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Show i Those Who Serve Packy Fcnn Rates Our Communities Place On Two Teams All-Sta- te Mr. and Mrs. Harve Partridge Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Dennis of Myton. were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvel Moore received a weekend visit from Mr. and Mrs. Dean Larsen and family of Salt Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Duke Stevens and family of Heb-e- r. CLUB MEETS AT THE f FRANK MORRELLS On Tuesday evening, March 14, 500 Club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrell with the members as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Stephensen, Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Niles Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrell. A dessert luncheon1 was served. h j . all-sta- News-Telegra- Mrs. Verda Marvel Moore, Moore and Jack Fitzwater went to Salt Lake last Tuesday to get RETURNS FROM CALIFORNIA TRIP supplies and complete plans for Postmaster and Mrs. Wm. Case remodeling Moores Cafe which is taking place. They hope to have returned home Saturday from it ready to open the first part Monterey, Calif., where they were of April. guests of their daughter and Capt. and Mrs. Harvey Mrs. Gracia Olsen is in Salt Hatch, and children. Among the Lake to stay with her daughter, places of interest they visited Mrs. Flora Dalpiaz for a week or were Carmel with its famous and longer. The Dalpiazs have a new beautiful beaches and the old San Bishop Porter Merrell baby boy, bom on Sunday, March Carlos Mission, Pacific Frove and Working for the good of 20. They have two other children, Monterey Harbor, the home of the and their welfare is people a boy and a girl. in fleet United the largest fishing i States. They also spent a week of the most satisfying, yet Mrs. Emma Birch had as week- in San Francisco and Oakland, of the most discouraging jobs that end visitors, Mr, and Mrs. Don seeing sights. Mr. Case says the anyone can hold. Where would our community be, Eversole and Mrs. Emma McCord deep sea fishing was a big thrill and he and Harvey brought in a however, if it werent for the of Ogden. nice big catch. They saw Califor- people that do just that, regardnia at its best this time of year, less of the rebuffs and the critDR. HARRY BERMAN, eye, ear, they have to take. they were told by residents there, icism and nose specialist, will be at the with Ther is no pay for jobs like the mountains and valleys Hanson Hotel in Roosevelt on Fri- near the ocean a except for the wonderful carpet of green that, satisfaction it brings, just in knowday, March 26, between the hours and flowers blooming everywhere. of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (Adv. ing you are doing the best you can to relieve others of their BIRTHDAY DINNER FOR heartaches and tribulations. DUANE MERIWETHER Our bishop in the Duchesne MrS. Niles Earl, Sr. returned to Mrs. Maxine Burdick gave a her home in Virgin, Utah, after lovely birthday dinner in honor of ward is one of such people. He a weeks visit at her sons home, Duane Meriwether on March 18 spends so much of his time in Mr. and Mrs. Niles Earl. at her home. Many of the family the service of those who need were there to extend best wishes him, outside of his line of duty, that it is astounding, the willingMrs. Emma Wimmer, Mrs. Max- for the occasion. ness to give so much of himself ine Burdick and Mrs. N. L. Wim-me- r and his time, is one of the outattended a funeral in Provo SUNDAY 500 CLUB standing characteristics he posslast week for Mrs. Emma Wim-mer- s AT VERN BROMLEYS brother-in-laFrank The Sunday night 500 Club esses, along with his love and met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. concern for his people regardless Vern Bromley this time, and the of who they are. God bless you. Porter Merrill, Mrs. Helen Odekirk visited in following memebrs were there: Vernal last Wednesday and Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thomas, Mr. for what you are doing for your day with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard and Mrs. Walter Neilson, Mr. and people, and the Lord pitty us, if Das trap. Mrs. Ed Carman, Mr. and Mrs. people like you ever go out of Merlin Bishop, and Mr. and Mrs. existence. Mr. and Mrs. Ear Jordan spent Oscar Beebe. Prizes went to Dave Thomas, Oscar Beebe, Nellie NeilFriday in Provo, shopping. son and June Bishop. A dessert & Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Bishop luncheon was served. spent the weekend In Tooele with DUCHESNE - Funeral services Mrs. Bishops father, John Adams HOME FROM THE ARMY were held yesterday at the Duand family. Cpl. Arthur L, Taylor has re- chesne LDS stake house for y turned home and has been reHerbert, 62, who died in Don Mayhew, Wlnton White, leased from the Army where