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Show PATRICIA POWELL Mrs. Anna Nielson and Mrs. EdCELEBRATES BIRTHDAY na Coon and son spent last MonMiss Patricia Powell, daughter day in Salt Lake visiting with Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Powell, and Mrs. Emmett Fletcher. celebrated her 4th birthday on Mrs. Beth Nelson and daughter, Thursday afternoon. There were Linda, are visiting in Salt Lake 10 little friends who joined in the with Mrs. Lois White and Mr. and gala occasion with her and enMrs. Alan Sexton. joyed the delicious refreshments. Miss Laura Clemons spent MonFRANKLIN ROBBINS RECEIVES PROMOTION day and Tuesday in Salt Lake visiting Mr. and Mrs. Phil Morton Of interest to friends of one in and family. the service, Franklin D. Robbins of Duchesne, now serving in the Mrs. Elsie Gunter went last Marine Corps, has been promoted week to Idaho, where she will vis- to Corporal. Corp. Robbins and it Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bean his wife, the former Iva Del Lister and family in Gooding, and Mr. of Mt, Emmons, are the proud parand Mrs. Wallace Day and family ents of a new baby boy, born to at Burley. them on June 12, Both mother and baby are doing well, reports the Mrs. Ruby Stephensen received grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. a visit on Friday from Mr. and L. Robbins. Mrs. Mark Johnson from Millard County, who were on their way MOTHERS CLUB DONATES to Denver, Colo. TO HEALTH CENTER The Duchesne Mothers Club Dr. and Mrs. John Smith went turned over $35.00 to the Health to Salt Lake on Saturday to bring Center form the proceeds of the home their children, who have benefit dance they put on at been vacationing with their grand- Myton recently. The Club will parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Smith, now be inactive for the summer and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barnett, and will resume 'its meetings in for a week. the fall. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson BRIDGE CLUB MEETS and family spent Sunday in Kam-aMrs. Hildur Johnstun was hosThey brought home with them tess on Monday evening for the Miss Jeanie Walker to visit for a Duchesne Bridge Club. Members while. were: Josephine Beebe, Mildred Carman, Phyllis Day, Afton Bromand ley, Thelda Halstead, Ruby ThomMcDonald Violet Mrs. daughter, Lucinda, are spending as and Nellie Nelson. Guests were the week in Manti and Wayne Laura Lyman, Jeannine Wallace, County with relatives. Laura Mae Timothy, and Oleah Johnstun. Prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Johnny McAfee, Mrs. Carman, Mrs, Thomas and of Salt Lake, spent the weekend Mrs. Beebe, A dessert luncheon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. was served. Buckalew and family. The Buckalews received word FAREWELL PARTY FOR MORRELLS Saturday of the death of Mr. Buckalews brothers wife, Mrs. Many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jim (Grace) Buckalew, of Salt Frank Morrell joined together on Lake City. She died June 18 at Saturday night at the air port in the LDS Hospital, a farewell party given in their honor by the group. A supper and dancing were enjoyed by all. The Morrells left Wednesday for Salt Lake, where they will Old church build-in- , make their home. FOR SALE approximately 36 x 60, loSWIMMING PARTY cated y2 block north from Post A farewell party for Frankie Office on part of lots 17, 18, 19, and 20, Block 16, Duchesne City Morrell was given on Friday afTownsite; $2,500.00. Real Estate ternoon by many of her friends. Department, The Continental Bank Mrs. Oscar Beebe took the follow& Trust Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. ing girls to Vernal for an after. noon of swimming: Miss Karen Moon, Miss Marietta Moon, Miss Wilda Thomas, Miss Alma Poulson and Miss Joan Beebe. Everyone had a great time. We Cut and Install Glass WHILE YOU WAIT FAMILY REUNION OTTOSEN SALES AND HELD IN PROVO SERVICE and Mrs. Charles Partridge Mr. Roosevelt Phone 57 and family held a family reunion at the Provo Park on ' Sunday, p FOR SALE Case pick-uhay where many members of their fambaler, wire tie, nearly new; also ily from various places met with side delivery rake. Reasonable. them. They included Mr. and Mrs, Dean Powell, Duchesne M. R. Bolton and family, and Geneal Partridge, from Magna; New FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Rex Farnsworth, of home. Phone 7017. Thomas Meri- Orem; and Mr. and Mrs. William wether, Duchesne. Nielson and family of Provo. FOR