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Show DORIS ANN MOORE AND GLEN FENN UINTAH BASIN RECORD Thursday June ANNOUNCE DATE Mrs. Emma McCord' and son, Don Eversal, of Odgen spent a few days last week with Mrs. Emma Birch, who has been ill. Mrs. Birch went beck to Odgen with them where she will remain for awhile. HILDUR JOHNSTUN 500 CLUB HOSTESS Mrs. Hildur Johnstun was hos- 14. 1956 Our I fn The Service Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Moore announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Doris Ann, to Glenn Fenn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fenn of JACK R. AVERETT HOHENFELS GERMANY Specialist Second Class Jack R. Averrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Averett, Duchesne rein battalion cently participated field tests with units of the 9th Infantry Division in Germany. As part of the U. S. Seventh Army, the 9th Division conducts a rigorous training program, including realistic maneuvers and field problems. Specialist Averett, a cook in Headquarters Company of the divisions 60th Regiment, entered the Army in 1940. Roosevelt. The marriage will take Stake place at the Duchesne House on June 23, with Bishop Porter Merrell performing the ceremony. A reception will follow in the evening. The young couple will make their home in tess to the 500 Club Wednesday evening of last week. Members were Mrs. Afton Bromely, Mrs. Carrie Hatch, Mrs. Connie Robbins, Mrs. Mildred Carman, Mrs. The Jerry Christensens returned Jo Beebe, Mrs. Oleah Johnstun, to Duchesne Sunday evening after Mrs. Laura Lyman, Mrs. Norma a two week trip to Logan, Manti Grant and Mrs Lily Goff. Guests DUP MOTHERS AND were Mrs. Francis Hatch and Mrs. Ephraim and Mt. Pleasant. DAUGHTERS PLAN OUTING Anna Nielson. Prizes went to Mrs The Daughters of the Utah Mrs. Carrie Hatch and Lyle Kofford and Rhoda Kofford Beebe, of Duchesne will hold Pioneers Mrs. Bromely. of DiStefano of Murray and Tony Dessert luncheon was served to their daughters and mothers outHerber visited with the Delia the group. ing on June 21 beginning at 2 p.m Mayhew family over the week at the city park. reand Mrs. end Guy Mayhew Pot Luck will be served and NIELSEN HOSTESS ANNA turned to Salt Lake City with there will be a program and other TO 500 CLUB THURS. them for a week. Hostess to the 500 Club Thurs- activities. was Mrs. Anna NielTHEY REPORT HOME TOWN NEWS These lad:es represent many of our communities in day Mrs. Jenny Morrison arrived in sen, evening FRIENDS HONOR RACHEL and her guests were Mrs. the as news reporters on the home-tow- n Basin level. They participated in a Better News ReportValDuchesne last Saturday from WILSON ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. Ruby Elizabeth Thomas, Births reported at the Roosevelt Clinic last week as guests of the editor. Cliff Memmolt, front center. Seated are Dixie Wiling lejo, Calif., where she has been Many friends of Mrs. Rachel Stephensen, Mrs. Grace Bench, Hospital during the past week are liams, Upalco; Mrs. Ellen Bracken, Ballard; Mrs. Bertha Angu, Ioka; Mrs. Viola Gentr, Ioka; Mrs. and with her daughter staying Mrs. Hildur Johnstun, Mrs. Violet Wilson honored her with a birthas follows, according to Supt. J. Crystal Wilcken, Hanna; Mrs. Rachel Bates, Duchesne; Mrs. June Cook Reservation News and Ft. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Harold Eldredge: Duchesne. McDonald, Mrs. Laura Lyman, day party at her home last FriBell and faimly. She will stay Mrs. Emma WimmeT and Mrs. day evening. Guests who enjoyed June 7 Mr. and Mrs LeGrand Back row Mrs. Dorothy Farnsworth, Altamont-Mt.HomLeeton- - BenFern Mrs. Houston!, and her with daughter Rachel Wilson. Prizes went to potluck supper and presented Mrs. Ethel Beebe, Altonah; Mrs. Norma Robb, Utahn; Mrs. Thelma Nye, Tabiona; Mrs. Mae Gilbert, Arcadia, boy; Mr. and nett; th Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gunter, for Mrs. Alva Snow, Roosevelt, boy. Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Stephensen Mrs. Wilson with a gift were: Mower, Montwel, and Miss Deanna Barnhum, BYU journalism student, who is working on the summer. Standard-Recor- d June 13 Mr. and Mrs. Cruz and Mrs. Lyman. Dessert luncheon Mrs. Emma Wimmer, Mrs. Laura this summer. (Photo by Edwards Photo Service). was served. Lyman, Mrs. Grace Bench, Mrs RandLett, boy. Cesspooch, The Reginald Burchinalds moved Elizabeth Thomas, Mrs. Hildur from Duchesne last week. They Johnstun, Mrs. Rose Partridge, FAREWELL PARTY Miss Sharon Gagon returned will now live in Vernal. Mrs. Carrie Hatch, Mrs. Anna FOR CPT. HATCH home after a weeks visit in VerA farewell party was given for Nielson, Mrs. Violet McDonald, nal with the Doyal Millers. Mrs. Keith Bankhead, Kay Leatham of Hatch by Mrs. Hatch Mrs, Maxine Burdick and Mrs. Miller brought her home this Cpt. Tooele and Jay Rice of Salt Lake last Harvey weekend and took Sara Marie Saturday evening at the home Vinda Merkley. City spent the weekend' in Du- of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Case. back with her for a short visit. chesne fishing. They were guests Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Violet McDonald and her Henry of the Weston Bates family. Fisher of Salt Lake City, Mr. and daughter, Lucinda, are visiting a A complete schedule of play Farmers Mrs Homer Fitzwater of Orem, few days this week in Roosevelt has been A special news writing clinicf June 8 at the Frontier Grill in released for the Uintah Mr. and Mrs Gail Van Tassell Mr. tand' Mrs. Jack Larsen. Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fitzwater, Basin baseball league which got and luncheon was held for the Roosevelt. and family of Phoenix came to and Mrs. Ken insurance, Aycock of RooseAfter the. luncheon Editor, Cliff underway last Sunday with Range-l- y Roosevelt Standard and Uintah Duchesne last week to visit with velt and Mr. and also Pendletons The Anthony Mrs. Douglas and Du- Basin Record correspondents Fri., Memmott began his discussion by too! the John Abbots and relatives in Grant. The hostess served a buf- left Duchesne last week to make meeting Altamont chesne traveling to Roosevelt. My-to- n complimenting the correspondents Tabiona. fet supper, then the group went their home in Kearns. on the work they were doing. He and Bennett had a Saturday to to the dance at Rivola. Mr. Van Tassell returned 4-- H Sunday then stated that during the past was but it scheduled, game his home, and Mrs. Van Tassell postmotorwas Hatch Cpt. Harvey an outing at Young fanners enjoyed and children will remain at the everyone ed to Salt Lake City Monday by poned until July 4 because of FOUR LOCAL GIRLS ATTEND six years circulation of the Stando they can go to Current Creek. has ard doubled. season Abbotts for a few months. opening. his family where he will catch fishing school and team The editor explained that Phil Unconfirmed reports reveal that CAMP AT LOGAN THIS WEEK a plane for New York, and then how to farm better KEITH FARNSWORTHS Mr. Smith took four Lloyd girls Duchesne-RoosevtL Pack, linotype operator, is leaving game was to the Older Club on to Germany where he will be the and old farmers' HOSTS AT ROOK CLUB at Logan Camp the Sandard and out some canceled therefore when team neither W o they wont have June 11, 12 and 13. The follow- changes must be made. Deadline Mr. and Mrs. Keith Farnsworth stationed. His family will remain fielded a team at the appointed to worry about were hosts to the Duchesne Rook here for awhile. 