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Show lloftM Comes To 8 TABIONA Mr. Thelma A Deserving Young Athlete We are glad to read our own By Walter Remschlssell Basil Defa has been chosen on Principal Duchesns High basthe Uintah Basin School pating in this educational in- ketball team as published in the The 1953 State Legislature Roosevelt Standard and Uintah has wound up another session of struction. Principal and Mrs. Cyrus Me- -' Basin Record, although Basil work. The next session will be Kell were happy to have Mr. himself, seemed the most sur- in two years, unless our GoverMeKell's parents, Mr. and Mrs.; prised of all when we mention- nor can be persuaded to call a Hardy, of Heber, as their week- ed it to him. We are also glad special session, which does not to read he received end guests. seem very probable presMrs. Amber Carter is spend- honorable mention rating in the ent time. j coming a few days at the home of Deseret News. The work of the This is the first time Tabiona, mission was established to find her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michie, before leaving to the smallest school in the state, out the condition of the schools join her husband, Sgt. Newell has hadr a basketball player on and make recommendations for team, or received Carter, U. S. Air Force, in Puer- an them. Will their find-- ! honorable mention, improving to Rico. be old and forgotten be--' Speakers in Sacrament meet- and we feel it shouldnt go un- fore they are entirely made pub- ing Sunday evening were Miss noticed. Basil is an extraordinarily Malta Young, Miss Irene Thomadd a little money as, Glen Lewis, Clair Searle fine young man, the son of Mr. cidentally, our band uniform fund. and Mrs. Andrew Defa, who to The and Monroe Michie. proceeds from the rag Several Tabiona people at- lives according to the highest drive conducted by the band of standards Church of the tended the missionary welcome under the direction of Saints students, home party honoring Cecil Rob- Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y our music teacher, W. Grant erts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clif- of which he is an active memadded another $30.00 to ford Roberts, in the Hanna ward ! ber. Unassuming, but with a Peel, our uniform fund. of we deal should great ability, chr.pel Friday evening. The Band Mothers have two a to see Basil like have chance Several Tabiona young people "in? attended the Junior Prom at to develope his natural athletic: Altamont High School Friday talents and also receive the. tifuUy pieced 1 training he may need in his evening. away to the holders of a lucky Primary Preparation meeting chosen vocation. ticket. Be sure you have your was held at the home of Miss name in the box when the drawinnoculations vacFinal and Mrs. with Pleasy Lewis, Betty ings are made. McKell as Monday cinations at the Tabiona school Principal and Mrs. Cyrus Mcwere Dr. J. given Monday by evening. Present were Thelma Kell and Clair Searle attended E. D. Nye, Bernice Young, Betty Smith, Duchesne. Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis the basketball game in the B. McKell, Elaine G. Webb, Grace G. Giles, Calista Defa. Rozella and Glen Lewis, of Provo, were Y. U. field house Friday eveand nearly died during visiting at the home of their ning Carlile, Marilyn LeFevre, the Fork - American Nye, Malta Young, Pleasy parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin W. Fork Spanish contest according to the Lewis, Linda Mae Carter, Shar- Lewis, during the weekend. Bennett Josie, who has been McKells because it was such a on Hamilton, Lila Jean Carter, close game and so exciting. The Sirley Chatwin and Gay Lazen-b- a stfident at BYU, during the McKells and Mr. Searle all atis past quarter, visiting at the Spanish Fork High so Proud and happy first time home of his parents, Mr. and tended you can imagine how they felt. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Kent Mrs. Joe Josie. Tabiona High School congratEllertson. They welcomed a ulates Union High School on lovely six pound baby girl at winning the State Championthe Roosevelt hospital Thursday. By LaRena Nya We are having band and chor- ship in basketball. Its not so Equally happy grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Elvin W. Lewis, us in the new music room in the bad to have been beaten by the a direct quote of one Tabiona, and Mr. and Mrs. Elgy new building! this week, and Champs, of our own And Ellertson, Mona. Mr. Ellertson the shop students .are also en- we were all star players. pulling for Union is the shop teacher and coach joying the new shop building. the tournament, too. at the Tabiona High School. Supt. Dean C. Christensen at The junior class sponsored a and C. C. Mickelson, Duchesne, were visiting our school during show in