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Show rAC'Hf-- : .ure Eight KOGAN. CACHE COUNTY. UTAH AMERICAS' Friday, January 29, 1932. ! .'v lLT'J' Directed Ly Mis Amu Cos LITTLE THEATRE COLLEGE AUDITORIUM, FEBRUARY C:1S Precenb for the first time WEBER CLUB 1 In a Brilliant Comedy of Errors at priz-- were i 'the awarded memUrs club of the Wi for Reerved Seat ittle Theatre Ticket May be Exchanged Jeiuen-Holma- n or U.S. A.C. l- of an Friday evitm.g At the cl I., ht gueta were piesii.t, was Mrs. Kate I) Preston entertained tinm of wwing a sui at a dinner party Monday evening served . . imed Mis O A To TJ. I The table was centered writ daf- bridge club at Covers were laid for Mr and t - men bri of l.n.heon and contract bruve Pnday Mrs, tj. W. Thatihrr. M ? Batirn-- e At the clrer of the Thatcher, Mioa Alice Cnsmoti of SOCIETY ;r - r. XTirrrl nr u 1a 1 to . ' I lins-(M- a. Cemberg Hose College Defeats Eleventh Ward i -- afu-tnuo- 69' r. it. rs pro-giio- lla J gf- t j Itnyi!. Wn-fcUm- , i J I Fu'-k- i rs-- ; j A, i m tth m ps fa g ng Qjj Corres-pund&no- ( ' s Jc-p- , 1 " UBS signs'll u. j cD tl. i. J y ruio with these Great V .all priced sensationally loir each the greatest radio value for the money ever offered in the history of radio. Come in and hear them. heterodynes la-i- d j j -- j if' YY ocna'.u.i ! ,! i Model v - iiih'd'J l mre end ac'.ve n I'!.- L n r DID YOU EVFP ?UY A C ano . . Borne final imt.a'io'ii IVtl r min stklet . VI fJT, ulst C BATTERY WI YD A GUAR- .1 T Following the mi'nhtrs a d rrees C. wes (, i oil at the H it lad lo- - (' J d wi'h red or.rra' i dare S'rer and Fen Shipley were in charge of arraayo-Bicnt- s. Tire table was d coia Model ANTEE LIKE THIS? 'ii luJ'" Today & Saturday 8 tube Superheterodyne with Automatic Volume Control, and Micro Tone Con jz, troL Equipped with Pentode and Super CaoTtoi Radiotrona. In a fine walnut nibd cabinet ' ,.rf T ! i . 0i" XX $41 95 k Rossrs Production Coming Sunday Greta Garbo and Ramon Novarro in n s. (u I 7 cy i Complete Complete OME in and let us demonstrate thesp extraop-- , dinary values for you . . . there will bo no obligation, of course. We want you to listen to their surpassing tone quality, the! clean, bow they will bring clear-cperformance and ease with aa in far distant aa well local stations clarity. We want yon to look into the back of these instruments where yon will actually see the value . . . the rubber chassis mounting far instance, and the substantial bracing . . . all reliable insurance of I continued efficient operation . . . proof of the built-i- n RCA Victor I the most and the best for your money. quality ut ... j ... AND UP AH Types' AH Sizes OORCTHY SEBASTIAN WARNER OLANQ R. Prio. Gnlj S. Price Os!y J iis a Gvcrloi cii.utto moviti console. MLL. WV 6 UiLie 7 tube Superbeterodyne with Micro lone Control. Equip- Pledges CAPITOL J R-- ialicd IJ-- S 8 tube Superhetnroih nt v ith Autonntic oluire anil Micro Tore Control. I (jiiijijM tl with !o 'l iY lt 3 and bupr Contiol ?iadio-trovi- s In a wj'mit iiniJud tdble moth I cabinet of ev quibite beauty. ped with Pentode and Super Control Radiotrons. Housed in a beautiful walnut finished of Sigma Chi fraternity pve an informal dancing party Saturday evening at the Hotel Ecto the active clcs In compliment and alumni members. Fifty couples were In attendance. In charge of arrangements were Scott McClellan Richard Owens and Morris Wright. celebrated its Borosis sorority thirty-fourt- h birthday annivarsary Jo au, Logan Garment Company Jisr c BLAIR MOTOR COMPANY Phone 390 Mata Hari H Logan, Utah 5 P.M. llaivsen ho recently returned froiiC -t dance and or.g SmUhfMdTliird time was spent In came after which the Southern States n.Lvdort. a de .ward; musical selection; dainty lunch was served. Amalgo; Fn-s- t Smithfield lieious turkey dinner was served af rtlam!lward; l hl,h ,,)e '"hlh w as spent In horus. Richmond, North ward. social chat and music. Covers were ,r' Truman Hillyard entertain- the Junior Ladies Lnerary club laid for twrntv-fouFull Fashion Silk The farah Woodruff camp of the at Ler home on Thursday aftemcon j D. of U. P. will hold their next 1 W. A. Hansen read. "The Los Ange'es, Calif. Dr and Mrs t.iirt mi