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Show Farmerette Club Tabiona Athlete Organized; Wins Trip To 23 Members UINTAH BASIN RECORD Election Dates To Legion Auxiliary Thursday, March 18. 1954 Remember In 54 Fetes Visitors To Celebrate Birth Forest Research Have Deen Listed The American Legion Auxil- Conference entertained district and iary Several dates are important to the coming state, county and partment officers at a luncheon at the Mission Cafe. Set For Mar. 23-2- 5 Congressional elections that will Saturday Distinguished guests BRIDG ELAND (Special) ladies club was organized BRIDGE CLUB deMrs. Lavia .Matt has been at Monday evening at the home j Bridge Club was held at the home with a bad knee the last By Mrs Thelma D. Nye of Mrs. Merle Smith, under the few days. She felt badly as she home of Mrs. Ruby Thomas on! TABIONA Principal Dayle supervision of the home demon-- . wanted to join the Relief So- Monday . evening. The names K. Swallow, of the Tabiona stration agent, Mary Lois present held next November. High School, has designated District Forest Rangers and Farmerettes is the lowing the some that should were: Mrs. Ruby Farnsworth, ciety in their March 17th pro- found on the tally cards were: NelDelbert Fabrizio, son of Mr. and Jo, Mildred, Babs, Thelda, Mrs. other administrative personnel department gram. lia, Dorothy. Gloria, Laura C. Mrs. Charles Fabrizio, Hanna, fibers 'were elected and" the Lucy Larsen, department secre- on the Ashley National Forest of the hostess were. Van-- : as the Honor Student boy who of each month tary; Mrs. Juanita Buckley, de will meet in Vernal during Bud Thompson was delighted Guests anu ueuver Oleah the the snail waTdesiated school gee Morrell, at Johnstun, win represent tiiy iccoiuer as the time to Mrs. three days next week, March 23 partment 3rd to be back home from the ser and to the county clerk the checked Joan Laura Lyman. Phizes were annual Youth Conference in hold meetings Tolboe distrietP president) to 25, for the Forests annual vice. won by Babs, Nellie and .Dor- Salt Lake City, sponsored by and poll book and Mrs. Irma Golda Jensen was elected official register district Resource Conference, according in the last municipal elec- - secretary. Mrs. Sutteer, thy. A very pleasant time was the Salt Lake Rotary Club. The ' Merle viceSmith Thelma to Forest Supervisor Wm. D. t if .Mrs. George Kohl and daugh- had by the group. tion. conference provides outstanding president, and Nona Holgate, of the Altonah unit, was Hurst. While assembled, the ter, Mrs. Norma Grant, were APRIL 1 or before the sec- present with three of the Alton- rangers will review the 1954 seniors from the entire state an Twenty-thre- e ladies in .gait Lake during the week. opportunity to enjoy three days were present to which a very retary of state shall transmit ah members, and thirteen mem annual plan of work for the Mrs, Msxine W. Burdick cn- - of cducstionRl, dcvotionsl, and delicious dessert luncheon wss to each county clerk a list of bers of the Duchesne unit. forest and priorities on work Bud Olsen visited with his tertained at a family dinner, social activities which will be served offices to be filled at the priThe luncheon was under the projects will be established-Thi- s mother, Mrs. Minerva Olsen, Sunday, in honor of the birth- - a highlight of their entire high mary election. direction of Mrs. Barbara Meriis essential as a means of who returned to Salt Lake for day of Duane Meriwether. Pres- - school career, 2 clerk APRIL the wether, of the Du securing the greatest value from county president a short .visit with him. was Wood-Delbert 1 ent were Mr. and Mrs. recently married should have certified official chesne unit, with Mrs. Rachel every dollar spent and as asrow Day and children, Mrs. to Miss Myrna Newman and registers so they can be pre- Neilser and Mrs. Laura May surance of giving the most Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. Jones Dorothea Allred and family, both young people are contin-M- ' Timothy serving on the com- worthy projects top considerapared for the 1954 elections. and daughter, Sherri, and Danand Mrs. George Marrett uing their studies at Tabiona o n na cia'ybiirn', APRIL 10 or before the mittee. tion. ciayburn,D outny spent the weekend with