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Show $ UINTAH BASIN RECORD I : TABIONA 1 Mrs. Thelma D. Nye $ g ft !! 4-- H ' ' I ; ; Club News ' ; ; . PLANNED CELEBRATION The Fourth ''of July will be celebrated' at Tabiona this year, ., according to Bishop Burnell Turn-bowEach organization in the has been assigned commpnity special duties. The festivities will include a parade, a program, childrens actvities, rodeo and dance in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Josie are parents of a baby proud first-tim- e girl. The little Miss made her debut at Provo on Fathers Day. Mr. Josie is attending the BYU. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Josie are the paternal grandparents. A low flying airplane gave the Tabiona people a thrill as they tried to decide if it was hunting for a place to land, or saying Hello to someone they knew. A phone call to Mrs. Joseph Rhoades from Hill Field in Ogden cleared up the mystery. It was her nephew, Trevor Michie, giving the hometown folks a buzz in the plane he was flying- - He new resides in San Francisco and is presently visiting in Utah. He was a pilot in World War II. Misses Pleasy and Ann Lewis, who are employed in Salt Lake City, were- visiting at the home of their parents during the weekend. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Josie and family t of Salt Lake City were guests of Mr. and Mrs Joe Josie for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Newell Carter and Mrs. Vem Carter were Prbvo visitors during the past week. Other Provo visitors during the week were Mr. and Mrs- - Joseph Declaration Of Dividends y . and ; ; yy grandson, Lynn Mrs. Jessie Maxwell attended the Postmasters convention at Beaver during the past week She accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Bellon of Roosevelt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark have been enjoying a visit of their twq little granddaughters of Salt Lake City. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sweat. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clark jf Salt Lake City were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. r1 Webb. Mr. and' Mrs. Farland Jones and daughters of Burley, Idaho, were Charles guests at the home of his parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Heber Jones, during the week! Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Clegg motored to Salt Lake City Saturday. Mrs. Ted Nye and family were Provo visitors Thursday. Mrs. Elaine Husbands and children of Salt Lake City have been guests this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wayne Jones. Business visitors in Roosevelt Saturday included Mr- - and Mrs. Wayne Jones, Mrs. Loya Gines and Mrs. Elaine Husbands. Miss Evelyn Clegg is visiting relatives and friends in San Diego. Ronnie Nye of Granger is visiting this week with his cousin, Carl John Nye. Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Carlson and family of Denver were and guests at the home of BishopTurn-bow Mrs. Burnell Turnbow. Mrs. accompanied them to Salt Lake City where they attended the wedding of a neice in the Salt Lake Temple. They also visited at the home of their mother, Mrs. Jane Davidson, in Salt Lake City. Mr- - and Mrs. Fay, Lefler were business visitors in Salt Lake. Larry Van Tassell of Kearns visited relatives and friends here during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs.. Scott Nye and family of Granger and Mrs. Etta Gines of Kamas were overnight guests Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nye. The ladies also visited at the home of Mrs. Sylvia Abbott in Duchesne. Paul Wadley has returned here after spending several days in Myton where he was employed. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hackford were recent visitors in Roosevelt. JUNIOR GLEANER PARTY The Junior Gleaners, under the leadership of Mrs Angie Lewis, enjoyed a bonefire party on the Duchesne river. Refreshments consisted of fried chicken with all the trmmings. Girls present to enjoy the evening were Collie D?