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Show Friday, December LOGAN. CACHE COt'NTY. UTAH CACHE AMERICAN 11, 1931 PLUMBING EXPERIENCED A.B.C. for itnnrvr an4 Repairs E. C. MADSEN Phone MS Ingan, UUh RADIATOR REPAIRING RADIATOR Repairing TOP, BODY AND FENDER AUTO WRECKAGE uid Card Mew Tires, Tubes and Batteries LEATHAM South Main Logan, UL BATTERIES rABK HEKI For Tire and Battery Repair Logan, Utah RADIO FURNACE CERTIFIED Prompt Haircut 25 GUARANTEED Larsen Glass Co. REPAIRING Phone Prices North Reasonable Cts. 17 TO YOUR AUTOMOBILE Home Cooked PHONE 371 I. PreeSo. Idaho mitti aa Bhorw f Me MOVING MAIN BARBER SHOP Crating Long Distance Packing Nest Door ta Interurhaa Moving TRANSFER Johnson Cab and llfORP Transfer Co. ransfer ele. 503 WATCH REPAIRING Ejaawo' sramn WATCH and CLOCK REPAIRING All Work Guaranteed Walter Raleigh No. Main Logan 443 N. 2 E. Phone 314 Confiscated Car Sold, Who Gets Money Salt Lake City Ivor Ajax, slate auditor, wants to know if the state should share in the pro-Joe ceeds of the prosecution of Powers, convicted at Brigham city of illegal possession of liquor, and if so. how much. He asked George Cache American u-- i P. Parker, attorney general, about it. and Die latter replied that he must know more about the case. Mr. Ajax will endeavor to get the information. Powers, Mr. Ajax says, was fined 3200 in municipal court at Brigham city, and appeal'd to the district court The Judce there ordered Powers' automobile sold, and the proceeds should be the amount of the fine. The automobile brought 1305. Mr. Ajax calculates that the state's half of that fine should be $152 50. But some officials of Box Elder county said it was not a fine, but confiscation of the automobile, and that the county gets the entire proceeds of confiscation and the state nothing. The attorney general gives the opinion that when the forfeited property is sold, the proceeds be long to the county, and the court would have no right or authority to appropriate such proceed to payment of the fine. Therefore, be fore answering the question, Mr. Parker desire to be advised as to exactly what was done by the court Notice On November 1, 1931. Jos. E Watkins the grocery purchased store located at 395 West Center street, Logan, and Is only responsible for obligations Incurred since adv that date. Protestant Pric ts ldii In the Aiiitlicuu cliiin ii, Is known as tbe higher hriiri It tb English church, ordained inirn terw are called priests Send u your Subscription for one year. Delivered nt Logan City by carrier r anywhere in Cache County by mail for only $1.50 per year. Cache American Phone 700 62 West Center, Logaa Across Street from HaybaJP D.S.C. 3 Pat la over ceiling saves coal Wanner In Winter Cooler In Fire Proof Sommer Bog Proof A Clean Oiling. CHIROPODIST Smith Brothers FOOT SPECIALIST Office hours 9 to 123 to 5 Phone 90W North Main, Logan ROCKWOOL P. WISEMAN Lumber Company S2S MUSIC CHIROPRACTOR USED Dr. Wm. W. Ross PIANOS SERVICE Schiller (A years Successful Practice 312 West Center St. Phone Shape) 1 S150.00 936 Milton Player CORSETTIER Nu-Bo- North Main Street LUMBER CHIROPODIST 12 ib-g- PER MONTH SERVICE Logan Cafe HEALTH a CARE OF THE SKIN 1 Special Until Dec. 20th 112 Cir wtatee. FOR 8 41 E Fiuuneted Good ax new, cheap. JaeW-eaad Fry Comrsny. Phone IK. STORAGE $5.00 Ml South Main Logan Denver Open, Mgr. Thatcher Bldg. 125 whole hogs 795J2. - Shoes With Shin Drrsecd THREE POCNO COLOUR U4L bath .IkxiIJ l takes duly. The water fur thia should not Everton Vatesoe Balls $100 warm. The temrniluro u( tepij bath should be brtwern 80 30 North 1st Went Pham Factory. , anJ IM cold ll, teiiqicixtur for Utla for adulta M usually 175 m Utlia wy from 90 dtgmra to 100 degmre and it a'f 1.1 t5 d- crees. . :l to follow such a bath with a i-FOR RENT Modem 5 room Raw ing sad evening sad after each meal. .4 .I iuer. istxrd house. 