her and family, Mrs. Emma C. Wim- High. Among Delberts The Duchesse Unit No. 22, Clista Neilson county clerk shall publish or Mever, yernetta During the meeting, forest are Goida Jensen, Alice Beal, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin mer, Phillip Morton and Elaine, standing accomplishments list of offices applicable to American Legion Auxiliary, and personnel will also receive speCole. They had a very pleasant and Billy Wimmer, and his activities in student govern- - na Shelton, Letta Meyer, Nelda post the Legion, will celebrate the cial training in the repair county. .drive from Salt Lake in the the guest of honor and his fam- - ment, where he has served in MUrphy Ilenna Shields Merle hisAPRIL 20 the county clerk Legion birthday on March 27. of communication! spring-likweather. ily, and Ralph Gibboney and many responsible positions. This Rn All Legion and Auxiliary mem- equipment. Mr. Francis Woods,, Mvrle Smith Ethel to shall notify political parties stuNeville Wimmer and son. year he is president of the Helen Neilson, Betty j present list of names for regis- bers and their partners are in- communications engineer for Mr. and Mrs. Marvel MooTe dent body, president of the band ans and Nancy vited to attend. Lunch will be the Forest Service from Ogden, Gilbert. tration agent. and of the have been out to Salt Lake, captain organization, MAY 3 April 26 is scheduled Utah, will be the instructor, in registration agents basketball team, exhibiting rare orFriday, where their .daughter, Mrs. CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS next meeting, which shall be appointed by the counthe this phase of Forest Service in Dean Larsen, tmderwent an opof all leadership qualities Mrs. Lavina Mott and her will feature meat cookery. work. Training in the latest ty commissioners at their first eration. She is reported in a daughter, Mrs. Baird Goff, cele- activities. Blessed with a wonin in range manageJune. meeting developments of he deal has pain, but doing brated their birthdays together derful singing voice, great 8 state MAY will also rement Republican technique as well as can be expected this at Mrs. Goffs home on sung the lead male part in two Sunday. at the convention consideration ceive by the ranorganization soon after the operation. They Mrs, Lela Thacker, of Price, operettas at the Tabiona High as will Rainbow Randevu in Salt Lake group, ger two last in with her the children home School years, brought and family came over for the ideas in timber management City. them. occasion. They enjoyed a love- and has also sung solos during MAY 29 Utah farmers last year re- practices. Democratic state and Helen Mott returned Ray and activities the days regional a beautiful ly dinner with Those who .will attend the Wednesday from a weeks organization convention at Salt ceived more than $4,500,000 for GO TO PROVO participated In the UBIC Talent last cake. are: Ranger Ernest, C. to Lake sold canners and vegetables San and City. other in meeting visit Diego wina was Helen and Ray Mott, accom- birthday he Contests where 3 JUNE clerk freezers. the county Manila; While Ranger George California. Hirsch, of in parts ner from the west end of the panied by Mrs. Dora Larsen, of This income resulted from W. Walkup, Whiterocks; Ranshall requisition a supply of were the California guests they in Further Roosevelt, spent several days county. talented, In Provo this week with Mrs. Tanner) made all her friends music, he has played first chair of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Burdick, election laws from the secretary the harvesting of about 147,800 ger Jesse A. Palm, Altonah; dt to tons of vegetables for commer- Ranger Merlin Bishop, Duable be happy by Beach. They visited of state. being Annie Bailey, of Ferron, Utah, trumpet in the high band for of Long has on been or before church JUNE cial She HolB. Sunday. Conrad processing, their son, explained M. chesne; Ranger Glen A. Lamwith mother of Mrs. Larsen and sishis entire high school career J. Howard in June, the P. Cortilet, vice president in bert, Foresters ter of Mrs. Mott. Mrs. Bailey very ill for a long time. and has also played first trum- lenbeck, who is serving in the the fourth Mondaycommittee of charge of American Can Co.s Makela and Roman