a neat litClyde Jacobsen. tle structure Immediately east of Earl F- Carlson. the Inn. It will be equipped to give Max Fonnesbeck. all sort of service to automobiles. N. 8. Greene. While Mr. Johnson hasn't decided W. Gerisch. on a name, he Is about In the notion W. Godfrey. of offering a cash prize to the perGuy Shepard. son who submits the best and most Kurt Strobelt. suitable name for the station. Second section, firing battery: Shell Oil company representatives Orval Ewer, acting sergeant. were busy Installing the gasoline Morris Roberts, gunner corporal tanks Monday. When the station Is Ray W. Allen. opened free camping grounds will Hyrum Alkele. be offered as a feature to attract Walter Ball motorists to the station. F. G. Barrett. Conrad Barrett. Abbott Kearns. Willis Kershaw. Battery Commanders detail: Virgil Atkinson, Instrument serj ABOUT READY h r Miss Rowland Appointed to Act For Fraternity geant P. W. Rogers, signal sergeant. Cfrnnt!id on Pae Plight) Apple Growers Organize To Sell Big Crop David P. Smith, manager of the Utah Fruit and Vegetables growers association at Salt Lake City, met the apple growers of Cache County Saturday evening at the county agents office. A fair representation of the growers was present. " organization was discussed and a motion made to take steps to form an association in Cache County. A committee was appointed consisting of L. E. Wilhelm, North Logan, William R. Zollinger, Providence. Albert Joseph Baer, Providence, Peterson, North Logan, and Thomas Rider, River Heights- - The committee will meet Immediately to take the necessary steps to form a local organization. Growers reported that prospects are good for a large crop of apples this year. If the fruit Is properly sprayed, thinned, and with an of irrigation water, abundance Cache County should produce a crop of apples this year a good as ean be found anywhere. Miss Priscilla Rowland, member of the Logan Senior high school faculty, has recently been appointed to act as Western District councillor of Phi Upsllon Omlcron, a professional honorary fraternity. This division Included Chapters located at Laramie ,Wyo.; Bozeman, Mont. Moscow, Idaho, and Logan, Utah, appointment Is for four years. Miss Rowland will leave Saturday to attend the Fraternity Conclave In Lexington, Kentucky, June 15- is. As president of the Utah State Home Economics association she will also attend the annual convention of the American Home Economics The appointment Is for four years. 20-2- 5. Miss Pern Shipley, president of the local chapter of. Phi Upsllon Omlcron win also attend Conclave at Lexington. Cemetery Reservoir For Preston A reservoir is Preston, Idaho to be constructed for the Preston City cemetery daring the coming summer at an estimated cost of between $2000 and $3000. The reservoir will be located on Last Rites At Tabernacle For N. W. Crookston Last rites for N. W. Crookston In the Logan tabernacle Friday afternoon were conducted by Bishop John H. Kemp of North Logan. There was a large turnout of relate tives and friends to pay a last officer, this to departed 1 churchman, scout and pioneer. Speakers Included: Pres. G. W. Patriarch David R. Lindquist, ' Lyon of Salt Lake, Alma Sonne, Pres. Joseph Quinney and Bishop Kemp. Musical numbers consisted of selections by the North Logan eholr; duet by Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Bailey, vocal solo Prank Baugh, Sr.; Prayers were offered by Carl M. Nelson and John T. Caine, Sr. The grave In the Logan City cemetery was dedicated by Bishop Oscar P. Rice. trl-bu- Chamber o f Commerce Committee Going t o Biackfoot to Look Over Bucking Steers at Big Show and loyal Americana , i all good are first of all prideful the east side of the present Preston city rservolr and will be used to catch the overflow. It Is to be 32 feet square and 11 feet deep, with a pipe line of a mile and a half. Injured in Crash T. R. Williams of Ogden driving south on the state highway Friday night, collided with an automobile that was parked on the shoulder of the highway, driven by Allen Webb of Hyde Park and George Williams Pitcher of Smlthfield. sustained a badly lacerated throat and other bruises. Both cars were badly damaged. Deny Petition The county commissioners sitting as a board of equalization denied the petition of the business property owners who requested a 25 percent reduction In valuations of business property. The valuations as placed by the county assessor were aUowed to stand. ARCHSAS9NS 'BIDDIES GET to be given by the all band of the U. 8, A C. sum- mer school on Wednesday evening Thursday, the Rndro Coru..Uec 4.30 p. m. at the Amphitheater at