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Show U 4 X BOX 147 DUCHESNE. DUCHESNE VOLUME 12 - NUMBER 29 1953 Dasin v All-St- ar COUNTY, UTAH, THURSDAY. Team $3.00 PER YEAR MARCH 19, 1953 - 7c PER COPY Team Union Rates 2 On All-StDuchesne, Tabby, Uintah, One ar l- VlttWPO- CU7T MXMMOTT, MUw UTAH LEGISLATORS RETURN HOME AFTER SIXTY DAYS OF LAW MAKING .... Another session of the Utah State Legislature has been have written into the history books, and the returned to their various communities to again take up their normal vocations or professions. It is a rather difficult undertaking for any one person to compare the 1953 legislature with others that have been held. There werent any particular records made, or out of the ordinary laws effected that will change the average life of the people in our state. Personally, I feel satisfied that the 1953 legislature did a good job for the State of Utah and her people. . . It is true there were some disappointing results eminated from the body's failure to pass a few bills that some of us thought would aid the majority of the people of Utah . . . However, I am convinced that despite a disappointment or two, most of the new laws passed by the recent session are good ones and will assist ui all if weU support the law-make- rs changes. I think a personal word of compliment to the three men from the Uintah Basin who served in the legislature is justly due them. . . Senator Stringham, Vernal; Rep. Brotherson, Boneta, and Rep Hopkin, Vernal, were very helpful to the people of the Basin when they were approached on various matters of legislation being proposed; It was my responsibility a few times to communicate with Mr. Brotherson, who represented Duchesne County, and Mr. Stringham, who was elected as senator from both Duchesne and Uintah counties. Fine response was received from these two gentlemen, and I express personal appreciation to them for their consideration. A resolution known as S.J R. 17, sponsored by Stringham and Hopkin, pertaining to Highway 40, was steered through both houses and becomes effective with the signature of Governor Lee. . . The resolution calls for a special appropriation of funds to construct and maintain Highway 40 east of Kimball Junction. , . All of us will gain much if, and when, this work is done. Its very possible most of the people of the Basin have not read, or studied the resolution, therefore, the complete text will follow: Be Is Resolved By The Legislature Of The State Of Utah: WHEREAS, the Uintah Basin in Eastern Utah has unusual natural deposits of great wealth, such as oil, gilsonite, asphaltum, phosphate, coal, bentonite, oil shale, and timber, and WHEREAS, this area is the center of a great livestock, dairy, and farming section of the state, and WHEREAS, there Is no railroad within 125 miles thus necessitating transporting by freight of products both to and from the area over U. S. Highway 40, and WHEREAS, U. S. Highway 40 from Kimball Junction in Summit County to the line east of Vernal, Utah, was not constructed with the view of carrying the heavy loads now necessitated by the transportation of oil and gilsonite and other products, by modern truck, and WHEREAS, due to the discovery of oil, traffic has increased many fold and the road is almost worn out and patched intermittently the greatercompletely of the portion way, and WHEREAS, much business now going east into Colorado could be diverted west under proper road conditions, And Utah-Colorad- o BE IT RESOLVED, that the of the State of Utah, both Houses concurring there-in- , urge the development of this great potential inland empire in the Uintah Basiii be accelerated by U S 40 being properly constructed and repaired, and that special funds be appropriated by the State Road Commission for this purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, Leg-islatu- tIt Too much hard work kills the desire to play. Life would, be simple if everybody was unselfish. Sleeping at the wheel is another way to keep the motorist from growing old. Everybodys Weekly About the only rod the modern boys know all about is a fishing rod. Louisville Times. anything at Jew Snpcrviscr Sclcstcd Dy S.C.S. District Uintah Buin farmer have elected three new supervisors for the Uintah Basin Soil Conservation District When the vote wu counted, Ray Brown, Monarch; Forrest Hancock, of Pleaaant Valley, and Harold Dudley, Randlett, received the largeet number of votes, so re- ported Alden White, chairman! of the Uintah Basin Soli Con--! servation District board of su- pervlsors. Other farmers votes In the election were Bert Stoddard, Randlett; Alden, White, Ballard; Wise, Jencen; Leon Dump, Jo