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Show TITE SALT LAKE TRIBUXE, WEDNESDAY MORXTXO. OCTOBER 28, 1D25. OFFICIAL STATEMENTS that on ffo 6th tiajr of November, ly'5, at tji hour of ten o'clock' a. m. of fald data, or as toon thereafter at the at the matter can be heard, courtroom of the district court of the United Statea for the district of Nevada, at Oareon City, Nevada, any and all bid received pursuant to thie notice will be considered by the court the court reserving the right to reject any and oil -- bid which may be SHOW CONDITIONS IN UTAH BANKING -I- NSTITUTIONS PROSPEROUS PERSONAL IRAVksL eatjr THS BIO 6,000,000 Higher in Third Quarter; Deposits in Salt Lake Houses Increase by 3,109,616. i 1115. DEATHS - AND FUNERALS JK4A U. B1LLLNU6. ge4 TT 3lal Tuesday at bar home, 406 East tocood tooth a treat. 6ba waa a ttv of New York, and bad lived la bait Lake far the peat four 7 ear a. toe la survived by tire daughter. Ur. Augntia Tar nee of title city, and Mr. Ida Chamber of Battle rirsck. Mrb ; four grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Foneral est-vi- e will be heed at th Evans 4 Karl mortuary chapel Thursday at KMK a. m. Interment a 111 follow la Wasatch Lawn cemetery. WILLIAM T. PITTING tH, aged 65 jeara. died Tuesday at hta hmua to thla dty-Rwaa a native of Illinois. and had lived In thla dty for the paat tea year, being vice president of the Intermountala Art comDa la survived by hi widow and waa pany. ana, Char tee C. p.ttenger of Bait Lake City. inpvmcrmpii will be made f liberal aervlcea for the Rev. Jo-laMriNain will be held fmao the Third Preabyterlaa church, corner Eleventh K aud Seveoteeiith gmMh atreeta, Thureday at Frier le may fee tha body at p. m. tba cnurch front 12'90 until 2:M p. m. on Oie day of the funeral, and prior to that tlm at the Bvana A Kirty mortuary chapel. Interment will folhw in lb family plot In 31 K M 0 TRANSIT tU Help" (M&le) pa XB CO. BIBUE-OKEW- Wanted II AN, NOT RASI WHO CAN rou.ow N l.. NAsfI oiwiV v N iut.. 1 1 MOTOR TftATRL Bt'KKAU, to-310 uuh Cap. gait Lake office and depot, Sacnloh hotel lobby. Loa depot. President hotel, of flee 4U Bouth Wain. Oaltfor-Bt- a 17T7 Denver office and dapot, TUB TaMaIHINO kvR 8ALfc-JJ- IUI niK mug ia HtmNb6 f)s xl f JfI!H FAlL AM) W1N1RH. BUYI) HilAMU, 6 .7 lU.'h; Alik Fa bltii t buMi of hard nork, control their owa earn- If till a daily. irrruif mar nc ney, call 8U5 lady, xiruvmt lu- meeting' puV OWNER S REAITJKIL BLNGALOW. dr, or deatlat Furaiahed or imfurnlahed. Dwurlng pwliloo more then high Adrireaa V 4A, Tribune. room and aleeping parch, beat ealf hk JL atenogrepoer niBhe ateno- - rJwn furnaa, duiibi garage, fireplace, bunt-lgraphic or general offu-- work feature. Thla elnga. the beat homd Hi kt 75 H w hT aver had to offer, . M JihR. ini.UH agc4t, will care far chll-drtowth 6th Beat. Appolntae&i B. only Hr vfienina. Reference INTBS TRENT CO., il)MAN ombu 4ley murk, can give refer- - $70 Bo. $UMla. W.A 7H 2492 R. i!aW . XaH tta. .$25.54 107 Y ot s woman wa.nim b work "i-M2 will, I)AV. WILL OR CLEANING; w, so. 4$. ' WamI KlfS HEN WALLA OR CEIUNGg. T1 . PHON g M A6 (.sap tin So. 47 LAPMihv e Hftiird individually: ailka aod - 1071 w- ta!o 2!' Mod. J clothe a areMalty. Waa. 4765 R, 4 bum , J7 oq ,y,. MCONAI I.UI R. P.,to. IV R-V. ILL rwj IN rui aei ne tllanera ytir cvo'pany f r $Nrni Bill,. an ic. would like p'oltiou m j lr,. tr Wt. FOE RENT Unfurnlghed Houae nffloe, WA1TRF2GI OafL Nt.. 360, h. r. WAITKMM5. elty, $13 A bd CH)K foi 1kWU oouth MsiiWAUHKU. rate, Nv. 846, b A r Other nork la and out daily. NATIONAL RlUINa) Y M K.N T AGDV T, 02 Hnuperbl tg t giBaot Jat .j NT ill) An citWriy Ady te ta-- e dru. 661 No, 13th 1ilr ind go1 hotue. Ca-- tnumiutr TMAt HERS Elementary, hi h erlKKti Mettatain Htjitee Teah'ra't$en.y. lege. No. 2P6 Inientei-KaStation bid Wh n7-GOtilV eleady for hvAiea trit.ue guuQ prop$.e!tion to ritht im mi For appotnun-n- t Ion ccly. casl llr (wwg ANTED IW lady aoiU'ito; to m.i eome thing new fa the public. Bg money far mi uoon, right partire. Apply 8 13 Judge bidg. XUAl'HtfKM for ... r firtia 1 e- To chare enrg' 64 Main. Ratb-vAgain. Free euroP.maut. Yergenaee. manager. HAS H). rAIUKlNG rAH HAI1U. WYOMING AMI N0W U THE TO 3IMK WANTED Situation! (Female) Wanted FOR A fompetant girl or woman to taka car or rhlidrva and aealat with b'.Miaework; no lauudry or cooking. ermaieat p4altou. Addresa G 2U, rllnme. U1.IK,. THE WANTED Help (Female) 0H)D IIOMI AND GOOD WAGED A S ,V,U a w ukui to start. UAUUUOHKINO MAN NBW11 Al" M;X l 8b.K MU. Ill l,MLlt, 7 A COMlNkN TAL BA.MC riV ri XIKW'f.Iul s now fa op-- r tin large, comfortable ear between belt Lake City and Lua Angela, with connections to all coast point. Ait fully bonded and licensed, with cartful, considerate drlvert, aaoortug coin-natty and protection to our patron. Schedule: Toemteya, Friday and Sunday. Wal Lo Angela Offlrwt Office: Little Hotel, Motor Htaga Depot. 10T 5. Main. Wan. 2397. 6th A Loa Angel Sqrceaeom to Big 6 TranTriatfc-n- October 14, W. T. SMITH. (Signed) Receiver, Union Land and Cattla company. Oct. 22. 4r November Resources of State Banks Wanted With the comfort and of It twwa a lt standard o operation made. Iated WANTED TUtt ItlUUT WAY. 19 iti"nan,' 'iii ?'' ' e to" a r 5v m. go. htir Hef.reue W Si. y Banking eocdltloni to TTtah, Salt Vst forcer ... 4.120.004 58 6.51 360.7$ 2 ROOM iifilM ItM Nil iad bflrd, ,Iom lo. 4( $;o o4 $iaf Savin, a utoo buoakeeptaka and 0rda ar, ' pro gr naively floe's vr. iaalier; beet Uuk A Trust OT; 4 roooi brick. 13y Wat. ucea, Pbixte wli'wro0 i.lli t ukkiAANT AUKNC Y. 9844 J praeprou lndloating Improvement compeay .. . It ft, 49.66 18 064.1 V. 8 at. sr-r- t. 2681. Wiuu-62 7.K5.17O.Q0 in canaral fciulneea over the pait free ret Serflir 6 1459, riRKBRioK msJ from all principal cltle aaat Operating lny a adi furniBlivd oa ohort Lose A GAIX'W. at nos tl. TH SO. AU. 2I0IA Trery n and eouth. quarter, aa baaed upon the consoliTrust IV ... rONVEMENl-RS- . 6.909.964.46 6tt.124.61 OARAOJfi, J" JT aafe EC llcwwd driver: . Hi Dependable wii.r car, tura BAStRHNT. IIISAPPLARINiJ dated report of Seth Plxton, state Halioraa-Jmlf- t BBD; $45. Ijuc Angelo, gib; Denver. 