the Tabiona High School Saturday evening to the week. raise for Junior money help donriders for the Lining up decorations. Prom The Prom Estate of Doan Pullsy. also in the Donkey Basketball will be keys a known as Doan Joseph Friday, April 17 and game night Tuesday selling Pullsy, Deceased. tickets have kept the band busy date to bear in mind for that Creditors will present, claims during the week but we ex- really extra special dance of the with vouchers to the under- pect to have some fun and in-- year. signed at 720 Newhouse Building, 10 Exchange Place, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before Estate of Dosmond L. Crood, the 8th day of May, A. D 1953. Estate of Flossia Deceased. Faya Craad. GORDON BURT AFFLECK Deceased. Creditor will present claims as Administrator of the Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the underEstate of Dean Pulley, with vouchers to the under- signed at 720 Newhouse Buildas Dean also known at 720 Newhouse Build- ing, 10 Exchange Place. Salt Joseph Pulley, Deceased. signed ing, 10 Exchange Place, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, on or bePaul E. Reimann, Lake City 1, Utah, on or before fore the 8th day of May, A. D., Attorney for Administrator. the 8th day of May, A. D. 1953. 1953. First Publication, RICHARD E. FOLLAND RICHARD E. FOLLAND 1953 Last Publication. Mar. 26, as Administrator of the as Administrator of the Estate of Flossie Faye - Estate of Desmond L. Creed, Deceased. Creed. Deceased. McKay, Burton, McMillan Sc McKay, Burton, McMillan Sc Richards, Attorneys for the Richards, Attorneys for Administrator. the Administrator. By Paul E. Reimann. By Paul E. Reimann. First Publication, Mar. 5, 1953 First Publication, Mar. 5, 1953 Last Publication. Mar. 26, 1953 Last Publication, Mar. 26, 1953 D. Nys jj All-Sta- Soldlor Fcmlly Home From Army Service r I Greeting friends and relatives in Tabiona this week were Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Van Tassell and baby. Mr. Van Tassell was recently released from the U. S. Army, having served a great deal of his time at Ft. Lewis, Wash. Mrs. Van, Tassell, the former Iona Sizemore, has been with him during the past few months. Welcome home, Weldon, and we will all be glad when a great many more of our young men can return home to their families, after answering their countrys call to military service. All-Stat- e at-th- e 60-ma- n All-Sta- All-Stat- e t Migt Irene Thomas, who is a hospital dietician in Portland, Oregon, is visiting this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jep Thomas. Mrs. Jessie Maxwell was a Duchesne visitor during the week, where she consulted her doctor. Little Faun Carlile Is reported having measles this week. On hand to help little Tony DiStefano, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe DiStefano, celebrate his birthday were his grandmother, Mrs. Delilia Mayhew, and aunts and uncles, Don Mayhew and Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris. The group enjoyed a lovely birthday dinner at the DiStefano home. The Music Extension class, which has been, under way for some time in Duchesne County, met at the Tabiona High School Unt Saturday. A lovely luncheon for the class was served in the Home Ec room by the Tabiona teachers, who are particl Notice To Creditors Estate of Edward H. Palmar, . Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 720 Newhouse Building, 10 Exchange Place, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, on or before the 8th day of May, A. D. 1953 - RICHARD E. FOLLAND as Administrator with the will annexed of the of Edward H. Pal-- . mer. Deceased. McKay, Burton, McMillan Sc Richards, Attorneys for the Administrator with the Will Annexed. By Paid E. Reimann First Publication, Last Publication, Mar. 26, 1953 Es-ta- te Mar.-5,-19- 53 or will the public demand something be done with the findings of the commission? Tha members of the commission have spent a lot of time and effort and 50,000 dollars in order to bring us these findings and r commendations. Are we going to ignore them? Everytime a teacher, or a person connected with school, voices his concern, someone says its just the teachers asking for more money. But, who in the long run, gets the benefit from the money spent for the school, whether it be in salaries, material or buildings? If more money is put in salaries, the teacher doesnt have to look for work after school and is thus able to Put greater effort and time 1 bis teaching. If it is put into school material, the child benefits in the same way. Education in Utah is coming to a crisis! When three Universities cannot supply the schools of the state with enough teachers to meet the demand, something must be wrong. The governor wants to save our money in taxes, so the state pays for the upkeep of two of the three 11c, j i fUtukn y. School News Notice To Creditors Notlce To Creditors Notlco To Creditors Mar.