35 Martodaia ave. Lee a varbeal up sad down motion, at 375 West Outer Ju aJJition, ll face and hands rstber than a side Inquire to side, at this should be unshed frequently during cross motion doe Dot clrnn tbe For Sale Carter Oak stove aad Du day. Tb bandit particularly pane between tbe ter lb. limning 3 Hot Blast stoves, reasonable -should always be wvalied before turtle tbe mouth with a weak suluboa Ptume 388 Logaa. and after gnng to tie lavatory. Tbe of common daily tail belp to keep tb bruah remove of nail to belpa Iter fuma bard aad firm. A visit to lb d.:t and gemia from around the deciwt twice a year u aa much a Wanted A good reliable Ctrl for Ci i.rr naila. matter of health insurance as is housework Phone 1121-- J. 7 hr alia needs iht daily cleansing yearly examination bjr the family of tu own daily excretion. WILL CLEAN any private chimney lit phyariaa. 1 , jtm is gorng on ail lha time and for $1.00 until after holidays. Dw uatery part of perspiration Phone 541 QUESTlONSi evaporates, Imving a residue which All wives aad mother should HOUSE FOR RENT 6 room aaod-er- a, dr imposes. This cause dissgree- be able to answer three queetiont: 14 unfurnished. Mrs. Jk R. odors the and weakens also ludy How warm ahould bath be? 116 South 1st Bast Kmlth. ft u so that It becomes susceptible to A. When should fee aad hands D development of pun pies and bods. be aaabedT S. How should A I rok and thorough cleansing of the teeth be brushed and how often Vifi with oap and water removes dady 7 t'-waste material and stimulates If You Like the kin to renewed activity, thus D, cwne. Mi. Lt'l.u uing the load of Die kidneys and 13 Tku is th third of a ernes eii r cr rrtory organa. artlrln on II nil h ,fi ll,t Hunt Tht Tutu smd Gcws fourth vul be on Kitrcur, SUtf- and Tho t', .I ihiIJ be brushed u. rn- - KrU. lnd Rebuilders of Fine Dyed by Expert. 41 E t OEM Center ftl I'Uh LINTS Mr.fuul IV BLDO. MODERN FIREPROOF DAY AND NITE SERVICE Meals 1 North Main Phone LOGAN AUTO RAMP GARAGE CAFE DR. G. ELECTRIC CO. Radio Technician Graduate of Radio and Television Institute, Chicago, III Eleven Year Experience In the Radio Field. BE KIND Wl - E. Bert Kendrick GARAGE PARK AT THE AND Deb 1 n.Tl!S AND 8 or half Phone Pf.rRNrST II. a.1 A.U, imk I, Immimm Im Goodyear Shoe Repairing Co. RADIO 176 AT 36 14&R GET VOI R Al'TO GLASS WINDOW G I. S S AND riCTI RE FRAMES AT PEAK Barber Shop 46 Wist Center Logan QUALITY Day and Night HERE IS A GOOD TIP Ft W. FOR fly tmmtnt REPAIRING SHOE FOR RENT- - 3 room and ba'.b 112 50. Close In. plume 74 for 'Wires and c?)tothers TROTMAN C. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Home . Twawul MARION AMES Engineers Main Phone 184 Thone 539W Jones TRADE AND SAVE SERVICE GLASSWARE South Main Courteous Complrte BARBER SHOP Radio Smith 133 So. Expert Battery Service Strongs Service Skanchy & Health SHOE REPAIRING Get Your Everything in Radio B. Paris it lubes Phone III 3rd Now Logs a Radio Service Legaa, Utah 38S Ml E. Logaa, HOLLAND FURNACE COMPANY Phono Winston T7 Lindquist Floral any make of Funuus, Abo place Grated SERVICE 103 IRON WORKS 2nd South and Main We Repair and Reset re- Jacobson 391 North Main LUNDAHL If yea rao'l be heme for Send Flowers. Christmas W( win wiru thews anywhere for you. AUTO PARTS CO. UO REPAIRING Flowers For Christmas Auto Wreckage and Replacement Parts R4DIO REPAIRING PLUMBING BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Tafre Seven $140.00 Newman ne $95.00 Foundation Garments (A Real Bargain) Custom made corsets, girdles, rupture belts and pads. EFFIE E. MERRILL Phone 1279J Corsettier. 379 East 2nd North corse-lette- s, THATCHER MUSIC CO. WEST 13 CENTER DENTIST Value lies not In price alone, nor In quality alone . . . But when you find exactly the same quality at a lower price, thats vidua. Smith Dental MILK Pure North Main St. Logan MADE IN LOGAN IT-BOO- ST IT Dr. Smiths Dental tooth paste that win really clean the teeth. Dr. Smiths Antiseptic Solution 60 times than tronger aarbollc add as a germ killer, yet It Is not poison . . Kills germs In 30 seconds. SOLD EVERYWHERE DT CACHE VALLEY M PHOTOGRAPHER V. W. 2 So. Tel 191w Send your photograph this Christmas . . . TORGESON Cream A Baxters Dairy 532 DENTAL CREAM TRY Fresh We Deliver Twice Daily 20 Quarts $1.00 OFFICE 49 MILK STUDIO Portraiture and Commercial Photography Logan. Utah Higb-Cla- u Unfortunate. recent study of the iniellixiu of drug addicts showed that of every 100 addicts were h" the average la meatsliiy. A ( 'i j |