Top. Sat. only prize wrre aarded meeting Friday afternoon Th College ward basketball play- at the Great God Brown." by Eugen U. S A, C. Womrn'a Hub mil Saturday evening with a banquet at W. B. Preston, Mrs Preston and Mrs. Neih G Ht.lj ard served a dell ers defeated the Eleventh ward public library; Tlie following pro- at the H'urbrd the Bluebird The table was U M..s K.lherjne Preston. H MP.M. AT Wtdujr will be rendT'd. vocal sole; Hove lunch at the close of the af quint Wednesday night at the Jun- S D A t gram E D W N Ur. I! O. ThaUlrer was Uip Ci tervm Pi E !.ape. and decorated with oranye President and Mrs, Mrs. Rlnda Chambers. Miss Han- - ternoon. Tliere were fourteen pre- - lor high school gym. It was a hard The program. A review of the it. at. golds which filled In with a entertained at dinner Mondal ev'ii-In- g nsh Hind will treat the topic. "The ' fnt. fought game with the College lads i u..i black e frm of and orange, vhm In coiiip'ln.enl to Dr. William but. "T.e Omul Earth." by IVurl af-- 1 Tlie last of a srles of twelve ' holding the load throughout. In the Uses of Utah's Water the j which alter tried a' Supply"; jq Rom-Twere la'd But f. the aorurlly colors. Covers tlvtn by Mr. E. L. T. foster. The table was centered ternoon was spent at ''t'rid.e andjfiano solo. Mis Venna Mrhalis jclasrs In parent education, spun- - last few minutes of play the Colleg- wa fur one hundred guests. Thelma with brow and lavender tnajxlra-Coveairer the by the ladles Literary clubs Ians were forced to use only four WO". During the luncheon. Mis The public Is Invited to attend. (uIIomiuk ladies writ I'iderson was toast iiiL.trcvv. Stunts were laid for ten been Tlie Benvin Stake M. I. A. wUI'wm held at the public library on men. their regulars having James A Cragun gave a humorous The followed the Mrs. Elien Rm..n: Barber. aorort'y banquet. agiraal guests. of personal vocal duet tas ren- - hold their stake bee hive day Friday , Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Jacobsen ejected on account, a and 'nailing the for music the furnv.hid T. Georire trio Caine. Mra. Presld'-nM. JiJm Peterson entertained and Mrs Jan. 29 at the First ward iniuy of the U. S. A. C. gave a splendid fouls. However, they made a bas- Mra J. A. Ilulmc, Mra. A. evening. Mis. Prances T. Pocock, Dr. Foster at luncheon Monday d red bv Mrs Frank Winnwere wonjiuent hall. Tlie following program talk on Sex Education". Tliere was ket which kept them In lead with scores Smrh. High Koy Mrs. George lkiurn. Thrlii. Pederson and Blanch Bin Other guests were Dr. W. L. Wan f. Mrs large crowd present. B. and Ray; mil be rendered, Ojiening chorus. Mrs T. Farr only four men playing. by Mra W. U. 1reitor., Mra. Ivan drero were In charee of arrange, lav. Dr. N. A. Pederson. Dr W. J Mr. and Mrs Hazrn Hillyard en- 49 North Main Stake Bee Hive girls. Wo-- 1 Mooscman Covers were laid hr Mra Thomas Karr anJ menta. (tirb.1 Vickers. Director P. V. Cardon and The newest product of our high- man. Ho Call (Tableau; .fifty-twglr's tertained at a childrens afternoon1 Mra Carr W. Waller. Mrs T. B Budge entertained at a F. P. Champ. The Ladies bridge club met at , horus, Newton: tap dance. Girls party on Wednesday In honor of ly moral legislation Is the gamt- CUo Hub cu t Wrdnriday after-la- dinner party Saturday evening In Mia. Roland Emmett entertained i horus. Lewiston Second ward; of her sterette. Perhaps you would prefer i home of Mra J. M. the flag the birthday ar.r.Ivcra'v at lire Bluebird with Mra I to- cell bra Hon of the birthday annlver- at dinner Sunday evening In ccle- bal- - daughter Marva Low A delicious Second 'eavant to call her a gangsteruie. Smithfield ward: afternoon. t'nll. on j Friday Covers were brntion of the aa Uie hilevs. M:s sury of her husband. lar. d Ijimu-birthday annlver luncheon was served Covers were Ceonre D Preston reviewed th '.uid lor eighteen guests. Follow lng Covers were laid ry of her husband. for Mesdames, W. C. Screw t her j Prom Day to Day" by (ioetel (he dinner tlie tabhs were arrang-jal- d be for PiC guest. Music follow- Harold Kernel Toolsuit. of close the s were At ladlrs Hi following fpeclal ed for bridrr. thepd the dlIuler , ver Ntlson, Leonard KLies. J. E