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Show 9 CACHE AMERICAN, LOGAN. I'TAII News Review of Current Events the World Over ?5xup6 W e. said In New York be would fight tradition. The suilmr and Marie llerguln, one of the committee, already had been Indicted for misconduct In a Keniuiky hotel. Intermountain News Scenes and Persons in the Current News Briefly font for Buv Header All) 1 HE (IIIIJ)KKN, informed T STl HY I ANNUL government thut St KMC 1001 I ROM). unless It did something for India HAT BATTIK tOILIIT. Japanese Defeat Chinese in Iiloody Rattle While by December t he would Sail for LAW OlvEll. 4 to lead a IK.lirilOlK 11 on I Well Bombay HILLS. BEVERLY Dawes Seek and Council League civil new disobedience and In tb greater pa know l Juat wbt I read 1 movement In that country. In that Road to RnIi'E, IDA. A tax study that pera, and tba Bird I run onto aa case It la likely he will order a so- wl I cover not tax prowl hitter and only pres-n- t lul cial aa well aa a common boythither. Wall hut possible reined es will ais'ctni cott against the British, which undertaken by a new statewide (ueaa who wa Ry EDWARD W. PICKARD would mean that no Indiana would a r bad out bera a of committee growing out of to bring to an end the coupla of woeka husbnnd. It la likely that the Ar- work for British Individual. the meeting here of del gn'ea called British troop were sent to Kash- by the ala: rhnmler of commerce. ao. Not a Soul war between Japan and kansas fienincrats wilt notulnute her but m r food Chins was the pruhlera l (nil was for the apeclul election to he called mir recently to help put down a In leaving lax-are causing the ou lln-taken up again hy the found! of and In that case the la certain to Moslem revolt In thut Indian elute, by tbe confer-e- n friend,V I(and e a e. jroura) the League of Na be elected to till out the unex and the Itusshm government prole-, ts, considering the military moveProaldent Char(tuna at lit meet pi red term. ley Curtis. Tea Urn wet bloc In the house of ment as a distinct menace to it m winner of Bingham Ing In Paris. And, rottn'y and Sir tha Newspacolnclden tally, representatives will gain another frontier. In consequence Moscow tli- - rc-- tilt of the S cling section made per men wera threats nn Afghanistan was vote of against the Jb there through the nomination ate mop' rating in tie grading of Mcl-enled which bolding one of the Afghan government ah. ut thii-- u ud one half miles of of extricating the aid by the Itepuhllenna of IeriodI-ealto to ask Turkey for the services of league from tlieun-pic- the Fifth district of New Jer-a-Cold Fish. was the and Charley Mint aiiuiillon complete the term of the late Ern- a military mission to reorganize Ha I'T. Forty five IltoVO, Ton know be la a mighty human rreuled by Japan a est It. Ackerman. He will contest army. And Sir Hurl S.ngli, maharakllnd or a cuss, lie la a Kaw Hat refuiil to obey for the seat wllli Percy II. Slew art. jah of Kashmir, objects to the BritThera alnt many of cm. Its Democratic nominee, at a special ish taking charge of Ids country. Its orders. The disJust a little tribe In Kansas and 1. Doth the gendI pI election tinguished northern Oklahoma. But they are were aided In tlemen are advocates of revision or ua aa good Indiana. Not aa good their task hy repeal of prohibition, while Mr. AckCberokeea, but good euougb. erman waa a Republican dry. The that there will be leglalnilon to In-Dawes, 1 wruii,g from ten to twelve Dr. John G. Murray, bishop of Portland, Maine, who has been appointed by tbe pope to he archbishop Charley la mighty well liked who waa Instructdistrict Is normally Republican. crease federal taxes, for the deficit j, ur a and a rev out oplnh n of St Paul, Minn. 2 View of the great Gatun spillway of the Panama canal with nil the gate open for among all tha lojuna. You know Ita ed to proceed from London to act at the end of (lie present fiscal year of tli. atorney gen rul held this the first time In a mighty fine thing to hare a little aa a in ha sa dor observer. history during the flood that lied up traffic In the ennui. 3 The Fifteenth Enlted State PRESIDENT HOOVER announced will be too big to be taken rare of( praCi,e Illegal excvpt in rases of Infantry on old western boy, of part Indian par march through Tientsin, China, where It I part of the International military force protectdethe While the council discussed, resigaccepted i m y. by further bond Issues. Senator Jim concession. entage become Vice President of bated and conferred, the Japanese nation of Henry P. Fletcher a chairing foreign Watson of Indiana, majority lender these Ex great United States. He TtHiEI.n, I'T. A fr. e luncheon troops went right along with their man of the federal tnrllT commission of the aenate, said s tax Increase baa held about ererythlng worth Is being served to undernourished In