Pfeffer, a central as 3rd county S. U. Teleman, Navy and at school in orchestra underwent eye surgery the the pet Construction and Maintenance class. Conrad, who is serving each party shall send a list of Central division. Valley Hospital in Prtvo and is Sure-Se- al participated in many local en- his The cash return to the Supervisor Ward Evans, Adthird year in the Navy, has names of applicants for judge tertainments. recovering nicely. Mrs. Bailey Assistant Claude (Continued from Page 1) is a former resident of Duchesne He has graduated from the been assigned to the Command of election to the county clerk. states farmers was about $900,-00- ministrative 3 clerk JULY more the than Helen due in in Schaefermeyer, M. left and county Division 1952, Bruce, Carrier troduced the the One, of also has He Tabiona Seminary. president County. company, M. E. Wallis, who in served on the Yearbook staff at this week, aiboard the Carrier shall deliver registration sup- large part to a substantial in- Karma Rae Samuels and Wm. Mrs. Ivy Murdock has re- turn greeted the people of the the Tabiona High School and The Boxer for a years ser- plies and official register to crease in production, continued D. Hurst from Vernal, Utah. the executive of the firm that each registration agent. turned from a short stay in Basin and expressed the hope has been a member of the high vice in the Far East. Phone News To 7441 Mr. and Mrs. Mott were acperfected the modern food can. that this was the beginning- of school paper staff. Roosevelt. Mr. Cortilet to that back the explained a long, enjoyable and profitable county He has consistently starred companied thq increasing popularity of Warren Mecham, Jr., of Los association together. He announ- on the basketball, baseball and by Mrs. Lyman Burdick, of who will visit can learn a graded solo and can canned food is directly responVegan, is in Duchesne this ced that the companys plant, track teams of the school dur- - Long Beach, here sible for the utilization in the for a short (Continued from Page 1) week. He is with his mother, which was started last Septem- ing his entire high school car- - with relatives present it before the judges and state last year of almost 23,000 ber, would be ready to manu- eer, and has been chosen on one while. Mrs. Sylvia Mecham. Seed Barley, FOR SALE the audience may apply to his acres for production of nine facture wax products within ap- of the. Uintah Division Grasses. fesAlfalfa, BECOMES entrance EMPLOYEE Sure-Seteacher in for the Oats, snap Wheat, including two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Meri- proximately teams by the Deseret News, vegetables, Weston Bates was added to tival. Lawrence Lee, music in- beans, sweet corn, green peas We do custom cleaning. Moody is a Utah corporation, with the assistance of the diwether and family were guests the Duchesne City working structor at the Junior High is and tomatoes. Bros., Myton. of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Meri- owned and financed by Utah vision coaches. on Monday morning, Mar. chairman of the event. Refreshforce Delbert wether in .Balt Lake City, dur- people and money, and using When not in school, Potatoes, $1.50 FOR SALE Mrs. Lucille Wimmer and Utah men and women as its is employed at the Defa and 15. This gives the city three ments will be sold in the halls ing the weekend. last. Next while 100 they lbs., at children the to out to come week spent for those who wish persons working Mr. Wallis said. Fabrizio Sawmill at Hanna. carry staemployees, sercise Smith to Bruce door the citys duties. early and see the entire festival. their ranch in Nine Mile. Miss Patricia Allred and Miss Between 500 and 600 Utah peoBesides his Duchesne. tion, Marilyn Allred, daughters of ple own the stock in the cor- activities, Delbert is one of the very slender and brittle barbs into 40 acres choice acof Mrs. Dorothea Allred, spent the poration. FOR SALE the scholars school, top the tissues of the eyeball, causing corrals,, good weekend in Nine Mile with land, Mayor Johnsen and Clint cording to Principal Swallow. farming a grave and Btubbom inflammatory their uncle, Neville Wimmer. Mickelson, county commissionHe will be the seventh senior for which there is as yet no In The District Court, Probate