-fIla Mae Casper, Alta Thomas, Mary Lewis, Kathy Van Tassell, Linda Lee Thomas and Sherry a, Wagstaff. Several fishermen have been trying their luck in the Duchesne river in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. William Wadley motored to Provo one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Chatwin and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Defa attended the funeral services of Peter Mayo in Heber during the What is intended as a little Notice is hereby given that the board of directors of the Uintah white lie often ends up as a douPower and Light Company at the ble feature in technicolor. Madena R. Walligford regular meeting on June 18, 1956, The ability to discriminate between that which is true and that which is false is one of the last attainments of the human mind. Washington Irving What man does, not what he feels, thinks, or believes, is the universal yardstick of behavior. FOUND THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE RICAL of ELECT- Electrical engineers ha ve ENGiNEm.BOW ,A WERE VICEPRESIDENTS & BEU BECAME A PRES- IDENT THE INSTITUTE'S ORIGINAL MEM 49,000 MS OVER WAS BERSHIP DEVELOPED RADIO-N- TUBES-N- TO REPLACE! A 100 BATTERIES WATT BULB, HEAT LAMP or ENERGY FROM THE SUN WILL ACTIVATE THE BATTERY.. THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. In decent tests it was observed that - LIGHTNING SENDS WHISTLING RADIO WAVES THOUSANDS THE OPPOSITE HEMISPHERE HA? ' I" Til OF MILES INTO SPACE AND BACK TO EARTH AGAIN TO O A "SOLAR -- TRANSISTOR l" Til , J rtf i LAUNCHES (bl Yl Q 9, An OREGON Members of the Ward Relief Society met in their monthly work and business meeting Tues day, June 9 at 11:00 a m. In the afternoon Miss Merrill, county Home Demonstration agent met with the group to demonstrate the science and art of sweet roll making in the home. Th?se in attendance were: Mrs. Vera Larsen, Arlene Gilbert, Gladys Capson, Ailine Hamilton, Bessie Lusty, Cecilia Gilbert, Betty Evans and Ila Tanner. Gayle Gilbert took his explorers to Roosevelt Saturday to get their physical examination from Dr. R. V. Larson, y to attending the High Uintah scout camp this week. PARTY PLANNED Last Saturday night, June 23 the explorers entertained their partners at a party at the ward chapel after which they traveled to Victory Pary and finished' the evening dancing. prep-aritor- V'l Mrs. Ida Dean Horrocks left Wednesday to attend a postmasters convention in Bever, Utah. ARRIVING INCARS-N- O Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gabon and INSIDE THE NEWEST IDEA IN CURB SERVICE. childlren visited with Mrs. Gagons Mr. and Mrs. Eldon parents, Thompson for a few days last weekend. Douglas Holgate, young son of Mr and Mrs. Frank Holgate of Myton is working for Eldon JVIrs. Shelby Lisonbee Norma Robb Thompson. t Mrs. Milt Larsen spent four POSTMASTERS CONVENTION SCOUTS GO TO CAMP days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eleven scouts two scout and Mrs. Edith Brady, the Bridge-lan- d Rae Scholes in Roosevelt after left Monday morning for postmaster, accompanied advisers Mrs. Scholes returned' home from to a weeks trip to the High Uintahs. the hospital with her new daughArvin Bellon of Roosevelt Those who were went Pete Beaver for a postmasters conventer. and Ray Woodhead, adtion. They went out Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Milton Poulsen visers; scouts, Larry Abplanalp, spent Fathers Day at the Milt returning Saturday evening. Mrs. Richard Alan Lewis, Broadhead, Larsen home. Brady reports a very interesting Alan . Wright, Douglas Broadhead, convention. Bell and Barbara Mrs. Earl and Ned Anderton, Bryon returned Gladys to Provo Sunday evening Tommie and Alan after Mrs. Bruce Fitzgerald accomp- Robb, Lynn, spending the weekend with i anied by her father, James Giles. White. Mr. Bell and Coleen. Mr. and Mrs. Don Giles and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilbert had Mr. and Mrs. Russel T. Smith and Mrs. Jack Giles of Myton as dinner guests on Fathers day, went to Springville Wednesday to and' family of Salt Lake City Mr. and Mrs Porter Merrell, Cheryl attend the funeral services for spent the weekend with their and Sandra of Duchesne and the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theron family of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James Giles brother. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer and' Robb. M. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Broadhead Mrs. Frank Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. and Hale Holgate President Elden Liddell went to Roy, Utah, of Murray spent the weekend Stanley Ross attended conference Wendesday to attend funeral ser- with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. at the Strawberry Branch Sunday. vices for a nephew who was killed Melvin Broadhead. Hugh Evans and Rulon Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Max Binch and also filled a by a train last week. speaking appointment in Mrs. Ilenna Shields was taken family were Marysville on busi- there the same day. to Salt Lake City the first of the ness the weekend. e President and Mrs. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Condie Cradell week where she underwent a maattended the party at Roosejor operation. Latest reports are son of Springville were visiting velt June 13, given in honor of that she is recovering very satis- the Broadhead- - family the past the outgoing stake presidency1. weekend. ... Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sagers and factorily. Mrs. Steve Esauk and' daugh- son, Gary, spent Saturday and Mrs. Hazel Walters spent the week in Salt Lake City and in ter, Ecce, were in Roosevelt Sun- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Tooele visiting relatives. day on business. Shields. Alvin is. a nephew of Mrs. NEWLYWEDS RETURN Mrs. Ronald Lisonbee and son, Shields The Sagers live in Salt Mr. and Mrs. Birtchell Mayhew Lake City. Rodney, and Miss Carol Ann Brady of Salt Lake City came returned home Thursday. They FATHER IS HONORED out Friday to. attend a wedding spent the past week on their A family dinner was held at of two of their cousins at Vernal. honeymoon in Southern Utah and the home of Mr and Mrs. M. G. They were accompanied by Emma other points of interest. Shields in honor of Fathers Day. Saddler of Salt Lake City. They were joined here by their father, Mrs. Clara Brown and faimly The guests list included the folElden Brady, and their sister, Dar-lee- were in Odgen Sunday visiting lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Ross, to attend the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gordon. Mari- and son Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Wan-leShields and son Jerry, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs.. Kenny Hacking. lyn and Linette returned home Mr. Hacking is a nephew of Mr. after a weeks visit with the Gor- Mrs. Leon Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shields and baby son, Mr. Brady, while the bride, former dons. Miss Connie Warren, is a neice Mr and Mrs. Jack Gordon and and' Mrs. Floyd Mecham and famiof Mrs Brady. family of Odgen were visiting ly, Mr. and Mrs Sagers and son. Mrs. Ronald Lisonbee and little friends in Utahn the past week. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. S. son were Saturday guests of Mr. Mrs. Adrienne and Strong and Mrs Shelby Lisonbee. Wayne were in Salt Lake City O. Solomonson of Roosevelt and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Solomonson Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Lison- on business during the week. bee and daughter, Kim, of Salt Miss Erma Sorenson of Talmage of Quincy, Washington, were visitLake City were Wednesday visit- was an overnight guest of Mar- ors and dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. ors of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. lene Brown Sunday. V. E. Penfield, of Roosevelt and Mr. and Mrs. William Abplanalp Shields. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Lisonbee. who spent the past week in Park ZIRKER KENNETH Sherwood is sporting a new Mer- City with Mr. and klrs. Albert TO TEACH SCHOOL car. Smith returned home Sunday. cury Mr. Word has been received Ja Nae Liddell spent several Don Birch was in Salt Lake and Mrs M. G Shields thatbytheir days at Duchesne as a guest of City over the weekend. of Zirker Kenneth WEDDING DANCE Sherry Gilbert. will Moses Lake, Washington, of dinner Last Sundey A wedding dance and reception teach in the guests high school there Mr. and Mrs. Rulon D. Skinner was held' for Mr. and Mrs Ber- next He has been County year. of Roosevelt were Mr and Mrs. thed Mayhew Friday evening at in that area for three years Malcolm Walters, Mr. and Mrs. the Utahn ward. Many gifts were Agent Zirker leaves in August for Mr. Joe Walters and baby, Mr. and received by the couple. Pacific coast to fill his anthe Mrs. Leon Walters and faimly, with the United nual Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wright and Mn and Mrs. Shelby Mayhew States assignment Marines. He will bring his Benof Salt Lake City attended the wife and' children here to be with girls, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin son i and daughter, Beverly, of wedding dance Friday evening. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Salt Lake City. Shields while he is gone on a Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Lisonbee week cruise. two and daughter Shelley, visited on Bluebell with their at Friday Sharon Holgate came from Salt mother,' Mrs. Mary R. Lisonbee. o Lake City Tuesday evening to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Norton of Reta Lott his daughters, Gloria, Mariget Vernal spent Saturday evening at BIRTHDAY DINNER lyn and Renae to take them back the home of Mr. and Mrs. KenA lovely dinner was served to to their home. The girls have neth Neilsen. been with their grandparents, Mr. Ostler family members of the Lotts, Mr. and Mrs. Devere the birthday of their and Mrs. Hale Holgate, while honoring and Lake Salt of and baby City daughter, Mary. A lovely cake, their mother has been recovering Wayne Jennings of Las Vegas made by Laura Clemons and from an extended serious illness. were last week visitors of their Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parsons served with and strawberries parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Jen- cream topped off the dinner. Miss and two daughters of Hood River, nings. Clemons spent the day at the Oregon, also Mrs. Ward Evans Mr. and Mrs. Orson Rawlins and children of Vernal, were dinLott home. and children of Craig, Colo., were ner guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. here visiting their mother, Mrs. Chad Evans. Mrs. Parscons Proud are the Raleigh parents Ethel Taylor for several days. On Ives is a cousin of Mr. Evans. new a was born baby boy Sunday Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. on Friday Duat the evening Mrs. and Orson Rawlins faimly, chesne Medical Center. Mother Ronald Liddell and small son and and Mr. and Mrs. Rock Baer of baby are doing fine. Max Tayolr went to the Diamond Albert Elvin and his four chil- Price spent the weekend at the to visit Mountains Roy Taylor, dren, Albert, Sara Lee, Roxy and Raleigh Ivie home. Patsy Ivie rewho is working there. all ' of Dugway proving turned home with them. She has Bobby Orson Rawlins and children rein Tooele Co. are spend- been in Price visiting at the Baer turned to their home Monday. grounds week at the Wilbur Bates home for severaL weeks. a, ing to Mrs. Rawlins remained here Mr. and Mrs. Gus Peterson of ranch home. They are enjoying join her mother, Mrs. Roy Taylor some fishing as well as Lake visited with their son, Salt helping and Max Taylor on a trip to Dean over the weekend. in the hay crop. put Mrs. and Mr. California to visit and Mrs. Wilma ODriscoll Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baum of Al Cundriff. Mrs. Cundriff is the of the children Duchesne spent at the Duchesne, spent evening former Phyllis Taylor. Gilbert Ivie. Mr. Ivie day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Young the home of a nice oyster dinner to the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hayes. and Anne and Gary of Mt. Em- served folks. mons were dinner guests of Mr. It is proverbial that dishonesty Joan and Joyce Ivie, small and Mrs. Alma Smith. Mr. Wesley retards spiritual growth and of Glen Ivie Mrs. spent daughters Allred of Neola was a caller at the past week in Vernal. They strikes at the heart of Truth. the Smith home