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Show CACHE A5IERICAN, News Review of Current Events the World Over wim UTAH Scenes and Persons in the Current News wrj J. C, 8(oo, higher price. of the farm board, idled Intermountain Ksws till advantage od replied ilnrj.ly to Sir, Currj U airaulf. laid: UncHy Told for Busy Reader "Vi heal la Ilia only grrat major corn, modify Hlilila for II. Iat flv kkiir mini ilil allow a d finite upward tenss tiinp dency. In Influence under thepre--en- t OWN U 17. I! HI) favorable ala'latliul o.ul,,a 1 1 kM Lilt 7 D I ! r commodities 10 10 121 LT bl.'.er round. 1 lent opportunity will imt s risked In lbs bands of lbs people n group n presenting pciIM. IDA Hi Ilalm wool llioso who have grown rich from th clip for 1972 Is ei!m.itcd at over pro!)' gained by market manipulan MPoa pound. tion." M kGN A. I T A f irm lo produce cr ! a for the uicmjloy-U Is ii g meeting In national . SoflU.Isld, In Milwaukee, nomi- Sue,, ss'ul'y coud ut-1 I Y, NI.V. Hoituncrh g dc'un-- I nal! d Norman IL 1 humus of New ir cip willi 1 uric for President rent 4 year old end James II. Fin my of Nprlig kalhy lo aa Maurer of Pennsylvania fur v wllh bli of ool.il and p!ae on the Ihkc-t- . Sir. Hie mu a, r-I -k hospital d lu-- Into bis bg sml face. who was the party's rundldale In PCS, uld hla campaign would be a 1 ,e child f. und I fie cup si a road war tit i Inst th Republican and can P while at play. Ml.T LAKE Clir, I T -- A ram parlies and against the kingdom of poverty." Before pjv-- lo raise f 10 cmci, willi wbhb he immlnullon, which was by so lo carry on work at (Inniuiion, Mr. 1 bonm defeated an the Filt lake too lint tsv-- hi umbattempt to commit the Socialist el with the rule of zoo dollar.' dollar will be worth one Fob party to confiscation of the prim indusirlc-- a of the cm I Ion. Mr, dollar and fi'ty cent In too admit-ti.e- s klilor Borer of Milwaukee dedurltg the month of June. clined (be nomination for Vice Presl'ltokcl, LT. The fourth annual ident, to Mr. Maurer was chosro kkasitili county fort at and range mmd up will b held August 1 by acclamation. The Communist party was lo he'd nd 2 at kk'olf free k Funitnlf, to-c- . rdli g to Charles DclloIy of Iro-vo- , Its convention In Chicago May US llnla national for. st ttiiorvlaor and 29, and there seemed no douht that It would noiiilnute William Z. aid tLcmiar of the roundup comFoster for Prea'dent and James W. mit ee. Skl.T LAKE, LT. S.-ilFold of Alabama, a licgro, for Vice sup-p- i rt of district fc hoots, which in reside lit. 1 ' ill appeared in eve.y projierty In ln lUlh to 11,0 of 6 SEABUKY has been clmlrrcutn rv (lip irkY rsssx&j ;' BEVERLY HILLS Will all I know la juat wtiat J read la Ui piper. Wssent that terrible out bar LOG AN. la Cal Mrs. Putnams Great Solo Plight Arross the Atlantic Ileer IIooer IIoum; Hejerts Relief Plant. Against Democratic k l,Zi Le-ali- eu about th Akron laodintT They I5y EDWARD V. PICKARD bad bad all thli touch tlmrros-In-f lie year after nbaric buddings Slid similar works be said EXACTLY Counth hi would be wasteful and destructive rnmpleled try. itornn and epoch making flight from New York of the public confidence essctillal to bad w a a t b r, to I'arls, Amelia Karhart, who la economic recovery. then when th The Ivemoerallc leaders Indicated new Mr. G. I o aaltora at utnam, landed In they would fight I he President on v-4 J Yf Diego Iryed to afirr I In this Issue even at lb risk of prom land help ' first wI( flight longing the session of congress, 7 f r o waa tbar likely to arms the Atlantic width already I lie national conactod about th until on after run ever made by llfn if greateat bit of woman. 1 be Intrep- ventions have been held. Senator drama that wa bar read of la our id young aviator Barbour of New Jer-eRepublican, Urn. started fur Introduced a bill Carrying out Air. bad drawn That bit of tba aallor being Isrls, but a burned Hoover' Idea. It would provide np thera for over an hour and out exhaust maul the reconstruction finance eorimra-tlohalf, now If thara la a man II ring with I1..VSHSSMKS) addtllonnl fold and other mothat baa had an hour and a half of tor trouble led her capital for loans for self llipdd.itlng any mora lutpcnaa than that, that fo descend at Cub projects that would furnish Jobs waa aetual suspense, b muat bar more near for lb unemployed. bean a tool beaded customer to bv Fennlor Bronson Cutting, Ihe "proShe bad thought of tying hlmielf on Ilka made the distance from Harbor gressive" Republican from New that. They figured they would bara Grace, N. F., In II nours and 54 Mexico, followed with a bill provid1 Presldt-n- l Jiosckkl of Poland reviewing tL troops In Warsaw at lb hugs celebration of Poland's to f o out to aea and drop him In the mlnulca, and landed without In- ing for just lb kind of relief aid birthday. 