2 p.m. time of starting. Results cf ing girls were taken because of will be Monday noon instead of future! the Mrs. Housewife, if you have Club last Wednesday evening. The Club work the Tuesday noon; Correspondents are game have that outsanding The Douglas Horrocks and the the Rangely-Altamoin done the have spare time, if you need extra group met at the Farnsworth they past. to their information write not been received. briefly; money, you can earn right in home, then went on an outing Morley Davies went fishing up All games involoving Bennett They are Miss Barbara Cowan, and are to hand in clear copy and Rock Creek Sunday. own where Saturday Avon with to Miss Alma Miss Moon, enjoyed neighborhood Strawberry your they Maryetta were points discussed. will be played on Saturdays, with unneces- their supper instead of the usual Cosmetics. Experience Mr. Memmott concluded his i Tell some to be played under . the Poulson and Miss Carma Smith. Salt of Jim The BelthHdges The left hew I can increase the value group sary. Write to Avon Manager, 164 evening of . Rook. Those present discussion early Monday. by saying, We want i lights at night, and others at 2 No. 700 East, Provo, Utah were Dr. and Mrs. John Smith, Lake .City visited with the Fred p.m. names in news. the is the of peoples first and my Following pretent life insurance with ne ltc Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Bishop, Mr. Popes and Miss Fay Pope for a stcond half schedules: CUT UPS names in the paper i week I recently. The Cut Up club group means and Mrs. Howard Powell, Mr. and First Half i happy Mechanic and service man want- Mrs. Wallace Stephensen and the met June 6. Miss Mable Merrell people. He also emphasized the 17 June Bennett at Altamont, visited our club ed. Contact Carter Ranch Supply, hosts. Mr. and Mrs. Con ODriscol left today. She told imoprtance of spelling names cor- i Address.. on Salt Lake City this week, Myton at Duchesne, Roosevelt at us about making our skirts, and for l2 mile 40. Phoneof Roosevelt i rectly. 014-J3- . where Mr- - ODriscol will receive Rangely. 24 Highway we are going to start on them WALTER NELSONS HOST Those attending were May L. i City June Altamont at Roosmedical treatment. time. Today, we worked on Mower, Montwel; Thelma D. Nye, 500 CLUB SUNDAY ! evelt, Duchesne at Bennett, next POULTRY WANTED LaMar Anderson hot and scarfs. Refresh- Tabiona; Norma Robb, Utahn; i and' Mrs. Walter Nelson pads Mr. at Rangely Myton. Cash paid at your coop. Write EmMrs. Phillis Day and Mrs. ments were served by Carolyn June Cook, Reservation News; i 47 West South Temple to the 500 Club Sunj July 1 Bennett at Roosevelt, South Washington Poultry, 3253 were hosts . Those present were ma Wimmer visited in Provo on Strang, Violet Wilcken, Hanna; Salt Lake City, Utah evening. at day Crystal at Altamont, Myton i Rangely Wash. Blvd. Ogden, Utah. Mrs. with and Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bromely, Mr. Tuesday Duchesne. Gentry, Ioka; Bertha Angus, Ioka; i CLUB CUT UPS Dixie Williams, HOUSE MOVING and Mrs. Merlin Bishop, Mr. and Josephine Day. Mrs. Day returned 8 Bennett at Rangely, Upalco; Ethel July them where The CUT UPS met at the home Beebe, Altonah; Dorothy Farns- i ALtamont at Duchesne, Roosevelt Houses moved' anywhere. Free Mrs. Oscar Beebe, Mr. and Mrs. to Duchesne with Mrs. some time. will she of their leader Mrs. Mildred Smith worth Altamont; Fern Houston, spend' at Myton. estimates. Or we will buy houses Ed Carman, Mrs. Ruby Thomas in Payson with on Thursday, May 31. Girls had Bennett; Rachel Bates, Duchesne; i or buildings and move them away. and Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas. Prizes