for the Logan rodeo will visit th Aoproximsteiy 17$ Royal Arch at the college. This Is to be known Biackfoot show to contact al the Masons of the right Utah rhauters ad the Sunset Concert." The other rodeo performers. here Monday at their .... . , 'gathered As the Biackfoot show opei t)v i fmnt convocation tw,Vy.ftrU m m season, performers from all over the u fr4nd and third annua . pT.Hiw country will be there. It will give mbly ofuT. grand council. Royal the committee an opportunity to and select Masters of Utah. cWberTf Is providing see how Colbom's big Brshmsl a n Ik1 I j i , the mom)ng i ,1 rTn, ri t.s. u never been used In this part of the are not county befure. asThey are too used; More than a hundred twenty-fiv- e children met at the city library Saturday afternoon for the first story dozhour. First they came by ens and looked at the story and picture books In pleasantly furnished childrens room and sat In twos and three's and leaned on the ftf teen chairs at that room, then the few chair that should have been the aduUs were accommodating commandeered and likewise occupied. Then the older ones adloumed to the auditorium and again sat In of Ofiaa and Cache Valley to hear lro-- , and and u.nfd 0n two wonderful band concert. Tills the forty chalra of the business and 1 the largest band that has ever professional womens club, but all played in Logan with the exception were happily listening to the stor- as follow,: The they carver. Ogden. John Edwd f 100 Bert Atwater. Salt king: grand The committee has arranged with, Lake, grand scribe F P. Bherwooa. Joseph L. Quayle for his Hereford Salt Lake, grand treasurer, reelected; J. M. Dunlap. Salt Lake, grand of the tease band which played dur- ies. Quayle's calves are pastured below secretary, reelected. ing the recent state band contest tn Logan and will be in good condiOnly three groups were intended. The retiring grand high priest of Logan. Both concerts are free to tion by the time the Rodeo takei I but it became neessary to divide la the N. public. Cook, Percy place. They are fast and will keep th grand chapter one and two of the others were for . .. a of who of the had charge Ogden, break to calf the any roper busy too largeArrang merits will be eon vocation. record. , made for five or six groups for next Held ReepUoa The story j Saturday at 4 oclock. The grand chapter opened at B tellers and the tots who were hanga. m. A reception of distinguished ing on to their third of a chair are visitors was held shortly after, fol1 signaling 80S for more comfortable for lowed by another reception j arrangement for next time. Most Excellent Companion John Helf" was Ferris announced It today by William Nellson, general grand high AnderE. Westover that he will open up Pedersen, and Mis DeEita priest, of Concordia, Kan who ad- hlsWw In charge of the story hour son are fruit and vegetable stand That the poultry producers of dressed the convocation. on Wednesday lor business. He has of the B. P. W. The time next week this locality are a live bunch Is atThe address of welcome was de4 p. m- Siturdav's story new stand at 193 Is Saturday. tested by the fact they have held livered by A. H. Michaels, high Just completed his tellers were DcEta Anderson. one of the has He North Main. built two meetings within priest of the Logan chapter. Reports Isa H In the city, it Elisabeth Baugh Thorpe I n neatest little stands the past week, both of which were of the grand officers were followed Marie Andorson and Maughan, In order that is open tn the front both Interesting and profitable. The by the election of officers. he can make a nice display of his first one. held Thursday evening The convention adjourned at noon stock and expect at all times to wa attended by C. C. Edmunds for luncheon ad reconvened at 1 fruits-MrSalt p. m after which report of the va- carry a line of fresh Joseph Anderson, both of Westover has connections for state the organLake, representing rious committees were made and of several fruit ization. and was devoted to matters the new business of the grand handling the output His snd farms gardens. vegetable Satof business. The second, held -taken up. chapter - UnM'wffl always be fresh and he ' Master Also Elect urday evening, wa of an educaexpect to handle his merchandise tional nature, the speakers being council convened at The grand prices that will commend a reW. R. Ewing who specializes in shortly after the grand chapter and feeds and feeding problems, and elected officers. After going through turn visit. Neat little display racks have been Cliff D. Carpenter who discussed regular business, the grand council the place has been