8 12 60; Kaneaa w- u .5 IB you HAVI A ROI SB TO BRNT, Trust rx7 . , 6 5S0.6 CMcero. Louie. bank oommlaaiooar, on the oondltlon Taut. n 8L 33360; 3J6; City, Pam. Truat Co. LXPEltlENt LH lauiidraN want wa4ilOf to WITH IS. WB ARB IS TU 2,369.545.56 Omaha. 326. Bpeclbl airangemeuto far par of stata banks as of October S, and Danker m MINERS Treat take home; fiae TO oITB l!ka and table lUtaa a R BN TAL bio ItoNKY FOR loO tic ot 6 ar nor. Oo. (trust HBKV1US. Phone Hyland 94H7J. UXIK. NOTES. INC.. WAS, the oomparatlve statement of RH8KUVA.pr,da!tg with rwtl atperience to ell BiSk'ORB MAKING 6E8 VI 22V I ' gean 63 209S53 ud 90 346.776 LX PLP k TIONS. IkBiejy for tucif. nviaeo and rhll ex- roue me j$d and rssourosa of Salt . Lake pastry ' COAY Sh4 medera apt. to' dup.es bveaef Bture, 4th floor Tione and as 429. iMr,ror Phe Hyland IBHft 1vU. comavrcUl L' VBHTIGATION5 t jx 3TS.5i9.ifj6.fii 561,914.49 City and Ofdan banka, prepared by Total LX W'uiXNt4.i i2 Hwith Main afreet. MrTlcl gamgtj 4tX. Warn erimiAal. made aey place In tbe world. office T7kV !fatieito and resources of Ogden banka, itlKL eauted. over 2d yean of o do , drwe etiog(e4ir ft K I, A Edward A. Jamaa examiner of the B L B H dot) P. L of Particular attcatioe given to matter Herd1d reffeencte. Hy. per published statements at th close of general boueework in Nerada; $46 tuuth, v4nONAI. LiiiUiyMB.Nf Frerl meetic relations, repoeee Km of eera, m mxlera fcuue for reaL Call UDCY, atxici.y Salt laka aod Orden Clearing House tue lairu quarter, we$e. b HAND W 147 htuith. mvMidrf eork ellfea curtain aud Hy. 15U3. 817 U a (non a are. a Bast 7t B'Mith. GIRL ateady. beaaled as atrriea property; all buinee eou htldreaa cMhe a Total ll )H' Llnp aaeoolatlons. Resources of all stata laam machine wradlny. 4 ItCHJM Bureau. MNiil.K u mill 6 ur ftdeottal. National Bank. tnfeihgenre uir auto. newt cleaned.' $37 4uul aivderu, . reftourre. Deposit. Dntnrdlau-lyary. Ill Inc.. 810 Nea bldg. banks totaled tni.71S.Sll.6t on Waa 7341 2nd Weet. !Ur l'f a. m., MoGA- 'A'ravei Uursau, First Utah Nat $.044,403.88 e,418.$$8.4ft P !1KI WNt hJ office girl dualrWOMAN fur general hitteeeora ai.dlo ee tvit!60 vni ut ' than Commercial BejAl'n3fr Taka an Inrentory of ymir eard S, an Increase of mors $16 in or out of town. Van take dictation, SB Trinidai wodarn bouse. i Mat with three children. lftth; per628?3.fi7 robe and let ne aell ee amah cMntnielrm. Plftce. curity bank.. rear 277 to W eat Temple. iKMNLD br:uii ,4fkrn big PJOur It manent; very deairanle haane F 21,, Tribune bilitug machine and Call H, 900, 000 over the total resources of Dfdea State .. 7,301. 5tt. 46 7.621.291.86 U ne you wUl diapoe of. Full partlmlars riothlng tv;t6 neen d'J. iuak' otir future houae at 9 $th 0. Hi taaf S107.S67, 134.17 on June Tlret Utah Savand wbu erk in offue luht urcn. I Mr. Ihnnion' cheerfully glrea. 6076 W. tlma. TOPNG euiueu la siwr tidVlMSG. untiling Iroiurg 35 rvut puc can max Waa. 234,1 . 8.490,276.60 8 JO to $tu week ex J n ing bank 8.893, 867. tiO Shop, 024 Csnetitiition bldg. Mr. James's compilation, as per National tun;Xu(i American Telegraph tra.factwie lumr 4 ROOM Waa 6444. h.kt ref, Will not Bank work. with gasAu Interfere modern; range, garage,. uTu jxmr 6H1RLCY Maesaxe. TV TT 1 V1n. Wna. ftluM. of national tatis, published statements Write WAUAlR LLR, 116 8. lartoru, YUCNU wunan wlh of Commerce. 46 West gfh South. 2 529.794.48 M?, Ollret 2.215.954 28 botierkecptHg for . treatment. At Kegia, 341 kL 2nd bo.. l'AlKililNt, MU:.si;.7hLi I. TliBUNB 856. ' Dept, or $10 banks September 18 and state banks amall To 2UU6 rblcago temple death after family. Hy. call for our iiat of vacau WORD waa mvlvetl yiterday of tb 1 i T TUB W pt. 7. 2nd floor. BI.il' UDMAMM. a 1( . .130.605 nr.86 823.723.706.44 hotteea. rooms and efflce. A eb of Mr. Anna Rent Thomas. 48, In Beat-tiichim October 10, shows that deposits In Total great opp'riuuitu, 1T10N. TUB BtWf HIO MlANrt, lUu; Nt Ce.. 5WBDI5H BODY MAS3AiH Re. MsIq f. W'aa. 126. Will Wash., on 0fo!er At. Mr. Thoinn. KLECTR10, Salt lake City banks Increased oldrai, aui-a. Uigrat s ii telegraphy, HOT AND BTAPP Wanted BAD IE iiit: tub Situation BATHS, market, n (Male) 4 AND krooni modern cottage, Deimar av Kaiu whle 3u formerly a resident of Fait 'Jk and who 84 8. MAIN. BH. 657. I TO I. NAMI Ml. (ttl.T for free catalogue. U1 oarer total deposit, on June White Caps Gold Mine BRANCH. IAKii Joaitth of waa the wife Dili Janitor aervlce; in excellent condliitai. 2V4 here, o. Mam, itt St man nt jib lioueeiuan, cotk. per . block American Telegraph cvllege, via born BUe ni'Yi l'Atin iu.no 80, while a proportionate Increase of bad lived in Beattie for tha B1QIOH. DR i;t and manent hrnte rather than wage. west of Main L on 3rd tfettlh. Cad , Thotnaa. Waaw 3CWt. FHxger-itd16,314,839.93 was made In total reOutlook Mach Improved paat lll.itb la to ,U0 a her TOBACVX) TRgATMBXT AT ' e.ni Waa DWI6 COTcy Inv To. B let to. Was. f67t. twenty year, r Burvivlns ar KUnabetb CAL1J4. sources. Total deposits at the close Wirk UALlFORNiA tli LADUbH, Atnerwalk u..i THE SEEIir INUTITITK, ehlUlren. Bide. learning telegraphy. thre and H FtH buffed ate. moil, rvonia, gas rang Nil to man .No 'I of the third quarter amounted eanvariitig home in your apare time a i'll 608 B. Third So. HT. dJ8, lui! so. Mula. WaA attending srtul wthe place and Leo. Twro alpfwa, Mr. Mngoea Ieath i kltchea. to work for hoard ami room. 1'nderstftnda 4 bo. 2nd WeR. free. to totaled Special to The Tribun. lietatia lnq. 178.859,809.61 work, and resources having Wu, Fieaaant, WB LNVITF5 INBPWfTION. 0747-ora ef Bait Ik aod llr. Olive Patteraon n.l oio Vah 27. wi'l D. Amtiwdm. 