2 Dr. A. Bitting, In charge of the agricultural department of Ihs Chicago World s Fair of 1933, ocean. Thera waa a nice little thing jury to herself or her plane. It wldih the President bad opposed, driving a team of oxen In th ground breaking ceretnonle for th Agricultural building on Northern Island. to look forward too. was her second crossing of the and In Introducing It Cutting made 3 Dr. John F. Condon (Jafnie") leaving th grand Jury room In New York where he told of bis part In We will drop you In tba Ocean." ocean by caustic attack on Mr. Hoover. the scaivh for the kidnaped and murdered Lindbergh baby, plane, but the other time. Being a tailor It would just be bit In liCS, she was merely a passenger The Culling bill carries three billuck he couldont swim. But theta with Wllnier Stul and Lou Gordon. lion dollars for road construction what I call real drama. Tou know "I made this flight Just for fun," and two billion for river and harSAMl'EL lta hard to tell about thoaa big old aid Mrs. I'll urn in after landing, bor work a well a 0,1 aesed valim- ,a1 piddle build Ihiugs exceedingly un- auckcra, aa to whether they are a and she admitted her achievement Ing and other federal works. TlJ, bud grown lo cotiiforluhle for Mayor Jatuea J, aucceaa or not Couraa they do go meant ordlng to member of Walker of New York ln the Inves- - 6,5 noihlng to aviation. Neverplace. Look at that one that wont theless, she wus the recipient of In- COMMITTEE hearings on the slate tax commission. This f metrotigulicm around th world. And thli one had numerable wmil mean a total s'ale levy of mesFred Britten' bill to politan politic und congratulatory coma all tha way serosa our Com ml' Is as against 8 2 mills this $ sages, from President Hoover and place the Hawaiian Island under finnni es conducted tlnent without gas, food, water, hot Prime Minister MacDonald ye ir. among an army or nnvy commission began by the Ilofstadler dogs, or a morning paper. Course others, and when she flew on to and attracted a LoGAV, tT. Receipts of the large number of wit legislative commitIt had been two or thre days doing London In a borrowed Cube nail"mil forc-- t from July 1, she nesse and spectator. Among the tee. There were plane It, but at that It beat a train. But waa 1''1, to May 21, 1932, amounted to She former was Mr. Granville Kortes-cu- many things for the given a great ovation. I will trust all that to our Army or The total receipts for $212'2i21. Mel was the guest of Auitinss-idomother In lnw of Lieut. Thomas mayor to explain, men to Navy figure ouL They know Ion who, with members of his em- Mangle and hla the period nre considers! ly lielow In the ami so lie went bewhether lta practical or not II e of the year previous, due to bassy, met tier at the Hnnworth recent sensational murder trial In fore the eiunmlttee there la SI men on that airdrome. tie 50 pr cant reduction fur the Mrs. Putnam said she Honolulu. wa heard and tried to exTestimony thing. Tbats a lot of men to carry was going to Paris and would leave from Gen. grazing fees, and the permisDouglas MacArtlnir, chief plain them. The across the Continent In one load, k men to sion grmtid the of staff; other nov and nnvy most of serious Europe for home about June 9. I tell you any experiment that If mike Hi 8r-- t payment in October. Besides being (be first woman to and Floyd Gibbons, wur these null era were being made In the air la not a waste fly the Atlnmlc alone, this young OGDLN, LT. lour units from thus Mod: of time or money. Our defense, of- Amerhan girl set a new speed recIlls acceptance of $26,'i.".3 31 worth O d n will allcnd the annii il sum-fense, and all bare got to come from ord for the crossing and also bet- P'LEVEN men of great national of homls, for which he had not or ramp of the 1 t ill national the air. So these big dachunds are tered the distance record for womat Can p W. G. k HI. mis Thl pediment for the new $17,000,000 Department of Commerce building In Washington was designed by gmrd sent to the A. when from J. the 8!Mo, prominence Repub paid, going to find aome place In our Na- en set by Itulh Nhhols at 1.977 0 llcnn and Democratic lenders of the latter's company was seeking strict- - Jor-- in Narrows, from Jane 1 to nalg l'ullglaii, sculptor. The design represents the genius of aviation whose arms are being fastened to tional defense. You know thats June 30, It Is announced. B.dlcry miles. Her dlstunce was 2,020 5 senate and house an earnest appeal er niunlc pal control of taxicabs. conventional wing as he Is about to soar. Figures on either side of the central group are shown bearing terrible job being In charge of that miles. ot lay aside every How