Wimmer visited Half Second i were taken by Ruby Thomas, Ed relatives Phone Roosevelt 014-J- 3 Altamont at Rangely, two demonstrations on how to and Mrs. James Dalhgleish, July 15 9mU LaJm City. UlaM Dmsid 0. UeXay, Prm. sew on buttons and how to polish Bennett at Roosevelt Carman, June Bishop and Oscar at shoes. Myton, Phil Mortons of Salt Lake The the was They enjoyed meeting luncheon Beebe. Duchesne. Dessert, City spent the weekend with served. Altamont at Bennett, and are planning to have many July 22 other and Emma Wimmer Mrs. and of line Full Ferguson parts Duchesne at Myton, Rangely at activities this year. President is members of the family. Rae Dean Lister. Carlyn Strang Farm Equipment. Carter Ranch FRIENDSHIP CLUB HOSTESS Roosevelt. of Supply. Yi mile south-we29 Roosevelt at Altamont, is Vice President and Marlene IS ARLENE THOMPSON July The Ray Horrocks and the C. Bennett at is secretary. Carolyn Roosevelt on Highway 40. 5 Mrs. Arlene Thompson was hosDuchesne, Myton at Thompson FREE ESTIMATES Beth Moon and Carolyn Rae Ivie tess to the Duchesne Friendship C. Mickelsons attended the funeral, Rangely. Moon Horrocks Rose at Mrs. Norma recreation. the of Lapoint plan Members Club last Wednesday. Roosevelt at BeAugust 5 Carloyn Lance are music diwho came were Mrs. Violet Mc- on Monday. nnett, Altamont at Myton, Du- and rectors. Jill Mecham is reporter. chesne at Rangely. Donald. Mrs. MyTtis Buckalew, The Harvey Gees returned home Mrs. Myrtle Simpson, Mrs. PhilAugust 12 Rangely at BeMiners-vile- , Wiring - Electric Motor Duchesne at Altamont, lis Stephensen, Mrs. Verda Moore, from a trip to Cedar City, nnett, Lather, we thank Thee that Write to: H. A. THOMPSON week. last and Lake Salt New Location Building East Mrs. Sarah Rasmussen, Mrs. Zella Myton at Roosevelt. Thy light and Thy love reach of Roosevelt Standard and Blaine Town Motel, Heber City, Utah Grant, Mrs. Margarette Saturday games. earth, open the prison to them The Perry Grants and family Roosevelt. Utah Mrs. Stella Muse. Pot luck supper Saturday games under the that are bound, console the innoin the PHONE HEBER CITY 129-was served and members spent spent Saturday and Sunday Phone Roosevelt 333 lights at 8 p.m. cent, and throw wide the gates on a Uintahs They trip. fishing All home games of Bennett will of heaven the evening sewing. report ecellent fishing and' report be played at Roosevelt. limit. that all caught their Official game time is at 2 p.m., VIOLET MCDONALD HOLDS QUILTING grace period. Dr. and Mrs. John Smith spent with a Mrs. Violet McDonald held a in Salt Lake City visiting Sunday CATHOLIC NOTES if (1) Monarch Coal Range. quilting at her home last Thurs- their families. (Continued from Page 1) if (1) Monarch Combination day. Those who enjoyed a veTy fine day and a dinner, prepared Coal and Electric Range. Miss Emily Madsen and her children receving Holy CommuThomas, were: friend, Miss Beth Thomas of Salt nion at the 8:30 Mass. A Commuif (1) Large Walnut Dining by Mrs. Elizabeth Mrs. Myrtle Wilkins, Mrs. Zella Lake spent a few day's with Mr. nion breakfast was served to the Room Table. Grant, Mrs. Mildred Smith and and Mrs. John Madsen before children after the Mass by the ALL LIKE NEW IN Mrs. Jewell Klob, Louis Reed and Mrs. Lucinda Anderton. starting on a trip this week to Miss Sonja Nielson. Also the childAsk Us About Our Special California. AIR GLASS FLY ren enjoyed the movie, The Babe In the decade beginning January On Living Room Sets ! States added Ruth 1941, the Uuited . . Story, The Stanley Od'ekirks of Salt more telephones than it did people. Lake visited DROLLINGER FURNITURE CO. with weekend the SLEEPING The gain in telephones was 21 the Stan McDonalds. FISHING Saturday, June 