painted up built, poultry diseases- This latter pro- adjourned, after which the Royal In nifty order. A lunch stand will blem is rather a serious one in and Select Masters of Utah elected open tn the same building within some localities, and while it has a 6hort time. President of Farm Bureau rnMntj-r- t in Pty Kiiehft not attacked us here to a very was Meets With Grower in much Interest great extent, manifested In the subject, and the Session discussion was prolonged until o Agents Office Here. late hour. The government is Investigating poultry diseases with a A. L. Kelley, secretary for the view of rendering service to the Utah fruit and vegetable growers the poultry Industry, preventing association, and Warren Tlngey, of producer from being Imposed upon Weston, Idaho, met with potato by quackery, and finding specifics growers of the central district of for disease, the same as with hogs of Cache County at the county agents NaUonal Councll and cattle. National Dairy Council tauroraia &nd tft6Dairy west xiftvd Adopt- - office Monday evening. The pur vive i alk to ( the slogan of "Swallow the sur-- 1 pose was to discuss organization Manager gi More pin"- - It was pointed out that lfE. E. Hendricks, president of the Dairymen Here In the United county Farm Bureau met with the the 42.000,000 1 R u rja Consumption etate8 wh0 people farms and powers. Needed. rural communities under 2500 popuThey discussed the advisability lation would increase their milk con- of combining with the Cache ValSam H. Green, manager of the sumption two ounces per capita ley fruit and vegetable association Mr- and Mrs. Geo. M. Thomson, National Dairy council of California, per day that the surplus could be already organized In Lewiston and crowd of Cache moved and the dairymen would be Cornish, or whether they should orhave received word from their son spoke to a large Wendell J. Thomson that he got County dairymen at the Chamber receiving fair prices for their pro- ganize an independent central asrooms Commerce sociation. The growers were unaniMonday duct his M. D. from the College of Phy- of To Improve the dairy situation, In mous for an Independent organizasicians and Surgeons at the Col- evening. The purpose of Mr- - Green's He visit to Utah Is to lay the dairy sit- addition to Increased consumption tion to be known as the South umbia University on June 1st. completed his work earlier In the uation of the country before the of dairy products at the source, Mr. Cache Producers association. E. L. year and ha been teaching at the people, and to encourage greater Green pointed out the necessity of Morgan of Nlbley was elected preeseliminating the unprofitable cow by sident, John T. Quayle, Logan, Abe college for the past six months. He consumption of dairy products, also received two valuable scholarpecially among the country people means of cow testing association Hansen, College Ward, and Grover work, and by stimulating the con- Hancey, of Hyde Park, were elected ships from the university the past at the source of production. two years. He has been visiting with Mr. Green pointed out that a sumption of butter by Its use in as members of the board. The fifth Mr. and Mrs- Frederick S. Schow quart of milk has In lt half enough bread and pastry Instead of using member is to be chosen by the Mr. Green other four. In Washington for the past week. food to maintain the body of the various kinds of oils. that He will serve hls Intership at the average person. It Is the cheapest said that statistics prove Steps will be taken immediately Lakeside Hospital at Cleveland, food on the market today, says Mr. farmers as a whole use less milk to Incorporate and get In position to handle this years potato crop. than urban people. Ohio, the largest hospital associated Green. with the Western Reserve University, Medical School of Cleveland. Building Duck Club Mrs. Wendell J. Thomson will reVincent Carlson Is planning to to visit her turn to Trenton, Utah make the Stoney Duck Club bigger parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G and better than ever this year. He Wood, during the summer. Is having water kept in the marshes This is to keep the all summer. rushes and duck food growing. ProCompleting Water Works John W. E Scott of Millville who spects are for an excellent year for There has been so much ducks. has been supervising the work of a trout of the quota given planted repairing the water works at Mill- Streams Will be Lined with by the state- Pish in Logan river water, it Is said the ducks seem to plentiful than ever. With ville, says the work has been pracFishermen Who Set Out were always noted