also. were guests of Mrs. Gladys Ivie. Mary Baker Eddy 'CLOSED-CIRCUI- T' HOTEL USES TV TO REGISTER GUESTS , WEED TO STOP AT THE DESK BRIDGELAND Utahn Hol-gal- n, ss 1 : ' : - A Utah Corporation of Marysville, Utah - STOCK OF IS OFFERING 604,044 SHARES OF ITS COMMON SHARE 30 PER 301 PER SHARE PAR VALUE AT The Corporations Property Includes the Following: claims. (1) Over 100 patented lode mining lode mining claims. (2) Over 200 unpatented (3) Mineral rights in 240 acres. (4) Surfac rights in 207 acres. are located near Marysville, Utah, in comSevier and Piute Counties. Properties have produced mercial ores but are still in an exploratory stage of development. , Silver and Gol- dPrincipal Production 'Has Been Lead. Extensive exploration work is in progress. All proceeds from sale of stock will be used in the present exploration projects. A report of the corporations history and present financial condition may be obtained by writing DEER TRAIL MINES, Box 167, Marysville, Utah. No stock offered by the Corporation can besold other than bona fide residents of the State of Utah. All claims and properties Orders for stock are restricted to a minimum of 1,000 shares If Interested In Purchasing Inquire At: DEER TRAIL MINES Box 167 Marysville, Utah ! ! SURVEY ; ; ; ;!! ! ; v ; ; ; ; ; ; 4 License sales in 1955 amounted First steps toward learning the answer to this question will be taken this week when the Bureau of Economic and Business Research at the University of Utah launches a statewide survey, according to Osmond L. Harline, director. More than 1000 Utah sportsmen will be interviewed with results to be coded and tabulated for the Utah Fish and Game Commission. All our interviewers are trained personnel who will attempt to collect information on the expenditures of the states sportsmen for hunting and fishing equipment, said Gary Cowan, research associate in the U bureau who heads up the project. Theyll also determine the areas most often used by sportsmen and the types of hunting and fishing that are most popluar with them. This should enable the commission to manage and utilize the states wildlife resources even better. total, many times. Mrs. Grace Dalgleish RETURNS HOME Wilmer Murray, who has been hospitalized in Salt Lake City during the past week was sufficiently improved to be returned home Monday and is now able to resume some of his duties at the Moody Bros. Seed Plant. Mrs. Murray also returned with her husband after a weeks stay in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. William Ingalsbee came from Provo Saturday for a weekend visit with Mrs Ingals-bee- s mother, Mrs. N. L. Peterson. They also visited at the home of his mother, Mrs. Albert Tanner during their short visit. Victor Pectol, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pectol, former Myton residents, arrived last week to spend the summer vacation at the ranch home of his grandCrystal Wilcken mother, Mrs. Frank Bowden. The Pectol family are now residing in Eureka, California. Mrs Emma Taylor and son SamTed Wilcken took the Boy Scouts to the High Uintah Scout my of Spokane, Washington, have camp on the Yellowstone River been visitors at the home of her Monday. The Scouts will remain mother, Mrs. George Tanner durthere under the leadership of ing the past week. They left Thurs. Earl Jordan for the six days of taking Mrs. Tanner to Helper and encampment.. Those attending are then to Salt Lake City where they Larry Defa, Ronald Hackett, Rich- visited other members of the Tanner family. Mrs. Taylor and Tomard Moon and Larry Wilcken. my started on their homeward ATTEND FUNERAL journey Saturday, while Mrs. TanWednesday, June 13, the fol- ner returned to Myton Sunday.chilMrs. Farrell Peircell and lowing people from this community went to Ft. Bridger, Wyo., dren arrived Monday from Areata, where they attended funeral ser- California for a visit of a few vices for Leonard Defa: Mrs. Mary weeks at the home of her parents, Thomas Sr. and Defa, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fabri-zio- , Mr. and Mrs. Ted sister-in-laMr. Mrs. Tracy Roberts, Mr. and her brother and Mrs. Leo B. Defa, Mr. and' Mrs. and Mrs. Ted Thomas