Manchuria. Gen. Ma to lake efTeet on November 30. Mr. wa program "Inescapable." and as he had bolding In tba way of Jobs In tbe Chan ahnn, commander of the ChiFletcher some time ago Indicaied Just been In conference with the children durltg the noon hour by gift or bis State and Country. He nese army In Heilungkiang provthe haul Legion pist ami auxiliary. Ids wish to resign, but at the PresiPresident It was assumed this was was a Senator for years, and beIn office. He the was remained dent's ordered General ince, by request lloiijn, Senator Mr. Hoover. OGDEN', ET. Exeelh nt success of opinion come Republican Leader, and a Japanese commander, to withdraw had aerved since the commission's Smoot of Utah, chairman of the has attended the rat extermination good one. He knew trades, be was months ago. his troops from Angutichl and Tsltal-baorganization, finunce committee, admitted there caaqiaigu carried ou for a welt In raised aa a Jockey, and rode on all In submitting his resignation Mr. would have to be further taxation this diy. of the the the latter capital western mile halt tbe little tracks, of the and thought It might be possible to and today be lores racing and nerer province. Ma refused to obey and Fletcher appended a report IT. Work Is In proDELTA, a fierce attack commission's work, showing that by obtain passage of a sales tax. Sen- gress on the Oak City Lynndyl misses going to a meet at any of the the Japanese opened 30 be would docket Its November arms. with all Including bomhing ator Fees of Ohio said: The budget Lcamingnm road. Local labor U betracks orer tbe line from Washingsenmust be balanced even If we are ing used on the project. ton In Maryland. He would rather planes which dispersed the Chinese Cleared of all applications and bare a little bet on an old Plug, than cavalry. In bitterly cold weather ate requests for Information. compelled to take drastic mensitres IIYRCM, ET. In the neighbor-hoo- d such as waa done In England, fine to bear Borah apeak on "the the battle raged for many hours and of ore and a quarter million were the Chinese out forced which KRMANY repre-nteIs and reductions finally France, line of effort League of Nations and Why." He has be-paid out to Cache sets up there studying the dope of both the cities named. In tills by Secretary of Slate are being made so as to reduce the! dollars , et sheet, while Jim Watson dellrers a operation the Japanese troops sd Buelow and M- Briand. reached an outlay. The other must be increase! In the comiwvnies valley, ojveratlng tirade against Pat Harrison. Then vunccd within the sphere of Influagreement on the formula by which In revenue. I also believe that there! A petl-tnl- n ft ALT LAKE CITY, I'T. Tat bumps him off wltb one remark, ence of Soviet Russia for the first the Germans should call for a morawill be enacted excise taxes on eer- Just as tbe Vice President has found time, and ns Moscow had warned torium on reparations under tbe articles." Senator Bmglinm of tli.n signed by practically all tbe what be thinks will arrlrq first In them against doing this, it was be- terms of the Young plan, and the Connecticut advocate restoration of re Id. n's of Wayne and Garfield lieved the result might be momenthe third race at Pimlico. text of the request was presented nuisance tnxes, especially on soft conn lev and endorsed by the Salt I go to see bim every time I go to tous. In this big battle along the to the world bank at Basel after the drinks. The "progressive" Repub-- Rake ihauib. r of commerce, seeking Here Is seen a part of the mammoth train of 151 carloads of solid pine as It left McCloud, Calif., for American and British represenla-tive- s llcans are calling for higher In- cons met Ion of a (0 mile lilgbvvay Washington. He has always been Nonnl river both sides were reportthe to the East via the newly completed Northern IncIOc-Grea- t Northern link at BIcber, Calif. This Journey to a good friend of mine. Last time 1 ed to have sustained beavy casualservice forest federal the the In the higher brackets, by In Berlin had been shown come taxes was the train of lumber ever to cross the United StatesL largest was there I bad lunch wltb him In ties. wonderland letter. The German government asks and there may he little opposition Join Wayne county's with Bryce canyon, bns been tbe Senate Restaurant, and by tbe Anticipating a Russian protest, the world bank and the Internato this In eilher party. lied to Utahs senatorial deleBLACK HAWK CHIEF way be bad Pat Harrison, and some Japan notified Moscow that It held tional powers to Investigate her abilDemocratic leaders had less to other hungry Democrats, there with the Chinese Eastern railway partly ity to pay the reparations and to sny, for their program U not yet gation. The proposed highway ns. You know tbats a funny thing responsible for the hostilities be- help Germany