127 artruud Oct. Th H. on June Nov., TONOPAH, for help houae, furnace. R'i 696,661.914.49. At midyear Funeral terrier of Beattie also aurrlra. LATB M BTHODBa M ASS AG B TU BATM H T Xi'LJiiKNt'm) fur buyer; mint, have Mi :ih 1iiiPf M ODKHX JrooBi houae, 262 SL 4th Sou La? 30 deposits totaled 670,360,193 70 and White Capa Gold Mining company, W. In on or b Beattl UKLlABikhi held la woman, axperienoed tflil will MART LEfl, 34 MAIN, RM. 6dfl. BJO Hide A Fur Co., 133 Waa. 8604 W. resources amounted to $93,247,074.57. which aucceerlji tha White Capa Min- and interment Trial care of gtowiig chllurrn, foe aecood work A mm VI a T wjiuu extra work. W bWBDihH aiectrlc body maee, auy t tin haiascce, balance Similar satisfactory conditions ars ing company, haa been listed cn the sheet. account 'ex- 718 ftOottSVULT AVlM'iM na,. modTm and to take rhatyc cblUlren; good wages. IttMift firnt Sn room I M Si AL 821, book amined. Baker, for determined, ed or cliwcd. Small aeta often uppurtunlty shown br Mr. Jamee's report on Og- Ban Francisco exchange. It ih Addras M Dt, 'l.lbune. except heat; can be ueed for tww famW FUNERAL DIRECTORS referaacM and with kept eti t'n;eMe aaleainaa A1lrea M 7. Tribune. nee; treat and clean $88. tall Wae. 8848. LAKL O. LARSON, D. L.. lh t'. den banka resources of which at tock will also ha ahortly WUlt A. ur matte wtomen, ivmd show; tuoaey PUtS 5TTJTPTPVV iLuam r a vur, :vy potion building in.Hanir Palmer graduate chiropractor. l.W'e No i.AHN r$ok. alai eiert chauffeur, the close of the third quarter totaled listed on the Now York curt). Th-ONB N 12 nre. Write modern Tnbun. r. brick, inquire I'n.lartak-Main. Waa. 4925. K.N Halt Talk.', Where folk get ell pome la and eea our holiday h.i Id any place; Jepfijwoe. want poaitl.-to. 4th Bait, $33,723,796.44 and deposits amounted t ew organization la oontrolled by the BTANIM f()R QI AUTI AND KKVir. bCIENTliiO If you want to make a alee OLR work U prof.tabte and tntervetlng 76 W. 1st South at. to $20,508,656.36. willing. tnwtworrliy. Increases over the Cola Intercats and John O. Klrchen, electric p'p.ltUin MUDKR.M aatpaiauoe. 7 th earn real Phone Wax 6539 27U fi. 4u( rma f at and the tight kind Im mnto brick, $40. priM Park raakat, $10 (axe by Boyd flret, to. Wai were W. 4th Jauuaty 129 saoond quarter, ending June 80, violet ray, bath, to. Waa. 9604 W. Bo. general manager of the Tunopah Ex- rloth raak.ta. Fboai, Waa. 7990. A&, moner. Ke Mis Nwarf gelt Mdg H.dg 7 woo. In deports and $3,060,797.51 ttiD lit inly man'rptering, painUitg, tension West Temp'e. for cere modern to IJDDM hiATLHIW.Ni V woiban or M. cement brick, 28 to i;i V. biemru ;d 80 girl all In resources. June kiiotgun aliell, figures kalaotuiumg and wail cleangauge, Two year ago tha company 4A2 Bwifara DIVOhCi), work. ingIMiperbatigiur. bankruptcy; buatneaa trwh.e. Villa. 4tb Bo. bet 8 and A 1X.. undertakers ted em O'DONNELL g autaii ch'blr-- o and to do apetalr H t la ml 3 the package. &.V. Moab Navajo Oo., 185 for the Ogden institutions show total on conihleuca' account ar of latorvlears tha . 418 or phone Wae. eestoacto; wills, milling halmera now n new- location. 82 So. 4tti Wrtta X S. Trihima. . Waa. 27A. rt MAN and want wtatrvmewlr keua- to Uiae ear Ftf H ROOM nenic and antimvny content of the Fast. Phrmc Was 6461. Iegal informatloa and advice deposits of $18,447,858.85 cuwl ud 'i'it ran aii hauaehuid aeceaalliee call WANTtlh A ftrl clue cook to cook far of In exchange for aparuurct. resourcss of. $21,832,001.57. Hoag! Law aaanriaitoo. 806 Atla bwvk. CU Waora to a depth of 1000 feet, and which ranges: $ho 816 month. per A Waa !IKk ANN FAULT. riNBRAL Fifth fi'M Must Bac have family. satch DM9 good fefartace. TeiiipletJXi bldg. interfered with the cyanldatlon. An gYTORS. Mortuary chapel. 46 So. Btat at. fi42l W. 2nd gtth. PAPER LIQUIDATED. brlch mudern except beet; gefl in 6596. A MAKRIFaD niiD w lahee work of any kind, ikh.LlAHLbi was at ram bath, electric treat from shaft uiau iu every county sunlt ths Inclins 6516. Was oondltlon end coal Ths hlfhlr range, Hnotoan la kite bee kag t .tlsfsatory I uti to evil a safety device which In WOMAN to take care of childiVo during day merit. Swedlah maaaaga by apecialix-jweferred; must be eteedy night t the 132ft. hath, beautifully papered, thoroughly cleo toarh-os- . o rudertak'Ae strength of banking institution for board aod room sod email wagva, or W rire maaaeur. Etta Data, office hour 10 a m. lime eferr motorist will be compelled to 7Ylti 166 A St. first level was established at LDIHNiiTON fall Toronto A Co. Wae. Call Hy. J25. 1048 4ft R 81st Po. 414 Fletcher cL; take 9tb throughout the state and In Sait thoThe1120. to 10 p, m. 207 McIntyre bldg. Wax 6Tm ue. been wages fatal 1it have Giarlng headlight JARANFSE want or. with fine At this point a coiAtng body SIMON help NEW Lake and Ogden is attributed to the .aat car to 4th South. In rawleru, newly papered. BKINTON. undertakers, 4913- ho victim In laat thre night INC. MOTOR TRA FEL BUREAU general housework: any kind job; many condition of e t n t ynr rag. ltt$ Keieay ave. Pboee Mart A ree B one to make a food GlliL for geiicrai buework, part nr who! general rf ore was opened up that Is free satisfactory ' T IxM Angelea, $16; Dearer. $12.50: Rauua Klt iakt aloue, Addreaa Tana M., P. 0, years' experience. business In Utah. Considerable iin- - from arsenic and antimony. About sm Addreaa ave. Uvea, irli.c 3:k Kcnelneton and J 826. time box Hy. M4 Cara foe St. Loul. .Chicago City, city uldatlon of agricultural and livestock thirty days ago the west section of tHre hiilrids, Balt Laka XTRSK Center $ ROOM modem butte. f of CEMETERIES 2J0 8U fioet elf point east, Special ear foe parti YOIWG attorney dcoiree pnaltlna with law girl, over 16 yewre. 5M Mt $26 06 paper reflects the record crop pro the east ore lody was opened on tin t), or Waa. 67lH W. ee more. Office and depot, Bwnloh hotel South. or firm bualneaa ea tabllabment in city; LAWN eemsterr. 1220 of level. width WARATtll The perpetual In the ductloa of the current year Vil both average Im experience; mat WAITlVi-Jttuan with 1XMAN lobby. Phooe Waaatrb 106. or O. full P. box Wa South. modern, 87$. part time, wanted at 143 West 2nd disappearing city. 16 rr Utah and Idaho and the disposal of ore bodies Is fifteen feet and to furuiah aatiafnetory reference ' bo (! L ROADWAY UATERNITV IlOUB. raagM, lJnoleam, VDIN men attending school dcoirra wrk Beat KspertHne mt neeeeanry, Isond. Bee Mr. O. B. Smith. 