SALE OR TRADE --T 18 The Alan Bonds, Dave Thomases cub. ft. Deep' Freezer. Phone 7657, and the Harvey Gees spent an enMorley Davies, Duchesne,joyable day Sunday up Rock Creek ROYS SHOE REPAIR fishing. DUCHESNE, UTAH "We Mend the Rips, Build the Mrs. Var Rosenbaum and children went to Spanish Fork last Heels, and Save Your Soles. Thursday to attend the Iceland Centennial celebration. Mr. RosenPOULTRY WANTED baum joined them on Saturday Write Cash paid at your coop. and attended a bank directors and South Washington Poultry, 3253 executives meeting. They all went Wash. Blvd., Ogden, Utah. to the 50th anniversary of the Commercial Bank of Utah the same day. Sunday they joined with their family at a family reunion at Liberty Park in Salt Lake City. For best work on Lawn Mowers, Scissors, Shears, Plows, etc, see Friday evening supper guests at or mail cards to the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. B. CLARKS BLACKSMITH, Myton Madsen and family were Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Moffitt of Provo. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Mr. and Mrs. Kent Wimmer and business. Sell to ' 1500 families. Write today. Rawleighs Dept., children, of Salt Lake, visited in and Nine Mile last 1415 23 St., Denver, Duchesne week. , Colo. RECEIVES THE NEW LOOK The Duchesne Elementary School has received a new interior paint job, along with a few alterations here dhd there. Beautiful pastel colors brighten the building and give it a brand new look. Work is still going on, but will soon be completed. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moon and family visited in Hanna on Sunday afternoon with members of their family. Rebecca Moon, a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Moon, returned to Duchesne with them for a visit. Bert Young, Jr. had the misfortune last week of having his horse fall on him while he was Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jordan went herding cattle at the ranch in to Logan on Friday to attend the Fruitland, and received a very Inaugural Reception at Girls State, badly sprained ankle. where their daughter, Lee Ann, G. B. Workman made a business participated. She returned home with them after a weeks stay in trip to Salt Lake on Friday and Logan. brought three of his grandchildren back for a visit. They are the Mrs. Reed Timothy and children children of Mr. and Mrs, Doren returned to Duchesne after a few Kelsey. days visit in Salt Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Timothy and famiLt. Russell Mickelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Mickelson, lyleft Tuesday morning for Lacklin Mrs. Elsie Dean, of Salt Lake, Air Force Base, Texas, where he is visiting for a few days in Du- will be stationed for the present. chesne with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrell and others. Mrs. Emma McCord and Don Eversole, of Ogden, were weekMr. and Mrs. Douglas Horrocks end guests at the home of Mrs. and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Madsen Emma Birch. Mr. and Mrs, Sanspent Sunday fishing up the Straw- ford Stocks and family were also visitors. berry River. .... Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Odekirk, NEW CLUB HOUSE Miss Terry Sage and Jimmy Cow(Continued from Page 1) an, of Salt Lake, spent the week- arrangements for a tour of all the end in Duchesne, visiting with club projects. At each boys or their families. girls home, he or she is to tell about the projects history as it Mrs. Hildur Johnstun will leave is inspected by the members of Friday, June 24, for a weeks va-- j the tour, cation with her son, Karl WilkinMr, and Mrs. Leo Foy are club leaders. son, at San Jose, Calif. 4-- H s. pot-luc- k WAWT ADS Glass Installation six-roo- LAWN LOWERS SHARPENED E. A. Call Service REFRIGERATION Mrs. Mary Bingham, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Wilson, returned to Salt Lake for a visit, where she will spend a few days before going to her home in Montana. Electric Motors Wiring New Location Building East of Roosevelt Standard Miss Leora Wilson has gone to Roosevelt, Utah Residence Phone, Arcadia 4306 Salt Lake, where she will spend some time at the home of Mr. Office Phone 335 and Mrs. Kenneth McQuan. Orvl'T WAIT! OR YOULL MISS THIS EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN For Just $2,000 Plus Inventory You Can Own The City Market DUCHESNE, UTAH MUST GO AT ONCE Call 8161 In Duchesne For Particulars Mrs. Emma Wimmer returned home this week after a visit in Salt Lake with her daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Morton, The Mortons spent the weekend in Duchesne. DUCHESNE COUNTY FAIR . . . (Continued from page one) stration agent, of the Womens division. The concessions commit-ete- , headed by Gilbert Horrocks, is attempting to get a carnival for the three days. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Meriwether A fat lamb from the herd of and family are spending a few Winslow Rhoades of Hanna, was days this week in Salt Lake City donated by him and along with a with Mr. Meriwethers family. pig, beef and turkey, will be used as a means of raising funds for Mrs. Lucille Wimmer, of Nine the promotion of the fair. Tickets Mile, is spending this week in Salt Lake visiting with Mrs. Eva Wilcox. son-in-la- Durmcsc Student Enjoys Learning To Process Heat Maung KoKo, International Farm Youth Exchange student, was a caller at the Elden Wilcken home Friday evening. Mr. KoKo watched Mr. . Wilcken demonstrate the art of printing pictures. Mont Poulson, host to Mr. KoKo, accompanied Mr. KoKo to see the dem- onstration, Saturday morning, Mr. Koko visited Mr. Wilcken at the Duchesne Frozen Foods, locker storage plant. He voiced his interest in this manner of food preservation. In Burma, his native land, Mr. KoKo said most foods are served hot. Some of the more wealthy people there have refrigerators and ice chests. Since Burma has a tropical climate, Mr. KoKo d explained that there is a season. Most growing meats are preserved by drying methods. As a token of friendship, Mr. KoKo presented Mr. Wilcken with a catseye sapphire, which had been cut and polished to ring-se- t size. owns Mr, KoKos father-in-laand operates a sapphire and ruby mine in Burma. For nearly three weeks, the Burmese student has been a guest at the Mont Poulson home in year-aroun- UINTAH BASIN RECORD Duchesne Ladys Thursday, June 23, 1955 Father Dies At Drigham City .... DUP MONUMENT News this week of the death of Mr. Jbhn C. Hunsaker Brigham City, father of Mrs. Hun-sak- ll Wheeler, is reported. Mr. died of a stroke on June 7, while Mrs. Wheeler was at his home on a visit It was very sudden and unexpected as Mr. Hun-sakin good was apparently health. Mr. Hunsaker had visited the Strawberry ward last August and was well acquainted with the people there. Some of his last thoughts and words were about these people, Mrs, Wheeler reports. He was very active in the LDS Church and held many offices. of La-ve- er er Former Residents Visit Relatives; Do Temple Work (Continued from page one) Moore, bears the scratched in- itials V. F. and L, H. Mrs. Moore said she and LaRue Hold-awa- y made these initials in this brick in 1918 when she was an pupil at the elemenschool. tary Mrs. Moore came in possession of the brick in 1934 when the school building was being torn down as a WPA project. James Mickelson, foreman of the crew, saved the brick from the pile of refuse, and presented it to Mrs, Moore. The plaque inscription was written by Mrs. Maxine Burdick, of the Theodore Camp, Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. .... SEWER PROJECT (Continued from Page 1) Mullen Architects of Salt Lake City. These are the same architects that prepared the plans on the two Altamont building projects and who are preparing the plans for the Roosevelt Junior High remodeling and additions. Also selected by the board was the architect for the proposed remodeling and additions at the Tab-ion- a School, Dean L. Gustavson of Salt Lake has been selected to prepare the plans and specifications for this project. It is hoped to have these projects under construction in the spring of 1956. The allocation for the Duchesne High School remodeling and additions has not yet been made by the State Board of Education. As soon as this is done,' plans will be prepared for that project. & Mr. and Mrs.' La TABIONA Range S. Davis and family, of Dallas, Texas, were recent guests at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nye, They also visited relatives and friends in Provo and Salt Lake City, and did some temple work m the Salt Lake Temple. Mr. Davis, who is a former Duchesne County resident, is presently plant superintendent of the Purex Corporation plant in Dallas, and has been with the company A Navy submarine , crew must sixteen years, with time out to 225 conduct individual and equip- serve his country during World ment checks in order to execute War II. a dive. Both Mr. and Mrs. Davis are active in church affairs in Texas, will be sold and the animals given