formulate a plan to settled. would Involve a federal expend! Anyhow they expect the ad' ShM yam:" about that Senate, they get up there cause It had transported Chinese pay her private debts. The latest ministration to recommend the tax tuie of around $70,000. It would and bellow and rare against each troops. report of the Relchslmnk shows that Increase and thus shoulder the re- cmup'.cv a scenic loop between tbe Escaother, and at heart they are all despite a favorable trade bnlance sponsibility, after which they can Wayne couuty scenic spots, w good friends. They know there la a . N PARIS General Dawes was achieved by Germany In October, the decided how they think the deficit lante and Bryce canyon and Grovcertain amount of Hooey to be er. of Relehshank Is still very short ( . , should be met. gone through, and they kinder tolbe was the central figure and foreign currency. TOOELE, UT Work on the cut erate each other carryings on. They deed, thut In Ills talks with It was off on the road from Tooele to kinder got Vice Pres Curtis going Tsuneo hoped exporters, already Stockton has been compl ted and Matsudulra, Japanese amCRAXDI, brilliant young AMERICAN now though. He Is not right sure bassador to the seeming certain- the road a compromise DIXO and minister of London, opened to traffic. Italy If he wants to run for the office ty of British tariff legislation, were might be worked out. Danes also the mouthpiece of Premier MussoE'T. Cash amounting OGDEN, news thnt again or go back home and come out hud a the further dismayed by long conversation with Dr lini, has had Ids three days of conthe Turkish government had Issued to $11371, and many silver trophies for tbe bouate again. ton know you Alfred Sze, Chinese delegate, which versations the will be o'fcred exhibitors at tlie take an old football player and he both of them said was most profitPresident Hoover a deciee drastically limiting no Ogden livestock show, January 8 arth of les, 1,000 Importation never feels the same refereeing a able. There were rumors that the and departed from to 1 1, as sp'cial prires by breeding merto consideration given being game that he did when he was down United States had come to the conWashington, well associations, public spirited firms route. or en In customs there playing In It Well that's bow clusion that Japans contentions satisfied. The re- chandise commission houses. The special and on Charley feels. He sets up there should be upheld, and the league sults of the talks America Is hit asby limits placed mo- prDcs are being offered In conjuncautomobiles, such articles wltb a hammer, but none of them officials were worried. But these have not been made tion wilh the regular awards paid tion picture films, rnmern films, auare close enough that be can really stories were refuted by a statepublic at this time hy the livestock association. radios. and Comparatomobile tires do much good with It. ment from Secretary of State Stine of writing, but it ts arof SALT LAKE CITY, ET. Loans these amounts small There ought to be Just some Clerk son to the effect that the United tively known that the ticles will be permitted to enter the for drouth relief totalling around or somebody that Is drafted for the States stood (Irmly on the question chief topic was disNovember and De-- one hundred thousand dollars have Job. Just a good Parlimentartan of treaties and had not thus far armament, In which country duringnew and quotas will be liven granted to Utah ranchers by that knows the rules and be hollers committed Itself In any way. Dawes cember, Mr. Hoover and II the agricultural department. The "Order." I tried to find out from and the council were trying to gathDuce are deeply In- fixed for succeeding months. department has approved over six Charley which Job he was out for. er the real facts In the controversy, Augusto Rosso terested. G r a n d I from Utah hundred applications But you cant get much out of these and Jnpan was asked to state In de- brought with him Signor Augusto trouble lias come upon the farmers and s ocktneu and has over Politicians. But he is "On The tail Just what she demanded from Rosso as one of his chief JORE Jy advisers, of prohibition through two hundred cases still pending for Fence." There was a report that because Rosso Is an expert on naval the killing of a youth In EngleChina. Captain Wentworth of the Chi Information or correction. The loans f told you dident I about being This 250 foot Ice cone was formed at the base of the upper Yosemite Dawes and Sir John Simon, British affairs and Italy is especially wood, Colo., by Henry Dierks, a dry are made to help farmers buy cago Black Han ks, one of the prombeing down awhile back to John Garners falls In the Yosemite valley. The recent cold snnp put a blanket of snow r minister, were contemplat- concerned with the comparative inent hockey teams. foreign