9 80 commodities at good age .values from 830 to 35 per ton in 6th Wotith. 808 South 7th East. Phone Hy. 8206. and In private family for board and room. FLORISTS acaitrcoa nd 11 ao a. ra.. 1 p. HNt b new clerk. will 8 of As to said LXrLIH It a m. to is Til) n. shaft candy p. agricultural marketing 860 pays for 12 price. d. iecia)iat Including modem brick, gae'aad teJ Phone Was. American Telegraph oot- e waned Pike Tandy products wll continue to increase in sunk before the mill Is put in LAMBOlRNK. fwriot. 67 Ho. Rate with yibir ptivstcan IfttM rnottn'aln fTlectric. 46 Ti. 4Th to. HAKNJMT lecc. ranbl day. range; reaftonaHe rent, 1132 ft, firh tonth W AM during the last quarter ofltion. , Main Tel. Was. 1616. Salt Lake's oldeet Barber to run atop. 90$ Heat GILL general bouacwuck, email fnfltily; LNLhLAL anexcelle! $ ROOMS and oppurtunlHe. MAUHIKD Dm a, 2b. witiiee permaaent job, Sleeping pooch, strictly mode 1730 to lVbE!l the year, it is believed resource and ' 4 th po. L D 6 preferred and leedre rfHet era bungalow: college faculty; pleasant, lnterea'ing rhauff-'ir- , 40. Waaatch fififi6. trindt driver, do inoet of deposit totals will be larger at the Ap214 E. 2nd tooth. Dae OO work: earn while learning. Writ for free xoi girl for Darid Ksitb realdenca. iuiq to Rarn lathing trade. Short 8KCOND Waa P4K1 J. king FLORAL ROOM 4 close of the year than at the close Shippers Wage modem, except heat. 826; also .4 Hu 217 our Ncra 7 work American Cali catalogue. Colley Prompt bldg. p. epedalfy. ply after algn Telegraph LPtireoticHriilp required. room I V modern. of the third quarter. $16 man wishes mnath. 688 South la NIVUlisn to work place to. Main. Salt Laka City. Waa. m 2415 41) So W. Temple. D a Oman who like housework AN . Increase on for board and room or rtxun alona Hy. Weti. Waratch Part of tho more than 16,000, 000 1. M Luvi miner end children to come port of each day; M.1VW, HAMLIN, dental X ray lal 823 MODERN increase In the totals of tha consolhouae, la epicodid coi ' FERN BASKETS Dee rat B. Bid. $1 film film Wae or 2 Min m... t 20 mail tofaintly, ryfereacim. tlmhcrtpaa dltlou. fab First eve. Ption W. 81. idated statement of the condition of d CHICAGO. Oct. 27. (By the Laborers 'n.luiug camp, ateady job. for two; Wanted 8HBD1MH AReiovo,' nd Furniture Dr GlllL-a dacoratton ltrt'ioporfe to MAKE maseage. Ray eilh leuta your state banks and trust companies as M MODERN 5 room and al. porch, fat? ajtWaeatch 6HNfi W MTRH K 61 Went Sd South. from 9 to 8. SlT Brook Arcade. Press.) R. H. Ai.nhton, presigoorl home. borne, with a fernery o fit ynor Tc. 2HA1D!S M. DKKUlGk. esc hast tea. Hy. auettooeer. wUl compered with June 80 last is due to 826 Prise Stow Ba ('all. eee our aampire. BALT LARK must give maul wanlod: BISINKSS (HaL1.K. day an Increase In the totals of bor- dent of the American Railway far cash any araoant of house hold toe ara KxrDHirNTLl) buy ftT7P W Waa Co TVwt. to SALESMEN F eon M eastern R9 and evening neeion. Orpheum Ri1g lift ARIIjITT, by rf U 85000, or will sell far yaa Robert. Hotel from l Apply rowed money and of additional asgood underwent several strenuous HM. ou to btMlnem and brick Owdee mil hooee. mea; 83 Modern, on $22. No for commlealon. North Main. la. FRLK OFFICE lny. charge TREATMENTS appeal sets arising out of the merger of lnoreasea Hhelmerdlne ct. (2nd B. and S to.) Warn LOST AND FOUND today with a reasonable amount of painieiw paid I.ognn territory Mr.fwrtnaneot; anlary two prominent banks of Ogden, ac- hours of cross examination chf$colat WANTND I)pr1euccd dipper. IWH tt' first or last. Waa. 7261, 4606. Hotel. IJttia monihly 8tow, S. dental W. Hudson work of any kind. had LOST Gray M&7a cat. strayed from when shippers' representatives to. fith Lori Iiii.il IXT pile paid for furniture to skip cording to Commissioner Ptxtonu Apply D Undear, 7 A LI FlRN A. ROOM Florida aod other wane a guaranteed house, etooe la. fitf Waet fith tou trvatuaut. pyorrhea out of town' Hum: re, rags, other houseWhen the $1,865,000 entering into their Inning before, the interstate Hubbard ave. ; wearing small cellar with five a pay expenaee and good j.4DT far pUoiaant lnme In rtum for light hold Mate. McOrnlcfc Bldg. 727. Was Reward. Call name Ky next dorr east, ton mo. good the aocounta for this reason is elim- commerce R. Spltale" eugrared. 8110 Wns wage lesion, which is tak hosewnrk ntiin uml wifo. men or women to H HoOM 9966-avea. or M Pul 2715 modem cottage with garagu Hy. ten. 144 StatCO. W H AKA Hy daytime, net IT of Increase the more FURNITIRIS totals of for inated, lUtuHLg cptti parlor. fr iniM'i pr ralos tnauAgre. No eelllng. 8ai- GIRL wanted to aasiet with touawork. pays on the western Inquire 41$ to. 'fith Beat. ftirniture. $07 Sooth Stata October 6 over those of June 80 is ing testimony of watch fob, parties and ward affair: eerve chill, taitwift hutf'l. . 'anie for n 5 per cent LOST U oi:gO. rainID. pendulum Wm 8 . males and Itabeii ROOM W6. enchilada. Thert, etrcct. Phone V." We. 84,186,000. The tabulation close In. Hy. 221 titauu of initial modem, the bTA lt) AtlDNT ftr Brook xtoualisera (Flex Clyde B. Aichison, chairAu experienced VVANTT3DWae. JJOlfi. girl for general LUL. K. 0. JMNK1N8, Auctioneer, want years experience. Place, 4th aid fith to. 2nd Beat. consolidated etaten ct was complet- increase. is presidhig Reward. w!te ViKlbl ot man of th6 commission, reourUe or eystetn an work end cooking; h wertilng io mi jwtent). MI88 b1 ed yesterday. electric treatment aeed fumltura I BaITkTng of forciga meaeyVmiV fair Office MAKQrARD, $4$ grate SOU'H halfrTd $10,000 terrace. 