for their fight- bemore of the Most more ducks, lt Is believed the game tically completed. qualities and the fisherman will permit of a longer to Capture Ten Pound ing wood stave pipe which was giving who lands a two pounder in any of department seasontrouble has been replaced with cast the mountain streams of Cache shooting Bag Iron pipe from the Provo steel county, will know that they have Snow Forms Figure Cache county has long been a accomplished something. plant favorite spot for the fisherman, Snow lying on the ridge high up The bag limit of trout is ten with Its miles and miles of clear pounds. There are any number of on the slope south of Millville Theodore Gessell Dies Theodore Gessell, 23, son of Henry mountain streams In which abound fishermen who contemplate catch- forms a perfect 77. Old timers here and Adeline Bench Gessell, husband the rainbow, brook and German ing their limit before breakfast say that this Is a sure sign of a of Meada Jensen Gessell, died Mon- brown trout. This year will be no Wednesday morning. Others, how- long cold wet spring. C. C. Goodday at noon following a week's ill- exception. Our streams should be ever, will get the limit, no doubt, win and John Ricks have observed ness. He was bom In Logan, Febru- more aluring this season than ever but they will go to the streams pre- these figures for a period of over 40 years and both state that when ary 6, 1909 and has resided here before. Several hundred thousand pared to remain out all day. since that time. Besides hls parents, trout from the rearing ponds locatLittle good will be accomplished the 77 lays late In the spring, the wife and a daughter, Joyce Mar-cin- ed here, were planted In the valley with the fly rod on account of the above conditions exist. This Is sure a brother, Fred and two sis- strams last fall. high, roily water but bait fishing true of this season. Our attention No matter where one goes for the should be as good as it has ever to these figures on the mountain ters, Helen and Dorothy, survive. Funeral services will be held Thurs- opening of the season on Wednes- been In the streams and in the side was directed by Hugh Adams, day at 2 p. m. In the 9th ward day, June 15, there should be good reservoirs of both Logan and Black- principal of the South Cache high school. chapel. fishing. Every stream has been smith Fork canyons. ll .. And Fruit Stand m Upsns omorrow Specialists Give Talks To -- - New Vegetable calf-ropi- 6n conn today J. BALLARD TO TABERNACLE TONIGHT fishermen who go upon the streams tomorrow should not forget their lice ns a wardens will be on the lookout and all who do not have their license will have their tackle taken from them and be subject to a fine. Another Important thing la to refrain from having fish In possession under seven Inches of length. A warden with a rule will be on hand to measure the fish you catch and If you catch any of the little fellows, better be safe and throw them back Into the stream. Respect the right of fanner and ranchers by putting up gates and do not wade through growing hay and grain. If afew of are adhered to. these "donts the fishermen will get along without trouble. AU j i iiimj ! EFFORT BEE HADE TO dI Wendell Thomson Completes Work at OTRY .. un j For M. D. Degree - IN UTAH ON WEDNESDAY - Limit e, - County j j i Today to flag day and th occa-aw- n to being fittingly observed with of the flag OO th etty apky street and with Flag Day cere-- I wonle tn th tabernacle tonight O'clock. Th meeting is span, th Elk dub. Th big fea- -, ky lure ot U program at Uw tabernacle this evening 1 a talk by Mel. vln J. Ballard, member of the quorum of twelve. Boy scout of the city are to be present tn uniform andurged get the benefit of the talk of Elder Ballard which win be of a patriotic character. The program follow: Music, organ prelude, by Mrs. Bertha Purser; March, by American Legion. Boy Scout. E P. O. swag, and other civic and rellgtou organization; Introductory remark, officers of Logan Lodge B. P. O. Elks; song. America, by assembly. Professor Prank Baugh, Jr, director; Invocation. by Moses O. Cordon; Patrlolc song, by Imperial glee club; history of the flag, by Leon Ponnea-becassisted by Boy Scouts, music by Miss Sullen, Miss Rebecca Stewart, Mr. Hal Parr; proper way to display the flag, by Scout Executive Pond. Pledge Allegiance to our flag, by Boy Scouts of America; response to our Flag, A. A. Ftrmage; tong. Flag Wlthoua a Stain, by Imperial Glee dub; Building of Floral Bell of Liberty, by officers ot B. P. O. Elks; Patriotic address, by Melvin J. Ballard; song. Star Spangled Banner, by asesmbley, Professor Prank Baugh Jr ,; bened'etion. by President .Anderson; retiring of the Flag, America Legion k. TO CELEBRATE J EPS Have Been Display, ed Throughout the City F1L. During the Day Sponsoring Program. License On Fishing Trip . i FIf Take Your I . mu iu Fight Page Poultrymen ad Butter Frami&co. (U6I)A vUmi at 174 W GIVE FLAG DAY TALK AT LIBRARYMEET Am- phitheater and Friday on Tabernacle Square Muiical Performance to Preparation Being Made be Given. by P r o f e s sional and Buaine Women to AcThe people of Logan end Cache commodate Crowd. Valley are reminded of the special Butler Market Center MELVIN STORIES A T WEEK at Ycm1 band concert GATHER HERE state j I ; IIS One Wednesday ufmoYAL ernment Trip to he Made Thuradajr 62 TWO BIG FREE PUBLIC BAND CiLF ROPING Proclamation ARMY BOYS TO ;can ' will Newton Newton ward commemorate July 4th In a fitting fashion. An elaborate program has been outlined to entertain the home folk Murthe-rwrenjub- ll which may see fit to Join In The program consists of salute at day break, band concert at 9 a. m. George Ecklund has hls juvenile band ready to give a number of snappy selections. Meeting will be held at 10:30 oclock in the meeting house. AT Increase In Students Nearly Doubles 1931 A 95 increase over last year's enrollment had enrolled at the Utah Children's dance and sports will summer be held at 1 o'clock. There will be a State Agricultural college school with the close of the first baseball game at 2:30 o'clock and week of school, according to the rea rodeo at 4 p. m. port from the registrars office on In the evening there will be fire- Monday. The total number of stuworks and a dance with select music dents enrolled this year is 520, as for the evening entertainment. The compared with 288 last year. Increase is 232. Of this number, 184 are band students who have registered for the first course of this kind to be taught at the school A. R. McAllister of Joliet, Illinois Is the director. Although a few students are still arriving at the college the second William Oliverson, 52, died Thurs- week of the national summer school day at his home In Trenton of spot- found the classes well advanced k ted fever. He had been out with the the quarters work. sheep when he wa bit by a tick and A special lecturer is not listed for He wife leaves a death resulted. and this weeks 11 o'clock lectures but five children, 3 boys and 2 girls. members of the visiting and resident Deceased was a son of Mr. and faculty will appear on the program. Mrs. James Oliverson, pioneers of No evening lectures are being given Franklin. His brothers and sisters due to the special Utah State band surviving are Mrs. Anna Fellows, concerts which are scheduled tor Butte, Montana; Mrs-- L. W. Cutler, this week. Mesa, Arizona; Mrs. B. Robinson, Los Angeles; Levi Oliverson of Franklin; Richard Oliverson, Mink Creek; Christopher Oliverson of Franklin; Harriett Bodily, Burley. His wife was Eva Biggs, daughter of John and Jane Biggs of Cove. The OUversons have resided In Lewiston A warehouse for the Trenton for seven years, having Mr. storing of pod peas in this vicinity moved there from Lewiston. Oliverson has been a sheep herder is nearing completion, according to practically all his life. He spent E. M. Van Orden. The warehouse to some time at farming. being built by the Yaqui Fruit company of California and the Utah-Idah- o Central Railroad company, at a cost ot between $3000 and $5000. Six hundred acres of pod peas have been planted in Lewiston. The peas have all been bought by the Yaqui Fruit company for California markets. The first shipment Is exBecause of lack of pected to be made early in July. Wellsville water, the home of Marion McBride was destroyed by fire of unknown origin late Saturday. Damage was estimated at $2000 by Fire Chief C. W. Rapp of the Cache county fire department, and Is fully covered by insurance. fire Although the Logan-Oach- e department arrived at the scene in Alt Sparks of Smlthfield who has plenty of time, there were no near- been In the northwest for several by streams from which water could months engaged in professional be pumped. wrestling, spent Thursday In Logan. Is your property Insured. See O. Mr. Sparks has been wrestling A. Garff, manager of Utah Mortgage headline goes In Portland, Loan Insurance department. Rates Tacoma and Butte and hasSeattle, been 10 per cent below the regular rates. getting over In good shape. He has Phones 234 office; 822 residence. a shot tonight with Bill Longson tn Adv. Salt Lake City. Wm. Oliverson Died Thursday At Trenton Pod Peas To Be Shipped Early in July Wellsville Home Burned Saturday Eve Sparks Makes Visit With Friends Here |