he happened to take with E, 222nd field nrtlll ry, and regl-i- n aeronautical accessories and the eagle at each corner suggest flight as well as batching new flyers. Rosen-dahbladder. This guy floating nl.il hand will attend the ramp form of partisanhim to Eurojie In 1927 a 810,000 lethas done a fine job of it Course EGALIZED beer lost another ship and, with of credit which hud been pur- fnun June 1 to 15, and h nd quart ter when you want to land you cant ali fight, and wout have a ehnnee their party followchased for cash by J. Allan Smith, ers detachment of the Holli field ways find two hundred aailora In all again until the national conventions ers, to unite to bala promoter of the Equitable Coach artillery and the ll.3id parts of the Country. Some parti meet In June and go Into spasms ance the federal company, who later made good a company from June 10 to June 30. of the Country you have to fly over the wet and CHEYENNE, WYO Motor faildry plank for budget. The sign$3,000 overdraft. v around for several hours before you their platforms. Following the ex- ers of this letter Why William J. Scania n's pay- ure at a low altitude apparently can see two hundred sailors. Lot ments to Dr. William Walker, the was the cause of an airplane crush ample set by the senate, the bouse were: NleholasMur-ra- y of people living In this Country for resolurejected the O'Connor-IIul- I Butler, presibrolher, for niedlcal serv- which killed Louis Collenborg, 30, maor's all their Uvea never saw two hun- tion legalizing and taxing 2.73 per dent of Columbia were usually 50 per cent the Instructor, and his student pilot, ices dred sailors. I dont much care to cent beer. The vote was 109 to university. Scanlan received for HerU-r- t Hunter, 21), both of they-enncommissions Repubcruise the air If Itr going to take two 228, and The plane wus demolished technically was on the lican ; Alfred E. sales of equipment to the street hundred men to pull me down. motion to discharge the ways and Smith, Democratic cleaning department and the de- wli n it struck the ground from an In an aeroplane It dont take any- means committee from further con- candidate for the altitude of aliout seventy five feet partment of sanitation. body to pull you down. In fact most sideration of the bill, which If Presidency ln 1928; Gov. Albert C. Why Scanlon's cheek for $0,000, nine miles east of Cheyenne. of the time you wish you had two carried would have brought the Ritchie of Marvlnnd, Democrat; SALT LAKE CITY, LT. The part of a commission paid on the hundred men to bold you up. I have measure before the house. The Gov. kVIlbur L. Cross of Conneotl sale of materia! to the city, was second pony expiess marker will he aeen times In a plane when I have two parties were nearly evenly split cut. Democrat ; Gov. Joseph B. Ely found In the bank account of Wnlk-- j placed on the pony express burn wished there had been men under- in the vote. of Masachusetts, Democrat ; Alan ers missing fiscal agent, Russell T. on the Mountain Doll city farm in neath with a net Apparently the wets bad lost IS son B. noughton of New York, Re- Sherwood. July, the executive secretary of the Doug Fairbanks got back a couple votes since March 14, when the publican; Frank O. Low don of IlliTo explain the $13,000 In fees ttah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks of weeks ago from the Flgl Islands, house rejected a resolution for nois, Republican; William H. Crockpaid him through Sherwood for association has announced. A nion-of the or some outlandish place that he Eighteenth er of San Francisco, member of "legal fees by a corporation which ument commemorating the pioneer but had been. He took pictures of It amendment, Catholic sisters who founded one the Republican national committee; had its own regular attorneys. Representative He said that down there you could Rainey explained that the shift Charles Nagel of St Louis, RepubThe relationship between himself of Salt Lake's fiist hospitals, where now stands, live on 90 cents a week. That Is meant some anti prohibitionists had lican ; Roland S. Morris of Philadeland Senator John A. Hastings of Holy Cross about ten cents more than here, or realized that tlieir only logical phia, Democrat, and John Grier Illb-be- Brooklyn, who It has been Indicat- will be dedicated in September, with what some have to live on here. move is to continue the fight for retiring president of Princeton ed, was Interested in the Equitable the association joining the Catholic However you keep reading about resubmission. Coach company and the application church in the project. university, Republican. SALT LAKE CITY, LT. The things getting better, but most of Replies from the party leaders of a Queens Bus company that was OME