4 rootue au an small aeavt, exfcricitcc and $$O,0l0 mom the st family; tcivunling, bath; hearing. Jrorilng; 216 w. let Sooth. msaeage. The October 5 total Is 1113,71. street. Wae. 1602. Waa. 1618. Reward. sleeping porch. gronnik. Monday, tuiv ert lomg cumfMtigu. Tills is a rare chance. $60ga 8U Seat. 11 yh of Carson room Will, John F. Khaughneasy 611.66. for appdnfmnt, 2fi. This compares with a total COCNTHY home accommodation for more for w. Wlii Wed. ar L. refrig-erfurniture, raga, Hotel Utah, kc warm of ths public LOST Anaco kodak, in Florida and other ( AUPUIlViA, of $107,667,184.97 iy odd and ends. Yanks Furni- ROOM a to mod.. 4Ml 11th East. ET deal re privacy. Including eerv of June 30 last and City. Nev., chairman Tlmroday. Emigration canyon. Ires a who We rmy expenece and salary for ture iocs. Waa fiSM. RtHta. tralaed aeraaj- $25.00 per weak with 3107.057.C01.22 as the total of service commission of Nevada, tripped Walton. Wae. 1844, Hy. 4086 J Finder lraa return to Tribune. Reward Murray !t. No 5. ladles to travel oa etice managers. WANlTilb- Firot elaaa uplioJaterer. ISA. October 4. A year ago the average Mr. Aishton with figures running into LOST A diamond & I A1 IHK l!iil' PRirhsl Tit tbfiD FOR RENT oa Vina street be brick, WUeoo ivtieh. Mqraiiail Co, 711 Idalto at., Boiaa, Idaho. halverda. kUR general nuraaa care, coiupirta twwllly oash reserve was 21 per cent plus the Miltons. &The former president of; tween Glenn are. ting, 84RO. WAR. HNlTTHH Wae. 676. to Befnrn st. ri and Stata Northwestern raiJvm VANTBD An ex(crtoncod girl for general of the deposits . October 6 of tnaaaage, day, hour or ttnergenry. Waa this tho Chicago 4962 Joe Robinson. Vine, Murray 4 for WILL cash rouma of $ or to goml MAS drive to pay Oall Iw able track. Waa couk; waa mennever on ti'vuoevrork Rdmltted he mnt 8188.R. good year it was 19.76 per cent. furnltoro range, heater aad NSW, 8TRICTLY. MOD. 4 ROOM DUPTjH Wee iyJ4. man aver 28 wig The totals given below include tal arithmetic and was lost when he LAKE TkJN.VIS CLUB, 24. 10th Eat W ANTED One Mr Blrkinahaw. ruga 44T0. AViJ $28 BROWNING Wa. 4261. BOUSE, awenter coat, BaltClubhouse luQ.OCO G I UL fNU GCNURAL and did not know LOST Boy .r&ra of age, to fill a pennBOit poaltlou those of alglity-eereIThTjaBLB commercial gt above rent far for private parties from auto, bet, $th E. oa Cleveland are. dance or with a large aui growing IKIVAIF) party will pay raah far atnne CALL HI. 84 W. org aniaatioo. HY. 4006. social functions. Fbooigryh fur banks, three savings banka and four what n. million dollars meant. M87-J- . at. Main 7 and tiaed furniture. What Hy. hare Wae, full you Write, stating jwir expcrloBGc over ntehed. For panicwlar trust companies, and they are comJ. N. Teal of Portland, Ore., conn- t.Irl for geweral houawork. pert- 1046. FOUR room. Sieeptog porch, bath. eiorat call Hjiaod 40U Inst fire years. Give ago, state whether WANTKD Man dark blue virgin wool coat, Frank Ctpp. mgr. basement aad garage. 1074 B. 17th Eoutku pared with the totals as of June SO ael f('r lumber lntereatA reraJIod .. IXItVT nr wl..l. Hm. Iljr. BW.4 J. 830 KcutncJ li kKK-inerriM or single, whether or net at pv l r L Letter of Identinear American Fork. room suite, cuodlUos 28. Th Was. 7 toil and Waa. 8880. tiring BGDY condition la conaldcred remark by Mr. Alahton on tha atand fication ton. 12 wltk masaage vibrator. prMnt Mi, nt employed, aroi g.tc at toast three inaid AdlrM N 88 Tribune. vpir gN1 pocket Rat. 164 So. 1st bath. 81, by graduate mtiour w W78 J by Mr. Platon aa quit satisfactory. that "tha least sold about .federal W. Waeln 1714. aaodam home, with furnace as WANTBDMan and wife to rare for linen PKlVkTL party wants ueed furniture end AMrea R 12, Tribune. Reward. wnt 868 Kensington are. Hy. 2766 ' bettor.'' ,belr control to ths garage. MLLB IWF COMPARATIVE if apt, lwua TOTALS. FRANlHETT Massage anl bath VANTKi Alert and capable young mea Waa. Tl 41. rug r!l ' did LOST Between 840 and $Mt to currency. 6 Oclock. after Mr. fr. said Whitmore Wae AiahtrRi, Teal. court. fall ea 81, front side la modera .v apt. apt. bouse, except heat. Adui a ov$ r Following 5 year of esc for aiitpping ctork. .vna.i.. Cont. Bank and Moon franc a. bet. Bat P WE TUB EE KOK BKKT USED PIUi W. ln frm reaouroea lady and asaiet 1t tonth only. 2fifi B. 4th toqtli. llabUitlea of ad stats v'"'1 n,t vunwlf p"'t,cllmU Pleas call after IA1HL lo attend .elderly IWlS. Liberal reward Apply 215 Bo. Scale. Motor Oo Hy 3194-J- . Kl" RN Ipt'H R W 48. 67h art a can'rol director? regfiunal hi'aiN'Work. Was. INVALID So a. 10 m. H banks chairs far eel or rent. a. with and trust companies for Oo- t lull., mod.; CM aad ml nnf, Un3t Reward. Collie hg. license W5 Alwhton admitted the truth of LOST 866 Onxiiture aad 48 W, td tooth 6 aa comparod B. Mb Bo.; $a. Imim; lingerie WOULD like to buy eom ffn 28 78 with Juns S') tb Mr.mierv Hj, tfHl J, i'HISH!N(J plant Dvreman familiar with ONE saleslady etth nerve to Done a v at. Rv 8A76 turn mg, per ywri price. Wax 7Jrtl men for Xtnaa: salary and RKSOfRIOS. WUoCgiva care to couple of ciiSi'ireo bueinea oo north beech ....... .$3A.o3 to good oi ration of hymocn vertical alia ft cnieh-erR!'N04IX)W n diamond LOST Ring, large garnet , Itosaa Tribune. Ib Biy rash for Oct 6, 1924. UIgHDST ued while for commission work price Waa. work paid Jose 0. i923. mother with $ large mining oompany roTTAGB, rma., aoutheaag .... 27. M . Loans end mart setting, at Pantagea or bnaneae district. in 8ith America, contract. TERRACE, carpet, etc. Hr. Apply rma, 414 Sixth East.. 25. iQ GIRL fr general hauaework. Reward. Finder phone Waa. ac. NOTICE. LARGE 1X1 er . . L Kcgt-a- h Aii-- nr-- i' ; i ! t,4 , V' n' Li. V t j i S v 8919-M- t ?i-- -- it a- i A l . NT I N V H K $1,891,-794.8- IM fr. . Vt 4296-W- Na-- - IPTO-DAT- 909-an- d t -- $. Lea-6- . e at-- fi , a; ft FIVE-ROO- opera-volum- fatiii-Ur- ' Rate Fight dtllv-erie- a H 6M6-W- eight-roo- 1 Awo-elate- 241T-J- , ; i aai-f- - erand-hso- HdH-W- 840-W- -- 628-- a - eell-In- 28I-B- ' redlah-brow- a n HOt'HB-WOU- i refer-cn-e- a fedl , A 11 Add-e- ra 91TJ-R- Lraaepor-tatjir- 6P61-M- . STENOGRAPHIC tudeoU: son. couraa $18 t flrt 80110 classes. asd even, Call TTvIand 1016Carlson, will not be reapon-aibl- e FO CN t Grerhmiwd. Hooper bldg. for any debt contracted by my LOST Lady slipper, blark pelnt leather. HOLDAWAT A MAA3TELLER, DENTISTS, Ftn1r phone Was. 74.17 Reward. wife, I&ntha Carlson, aJter this date, 8QITH MAIN. WAS 6227. October 26. LOST Airedale pup. Finder return B73 W ATKINSON borne for mentally dflclat. L. Waa. A. CARLSON. 