he Vernal at the home of his brother, Renon Christensen and Kara Lynn has spent two years. Arthur reat 9 a.m. A carJoseph, Monday ceived on his basic training at Fort Smith went to Provo Saturday penter by trade, he was bom in evening to lead the dancing in the Ord, Calif, and has spent the last Vernal, Sept 6, 1892, a son of Relief Society and Priesthood par- 16 months in Korea with the 84th Thomas and Anne Wardell HerEngineers Const supply depart- bert. ty of the Campus ward. ment He is making his home at He is survived by his wife, Elpresent with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer len Rasmussen Herbert; two sisMoon and family. ters and a brother, Mrs. Isabella Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Christensen, Southam, Vernal; Mrs. Josephine Foster, Park City, and Joseph of WANTED Several girls to add- Mrs. Helen Odekirk, David Bates, Vernal. Burial was in Vernal. time Alton Moon and Keith Rowley atress, mail postcards. Spare every week. Write Box 161, Bel- tended the basketball tournament UTAH MOTHER HAS mont, Mass. tp in Provo on Saturday. RELATIVES IN DUCHESNE Utahs Mother of the Year, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Meriwether Mrs. Lavina C. Faugal, of Pleasant and Miss Caroline Burdick went is the aunt of Mrs. Zella Grove, to Utah on Lake Salt business Monday. Duchesne, Grant, of Duchesne, and sister of . Mrs. Berthena Holfeltz Bemis, who Niel Moon was a weekend visitor is well known in Duchesne. Mrs. in Duchesne. Mrs. Moon and baby New GE Filter Flow Automatic is also known to many Faugal have been visiting for a week Washers and has many friends here with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Halstead people, who are very happy over her sucand Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Moon. cess of receiving the state-wid- e FOR SALE 12 tons of first-clashonor and title of Mother of the alfalfa first cutting hay, Mis Karen Carman, of Logan, loose, $20 per ton; baled, $25 per spent the weekend in Duchesne Year. ton. L. P, Anderle, Myton, Utah. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed KNOW YOUR SCHOOLS . . . Carman and family. (Continued from page on) 1947 Pontiac seFOR SALE Miss Muriel Monson, of Provo, should provide experiences that dan, good tires, radio, heater. Good cause learners to prepare and welcondition. $350.00 Howard Powell, spent from Wednesday until Sunday with Miss Joyce Mecham and come changes in thought and pracDuchesne. tice which improve individuals and family. FOR SALE -- 18 milk cows and society. 4. Education should continualMrs. Phill Neilson, of Moab, is Mtn. base. Charles Alexander, home visiting with her parents for ly lead the learner to more comHome. a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold plete understanding of the meanWomen Wanted. Temporary, six Robbins and family. ing of democracy and should likeGood months. Mail postcards. wise increase his ability to prachandwriting or typewriter. Box 47, tice democratic living. Watertown, Mass. 5. Education should farther enEstate of Herbert E. Birch able the learner to assume responDeceased sibility in and contribute toward Creditors will present claims the betterman of human relationwith vouchers to the undersigned ships in the home, the' community at Duchesne, Utah on or before and the world. Elactric Motors Wiring the 10th day of May, A.D 1955. 6. Education should contribute Now Location - Building East MAX E. BIRCH, to the improvement of all aspects of Roosevelt Standard Administrator of Estate of living. of Herbert E. Birch, Roosevelt, Utah Specifically, we believe that Deceased the school should develop in all , Office Phone 335 Residence Phone, Arcadia 4306 First Publication, Match 10, 1955 learners: Last Publication, March 31, 1955 1. The desire for and know-leg- e necessary to obtain and maintain physical and mental health. 2. An understanding of the family as the essential unit of society. "3. The ability to recognize and respect the value of other individuals and groups and to cooperate with them in work and play. 4. Those basic skills necessary for communication, independent thinking and the ability to recognize, analyze, and solve problems. 5. An understanding and an appreciation of the cultures of the past and of all nations. 6. Desirable ideals, attitudes, values, and through codes of conduct. 7. Interests of a physical, intellectual, esthetic, and spiritual nature in order to work and use leisure time with pleasure and PREMIUMS CAN BE FINANCED profit. 