Wilcken, Hanna, and R. C. Thome. Ray, Forres and Harold will replace Alden White, Ballard; Leslie Goodrich, Bluebell, and Joe Wilcken, Hanna. Mr. White has completed his sectffi three year terra aa supervisor, end has been chairman of the board for three years. More than 400 ballot were cast from the 2,200 ballots mailed to fanners in the Uintah Buin on March 3, according ! the election judges, Joseph Wilcken, Tom Shlsler and Lee An- nhri, Al-tona- gus. The Uintah Basin Soil Con- servation District wu organized in 1942 under the laws of the State of Utah. The affairs of the District are managed by five farmers serving without pay. Two of these farmers are appointed by the State Soil Con- - servation Committee and the other three are elected at a regularly scheduled election. Soil Conservation Districts are organized by farmers as a way of working together in the conservation of soil and water resources. The activities of the various State and Federal agencies working In the field of soil and water conservation are based on the program managed by the District. For the second consecutive year the Roosevelt Standard and the Uintah Basin Record have gone out on a limb to select an ar r team from the Uintah Basin division- - of Region Five. FIRST TEAM We didnt do it alone, but sought Senior Tabiona High BASIN DEFA, Forward the help of the five coaches and Senior Union High DOYLE HUBER. Forward the corps of officials who work. . . Duchesne High Senior UDELL BIRCH. Center ed the? games during the season Senior KENNETH NICKELL. Guard & Cap!.. Union High that came to an end two weeks Senior Uintah High JOHN HACKING. Guard ago Also three prominent basketball critics and fans of the THIRD TEAM SECOND TEAM were asked to submit area Union (Sr.) Erl Simpson (f) Duchesne (Sr.) Byrell Lamb(f) choices for ten top spots Bob Fieldsted (f) Altamont (Jr.) Fred Burson (f) Aliamonl (Sr.) The championship Union High Union (Sr.) Gordon Eldredge (c) Union (Jr.) John Perry (c) rated two players on Cougars Union (Sr.) Leon Ross (g) Union (St.) John Benson (g) with Uintah, Dufirst the team, Floyd Tullis (g) Uintah (Sr.j Charles Wells (g) Uintah (Sr.) chesne and Tabiona each getting one. Following is the way 13 HONORABLE MENTION Myrthan Defa, Delbert men, including your editor seEarl Lisonbee, Tabiona: Rex Pearson, Jimmy Grant lected the 1953 team. We may Davies. Curtis Duchesne: Harris and Dastrup. Venoy Doyle have erred, but then the voting Freestone. Jesson Paul Altamont: and Bird, Lloyd Gary was done by ballot and this is and Lee, Uintah; Don Killian, Arlin Ballon and Richthe way it went. ard Fenn. Union. UDELL BIRCH. Duchesne KEN NICKELL of Union Most Valuable . . , Center Choice . . . Captain and Guard For the second consecutive year the top man in the division was that personable of the Union High Cougars, Kenneth Nickell, who placed first in the voting on all except three ballots, to rate captain of the first team, a position he was voted to in 1952 There just cant be any arguThe 1952 tax collections for resents taxes collected on a to- ment about Ken Nickells value as a basketball player Hes fast, Duchesne County, totaling $305,-56- 9 tal assessed valuation of consistent, steady and a power 00 col1952. for Total 66, has been apportioned by season Florence Poulson, county trea- lection amounted to 91 23 per on defense During the an 8 7 cent of the $356,272 00 charged Ken hit 70 points for surer This amount apportioned rep- - to the treasurer for collection. per game average, which does Out of the $305,569 66 collect- not rate him a teriffic scorer, ed and apportioned, incorporat- but we must consider the fact ed cities m the county received that his coach used him principally in a defensive roll, and the following amounts. often Ken would hand off Duchesne, $8,622 12, collected too a team mate rather than to 26 00 mill levy, against a on a to the $379,386 00 assessed valuation, shoot himself According seasons statistics Ken hit 26 on collected $2,537.46, Myton, Liquor profits for Duchesne a 25 00 mill levy, against a field goals and 18 fouls for his led his team in City amounted to $1,167 14 $130,385 00 assessed valuation 70 total He also for this year, reports Hildur W. Roosevelt, $34,716 the season total rebounds collected 93, were down and Johnstun, city recorder. This on a 30 00 mill When the chips a levy, against is comparable to the total re- $1,306,516 00 assessed needed a few point', Kcu valuation, Union ceived by the city last year and Nickell usually came through, Tabiona, $287 54, collected from this source, she said. on a 8 00 mill levy, against a which was so clearly The liquor profit fund is $38,642 