8 M South. 4nM (Signed) ehlldrea. Open el to vUltorg 1018 crippled 75ft Ienrer street. Blaln. Hy. 47.M L06T Btirf and case of Walker . I. Jl. La NOTICE UNION OF RECEIVERS SALE OF PROPERTY OF LAND AND CATTLE CO. IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and by virtue of an order made by tha district court of the United 'States for tha district of Nevada ln NOTICE i H lay i. book. Hy: LOUT Black 116Q-M- LN FAHTIEfik astia fiotioce trimmed with New ttoveltiaa, jokra, trick, paper beta Moab Navajo rspia- near Auerbach's srnre. Hy. 8425-beards, .evarrtkluf. null, Oo.. 116 Ratofit Waa. FTM. LOKT Bet. 601 h Bo. afli Boclal ar., blil fold containing C. R. Watlrlna'a HAIR dlaflgmraa woman face and dli TTva maltlpla oaadlg Finder rwtara to W. O. Loverlck, ruat men. MT IjcH. Utah. Reward Derma IPBCULTT, rvnwTM it foraver. totagr poala akia, aurea a eng T da it. All beauty eorrica, bkUlcd aadatanta HANDY' Hepr 211-1Isabella Stevtnadn. atudUx, beett . lltli i. 7601. Wav. IDEAL Rsfk. bnlldlng (aiArator). ril. tn. e rtf' T?t Wth BPBt'lAL NOTICE. Cloaa aat genuine Navajo to at 1b the Indian trader BURIAL VAULTS price. Just a few ' Meab Navajo Ca, 155 Regent rt. left. C N K M EN T BI RIAjL Waa TA A U10 MA TI 0 BLALl G 1 TAULT8. Yfti'Sti widow, two abUdran, want cheap tMd by aH vadertakera, manvfaetuiad by ante to Ijoo Angla about tranaportatkm by 817 S at. Was, 4QT8 n R. rv1 Nor. l. Write Tribnoa. MAN and wife want transportation to Arts-PATENT ATTORNEYS New Met.. Oillf. or amth. W. filAW. Learn Trade 'Ll' . fu. ROOM for 4 paaaaagara J. M. 'lyo U. ui going to Ely., Nev. to'VTikV i.irTr,Tu'ANi iu.ia xlif' copy TniUHiirka, PM, Attorseya. ad ay to Reference. monitor. tasting , arantn Coaamenrtal CHI. .xpvrt, wkl,. block Waa Waa 61 HI. rigbts, drawing. .oh-VI- r for Bt, I',T join m. 7B? r .MllfT WANT transportation to Loa Angelas. flnMt opn In AiMrlP.'. aho, Room M, Kan hotel. nrM'. cmtMt .trtnmotln trnlntn, I. WALL PAPER CLEANING N n4w!. K a,, limit bopfc ,plrtw J",nbt''r'work"' a aSTnmioiZ Culture 6A Beauty iMra. rtBS lllu.tratml Ear. vbll. " able price. Hyipnd 8212. Katlmwl A.tom Ai.rTilii T)7iLrbVBK, i y ratnlof UllaM..rrtklnf. 4M Bo. rifHrai, Ijm A. ART PH ATT Wail paper aJng.i kalaoania-fe- e tl... Ixpt. OrLTURB. Hv. 18$ for tba cam pi eta ronrao. BhB 6ration sag Inatractlmie for THIS IS NO Practical MOBetlciana and eoaraetoto-lomaXatlna-wli- l. balrdraaaara. JAZZ AND RAGTIME ham To 4nann, for bar laeaad to ail fades u that Mnd. f will b. op-n-M flats. thla oar 12 hi ieaeani, PIANO JAL2 IT 1ft fie, Waa. onto Notaareer. M0L.BR lntnmlT. tr.l.ln, Wmiub sallfy. Th. Ferry MAIU'EL aad carl, T$c; water oa for MitniaM Into Oil. n.14 BgiBoara m advaaead atadaata pr.p.r- 4 $i; wir. Instrartor. aod Eoath Brtakaoo, plaalat har. ma, b. lew set dy Tnlnln, prtoaa Harveys ehlngie Mala. MOtXB aiMwhma. MOUB& pleosa. Palec. 14 W. tod to. Was im URTHOD wrrlc. om.m mmt PIANO taafkt, ll leaenea Advanced 114 Utit'TT 1J U0P. Wm, im far playavm. MR. DATTS, 166H goatb 41aKOX Mik. M nr 1, as,; vtlM, LTAH Bafaer tohoot; trade 3fi k,tf nttlnf. Wn 10O1T. taught I, tools furaiehed; wegee paid: dipiomaeright; la turatMl 7$ ened; taitioa reaeoeeble. ASSAYERS MH. BBItT BIGLBft I. D format fre. . B. tk. Him Bnou iM,m. 14$ Resent it., Salt Lake City. bra t. (okm Wa help aa 6." i !! M f npm., to Iona. t Ill our atudente AH), get pm! nnoC Mnri. Weat TVrapla. Fbraa Wag 41 M. k. k mmt nwmI fr Urn Kmmtt Mwlrt., tk. Iit Wanted To Kent .rlM .f Asaajara and rbcmtoa, BLAK A ORAJKIN mw. Bnimrt hair marorlltou. d MlM 165 Sratib Tor.ju. Wag 1614 . krtmr Uorn la N. PVt. Bj. a 0RIAU0N NltilUHAAerareoi MOTinit lomnm, W.ntrk flitrtot. f, lata. 226 booth Wee bodruama Ttinplg . may rrantaa lly kTS flag Due. tl kDafar Inrmnrit lullt. M 86, Triboeaa FnTOM A 08 AT Ornr'E. lac. Soa A eera bia he ibofk piicd beaety prig, at O 146 tor p Wft Ten la U Aapta. M hk M Bkp - nXUT an aetton pending therein, wherein First National Bank of San FraJi cisco is plaintiff and Union Land and Cattle company la defendant, the undersigned, the receiver of s&ld Union land and Cattle oompany, calls for bids for the purchase of the following described parcels of property belonging to said Union Land and Cattle company: (1) The Godehaux Ranch, being acres lb Humboldt; about 29,000 county, Nevada, of which about acres are in Paradise valiey, about twenty miles north of Wlnnemucca, all under fence, with house, barns and ranch equipment and about 66 tons of hay ln stack, and about 4000 Wafor acres of mountain gra.slng land situated on what Is known as Buckskin Mountain, at the head of Para- dies vail ay, nortly fenced. of tha (1) Tha Ieeth division Union Land and Cattle oompany, about 105,000 acre of land situated ln Elko oounty, Nevada, of about 12.000 acre on Soldier and Secret areek. known aa a port of th "7J Ranch, with house and tarn a. ail fenced; about 14.0v0 acre, fenced, of mountain erasing land, known as tha Big Field, east of the Huby valley road; about 8o00 acres lyinr along th Humboldt river, between HaUeck and Death, known a thaall farmad; Hivar Ranch about 10.000 acTaa north and aaat of Iaeth on Taber creek, known as Uppr and Lower Taber Ranch, portly fenced; about 81.000 acres ly-to ing along Mary's river from Death tha head waters of tha river. Including range land adjoining, all kiown aa Mariy a River Ranch. To this COAL AND WOOD ranch there are appurtenant forest 806 reaenr head of STsf.'f.i nTT klk aood. OO.I tm5T7U for about right Co W00O I 4)k cattla and 12.000 hod of sheep. All of the ran rhea on tha Death division have houses and bam a KEY rtTTINO (2) About 254 to 40ft bead of boras ede while you 'wait. AefteraebO and mule on tha Death division. keya la atok end f'tiqd. Kaedeea a M 4) AU of tha farm machinery. Imfirat 4?s6 plements. wagon and ranch equipment, and furniture of tha various TRUSSES ranrhee of the Daeth division, an In- mTT fit waauijf ra areer ear tm ventory of which can be wan In thev asfae Rea Ihsg U., W. T pH sad office of Unin