The out of or livestock people agent. fe'd transport Is home? He the next Speaker of ing Invoking the nine power treaty on the Sierras and In the valley formed Ice from the spray falling from strength of her navy. Signor Rosso out there are greatsections designated as drouth areas. the House. It was an awful hotney t Is at present chief of the Italian forat Washington in 1022. the signed drop of the upper falls. the and BRIDE NICHOLAS aroused, OF ly place. He has PROVO, ET. A decrease of 79 with bureau started an Aristide Brlnnd, president of the eign office division that s about seven from last years enrolled students council, though, exhausted to the the League of Nutlons, and there investigation of the acres right In total of 3873 Is shown by the 1931 have been hints that he might be a affair. Dierks, In as as was of Illness, busy point litbeautiful this census of the- city school district, future ambassador to Washington. making a raid, Dawes, especially la negotiations tle town of 3 was gratified with found the young Grandl the Kenkiehl with Signor JapBOISE, IDA. The value of Yoshlzawa, Uvalde, Tex and H anese delegate and his close friend. the news that Aristide Briand. as man, Milford Smith, irrigtted farms In Idaho was be has got his deIn 034 of had 3, head the a 1S30, .10, two came 409, From council, including In league ImporNanking possession of own Cows, and r tant Items of news. One was that clared officially that the land, buildings, impl ments and bottle of wine and lots of Chickens the Kuomintang congress had de- armament building truce is in effect In, a struggle with machinery, according to a bureau which he feeds of census report recently issued clared In favor of war on Japan in as of November 1, for this truce was him clubbed him to himself every iv by the bureau of domestic and for-- e The city case the league should fail to settle the suggestion of Grand! though death. day. Quite a hungn commerce. In 1920 the number the quarrel. council of EngleThe other was the he called It an American-Lntiter and Fisher, In his talks with the corIdea. statement of the nationalist governwood passed and sent to the bureau of farms under ditch was 25,2S3. be had ment that It would regard any Manrespondents he said : We think In In Washington a resolution In which The area irrigated in 1929 was killed some Deer acres, a decrease of 12 per were set forth some of the incidents headed by Italy that the question of disarmaout of season. He was shooting at churian government cent from 2,4S8.80G acres Irrigated most career. ment the otheris In that quesDierks It former Hsuan Important charged some quail when he hit the deer. Tung, emperor, wise Henry Iu-yas a seditious tion existing now in the relations Dierks, while acting ns an under- 10 years previous, and was 23 per Course the Quail wa3 out of season too, but he dident hit them. I Institution and would repudiate all between countries, and that It Is cover man a few years ago, had em- cent of the total farm acreage in In 1930. A total investment girl as Idaho dldent want to eat the deer that Its acts. Hsuan Tung was taken high time for everybody to reach ployed a seventeen-year-olof $84,500,354 was reported by tbe for some Asked he had result. drunk who on account that It to an dinner Mukden the for of got practical Informer; by Japanese, night irrigation enterbeing against the law to kill it, but presumably Intended to make him a his views on war debts and repara- collecting evidence in a raid and 3,222 operating to the report. accordingprises, a Mussoto had clubbed 1930 meat was I called he all had and he attention the It helpthat in they puppet emperor of that country, but tions, was hungry. He has a lot of Pecans what had become of him was un- linis statement in 1922 thnt war less prisoner with his revolver. HowSALT LAKE CITY, UT The too. He said they was soft shelled. ard T. Jones, assistant director of report of the chief of die national known, He was said to have de- debts and reparations were dependAint It funny how a fellow in Pol- clared he would commit suicide ent npon each other and should prohibition, said this was all news forest service gives the extent of This Is the beautiful Jean Lucia itics will Just lie, when tber8 is rather than serve as a tool of Japan. be scaled down. to the bureau and that there was the forest fires for 1931 as 52.2GG-4G- 0 acres. This area Is approximate- Deletj, divorcee, whom Prince Nichreally no reason for It? He could nothing In Its records to the disresee me clamping down on these ly that of the state of Utah. The olas of Rumania made his bride congress assembles there THEODORE DREISER, eminent credit of Dierks. Is reported King Carol Pecans with one of the best set of WHEN be It at $G6, 280,900 in comlisted cently. is loss to memmembers other the the a woman poEnglewood According