8. Ability to plan for the future and to select occupations on the basis of enjoyment, needs and capacities." PHONE 8421 COMMERCIAL BANK BLDG. Mrs. Delia Mayhew and family VAR ROSENBAUM, Agent spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe DeStefano and family in DUCHESNE, UTAH Heber, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris in Salt Lake City. son-in-la- Or-gyl- e. l DEATHS Chas-Harve- WAIUT ADS Allred Electric 50.00 0x12 Rugs s, " Notice to Creditors E. A. Cell Gorvlco REFRIGERATION We Specialize In ... . FIRE INSURANCE FOR Farms Homes Automobiles Farm Machinery e, DONDS CENTRAL UTAH IRSURARGE GO. Four Class B basketball players who have competed during the current season in various divisions were unanimously chosen teams by on the mythical sportswriters of both the Deseret and Salt Lake Tribune. Among the four was Union Highs great Richard (Packy) Fenn who is rated among the best prep stars ever to perform in a state tournament, or in high' school basketball. Chosen on the first team with Packy by the Deseret was Jack Mannion, Binge hams great; Larry Reid, Cyprus; Lamar Haun, Murray and Roy Thacker, Wasatch High. The Tribune picked Bob Grant, of Cyprus in place of his teammate, Larry Reid. The others are the same. In naming Packy this is what Fenn the News had to say: proved himself in the B tourn nament. His show against Murray was sensational. And Uintah coaches and fans say hes been just like that for two seasons. In announcing the all - state team Tuesday, Bill Coltrin, Tribune sports writer, after selecting Mannion as the greatest player of the year, listed a number of outstanding players in alphabetical order, representing several schools, among which were Fenn and Va-lo- y Eaton of Vernal, who he said were kids deserving of consideration. In his next paragraph he made this statement: Ones easy. Packy Fenn of Union is one of the fastest kids seen in many a day. He can shoot, too. He would make a great front line man on any team and with his speed there would be no catching him on a fast break. Pick Juniors and Sophs The Tribune selected five juniors and sophomores for special recognition with Eaton from Uintah, a junior, among them. Others were Fuller of Cyprus, Goldman and Healy of Murray, both juniors and Bruce Hill, a Gunnison sophomore. On the Tribune second team were listed Dorton of Lehi, Hill of Gunnison, Reid of . Cyprus, Frame of Cedar City and Willis of North Rich. secThe Desert ond team consists of Duane Hiatt, Payson; Brent Dorton, Lehi; Robert Hill, Gunnison; Melvin Miles, Dixie and Jerry Frame, Cedar City. The News also selected first and second teams from the eleven divisions in class B. Following is the selection from the Uintah is Division (which, incidently, made up of the same five kids chosen by the Standard-RecorWe selected six, the other being David Hislop). First Team Packy Fenn, Union Valoy Eaton, Uintah Terry Anderson, Uintah Norman Hanson, Union Jimmy Grant, Duchesne Second Team Kenneth Anderton, Union Gary Hatch, Uintah Dean Young, Duchesne David Hislop, Altamont Ray Pace, Tabiona m News-Telegra- all-tim- one-ma- News-Telegra- m d. Rond Sales Good Rut Behind Quota County sales of Series E and H Savings Bonds in Utah during February as reported by the Federal Reserve Bank, exceeded those of any other February since 1947, according to word received from state headquarters by Wesley R. Dickerson, Savings Bond chairman for Duchesne County. Utah sales for the month including allocation of purchases by civilian federal and military personnel were $1,461 ,389, bringing the states total 1955 sales up to of the years $2,935,485, or 14 quota, he reported. series H The current-incom- e Bond shows the greatest per cent of increase. Sales in January and higher February of 1955 were 75 than for the same period in 1954, over this and were almost 500 h he period in 1953, stated. He also pointed out that the series H Bond as well as the E Bond is eligible for personal two-mont- trusts. Total sales of $3,300 were accounted for in Duchesne County in February, making an aggregate of $5,567 so far this year or 10.0 of the countys 1955 quota. March sales will determine which county will win the miniature Liberty Bell offered by the state Savings Bonds committee for the highest per cent of quota at the end of the first quarter. San Juan County now leads, followed by Summit, Cache, Washington, Sanpete and Utah, he continued. Meiv Retort! System To Livestock r.larket LIVESTOCK MARKET UINTA SALES BARN ar A new system for assessment is being set up in Duchesne County this year, reports G. B. Workman, assessor. All of a persons real estate holdings in each section or block is recorded on an individual assessment roll sheet which has sufrecficient space for a five-yeord of assessment and payment. Personal property assessment attached to real estate for current years taxes are listed at the bottom of this sheet. The new assessment roll sheets, which measure 13 by 9l2 inches, are unbound and filed in portable trays. The assessment roll side of the sheet carries the name and address of the property owner, the serial number and