-5,-19- 63 Thursday. March 28. 1953 lunch and dancing were enjoyed by a large crowd. Charles Abplanalp, of Helper, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Abplanalp, over the weekend. Verlan Allred, of Provo, visited Mr. and Mrs. Max Birch Wednesday. Mrs. Birch and son went to Provo for a few days Norma Robb Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Snow of Mt. Emmons, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Condie Crandell and son, of Springville, the Broadhead families during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mayhew attended to business in Roosevelt Wednesday. The Utahn Relief Society held its annual party Friday. March 20. A lovely program, games, viiti visit. Udell Davies and Venoy vies went to Provo Friday Jafmaye Mrs. Oeocge Aedsrs Rolloff Oocloty The ward Relief Society held wont shrink. Wall Street Journal its annual bazaar and ward reunion Wednesday evening. Sup-- i per was served to a large number of ward members. Following. supper the following program was presented: Male quartet, composed of A. M. and Ellis Burton, Gail Anderson and Burton Tew; vocal solo, Lygis Rust; vocal duet, Mary Tew and Adeline Anderson; Rhythm band 1, 2, 3rd grade pupils, accompanied at the piano by their teacher, Mrs. Charlotte Erickson; vocal duet, Peggy Soren-- , sen and Vada Burton; piano solo, Betty Potter; humor, Edith Burton; retold story, Louise Thompson. Dancing followed the program for an hour. To close the evening several cakes and glasses of jelly were auctioned off. and A candy booth were especially atsmall fry." tractive to the Quilts, needlcraft, aprons, shirts and pot holders were the main items for sale. we are paying our taxes for? Meanwhile, here in Utah, more teachers are teaching on authorization, which means that our state is not good enough to have the certifited teachers that we help educate. If the parents in the State of Utah are interested in the education of their children, they had better start writing to their representatives, asking them for a special session of the legislature to work on the unfinished' business of school legislation. This demand for a special session must come from the parents and public, as well as the educators of the state. The schools are striving to keep the standards that have been set up and developed over the years. These standards are, in most cases, the highest in the nation. If the people of Utah Mrs. Adeline Anderson atwant to keep them, it is up to school principals tended to them do something now. . , at Duchesne Thursday eveASK FOR A SPECIAL SESning. SION ON SCHOOL Mrs. Evelyn Bleazard left for Bynum. Montana to her parents, Mr. and Mrs The Association of African Bert Jensen. Witch Doctors has been organMr. and Mrs. Shelby Taylor, ized in South Africa. The chief of Colorado, have been visiting witch doctor intends to found a the Rowleys, Thaynes and Tayschool of witch doctoring, with lors for a few days. r a course for students. Mrs. Charlotte Erickson, Mrs. Alta Beckstead and Mrs. Ada-linAnderson were in Duchesne Friday evening and Tabiona all Estate of William McQuseney. day Saturday to attend classes Deceased in elementary music, conducted Creditors will present claims by Frank Baugh, of Logan. with vouchers to the underBertha Anderson, Provo, vissigned at the Sheriffs office at ited her parents over the weekFULLY Duchesne, Duchesne County, end, returning to school SunState of Utah on or before the day evening. 29th day of July, A. D., 1953. Joan Bleazard, Jenean Burton AGED! and Rex Donohue, all of Salt Arzy H. Mitchell, Administrator with the Lake City, spent the weekend will annexed for the es- here with their parents. tate of William. Twenty - seven Scouts and 88 PROOF . Deceased. their leaders from Talmage and First Publication, Mar. 26, 1953 Mt. Home went on a hike IHB WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD 010 HERMITAGE Last Publication, Apr. 10, 1953 Saturday. IroimGE home-mad- e fish-pon- d five-yea- e Notice To Creditors and the unknown heirs, devisees and creditors of said Mila L. la Ths District Court of ths Kostenbader, if deceased; DORFourth Judicial District of the OTHY GREEN CLOCK, Administratrix of the Estate of Charles State of Utah In and for the H. Green, deceased; together County of Duchosno ROY WARREN; W. L. VOG-LE- with all other persons unknown also known as W. L claiming any right, title, estate VOGELER; GLENN C. BILLS; or interest in or lein upon the EDWARD S. BARTON and OP- real property described in this AL BARTON, his wife, Plain- Complaint adverse to plaintiffs ; ownership or clouding their title tiffs, - vs. - KATHERINE EVA SANCHEZ: FLOR- thereto, Defendants Tbs Stats ENCE COTTIS ; ETHEL PET of Utah