Land and Caul tMPwifa at Reno. More particular description of the JUNK parcel may ba obtained by writing to Union Lend and TinTTTT: u4 laWe per yrar rnd tr xrorik Latvia company, Reno, Nevada.bay Rida may be mad for ail of. tha abov deerrlbed property, for any HOUSE WEECKINO fnr any portion of pare! thereof,Allor bids muat be filed Hut eok but any parcel. Hr, aguuo ftkoun. or with with the undersigned receiver, sr yw t r yni-ih clerk of tba Unttad' B'atae dla eourt trirtt at ("arson City, Nvorio, FIEE EXTINOUISREES -prior to tha opening of court on thad nvi tih dav f November, 1825. A j.,a of lerw order to the teill U-- . t tv. T Bmlih, payab'e cent ftay Ift pwr for of lha amountrKw1vy, Lid mut a'V'mpan FICTUEE nULSHNO bid, th Hheoic to Hi returned If aTTi 7 the Ml Ke Ppt ooopd i vncrrtrKr 1 iiiKifm a, LATR NOT 1CM 13 y. WkA tot FURTHER GIVTX' 16,-0- con-istl- nf ,jt fi thi t I rt .tit Iml, ,.u, a Treat fends Demand tlflceta ear- - .. B1E6M.18 raahlars chks vrt. rhack. tMd. ptal 448.6UB.74 . an pa id., Mrtftff 86.476 86 66 107.666 07 14.8S.B1 464. TT Tm JT6 26 i3 7170 82.453.61 87 6KJ fmi.6n6.78 68 H . tra r oom-pan- , . $118.716411. g 6T, 14.67 PEFCBIT6 A ED E2380VRCCJI. d of tooiMi toil Ukf Ctr popsaits banko, aa pee pebiletod Maimasia at tba akaa f tba third ixaibe, were: Tttal Jtaftk. fWaevwt Wsitrar Fat.... Erea.. Nmali awt 4 rtfak an 7t F 1006747 Pff Fat 6ato Net. A ao. oaA.47 Batin ge A Treti CK ... LBBBT7T-7- Cwot. I rak ttk CneMi eempaay Treat mjE.M toil Hwert. 4 Ht - to 0) it?6 7iaix 14 6.to6.6oa. IT tlUM.90 Itlin il in tit - e wf-t.e- aj-- m fnitT'i7jrrm Tvr , ), r. - Hy. . r ihJt rat tml, PAPEEINO PAINTINO, BAAUTt HuFFR Mrm POIDRB Ftr 4th B., new ra. Call 'Wrmey'T'igv' toet Work r and rao (Hart, termer y fat tie fti.ra Hy. 82it rated hi bto raw aof at 418. to. TU m. Bf DPI ITKirRNhkN Tlhfal. Oar exp wZrk will pieera yrai. W eeR paper JluHA eed avltrbee made from year heir ee tow aa ram binge. 88 and $8 0: pfamea dyed. fiUe gr rati By. 8414-W- , Hy kifiguy BlAaT elrarad. famed raweti eytra. 171 6 $rd fcTtiNK 4 . peparie w to It better farpletkg, tees. By. uh. ovurf, export abiogier, formariy at By. at. Frtetis betel, ts now vtilt Outea tot Beauty fthp, Botak Utah. Waa 66 m, Waa p A P F.B n A sr, N o. tinting. lap, f lng. 10 k lew. Jkl Rifkt Waa. r ri MUIaH BBALTT fr HOuL, 23 B to. Ttinpla RaraH to' raragntaed aebooi W boaeCg aiV eed tsw prepare far eta te samlnatkra. Brary featora ad beaatr raitam Unght. PK-Wa 16 Wae, Iwra Rfvti r MATT EE S3 EEPAIEINO tv SOT mattrweara teottoo, wooThtirTeeTw or bn rat, yw pay moethiy. Hy. 0 ceeto PAPERHANwING, W j 4 UANkfi lBTtUA ttig. irt I'titii'". C, pt rsti. lOh. etenexsi. if mate pear ilk tww. Ftw a taetrttrectory, ew mi 'Want flird LET tha a i aeke root mV i HrieM red v Hyland A KaT1NG la ovary braofa' l$K MaTTRLOMU raarn ui M flm ease, fnm lara 4raJedtog 1 I . aad tiaoe'4 Met fiwrt ptiiaf fabragrad w rae 4 fa Waoatcti 8?e srorit matrala; a Waa fjraMrJvHI Yfo'a at'UMra statinoed. return ,t. ew rr-ur- a i wfa brauti fti art ttra'ng refomed and piefMbf raw. Qnpji eervha wra getraMoed raferarara la my, fTt aa B.raraen c Msnraog W era ufa ga. MB gaareetrad. than half prka iraa R aet to Nerto. me prraa U. Waa. iSBua, Street, PRHE TICKET. WAITUKSKW. out. NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT AtfBNt'Y. Ho. 2T2 Hoopr Bldg., at Apply by let(XIMPETTFINT etenograplicr. and salary ter, giving qualification P. O. bog 1AM. Apply loss WOMAN to bouaeclean. 21ti ton fa. houeework, GklRL ta aatist with general to. Hfa Beat. faferracee. Hy. 1UQ4. BXTER1RNCMD WAITWCHB. Wanted Salesmen A. lt S 81 4th touth. . Dancing Schools An4 tliroom triAHTd bANCB;lVmlC chlldreaa leeeoea dance, T5c; privae gaming, $ lraoras $2. Weodwarda htmlioa 246 to. Mala. Write far catalog. Tram fas Ohnrieotm bTBOLAL dancing tor chUdree and adult. Gym., com, any tlrae. Wae 6461. iM.FSMBN. IN TFTB 8A7TKDAY EY BN I NO PONT OCT. $18T YOr WILL FIND A NEW EMS THIC TAf l l M ( J.Rk.NER APTER. TIIIBMENT. REAP IT ( AREJTI.I.Y. Of I I 11 iA hk.. aomhesst KRNWT If. FtkWLER. JtV! Walkcr Bank Bldg, $19 WALKING DISTANCIt 17,ft.V. - ROOM MOD, CLMA.N. 2tJ W TEMPLE. . I.u mJr Wr T77 'T I hear WHAT we4rIUOM lontlnrrt krick Jwum, kavioMt kn KfkTnM HAVE TP MAKB YOt'. TH B RIOr.KR Prh. K.f la at 74 Bo. Til Jftl ion have now tjib more fin. Wa,. 1514. WB KEEP Tor. TOR RENT. invehtioatb thi AT ON(.. M0PBMN B( N(JAI)W orrirn AT M ATLAS BIJXI.. BALT I.AKB CITT. VTAH. AT K2 BIZTH AVENUE. 2 HOOD lious Gtrkf., rood fsmtr., rrant lalewnm to work outrtdo umnM, W, m ,uuan.kllo. Good rhln. flowl. ate. Wn At, or rtktamk' nrni vr nwr. rail all Bay Sunday. P 4 ROOM, Bmd.ni. 71 North Wt tig thum comb A ..-o- to oi b omens asp WONPEILEt'l, OITER ht TO AI.fMtfAN-TH- clorain B OmUlBP n,A, HKIH REttT par bio. lROI(!TION HOHOOL BOARPg. VBUI U MCUOl PI.EAkANT. RB- 4T5 21(1 W. PkoB. By. mod.. I. fin. singtou IF you can I. j r rmrm J1 " W2 S.cet ave. write building and loan need you. Plenty of good bmam, Fow I me with car needed. Write territory. Boat east H 64. Trlbnoe I loeated la Highland Park. Dayne. 6 Main at. I NO peddling necessary to maka $100 fA i i fca tMux al swim MTngTS reraj ael P , weekly Or more la a buainesa of your own. Thorn fan attend muairipal hatha daily, MOD., IJ, $J0.00. GLtA.N I ar full tlm, In room eg offle a a ywApart Waa 17H1 INQ, IT1 A 4TH 80. here, I Fra booklet. Downs Co., 2822 Myriier 8L DY C TdLrom modern, newly To Paul.. Minn. innlde and eatj garage if deoired. w street. Huwe U eDVly ptlvate fetniTy S P Rft ' I AL pale no wXxT on. Bait and extra I meri. Keferenoc for twe refined young and$-ROOMad to 836.60, paota measure house at 1 by Alameda are nhe W I furnlahed. Addreep Q 26. Tribune. prrtrct fit ;5 krlmol; Or., nj.pwtimlty b,. effMwl nothin A klyi CwW I 1 WANTED tANliT 4 rm Fartiy furn. B room boora with r.r I ad amok set coeditloa. la Cnt,r I" gnnd ftlft garage, Bldg Wg. lisoft district; about $4$. Reference faro. Hy. WA.NTBI 8 KOOMA, hardwood fioora, Jiimleuia, Resident power plant specially 260rt M. ! to act as tepreaantativa for 101NG lady wanu Wueakerpinf roum. . ... boUer tigar bee B 14. Trilmna. rloee hi pfaferred. Address infer Beet aoL. oak sad map! Products Citopany. I tod are. In. 1P 4fa 8LHKP1NQ or light housekeeping room, alora fiafTtwaw. Mich. garage; , Tribune to . at BH Addrera I moderC "l4M Hawthorne ave, D0M ALTOMOHILB ee leecne Get InroThe 661-J TRN scree or mom hr xpriearad farmer. menlngs at araoingSk Bey i$tf paay ra re with, epilt tbe profit sritk II Hy. IlO. Ogden, ffah. Write tho bnoa. If bo wra write tot 6. 