awarded (weaU: Mra. O. A. Llniiqulit. Mr Mrs. Robert M. Smi h and Llbb sheffl.r Fran, Wmn. Melun WoikI l.'ow Anderson and Mra L. D Nals Nle sn, entertained at a breakfast Tw)Lv(n nw;a:J fu(f of home Mrs. Mnih.idruU c w clark Bn1 Mrs rt.nda at the Mrs. George C. Jensen was the Covers were laid for tw Ive guests. Tt cliamb(.r, ,on by lgh v.lnss for the Clio dub last weik ITe Sunday seho.,1 of the ten'll MrJ w c Scrowther. t Mrs which nu at the B'uebud ward gave a dancing party In the llle ,nd fr,P1.ds 0, Mrs. "Lilen Geutge B. Bowen mnuv,,Pnl "ard. met at her Four score prius at evening About one hundred con ktarvaret Bingham TriTjr and Ik rnard Shaw home on Sunday evening ai.d ten- Tea was cards were given x by St John. Mi ' drreil wire in attendance. her a f arty In honor of hv Tliere weie a few s,e U! rrved Hansen entertained Mrs. Riism-' Mrs. Ailhur Fa'nes announces birthday anniversary. A p easant at club the members of her brklre gwiwts. the eneapeimnt of her daugliter. was n umc and In apent evening e Lia-gnaRernoon 1 a b:ul, c tea Thursday 0. S. A. C. Women's Faculty an 5" after which a deliciois sup- d a' o I? andt )aU' nu'l Friday afurtioon al the L Hie gu.st-- were Nelson rf was served 11.11 . beramai-tlin-on Cohere D sma tables at bridge wllh Iil.vl foot, Idaho. The marriage will r.r Mr. and Mrs. George O Hanren Prolrasor Frank R. Arnold, gave a take place In the near future. entertained at 6 o'clock dinner on In afternoon au.i entertaining Airs. George WLstnan entertained Wednesday in honor of Hdcr LcJip - Vaallon danrlr.g party Thursday evening at Prof. Arnold has spent many stun- the Dola Nil chapter house. Twenty ner abroad during his vacation six attended. Mrs. Eunice Clawson entertained period which gave him a rich supply to draw on. Tea was served. The at a dinner party Sunday afternoon W. Mrs. W. Iswtesscs Included. Covers were laid for twelve guests. Mrs. Mrs. W. W. Barber entertained Owens, Mrs. A. J. Hansen, Darrell Crockett, Mrs. F. B. Wann. j at a bridge luncheon Tuesday after-klJames larer, Mn. J. Eid'ev noon. The sitiall tab'es wrre een- T Tli 8lj if oid. Mrs I. DelosIzo'.a Jen1Mivn teed with red carnations. valentine mo! if preva.l-- d in al th: j j M&ry Hansen, Mu Md Mis? hary Foil ns n. appointments. Covers were laid for . . . . . IlU Doha Pi, Wo.iien'3 Nation tv.elve guests. Bildge followed lun- Educational d award-fraternity cheon. Score prizes were Itvaral final Inillations Sunday aftcr-axto Mrs. Luther M. Howell and Mrs. for Jenny Lowe, Julia Green c L. Jones. latVeve Petty. Fo'lowing the initia-- j Mr, and Mrs. Carl B. Arentson buns a dinner was served at the enlertalnrd at a dinner party Tues-Hot- tl Ecclcs. Mlss Geneva Grace day evening. Covers were laid for was toast mistress and the following etilt gllr?ts. Brld re followed the with toasts: Miss Ori' a dinner. Fcore prizes were awarded rewiXMided Hall, Mlss Selma Hawkcs. and Mrs w. e. Skidmore and J. M. Jul.a Gieen. E.vch new member was Norfleet. v- Mr and Mrs r. Anderson en-- 1 presented with a corsage boquet. and Slma tertained at a supper and card iv its Lee Parker VsG. Hawkes were In charge of arrange- - j.n, y galurday evening. A boquet of Ay" i. went- the table yellow aeacia centered friars club of U. S. A. C. gave an covers were laid for twenty two biformaJ dancing party Saturday guests. Cards followed the dinner. exemng at the L. D. S. Seminary Score prizes were awarded to Mrs build.ng. Tifty coiqiles participated, j npn Roberts and Mrs. Irvin Theta Upsilon, national soron'y. c,lPnn. s honored with a visit from Mrs Johnson entertained 1 H xi D. Brand, of Oakland. Calif. tttPve Df her friends at a supper Y yfS-l ational Province president who ar-- r TTr visit to i Ir? red in Logan Wednesday event ie local chapter. Wednesday Moilcl R-- 4 C,& ing a n.ret.ng v.as held at fhc hoai Annie John on in her honor. On 7 tube Snprrlif irficUjc iih 33 WEST 1ST NORTH STREET t OGAN evening a c."n: er was Hmrsday Micro 1 one (Jonirt L 1 a of i Ltv home the or noons at I M'ilh lif ho. g vn in lrr i.mnjus IT; 'one of ptd 4 and Sopor Control h'ato-trotH- , I iv II J. I'aVh a pa ''' tv it iin- .! in ti fit tlie ; ror.t. I.'.: .a Two wore 4-- 12 W CENTER COMPANY LOGAN, UTA |