again had t.Se marriage dissolved, but that Tusks ever swabbed in Pepsldent, committee that lice, Dierks fractured Smiths skull mercial timber. The causes of fire Nlch-vaber of the senate, for Mrs. Thad-deu- s of the s has disregarded this action. yet I couldn't even make a dent In went to Kentucky to Investigate the with a blow with the butt of his are given as campfires, cigar and H. Caraway has been appointem. Here I had cracked Hickory smokers. thrown away by 111 treatment of coal miners Japanese troops photographed at Chengchiatun, Manchuria, as they and then placed him In cigarettes ed to succeed her revolver alleged 20 Nuts and old black Walnuts with late husband temwere being hurried northward along the railway to Anganchl to reinInvestment Planning In Bell county got themselves Into a Jail where he remained nine hours Tobacco users are blamed for los3 these Molars, but they met their An Investment trust Is an organforce their comrades In the war with the Heilungkiang army of GenSmith Pr cent of the totnl flre senapeck of trouble If the authorities of without medical attention. Waterloo that day when I tried to porarily as ization which, with Its capital, buys eral Ma. taken The can soon to hold of them. state after tor from Arkansas that died bebeing get UT. Work has COALVILLE, sink em Into Jack Garners SOFT The a variety of stocks and bonds. The grand jury In Bell county Indicted hospital. only other gun on the three narrow culverts dividends received on these are shelled Pecans. Ills nine companions on Dreiser senator woman and we The road. Coalville the in Small by Comparison Wanship Be It Ever So Grumble He raises his own Grapes too, and constitute the earning of charges of criminal syndicalism, acA mature African elephant, the' culverts will be widened as they pooled and but as I was saying, its a have bad was Mrs slopping with sentimental diviFairly the a If irust. corporation, to r of them Felton Rebecca of promulseeking cusing are considered dangerous at pres-foslush, a youth requests of the New largest of land creatures, weighs mighty livable life he lives there. dends are paid on the stock in acgate a reign of terror and of suga quarter of a century and for nt- His Son and Daughter in law, and Georgia, who held York American a definition of about three tons and reaches a cordance amount with earned the gesting disorders and resistance to two terms was chancellor of the ex- a might pretty little Grand Daug-te- r the office nominally SANTAQUIN, UT. Work on the on the securities held. The purpose home," quoting as Ills own treas- height of 11 feet at the shoulders, the state and federal governments. chequer, has been created a vis- - water pipeline has been given to lives right next door. It was a and for but a short of the home Is where the but it is only about ured to version, is spreal Investments over a wide Conviction carries a penalty of not count Sirs. Caratime. As luck would have it, size of the largest species of whale. by King George and elevated thirty men and boys of this city, un- held so that if one investment goes heart Is. place I would have liked to stayed e more than twenty-onImprisyears to the house of peers so that he may der the direclioa of the city longer, but I would have sure way, however, may bad it will be balanced by another the editor, feeling a bit cynical, reonment, a fine of $10,000 or less, or the office of lord privy seal In ficials. The wooden pire line is be-- which will pay. The owner of stock plies: homes the place where the wanted a hammer on those SOFT be expected to be Intellectual Test both. an active member, with new steel pipe. In I am going to the national government. He de- Ing replaced Shelled Pecans. As a test of Intelligence, bridge the investment trust thus gets woman pajs $20 an ounce for perancommonwealths a was The close she for attorney A store UT. him In the clined to run for community LEIII, to the Washington to watch the benefit of the wide spread over fume, hires an Interior decorator affords evidence that convinces of and government nounced he would seek to extradite lower house because of ill health. hi use and wood pi'e is planned for Speakers chair, cracking em with Student the politics a great many risks. Washington to set the table and makes the old everybody w ho is good at it. Akron Dreiser and the life of her offenders, alleged during long public this city by the civic organizations. 1931. Western Newsnaper Union.) his Gavel. Star. man go without cream In his coffee." Beacon Journal. Mahatma t g.a.ndiii Icaec. - H)V a tbalr n e a, N ,.u 1 ' e!m-rg- Largest Train Load of Lumber on Its Way Jr,: r, ... d ' - "B' dls-pa- ti Cold Snap Comes to Ycsemite Falls lW 'Mt'Wai J wltb 1,430-foo- Japanese Troops in Manchuria efSfrf one-yea- 'Ini St n just l, d - . one-tent- h ld ( , 1931, McNaught S radicate, Inc.) (. |