description of property. Real estate classifications listed are residential, commercial - industrial, agricultural, unclassified. Inasmuch as tax notices will be printed using this same classification of real estate, the number of acres of the various types of land will not be shown as has been done formerly, Mr. Workman said. Formerly the land types were shown as irrigated, unimproved, pasture and dry, grazing land. On the 1955 valuation and tax notices, real estate will be listed under the one classLots will ification agricultural. be listed as residential or commercial. The assessor explained that land owners will find the total assessed value to be the same on this land as last year, except in special cases where he has been in touch with the landowner relative to the assessed value of the land. These classifications are carried on a separate record, however, in the assessors office, and known as the blue card files, and are available to the landowner for checking acreage and values. The form sheet classifies buildings, structures, etc, as residenand agtial, commercial-industri- records ar al ricultural. Market stronger on- - stocker cattle than previous week. Good to choice steer calves, with several lighter weights to 23.75; common steer calves, including some black, whiteface and Durham kinds, good good yearling steers, to choice heifer calves, The Uintah County Board of with plainer and dairy type kinds, Education at their last meeting package 505 lb. yearapproved the construction of a ling heifers, 15.60; Holstein feeder new junior high school some- steers, 12.50 - 16.40; commercial 19.50-23.0- 0, 13.50-18.0- Diutah Given 0.11. 0; 17.00-1-.5- 0; 16.00-18.3- 0, 12.00-15.5- 0; . where along Highway 40 between the Lapoint junction and Union High School. The exact location will be determined at a later date. The building will cost between $250,000 and $300,00, of which $150,000 will come from a federal school building grant allotted to the district by the U. S. Office of Education under a program which permits aid to those areas where a high influx of federal workers has created congestion. Uintah School District qualified when Indian children of the Reservation were turned over to the public school system. A public meeting was called at Alterra March 4 to discuss the school building needs of the west side of the county and the school grant. More than 150 persons attended the meeting and agreed that a junior high school was needed and that it should be built between Alterra and Union High School. The difference between the cost of the building and the federal grant must be paid by tax levy. The board made no decision on a tax levy, but approved the junior high school and authorized a revision of the application to the U. S. Office of Education which must now include the cost of the proposed building and list where the additional money will be obtained. Lorenzo Young, Salt Lake City architect who designed the new Uintah High School, has been employed to draw up plans for the junior high school. In The Service Space provided for personal proincludes motor vehicles, merchandise and fixtures, ARDEN V. ROBBINS commercial and industrial machinIX CORPS, JAPEN Army Pvt other personal property, Arden V. Robbins, whose wife, ery, range cattle, other cattle, horses Joan, lives in Duchesne, Utah, reand mules, sheep, other animals, cently arrived in Japan and is poultry. now a member of the IX Corps. Line 22 on the assessment roll The IX Corps supervises the insheet gives space to enter the tensive training activities of a property owners exemptions, such comprehensive post-truc- e training as those allowed to disabled vet- program for units under its conerans, to widows of veterans, to trol. the blind, and to the poor. , Private Robbins, a radio operatThe other side of the sheet is or in Company D of the Corps dubbei property tax ledger, and 4th Signal Battalion, completed allows record space for the five-ye- basic training at Fort Ord, Calif, payment of taxes. Ledger and was last stationed at Camp headings are listed as value sub- Gordon, Ga. tital asSon of George N. Robbins, 73, ject to special taxes, sessed value, levy (mills)," tax- E. Second So., Vernal, the es charged, balance, "credits, soldier attended Brigmemo. ham Young University. Some advantages of the new Miss Ruth Ottley, of the BYU, system is discontinuing the making of the huge roll books, and spent the weekend in Duchesne tax record of with her sister and brother-in-lahaving a five-yea piece of property shown on one Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Humphreys. small sheet Previously, searching for this information would have entailed looking through indexes and five large roll books. The five-yeledger sheet will decrease the amount of printing with the addressograph unit since the ledger sheets need to be printed but once in five years, unless there is a change in ownership to all or part of a piece of property. TASTEWELL The new system saves duplication of work, according to Mr. Workman. He says, formerly the 46-- o z. can assessor entered the values of all on of the rolls; property types they were then sent to the treasurer who had to make a copy of SHAVERS GRAPEFRUIT the assessment onto a valuation same over thus the notice, going work. Now the valuation notice 46-- o z. can will be posted or typed at the same time the tax record is made in the assessors office. 