lo ths Abovs Namsd ERSON; FRANK MUNSEE and Dsfshdantei You are ..hereby ELIZABETH MUNSEE, his wife; summoned and required to serve MARGIE upon Marr, Wilkins Si Cannon, ESSIE WILLIAMS; LIFFLER; VERA MOWER; plaintiffs attorneys, whose addCLYDE MUNSEE and LUELLA ress is 920 Continental Bank MUNSEE, his wife; LEONARD Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, LAVON MUNSEE an answer to the complaint MUNSEE; the unknown herein within twenty (20) days CHRISTENSEN; heirs, devisees and creditors of after the service of this sumCLARENCE MUNSEE, deceas mons upon you. If you fall so ed; the unknown heirs, devisees to do judgment by default will and creditors of LIAZA NE- be taken against you for the VADA MUNSEE, deceased; the relief demanded In said comunknown heirs, devisees and plaint, a copy of which Is herecreditors of PETER C. MUN- to annexed and herewith served SEE, deceased; CLIFTON C. upon you. This is an action to MICKELSON and ALTA MICK- quite title to the following desELSON, his wife; CLINTON J. cribed real property situated In MICKELSON and MAURINE the County of Duchesne. State f (1V) MICKELSON, his wife; GLEN of Utah: One and and FAUN acre tract in the Southwest CorH. MICKELSON his wife; WIL- ner (SW Cor.) of the Southest MICKELSON, LIAM M. POTTER and ROSE Quarter of the Southwest QuarK. POTTER, his wife; GEORGE ter (SEV4SWV4) of Section Four E. POTTER, a widower. CHAS. (4) described as follows: BeginW. POTTER, a widower; VAL- ning at the SW Corner of the continuing thence LEY INVESTMENT COMPANY, SE14SW14, a Utah Corporation; DIXON North sixteen (16) rods, thence a Utah East fifteen (15) rods; thence RANCH COMPANY, South sixteen (16) rods; thence corporation; THE DANGER-FIELESTATE, a partnership; West fifteen (15) rods to place of HOY- beginning; The West half of the GRACE D. HARDING; DEN J. DANGERFIELD and Southwest Quarter (WV4SW,) HELEN DANGERFIELD, his of Section eight (8); The No Quarter (NEV4); the East wife; HAROLD D. DANGER-FIELand FLORENCE DAN- half of the Northwest Quarter GERFIELD, his wife; CLIF- (EV4NWV4); the Northwest QuarFORD DANGERFIELD, a single ter of the Northwest Quarter the Souther: man; JOHN S. DUTTON, also (NWNWV); known as John S Dalton and Quarter of the Southeast Quarter j also (SEV4SE4) of Section Nine (9); E. DUTTON, HARRIET known as Harriet E. Dalton, The Southest Quarter (SE4) of his wife; CHARLES W. DUT- Section Sixteen (16); The North TON, also known as Woodard Half of the Southest Quarter Dutton, also known as Charles (NV4SEV4); the Northeast QuarW. Dalton, also known as Wood, ter of the Southwest Quarter ard Dalton and BUELAH G. (NEV4SWV4) of Section 17; All DUTTON, also known as Buelah in Township Two (2) South. G. Dalton, his wife; MARIAN- Range Four (4) West, of the NE D. PRAHL; the unknown Uintah Special Meridian. Dated heirs, devisees and creditors of this 26th day of February, 1953 CHARLES E., DUTTON, de- MARR, WILKINS Sc CANNON, by Mark K. Boyle, ceased, also known as Charles E. Dalton; VIRGINIA BRANCH; Attorneys tor Plaintiffs, 920 Continental Bank SAMUEL TRUMPER NOLAND; Building, Salt Lake City, the unknown heirs, devisees and Utah. creditors of VIRGINIA DUT TON NOLAND, deceased; MILA First Publication, Mar. 12, 1953 if living, Last Publication, Apr. 2, 1953 L. KOSTENBADER, MUN-SEE- one-hal- easiest, low-co- st way to control alfalfa weevil is to kill it in the adult stage in the spring . . . before it lays its eggs. It ie from the eggs that the destructive larvae come. ' Hie beet, A mall amount of dieldrin does the job. Just 4 oca. of dieldrin mixed with sufficient water to cover an acre, is all you need. And dieldrins long residual action protects new growth alfalfa against larval damage. Dieldrin can be applied two ways. For ground applications, use 4 ozs. of dieldrin in 8 gallons oi water, and for airplane application, use same amount of dieldrin in 2 gallons of diesel oil per acre. Diekbin can be obtained from your insecticide dealer, together with application directions. SHELL CHEMICAL MW HW1 BiiMi. Cim,r I r. o. sa tin, site-- . C03P03ATI01I i, aw. HiiHw a. a, to "The best kind of dollar to save for a rainy day is one that Has Dlrthday Summons early ttM Da- the tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. William Abplanalp Saturday. Rex Broadhead, who is attending school at the B.Y.U., spent the weekend visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Broadhead. They took him back to Provo Sunday evening. in-in- ecssrsssrsrz sMJre neightSg states is this what La-Re- UINTAH BASIN fiECOBD xxrn WITH A PURPOSE th-ea- st D formance. Hera is beaut with a purpose . . . graceful in ever contour, eaeroua in roominess and riding comfort. Hera is beaut that brings with at a thrilling new aense of road master and control. ell new $ sprouse r:oTon company ROOSEVELT. UTAH TEE KY. |