00 assessed valuation. m the first Uintah-Uoi he scored 12 pomi apportioned annually by the when game The sums apportioned to the Utah State auditor to cities, various county funds are as fol- in the second half. DOYLE HUBER, Union incorporated cities, and coun- lows County Because of his JOHN HACKING. Uintah play 2.25 on and ties, on the basis of population mills, $17,217 19; General, . . . Rales Forward Spot . . . Placed at Guard and fine sportsmanship County Roads, and area. court, Ken 3 00 mills, $22,956 25; Poor and off the basketball Monies from the liquor proof being honor the Nickell gets .75 mills, $5,739 06, fits are credited to the gener- Indigent, the most valuable player in the Exhibits and .25 Advertising, al fund and earmarked for mills, $1,913 02; Noxious Weed division He was placed at guard law enforcement purposes team Control, 80 mills, $6,121 67, on the other The spot goes to guard .25 Airport, mills, $1,913 02, John According to available inforand Hacking, Agricultural and Home Agent mation as contained in box In Demonstration Agent Expenses, steady senior from Uintah scores reported to the Roosevelt .20 mills, $1,530 41. This makes Highs second place team Thre Standard and Uintah Basm Reca total of $57,390 62 apportion- were players on the Ute squad ord, following are the ten top Dy ed on the total of 7 50 mill that were more spectacular and scorers in the Uintah Basin dicame higher through with county )evy. vision of Region Five Basil Dewhen it came to conbut scores, Amount apportioned to the fa, of Tabiona, and Udell Birch, we elect this blond senschool district on a total of Duchesne waged a merry tuslevy of sistency ior as the best the Utes had this Various receipts for Duchesne 26 40 mills was $202,014 99. sle for top honors, with the forThe apportionment included year, and this does not undermer gaining a County government last year incollection of special taxes in the estimate such othr players as 00 for fines from cluded $6,836 Lee, Wells, S doway, of" the justice court at Duchesne and following amounts, which has Tullis. Roosevelt and the district ju- been paid to the State of Utah wasThea high scorer for the season smooth youngster from Bounty Fund, $4,569 03; Predvenile court; $4,894 77 from oil Tabiona who last year as a junAnimal atory Control leases credited to the general Fund, 29; Brand Inspection Tax, ior rated captain of the second fund and $5,894 77 from oil leases to the road fund; $1,531.50 $3,725 97; Bangs and Tubercu team. This year Basil Defa took where he left off last year from rental of space m the losis Control Fund, $850.65 up 116 points in 8 games to score These ren62 taxes were for collectcourt house; $1,057 special Beof road equipment; $7,413 68 ed from livestock owners only for a 14 5 game average tal of his ability to hit the cause BASIL DEFA. Tabiona from the from liquor profits . . . High Scoring Forward hoop, and hustle 32 minutes of state, credited to the general every game, Basil gets the nod reThings-To-Com- e fund," $14,525 60 from forest as the one forward He graduserve fees; $23,139 48 for flood ates this year and will leave a relief program; $600 from anpair of shoes Coach Ellertson on nual interest government will have a tough time filling bonds; $484 27 from the state next year. . for their share of the costs of MARCH 23 (Monday) USAC On the other forward line we and $125,00 Social plats; county maps Science lesson at the Health Duchesne The City place Doyle Huber, of the chamis state the from for fire control Relief Society, Richard Moore, Duchesne, What Part of a made Union High team. has Board survey pionship Total receipts for 1952 in all does the Constitution Play in a member of the Utah State Agwas not a heavy scorer, town and found many funds amounted Doyle 31. to $201,726 the Perfect ricultural College Symphonic the Government When but as a ball hawker and unsanitary. A reChrist Shall Rule as King Band which will tour Idaho conditions has Council he was in a clas by the to City port of MARCH 24 (Tuesday) and Utah during the week himself. Always dangerous from been made and work is now Meets MIA. March 16. at Church. outside, Doyle won a few ball MARCH 25 (Wadnoaday) Under the direction of John being done to eliminate these conditions. games for the Cougars because will band the The High School Operetta. play Philip Dalby, of the fire he brought into the beholes water for are Test muclassical as well as modern (Your Red Letter Day.) games he was injected into sic. ing made and a report should when fire was definitely needed. Mr. Moore is the son of Mr. be forthcoming soon. of the recent a At meeting TO SERVE CHURCH He is also