peculiar things are resultthe articles are written by folks that were prompt but scarcely satisfymore recent applicant for a fran- state fish and game commissioner are doing well themselves. With has declared a number of t'tnh ing from the prohibition contro- ing. Senator Jim Watson, majority chise. the elections coming on you are go- versy. The Democrats of Texas, leader of the senate, said: Charley Devens, member of a soThe His financial transactions, his streams and lakes closed to fishin; ing to be fed up with a lot of hooey formerly very dry, in their state letter is three months too late. We bank deposits and expenditures. some until July 1, others for the cially prominent Boston family and ace of the Harvard univerabout a lot of things. Naturally the convention adopted a resolution have done everything they suggest Early in the week It became entire season. Those closed until pitching resubmission of the toward a balanced budget, but we known that the federal authorities July 1 are: All streams and lakes sity team, who may make his enRepublicans are going to put their proposing best "Side forward. They are Just Eighteenth to the are hindered by special interests had become Interested In the revel- ln the Uintah mountains above an trance Into professional baseball at amendment The measure was carried There have been no signs of parti- ations and were investigating Mayor altitude of 7,000 feet. The West the end of the current season and trying now to figure out which side states. le their best a vote of 831 to 564 after what sanship at any time. Walkers status as an income tax- Fork of the Duchesne river; Red sign with one of the New York Roosevelt Is pretty well sweeping amounted almost to a riot PresiSenator Harrison of Mississippi, payers for the years 1928 and 1929. Creek from the Victory highway to clubs. Reports have It that both clubs are after Charleys signature, the Country for the Democrats but dent Hoover, it was reliably report-i- n Democratic floor leader on the tax the head ; Current creek for the enbut the youngster refuses to comperhaps wont have enough to nomwaters The kVashington, abandoned bis bill, said: There has been no partire following length. is good reason to believe ment until after graduation. inate on the first attitude of aloofness and took an ac- tisanship In the house or senate on THERE Lausanne conference on will be closed during the entire photograph of Mrs. Amelia Earhart Putnam who flew from HarballotL Smith tive part ln framing a mildly moist the problem of balancing of 1932. Little Cottonwood the year bor Grace, N. to Culmore, Ireland, near Londonderry, the first woman will do definite nothing reparations combined with national the for Republican plank BUILT OF COBBLES budget This legislation will he before early next year. The French stream through the Murray City to make a solo flight across the Atlantic ocean. Her goal was Paris but a few of the naso mild that it probably achieved without any spirit of partiplatform, ttie exhaust manifold of her plane burned out and her motor was strainare ready with a park only; all waters above the tive sons would ould not seriously offend the drys sanship. mouth of the narrows of the South so she landed in Ireland. which ing, proposition, be able to block and probably would not satisfy the Other senators took occasion to Folk of Ogden river; Brim-- creek Great Britain is him. Then It ets. Deets Pickett, Democrat and praise themselves and their opsaid to favor, call- ln Uintah County from the mouth would be just a of the gorge one half mile down; dry leader among the Methodist re- ponents for nonpartisan and wise ing for a temporary wild guess as to formers, announced that Franklin action, and then all went ahead extension of the Fish Lake for a radius of 250 feet who would be Roosevelts moderately wet pro- with their scrapping over the tariff from the mouth of Twin creek ; Fcho Hoover moratoriMr nominated. nouncement would be satisfactory features of the revenue bill. dam for a distance of 130 feet above if and um, this is to the dry Democrats because that Hoover just the dam to 200 yards below the the reparaadopted goes right on and Brown ditch, Pleisant probably was as far as he ever PRESIDENT P. B. CAREY of the dam; tions will problems wanting to stay would go. of Trade went View, Utah, from head to waste be over turned to In there. I had down to kVashington and conferred gate ln Lake Bottom canal. commissions expert would he that ENATOR WILLIAM E. BORAn with Secretary of Agriculture Hyde, finally kept thinking HEBER, UT Determination of which may or may Idaho says he Is not going and took occasion to make the give up and say, "Well boys here the growth and development of fish not in the report