where he serves as a stake High away the last night of the fair. Councilman, and Mrs. Davis is Mr. Foy announced the prem- ward Primary president. ium books will be printed and Professional Service ready for circulation approximateMany a business goes to the by appointment ly Aug. 1. It will go to the print- rocks because the head men are contact ers about July 10th. afraid to act decisively. MRS. ALBERT PETERSON The next meeting of the board Duchesne Box 301 Phone 7931 is set for Friday, July 8 at the Sugar is used as a raw material courthouse in Duchesne. in more than 87 industries. w Masseur Mrs. Boyd Mott and children, of Salt Lake, spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Deon Brown and family. The Browns took her to Salt Lake on Saturday and visited there for the weekend. Miss Shanna Belt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belt of Salt Lake, came back with them to visit for a while. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Marol and family, of Orem, have moved to Duchesne, into one of Mrs. R. D. Youngs apartments. Mr. Marol is working here on road construction. Harvey Partridge was released from the Veterans Hospital and may not have to undergo another operation at this time, if he keeps on improving. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Halstead and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrell and family spent Sunday in Hanna at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Moon. Mrs. Moon prepared a lovely Fathers Day dinner for many members of the family. Others included were: Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Moon and family, of, Hanna. Saturday visitors at the J. A. Morrisons home were Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison and family, of Tooele. BOY SCOUT CAMP .... (Continued from Page 1) pected to receive some recogni- tion, Sharon Cummings will conduct the activities. Heroism Award Highlight of the Court of Honor will be a formal presentation to Phillip Brotherson of Talmage a "Certificate for Heroism, for saving life. In order to help parents find the camp, the following directions are given: "There are two approaches to the High Uinta Scout Camp. One is by way of Neola, traveling North up Uinta Canyon to the junction of the Pole Creek Mountain road, then following this road up the mountain to Bennion Park. The second approach is from the Farm Creek side, beginning at the Ranger Station and traveling west and up the Farm Creek Mountain road to Bennion Park. Parents who spend the day at camp should bring their lunches with them. Cub Scouts and 11 year old LDS Guide Patrol Scouts visiting camp on Friday with their parents are urged to wear their uniforms. Safety Measures Announced Char.les J. Carter, special agent for law enforcement at Fort Duchesne, has stated that he and his staff will maintain a camp along with the Scouts with police car, radio and first aid equipment at all times. Sheriffs or both Uinta and Duchesne counties, Herb Snyder and Loren Stevenson, respectively, will also be present at the camp, and a doctor will be on hand at all times. state Fish and Game de. The announced that 1700 partment legal sized trout have been planted in Pole Creek especially for the benefit of boys who desire to try' their luck at angling, Another planting will take place soon, also. Harry Sprouse and Lynn Nickcll, game wardens, and Frank Griffin, manager of the Whiterocks Hatchery, supervised the planting. The fish were taken from the White-rock- s hatchery. Take a seat partner! The chair on the left is yours; the chair on the right is ours, and for over 50 years the people who have used these chairs have made progress together in Utah. In this Golden Anniversary year, the Commercial Bank of Utah is happy to salute you, our customers our partners in progress! From 1905, when the Bank had one small office and two employes, to with seven offices and over 70 employes, we have spent 50 years in learning how to serve you better. 1955, Needless to say, new offices, new facilities, and new services would have meant little without the confidence and friendship of the people who live and work in Utah. Fifty years is a long time, as men count time, for any business to grow and prosper, but we feel the past is merely prologue to a bright new future a future of mutual progress for the Commercial Bank of Utah and its many friends and patrons. COMMERCIAL BAM T A H V Member FedaroJ Imuronce Corp. - Mwnber Delta f:'i':'rivi vVii ' rrtifc Mjpt Rrv Sytfm ss; |