9th, the Annual Phone 38 Roosevelt summer school picnic was held million; in population, 20 million. . . The Earl Jordan family visited at the Uintah Canyon. The children CAMP GAS with relatives in Tooele over the weTe transported to the Caynon by Father Pellegrnio, the Sisters, past weekend. Mrs. Dan Crumbo, Mrs. Ned of Harmston use and the the Sunday dinner guests at the SKILL SKILL home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. station wagon. Madsen were Mr. and Mrs. EarnSt. James Summer school in est Cottrell of San Diego and Mr. GUN CASES - TACKLE BOXES - HAND TOOLS HUNTING EQUIPMENT GUNS Vernal started Monday, June 11th. and Mrs. Marion Erickson of and will continue daily from 9:00 Fork. Spanish MANY OTHER IDEAL GIFTS FOR DAD -- NOW to 12:00 until June 23rd. The PasHAS- in Church of James St. tor Vernal, Jay Mickelson of Cedar City made a visit last Friday to the the Rev. Alfred Harding is still home of his parents, Mr. and hospitalized at Holy Cross Hospi tal in Salt Lake. He wishes to MENS MENS MENS Mrs. C. C. Mickelson. thank his parishoners and friends well Weekend visitors at the Em for their prayers and get Wilson home were the Jack Fish- wishes. ers of Price and the Roland Betts We CAN HANDLE ANY OF YOUR Wednesday, June 13th. was the family. feast of St. Anthony of Puda. He Mr. and Mrs. Keith Duke are was a native of Lisbon, born in DAYS of St. the proud parents of a baby boy, 1195. He was first a canon the stirred but, by Augustine; bom at the Duchesne hospital on SPECIALIZING ON FERGUSON if in DE LUXE 60 REMINGTON June 7- - The little miss weighed martyrdom of five Franciscans he entered the Seraphic Morocco, welcom10 5 ozs lbs. be will and -- ALSO A GOOD LINE OF PARTS AN OTHER SUPPLIES- in the ed at home by a sisteT. Both Mr. Order, and went to Africa For Men the would win that he, too, and Mrs Duke graduated from hope SUNBEAM the BYU recently. Mr. Duke re- martyr's crown. Illness compelled turned to Provo where he signed his return to Italy where, under For Any Service On Your Tractor Call Your the guidance of St. Francis, he up for the summer quarter. The remainder of the family will re- began a career as a preacher. He MASSEY HARRIS DEALER main in Duchesne at the home died in Padua, in 1231, and was named a saint by Gregory IX the of Mrs. Helen Odekirk. following year. He lived a short Mr. and Mrs. Joe DiStefano and thirty-si- x years, but left a timemark less Thomas of and Heber upon the world family of Grand Junction ColoraPhone 014-J- 3 Roosevetl, Utah 7241 PHONE 7251 Mr. and Mrs. Perry Grant and DUCHESNE, UTAH do visited the Mayheys on Mon1 Vi Miles South West On Highway 40 Memto motored returned to Mrs. Midway family Mayhew day. orial Day. Heber with them for a visit. son-in-la- e; son-in-la- Correspondents Attend News Writing Schedule Okhed For Dasin Baseball League Clinic, Luncheon Friday; Rear Discussion On News Problems need Club News WA T ADS 4-- H nt r me.. One-thousa- 6-- 4-- So.-we- st Donoficialx! 4-- 8KvLl Life Ferguson Parts UPHOLSTERING st sc THOMPSONS MOBILE E. A. Call Service REFRIGERATION UPHOLSTERING SERVICE R For Sale te dsal (Sifts Foe Fat Diors lay O .$9.95 S14.95 Mattress $3.98 $11.95 BOOTS. .$12.49 $14.95 BAGS $13.95 $21.95 STOVES $12.95 $16.95 DRILL KIT S29.95 RODS. 00000000000000000000000000009009. ATTENTION FARMERS! Col-thar- p OUR HARDWARE DEPARTMENT O Lanterns $8.95 $11.95 S49.95 SAW Carter Ranch Supply . FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS To Serve You Tractor Repair Work O FROM OUR DRY GOOD DEPARTMENT O Dress Shirts Sport Shirts $3.75 $3.98 $2.98 $7.50 Belts Wallets Ties Hose Box Hankies CARTER RANCH SUPPLY Sport Jacket $7.50 $13.95 Electric Shavers $29.50 S28.50 MK1L Washable Slacks $9.95 |