she Is. Take it whoever wants it to attend the Republican national fiercest attack on the federal farm fall. Edouard Iler-b- e on Strawberry reservoir is being I have had enough." convention, and there are indica- board and its doings that has been the boss of the attempted by the federal bureau of But once a man is President he is tions that be will sulk ln his tent heard. He called the board's recFrench government, either as pre- fisheries, It Is announced by Fred J. as to out as of hard there deHis pry just ord a "ghastly smear and said its throughout the campaign. Foster, district supervisor. Upward a Senator, or a town Constable, or termination to stay away from the result had been the almost complete mier or minister of foreign affairs, of trout have been tag500 declared he statea fully approved office. He has done gathering In Chicago was some- abolishment of the open, competiany political ged, and fishermen finding such fish ment Senator Boncour Iaul by that some pretty courageous things late- thing of a blow to the drys, who tive market which I required 73 years France's program remains national in their bags are requestc 1 to com ly in a political way. If he will get had counted on him to lead their to establish. He declared wheat 1 bureau. the with nmnknte arbitration and disarmanp and cuss the Senate and Con- forces in the convention and to In- could and would advance if the security, K ment, In the order named. His polEntailLAKE UT SALT CITY, gress out a couple of more times, troduce their dry plank. board were forced by congress to icy as to reparations, he said, was: ing an expenditure of over $1,000,-0Cbe is liable to wake np a hero for jk.. desist at once from its senseless First, maintain 6 European never was "Cussing Congress as 4 the Boeing Airplane company ACr R" 1; KXS.m v HOOVER voiced his efforts, and said he could appoint a second, permit no rupturesolidarity; ln the at Seattle has bgun the construcpopular as it Is now. And the ras- PRESIDENT to the Democratic committee of six members of the between credits equilibrium and cals I guess are not to blame for of big government bond Chicago Board of Trade who in a debts at the expense of the French tion of a fleet of new type, highJt either. Of course they are not proposals speed planes to be placed in service Issues for construction of federal short time, and with absolutely no taxpayer. on United Air Lines trancontinent-a- l doing the best they can, but they public works as a measure for re- drain on the taxpayer, could and Although receptive to the suggesare doing the best they know how. lief of route through Salt Lake, accordwould same all the of In the government dispose unemployment tion of armament reductions, the This new stone lighthouse at the Conventions will be on us now. statement ing to word received by the chambfrom the White House wheat for cash at a steadily ad- radical socialist leader San Francisco yacht harbor, looking strongly ap- er of commerce. They he further urged his own plan of vancing price with the Inevitable faThey are like the locusts. proved the plan presented at the like the old Roman watch towers, come every few years. Will meet OGDEN, UT The Utah Funeral legislation to permit loans by the vorable reflection on the general con- Geneva conference by Andre was built entirely of cobblestones The great dam across the Nile at Assuan, 551 miles south of you ail there, at one or the other reconstruction finance corporation dition of the country. will association hold its Cairo, Directors This plan calls for internathat were removed from the city Is now being heightened over 29 feet as one of em. It will be good Conventions to states for relief of destitution Mr. Carey selected a rather unin on of the first steps In a giJune annual Ogden, tional meeting an internasecurity through In streets San Franciscos program gantic irrigation project promulgated by the this year for both aides will be In and to public and private agencies favorable time for his attack, lnas Egyptian government for tional police force to be supervised 6. of aiding the unemployed and beauth cultivation of 7,000,000 acres pf soli now doubt. And the people dont care. for projects. much as Just then the wheat mar- by the League of Nations. barren for a parf pr lying all of the year, tifying the city. 9 1932, McN ought Syadtcctc, lac. Huge outlays for federal public ket showed a decided tendency to- (0, 1932, Western Newspwper Union ) ( ;,1 In-lan-J w-a- vmLvrii ws. Si i O divct-ipmen- t y. j.i j s r Aeronautics for the Commerce Building Ropre-sentatlv- e e, r liJ cilll-ce- live-loc- n t l Amelia Earhart Flies Ocean Alone nl e. ' Raising the Assuan Dam in Egypt five-inc- h it- -- W Tur-dle- Income-producin- g O |