small house and choice water process er, expressed joy that Sure-Sea- l to represent the school at the Division, In And For rights. See Doug or Arch adequate treatment Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Halladay had come to them and the peo- Youth Conference. His predeat McKinlay Motor Co., The most dangerous materials of State Utah County, and family were in Salt Lake ple they represented, and as- cessors were Darreld Casper. that get into the eye by accident In the Matter of the Estate of Roosevelt. sured the officials they were Glen Lewis, Norman Casper, are lye, lime, strong acids and in- - t JOHN MAXCY ZANE. Deceas- over the weekend. The following is one of a itritl of delible House Trailer. FOR SALE anxious to support them in their Ted D. Nye, Lynn Curry and articles pencil lead. Fresh ed. written by members of tht cement copying 22 ft. long. In Columbia make, or because its of concrete, Dixie Bond, daughter of Mr. endeavors. Mr. Mickelson traced Robert Michie. Creditors will present claims Utah Stott Medical Association ond lime condition. Phone $3211. content, is also a seriously and Mrs. Allen Bond, had the the story of oil in the Basin with vouchers to the under- good published m cooperation with your damaging care Greater E. agent. Myton. Church, P. inmisfortune to have her baby and expressed hope the new local newt paper. These articles art should be observed by workmen to signed at 314 Knight Block, sister throw a pair of scissors at dustry would offer new finantchtduled to appear entry other weth avoid on or before Provo. the Utah, splashing plaster, mortar her, cutting her cheek. It took cial security for Duchesne coun1st day of May, A. D.. 1954. throughout the year in an effort to and other such preparations, thus better with to stitches Another four close the wound. ty. acquaint you DALLAS H. YOUNG, JR. E. A. problems of preventing a common type of eye speaker was Wade health, and designed to improve the accidents. McCormick, division production Administrator with will Orlando Roosevelt REFRIGERATION Rachele, of the people of Utah. Mrs. Lucinda Anderton is manager for Carter Oil Co., Standard Bums of the eye with hot instruannexed of the Estate of was the employee, Sure-SeaenWiring - Electric Motors l has ments, such as curling irons, are John Maxcy Zane, Defeeling much improved these with whom of new tire the winner lucky Phone Arcadia 4306 not as likely to leave serious scarceased. days and is able, by using hef tered into a contract- to pur- given away by the Buchanan Accidents to Eyes to vision as are those First Publication, Feb. 25, 1954 chase the waxy crude oil. damage ring cane, to get about the house. Roosevelt, Utah Accidents take heavy toll in eye- from strong alkalies and acids. Last Publication, Mar. 18, 1954 facts Conoco Service on their grand Other each year. At least ninety Bums due to lye and lime are esMr. and Mrs. Gale Lance brought out by Mr. Wallis in nails that had sight and should per cent of these accidents are pre- pecially destructive have gone to meet their son, his remarks were that the pay- - been number in a tire was the ventable. Were we, as adults, to nave immediate care to prevent Dee, who is coming home from roll from Sure - Seal Corp. contest,driven and Orlando hit the cooperate in eliminating from the loss of the eye. Free and prompt milf Korea. They received an invi- would add another on the head by the playthings of children such irrigation with clear water is of nails right tation from their daughter, Ar- lion dollars to the state and be547 was the agents as airguns, flippers, darts, greatest importance, and should, guessing lene to come and visit her and tween 100 and 125 employees exact amount. which blouse He new slingshots, bow and arrow, pointed if possible, be given at the place wins a meet their son, and make a nice will find jobs. scissors, pocket knives with pointed where the accident occurs, for eveiy tire. vacation out of It. that passes before this is Following the dinner at Duan oil change blades, and other similar instrum- second Second ents, we should automatically pre- done means increased permanent chesne, the Carter Oil people with filter,prize, went to Norman vent a large percentage of acci- damage to the eye. Following