8a It next door west. lobe Mwfae Finance Co. frr a connection. AE00M modem, $46 Bel doe plaew, bet $r n4 CJaOTHING eeleea, from $40 Mth. inf F4ti. Wae. HAR. IM le I "wiiii fetYTK An.sTkT EWiTTriT' our eaieemen'e average xreekiy, and with I MODKR.f 4 ifaome and glaaeed eleepSf a few to buy good propertioa Am ready 111 Arnold aatlefled cuetomers, id tb J bet. 1 famous GunSoa eiofhee at 1 28.50. railing I and M South. that most be sacrificed la order to rat On If eo oa at aoce, 7u Utah barlnga A price. cash. No Inflated valwe eonelderod. Trust 16$ WALL FT. large. suAny rorms bat you ere anrlcraa to indy ynq have aometHng tiev beat, light. $ib ingmlra 74 N . sell, forward details regarding kyatioo. kind IF yoe caa eell eullecuoo e.vsteme cerryieg Weet. Was. Iwd. v Be sure to of property and price asked. o4-N. 2ND W Eh moa k., VkJB state Inc ot bream end how pays blot, Will I r Hmct addrora P. o. Bos I would be aveeiirat lor raiiroed enmmimtoua, axcraa a to taees few el also con dec making fanp,. 8?6 fiaf Taka t'tfv foe artienJara. Apply at EOT Template bldg. addre poronoa whs can give good referee era. Ad $AIaAHT and erra, to A l cleaner or j sty. modern. lovly home. ttose tra Q 6rt, Trihnn. I machloo oalewuen. or rwu. washing nice end clraa. 17 Third av. with To drawing aecount. ivrige Ima, H6 8tat A ROOM neriera rent 86 P--l THHFB eeleemeo with rril end nerve to 247 numtii. internet ey 7ft0 on rant loaa. place. Waa. per tKfpey hef-make R 15. Trifaia. Xmaa Flret mortgage security. Addreaa meler houae, rawly r)rar$ed; IF you ara fairly well olurat-d- . able far a family. Hyland S'vti-K- . , Tribune. brar aw, and have real dralre to get Moi'r.KN CONTRACT far sale. payable $V far ra.Indnatrl nu. bclrkbungxifjw fSrre a. I a have to offer will that eera pueitlra 7 per ce&t; good you from d week month, with laferest at baoemrat; f. B. Ftoe, remforiaHke hraua up. Arclicent. meet be for w.'ntee and summer, for raid liberal y $2006; proper a rerity; IM B between 8 end fid yrara aid end ftraferebly 4 to., mom 4. A Tribane. dorauii. married. Phono reran 444.. Newbewao hotel, drrae ft d 1WANT RlTtO for $ yeera ra praperty at arior I o modern brKk bungalow, antwetyneut fith West Waa. jinar 4., revering Vw end duplra $42 (Venter ITIA fii Iceman s fra prapnat-tio- n bwie. property just om4 far HtCfi. By. WANT to eoiCtt moA omept furnace, to eratSirr. $3 g'7 At(4y at ri 4tri tf. Last. ra ear lino; avauacie Rev. let. hotel after I.M a. m. today 9 Chill r v. per mrafth. Pbope Hy Si R, A firat-ciaa- a $ NKW modern buagaiooa, wok fionrs. gnj oft. aoinotbingA aaraw. Very V a v Trii A rants to rail raiQ TM'O mansni. iiofavn t lam 861 thfag fag. tnDilMr. ii-J-L, I er4rie. make Writ-fr-Mg mraior w thla to 11 a. m. lui. By. toCNM. rat, temana. and tblum fell territory raltira fin. 6h FSti. "" P. O. boa Ufl6, Inf feme tWoaAo (Janella Miscell&neotis aralarm, rawly pngmwA Paroteio. Idaho. IW"6 W. X II L Rt or woe.aao reoe or sow. ' Wanted AotoraobUe WI Pbon bn n. yx W, IM. i . Jtej Me ay 8?6. pay oak. APH., 2M-827 6ft. Wa 4 firir 4aa imr lev orW 102.4 fofit oUiea fay boa prime fur guns, rovoinem, OS I W mv1 . , 1IIU, old watcfaoa X W4i4 $ rrgendleeo of ond;ura, ptra fiwlthfa we tti t 14 B. 8 m, 74 1 Ittii torrn. & CHINA DFAD and naaien RiOfiJg and aiooaog puruo, rwwa sad hurrae, 'me er .ig r Pfan Mutrxy ) paid far asm. bet, Dt4 (n Vu,rp; TOP pricao for guao, to etba Ijeewwa. f fog 4V.7, weiehew, OfiriD $ rararu wralern hjraT dlammwtoi otaml tort$fiawra J 44fj RTF ltr of white chra. Iraaawa end 1 camera buy, fall. eaiaranfo aeyxntog of CHAhVJNOI Ararao opt. tnrrnre oa"' a W eer e4 t bMg rr'ng vaieo Mwwy mn t reraonaLto .A bed, leia4 Itnofawi, Diauppeerl eg MarIwtiSwrao Ijmm Office, ME. tot to. Wna mere, ra k finrweriy (n?TM!ity 8g?7 an. to ket tfac'ai at. fan ora g wriara MIW Bad VAKDffti'bH true.. Arww)r. 86x94 buy Tfaur i e rwivina b i A h 4 N k a. i Swimming iii runintd. 51 let .r r W,trh bIom. trri ht ' Tatighi Rent or Lease Wanted florr 1T 05 Real Estate Wonted Ff fat a, yrfa lt k, rkfrk rat erra Borrow Wanted i l et f t biasing, fe Wanted gxnti far liT t rT,f rn.T Bam! .,.TT- -r ft W.IM1 M I 2. r.ti.. Wanted 4iftj wsahtng, Fapvriag wrrt riarathi. Hy. AHf FHArr. ee. pepra sing, Irg: p ect fees Henrretra fr pAtNlING ed ka.oraiiaing, foe rtii; wmk gus ran trad. Weroer, fund-t?re- &T74-M- . n both ways and salary while travella reply give coming paid by company. plete details j. S. Tbomai, 240 Broadway. New York City. LAN Btoir hauling job for you, $1$ a day If you buy new Ford track, $3U0 eaah re-TV! bon. ill red. 2 day, report for Y w aig maa, WANTWi work at 17 Drugeoa av. before 8 a. m. A B. CARPENTER 2 B. Callfbraig 8 R. R. ray lnepectoca Wyoming. 4&, r. and R B ANriH HAND. $N'e FFrttND COOK, botL Idaho. Y COOIL cafe, Idabe. HOTBRMAN, tonsil hotel, eat. Other work in and out daily, NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT ykOHNCT. 202 ftnfftfc Bldg., at 23 Bast Neva .'mu, $$ 2C; Mfl KKiDt. $4.75. NA1TONAL HilTLOYMLNT AGBLNOT. 2ftg Hooper Bldg., at 198 Baft let Eouth. BXPFRIENfHD barber wanted McIntyre barber titnp. 86 W. grd goufh. Xpply till onvfHNT finOher. momJiig, 440 to. 4fa Wert. Tvu me far a hew prepooLtioe. WANTOT Gall between 6 and 11 a. a. ram Elft. Judge Bldg. tt 5h. ilf'fT'r. fUe frar 1Aj.A mfai laa PAINTINQ iv sr; L Amen a a. rnC 4ta$aHy. rairra. b4a f H0USZCLEANIN0 wall ad ".itig jHe kWfcfag. tofirancaa snzrj It Wanted Bsmtaa STTTTTTa AM toot fne 2nd etiT' tout brtW al EitmninEtivi" lI Birrc'e sfaenb m' Ihraii.: trr AW., roshA D'H it! LI E M. kn E WT 6 u an h mr. 4 Vik A. A i ) Wi tit $n |