'Also, when the auditor, or county clerk computes the taxes, 14-o-z. he will be entering the same inbottle formation on the tax notice that he enters on the roll sheet. Formerly this was extra work for Southern Maid or Tastewell the treasurer who had to make a copy of the auditors work. beVery close cooperation tween the three departments will be neccessitated by inauguration of the new system. In fact, either ROYAL ARMS we or our deputies will hardly know to which department we belong, as we will need to spend considerable time assisting each other with the work. But that won't matter. We are just one big happy family here, anyway; Giant Size and 1 can of and it is the desire of all of us Ajax Cleanser to do the best possible job for our county," Mr. Workman said. Assessor Workman states that this system, approved by the Utah State Tax Commission, has been in use in several of the counties of the state for a number of years and is being adopted by other counties now. Of Country perty assessment MAR. 19 274 CATTLE Record Row Junior High On One Sheet; Offices Combine School For Dost Five-Ye- March 24, 1955 Thursday, REPORT Simplify County Work cows, cows, with 13.00-14.7- 0, kinds to young utility and stocker caners and cut- 15.20; 10.50-13.0- 0; ters, 7.00--.5- 0 with few very shelly kinds lower; short fed heifers, 15.50-17.1commercial bulls 13.50 to 14.00; utility, 11.70-13.0good on comveal absent, 18.00-1-.0- 0 mercial kinds; baby calves stronger, bulk of good calves bringing 16.00-24.0- 0 per head, with some dairy kinds lower. Holstein springer, 170.00 per head. SHEEP 57 Package 31 head of 101 lbs. good slaughter lambs, 19.20; other utility to commercial lambs Iambs, 17.40-19.0young breeding ewes, 10.20-15.2- 5 cwt; canner and utilcwt. ity slaughter ewes, 4.10-8.2- 0 HOGS 8 , 190-24- 0 lb. butchers, 16.30-16.6160-18- 0 lbs. 16.25; weiner pigs, 0 per head. 0; 0; 0; 8.00-13.0- Guide Leaders Moot In Training Meet Thirteen Guide Patrol leaders of the Roosevelt and Duchesne LDS stakes gathered last Saturday, March 19 for a training session, held under the direction two-ho- Dean Rulon of ur Field Skinner, Scout Executive. Presiding at the meeting was Mrs. Venil Roosevelt Johnson, Topics discussed were: "Aims of and the Patrol MethScouting od. In the LDS church the Boy Scout receives his first year of Scouting under the direction of the Primary, and the leader of the Primary Scout class is called the Guide Patrol leaders, Mrs. Johnson remarked. Teachers participating in the Wentraining experience included: Mathi-sodell Mathisen, Chester L. Ralph Cloward, Eliza Benson, Iona Richens, Beulah Pitt, Kate Peterson, Donna Wilkerson, Hilda Barker, Erma Anderton, Mabel Nebeker, Telintha Rasmussen and Beryl E. Johnstun. n, Gar Inspsction Ends May 15 15 - Started Feb. 1955 , Get Yours Dono Early! DAUiS GARAGE ar IN ar DUCHESNE Effective Frl. - Sat. - March 2S - 2G Tomato Julco 230 JUICE 200 Libbys Catsup 2 for 300 Oleomargarine 330 Toilet Tissue 4 roll pack 290 FAD 700 Ground Deaf 100 3 lbs Pork Sausage Fresh Home-Mad- e 450 lb. Cudahys Lard crt. . . 700 4-l- b. , stake Guide leader. ar How A Dollar Fights Cancer every dollar given to the American Cancer Society, 60 cents is spent for cancer control in the state or division area where the money is raised; 25 per cent goes for a national research program; 12 per cent to national programs of profesisonal and public education, service to patients, statistical research, and administration; INTERVIEWS WALT HAYES 3 per cent for a national program Lee Kay, public relations man felof medical grants and clinical for the Utah State Fish and Game lowships. Comission, was in Duchesne the Walt week interviewing Its time wasted to whitewash a past for a possible story for the Hayes character that couldn't be saved bulletin. even with a heavy coat of enamel. departments Of UINTAR BASIN RECORD SUGAR 2S Iba. 1 U. 2.G1 1.0C MILK All Brands case Tall Cans 6 cans G.31 79? Coffee - lb. 000 Hills' Bros. off per lb. 5 040 Fresli Milk Ill-La- nd , gal. quart . 21? TOMATOES 41? Pierces solid 303 2 cans . . . . pack 200 Corn Flakes KELLOGGS Giant Size 27? Sirloin Steak U. S. Good Beef 500 lb. BANQUET Milk Loaf Choose . 450 lb. CRISCO Shortening 3 lbs 020 , |