such John T. Rawlings returned to took the group on a tour of the of Altonah and Elden dents destroying vision. The pop- first aid, the injured person should his home in Orem after spend- Kermit Poulson well now beMortensen, Roosevelt, won third gun, even though its missile is on be taken at once to an eye M.D. a weeks northwith a his few mile drilled about sister, ing ing honors. a string and sharply limited in for further evaluation and treatn lovelyl Fanny Price. She was happy to east of Duchesne, which, it is was a range, The opening is responsible for a fair ment. Burns from strong acids grand have him here to celebrate her hoped, will add to the supply atten-tiosuccessful affair, accord- number of injuries that cause hem- should have the same speedy 77th birthday. of the waxy crude oil now be- very to Vernon Buchanan, manorrhage into the eye and often rebaby-coll- ar ing to the 10,000 galing hauled Penetrating wounds of the eye who said sult in marked loss of vision. of the station, ager Sure-Seal tank at Bountiful. Blunt hurts of the eye are of may occur from small foreign they were busy all day showing jlHnuilc S.i ' m VONMH lon where bodies, such as pieces of metal, callers through the station and serious importance, especially cause bleeding into it If not stone, wood, etc., that may strike All-St- ar . . . serving their motoring needs. they cared for promptly by someone the eyeball with sufficient force I I in eye diseases and who to drive them through its coats. trained 1) (Continued from page Gold-Gree- n . . should be done, they The worst of these accidents occur knows what ond teams was no easy task, serious loss of from giants caps exploding in the cause frequently because there are at least three from page 1) not Such injury, hand or nearby. The most common (Continued if the eye. youngsters, Gary Jessen, from iona. Colene Williams also re- sight, which docs not produce hemor- seource of them is the hammering Altamont, the leagues leading ceived the Golden Gleaner rhage, may later bring cataract. of metai with metal. The use of scorer; Myrthan Defa, second award, but was unable to be It may also cause iritis, a painful improper tools for the job at hand, inflammation of the eye, or even in this sort of work, has been rehigh scorer, and Charles Smil- present at the presentation. of the sponsible for many lost eyes. The ey Denver, Unions clever little M Men awards were separation (detachment) Master LOWEST COST smallest particle of iron or steel l who rated near the presented to Allen Giles, from retina. inside the eyeball will destroy freleft are choices of the Wounds final when the five eyelids top Tabiona, and Rulon Liddell removed. Most other mounless of in these times it, and daily made. were quent, Myrthan Gary l&idgeiand' INSECTICIDE car accidents. When the lids metals do not do this, but any fortor are the forward choices, and Golden former of All the are cut or torn, failure to repair eign body iirside the eye should be tne Gleaners goes buck for alfalfa weevil control Smiley and Master M Men the wound properly may result in removed, if reasonably possible. these All line of three guard were honored with a gift. Wounds that lay open the coats notching of the lid edges, You have to kill alfalfa weenld1rHarfc 5Wv UnnrHirIhCr,f floor show was carricd inTscarsagging of the' lids, of the eyeball may usually be reTho the out to the thcme of Far Away vils before they lay their ability to close the eye. or leaking paired by the eye physician and Duchesne Eagles, and we elect - of tears over tl.e face. writa eggs to prevent a buildup, of surgeon, if done soon after they narration w;th piaceS) larvae population which will is occur. Where the ciliary body of the of to front Craig Hutchings as the center ten by Nancy Lott, introducing the eye Injur on the second team. Gary Jes- the different dances. Erl Simpoften done by simple foreign bodies the eye is cut through, or the damage the plants. Use sen Is our nominee for the cap- son was the narrator, with Shir- that get in between the lids. These choroid and retina are severely lleplachlor to control alfalfa weevils at lowest cost. Only be of such material as will damaged, to try to save the injured tainship of the second team. ley Fitzwater doing a solo may 