Jr. Mrs. Kenneth Larsen of Salt Leo S. Defa. Larry and DeVonna, Mr. and Mrs. Alfonzo Defa, and Lake City was a visitor during the Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Defa. past week at the ranch home of Burial was in a Salt Lake City her parents, Mr and Mrs. George Hemphill. She returned to Salt cemetery. Lake Wednesday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. Defa made her mother who will spend a few a business trip to Provo Friday days visiting and shopping there. of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Williams Mexico and California. and children of McKinnon, Wyo., Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Michie have moved back to Utah for the and family made a trip to Provo summer months., They are em- Saturday to say to Goodbye ployed at the Bleazard sawmilL Phil Harmon who left for Mend-ham- , Miss Nadine Roberts has emNew Jersey, where he will ployment for the summer months take special Scout training this in San Diego, Calif. summer. Mrs. Hannon and her Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wilson daughter, Carol Dawn, returned and family of Morgan were week- to Hanna with the Michies to end' visitors at the Cliff Roberts spend the summer. home. William G. Michie visited with Etta Moon, Florence Roberts, his daughter, Mrs. Erma Olson, Elaine Moon and Pasty Curry at- in Heber Saturday. tended the two-stak-e convention and Marvel Leland Wright for the LDS Primary at Altamont Moore were Sunday visitors of last Saturday. the Hanna Ward Mrs. Florence Roberts and La Mrs. Delsa Michie visited with May attended the wedding Satur- her sister, Mrs. Myrtle Faucett, day June 16, of Loma Peterson of of Ioka Wednesday of last week. Salt Lake City. Miss Peterson was Mr. and Mrs.' Craig Wilcken a college roommate of both Na- and family will spend part of dine and LaMay. La May was their time here in Hanna this maid of honor. summer. While here they will Cecil Roberts and his mission- live in the home of Joe Wilcken ary companion, Elder Brown, Jr. toured the mission field in which Mr. and Mrs Monroe Michie they served as missionaries on attended ward conference in Ara recent trip. They also visited cadia Sunday evening. HANNA Scouts At Camp Distinctive WEDDING INVITATIONS son-iri-la- DEER TRAIL MIRES : Just how important are hunting to more than $1,000,000, but ofand fishing to the economics of ficials expect that supplies and Utah? equipment sales will boost that Relief Society Learns New Ideas s bell helped Edison ' Sports In The Open Space 1956 Cecilia Gilbert '..V week. declared' a dividend of $2.50 per share on all common stock outstanding on said date'. The date vested for payment of said dividend is July 20, 1956. KENNETH R. AYCOCK Secretary First Publication, June 21, 1956. Last Publication, June 27, 1956. June 28, A'each N Rhoades Turnbow. SNAPPY COOKERS A meeting of the Snappy Cookers was held at the home of Betty Jo Young, under the direction of club leaders, Mrs. Norma Wagstaff and Mrs. Tracy Roberts. We sang Memories and each club member cooked an item for a meal. We then served a complete meal. Present were Joanne Rhoades, Dixie Roberts, Betty ,Jo Young, Afton Wagstaff, Ange-lin- e Lewis and our leaders. Angeline Lewis, reporter HAPPY SEVEN KITCHENETTES The Happy Seven Kitchenettes held their meeting at the home of Bonnie Roberts. Miss Mabls Merrill of Duchesne, our Home Demonstration Agent, was a special guest. We made drop cookies. We also planned an overnight camping tjrip 'for Monday and Tuesday. Our next meeting will be June 29 at the home of Joyce Gines. We are still attending our meetings 100. Present were Bonnie Roberts, Myrl Van Tassell, Susan Lewis, Carol. Turnbow, Kay Jones, Joyce Gines and' Sandra Wadley., We also had two girls as visiting guests. They were Betty Carlson of Denver, Carols cousin, and Karen Husbands of Salt Lake City, Kays cousin. Kay Jones, reporter Thursday, ! .0; Slrawbi For your Important moment o superlative blend of modern and onctenf craftsmanship. Weina U tationaiu To Meet The Most Discriminating Tula ... Invitations Announcements Enclosure Cards The Roosevelt Standard PHONE 131 ROOSEVELT, UTAH |