a senior, a A it Moore. He disposal Mrs. garbage Marvel city Commissionand Duchesne County John W. Moulton, of Duyoungster who is popular soma and in the instrumaking, plays the percussion ers and members of the Duwho is now Irving m with players, coaches and is ments and is a sophomore stu- member of the health board chesne City Council, with Henry chesne, Salt Lake City, is going on a of the Cougars along will contact all residents of dent majoring in music. Fetzer, of the firm of Fetzer mission for the L.D.S. church with Ken Nickell. the city to find out public P & Fetzer, Architects, Salt Lake He leaves for the California When it came to filling the opinion. A rough estimate of City, designers of the new court Mission on March 18. (Continued on back page) cost a 31.00 is month for LDS building, it was decided with a weekly pickup; house county-citto move the present 4-- 6; $3.00 to business places with to the south and east so it jail pickup. not interfere with the prownl is Easter The week before In court houes building. posed Clean-uset aside for Week, it was decided the proAlso, Twenty-TThe One Hundred and which will be an annual afAnnual Conference of fair. This year tha board posed jail area in the new build, seriffs office, the Church of Jesus Christ of would like the people to set ing, including the and matrons ward, juvenile Latter-daall to which Saints, any trash that they might quarters be t'liminated on the church members are Invited, have beside the back alley, or & Fetzer will convene in the Tabernacle, where a tTuck can pick it up. present plans. Fetzer authorized to proceed wit.i Salt Lake City, Saturday, Sun- This pick-uis being donated were the drawings for the day and Monday, April 4, 5, and cooperation from all is new working blue prints. building and 6, with general sessions nacessary. each day at 10 a m. and 2 pm. The general priesthood meetSIX DISEASE CASES ing will be held in the TaberLISTED IN COUNTY nacle on Saturday, April 4, at Two new cases of Measles, 7 pm. one of German Measles, and Wards in the various stakes three Infectious Hepatitis were in the church are urged to hold reported for Duchesne County Mayor Otto E Johnsen call''1 their Fast Day and Testimonial for the week ending March 13 .a special meeting to discir and means of dcvelop n meeting on Sunday, March 29 In Uintah County 12 cases of ways water MRS. FLORENCE MADSEN, lsfl. presents pins to for the City of Du four more and Measles, Chickenpox The only exception is in stakes one four ladies in Duchesne who have served as president of the were chesne. They decided to drill .Infectious Hepatitis Association during tha past. . . Tha group corwhere conferences are being reported t a test hole in the honorad was during wouH if see it February at a special Founder's Day to of held. All four Uintah Basil the ner city In tha picture are Mrs. Weston Bates, Mrs. Vangie prog-aMrs. Nevell Wimmer has left be advisable to drill a well, o. stakes will abide by the gugfes Morrell, Mrs. Ray Horrocks, end Mrs. Violet McDonald. tions of the First Presidency, (for a ten day trip to Chicago. if water can be located there. Roosevelt Standard - U. B. Record Uintah Division Team 1953 All-St- - All-Sta- .... .... .... Fa-bnzi- o. Sid-dowa- y County Treasurer Apportions 1952 Tax Revenue Collected Liquor Profits For Duchesne Reaches $1,167.14 demo-strate- Ten Top Scorers For Year '52 all-st- hard-workin- Fines $6,836.00 g Collected Two Justice Courts $1,-90- Richard Moore Rates Place In Band Group Health Board Surveys City For Needs 2 In Duchesne play-make- Man no injUrOd Working OH LOS TORipIO By Shirley Chafwin Clarence Otto Kofford, of 130 Marine St. Ocean Park. Calif, is reported to have suffered a broken foot from a fall while working on the new Mormon Temple located at Westwood, Calif. Mr. Kofford, a long time resident of Duchesne County, still owns farming interests in Utahn. He has been employed for some time on the $3Vt million temple, scheduled for completion early In 1955. During a recent visit to Duchesne and vicinity, Mr. Kofford reported that the temple is to serve all Mormons from Bakersfield to San Diego, and as far up the coast Santa Barbara It is located on a site with a Bureau of Information Building, Miuion Headquarters, a heating plant and parking space for 300 cars. A copper statue bf Angel Moroni, prominent figure In the history of the Mormon church will be atop the tower. ' u 27-ac- r, Must Move Jail To Make Room For New Court House good-lookin- Ex-Duchoe- d n g in Conference Is April Wards Change res-dent- s, y Receive p hird y p City Officials Study Water Needs For Town north-wes- Parent-Teacher- s Pins |