4 ounces of Heptachlor per scratch the transparent cornea and eye may involve the well one in Coach Of Year its had dance. Each ward sympathetic inflammaacre, applied in either spray We are going to stick our own floor show number, with produce painful ulcers, or they the dreaded will blind it also. be barbed spines, like that tion, which or dust formulations will may neck out a bit farther agaifi all Into of the burdock, which becomes too common scource entering all Another You never looked lovelier, participants control adult weevils before Mosthis year and select Grant Arcadia fastened in the lid and plow into of injury to the eye is the use of Dutch. Double the they lay their eggs. Your fresher, smarter! Full credit er Y moved to Uintah to sue- ward danced, Spanish Circle; the delicate surface every time the wrong medicine in it, from the county agent will tell you as the Ufe Garret Marcus coed goes to Shipn Shore for how and when to spray or jjanna and Tabiona ward, the lid is opened or closed. The natur- home medicine cabinet. Usually coach, as the 1954 Coach of the Fox Trot Fancies; Bridgeland, al tendency we all have to rub an Irreparable harm is not done, but dust. Well supply the broadcloth, with its Year. He took over the helm Mcricana Gay, and Duchesne, eye when anvthing gets into it not infrequently tincture of iodine, Come in today. collar mite of a you wear two ways . . . with but one returning veteran, We Two, and Delores. adds fuel to the fire and make or some other reroie medication is mistake. well a bv of rich, fine pearl. the into with harmful as and the custom-loobuttons worse results, eye dropped its Terry Anderson, A Special Interest group did the pain and distress. In the first place, these drugs that washes with group of inexperienced, mostly the cotton There as increases Combed Desert Stomp. If we could be made to realize this should not be had in dropper botjuniors, and developed a real were about 96 dancers partici- and ut. . . the In white, an a lusting sparkle sugar pastels, tles. the second place, keep fingers away from championship team who will pating in the floor show and observed be we In ' should most It. caution 30 to 40. that something Sizes gets billboard eye brights. represent the Uintah Basin well the finale act. should help much in lessening tis- as to being certain what is dropped in the state tournament that is Miss The Mutual officers and sue damage and In promoting into the eye. Youi M.D. always Many more new Ship'n Short stylos In stock. now in progress at Provo. Christensen wish to thank all This precaution looks at the bottle from which he recovery. our have And there you of those who helped to make Erompt Important If one Is takes a drop for your eye. even r teams the dance a success. choices for the so unfortunate as to get the hairs though he uses the same one many for th season just ended. We from a caterpillar Into the eye. times each day. You too should commend the kids who made for the top of the because the rubbing will start these cultivate the habit of caution. Reaching the various positions, and en- ladder of success cannot be courage those who have years achieved waiting for the elAmerica's production of bituminahead of them to strive for per- evator. by An eastern company la bringing ous coal last year would make a out an air eondiUoner fection as an athlete and sewhich proten feet thick RoomtiM curity as a citizen. Phono I73-The more sound religion a ' wall 22 feet high andthe duces cold air when a room Is too DUCHESNE. UTAH PHONE 7251 . 7241 boundaries man has, the slower he is to entirely surrounding hot. wans air when a room ie too Mates. United SUBSCRIBE DON'T BORROW el the quarrel about it. Rotary Conference A j president; j ; I Duns-mor- j e, sec.-trea- s. j r. Ed-Arle- ' e i Tav-Mr- s. pot-luc- j States Farmers Get $4,500,000 From Processors Return From California Visit 21-2- 8 .... 4 Basin Days All-St- .... WANT ADS ar al . extra-curricul- tyotlce To Creditors Your Doctor Mc-Kinl- ay Du-ches- Says... Winners Listed In Station Opening Call Service well-bein- g interesting ShoreShip'n one-hal- La-Ros- e, sweet a. broadcloth Team eve fieive Ball 2.98 HEPTACHLOR play-make- r, , ! j silky-smoot- Hep-tachl- h I k all-sta- Lambert Farm Service mm. 9 |