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Show UTAH BASIN RECORD 30 1951 " Youth Of Word IMAGE i Receive Awerds TABIONA Individual awads were presented to the following boys and Idonna DiSiefano girls at Sacrament meeting Sunday; Joan and Marlene Bleazard, School Vada and Jenean Burton. Bertha Anderson. Etholene Burton On For Ewe Millan Burton. Neil Hill. Don McDonald. Last Thursday was hike dav Others had merited awards for the Tabiona school students. interest to sheepmen but werenot present at the The grade school went for hikes be the following bit meeting. up to the T on the hill and to A ewe sheep on the the Indian graves. The came up leazard farm Mr. and Mrs. Murl Donohue grade visited the caves at Nine are visiting in Salt Lake this Mile, and the lOth-lltjadruplets this spring and 12th previous record of 3 week. grades rode horses up into the set one and Mr. and Mrs. Rand Rust, of hills. Everyone enjoyed themtriplest Mt. Home, visited here Sunday. selves even though s. All survived. it turned Mr. Rust was guest speaker at out to be a windy day. Karen Stevenson, of Sacrament meeting. ie spent the weekend Harry Thayne was called to Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wagstaff her cousin Verl Blea- - Roosevelt to be with his father and daughter, Claudia, were in Wge Anderson Time It's Four Vacationed Harch 22nd L Jeazard Farm h accompanied him here. Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Defa and family, of Salt Lake, visited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Defa. March 18. Miss MYTON I0KA Grace Dalgleish Letha Langdon. of Heber. visited in Tabiona during the week. Mrs. Cleo Hackford and Mrs Shirley Hackford. of Lapoint visited In Tabiona last Saturday. An Easter picnic was enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Coleman and family were in Tabiona on Sunday afternoon in lower Pleasant Valley when a crowd business Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Buck of about 80 persons gathered to alew and family, of Duchesne, celebrate. A special course at the picnic visited Mr. and Mrs. Weston dinner was a barbecued lamb Thomas. Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Dan Giles and which was roasted to perfection. family, of Heber. visited Mr. Everyone arrived with some and Mrs. Pete Ivle Sunday. delicacy to add to the feast, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sweat which was served on the rock and daughter, of Frultland. vis- plateau surrounding a natural ited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark amphitheater. Space for two Sunday. volleyball courts and one soft'Mr. and Mrs. Keith Abplanalp ball diamond was arranged, and and son. of Salt Lake City, vis- the snappy games furnished enited Mrs. Irene Johnson. Sun- tertainment for the spectators as well as for the participants. day. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wagstaff Arrangements were under the took their daughter, Claudia, to able supervision of Mr. and Mrs. to have her Antone Uresk, Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt Saturday, tonsils removed. George Wedig and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wagstaff Mrs. Bill Peatross. and many and daughter were in Roosevelt eager hands helped share the on business Saturday. work to make the event an ocKent Ellertson has started a casion long to be remembered. class in leather work to be held each Monday and Saturday Mrs. Homer Robinson was nights. Everyone is welcome to hostess Friday afternoon to attend the classFrimembers of and the guests Mrs. Reva Owen was In Tab- day Bridge club. Her guest list iona Friday to meet with the included Mrs. Floyd Lamb, of Mrs. Bertha Angus Mrs. Violet Gentry Ecetor Picnic Attracts Crowd Attend Fcthcr'o Funerel In ie!ia Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Russell and family went to Idaho Thursday to attend funeral services for Mrs. Russells father. Russell of Salt Lake City,Harrison, was here Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Benson and three children, of San Diego, Calif., were here four days to visit with Mr. and Mrs. ArAlma Thayne, of Mt. Home, who Duchesne on business Monday. chie Benson. They left Sunday nd Mrs. Clyde Rowley, suffered a paralytic stroke last to return home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Josey and week. Lake, were week-enDr. Kenneth Benson, of St. of Salt Lake, visited daughter, The Sunday School, under the in Tabiona last week. f Mr. and Mrs. Delbert George visited here Sunday. direction of Calvin Jensen, suMr. and Mrs. Farland Jones Marie Benson, who has been Bleazard accompanied perintendent, presented an ap- and family spent Friday and in Cedar City caring for her atamont students to propriate program Sunday Saturday visiting in Ogden. daughter-in-law- , who is required to be in bed, came home The immunization day held at lesday to present the morning following an Easter Tabiona last Friday was a great irama, Where is that theme. Thursday with her son. Theron. in a regional and returned to Qedar City Card, success. Everyone turned out4o neet. The presentation get their shots. again Sunday for an extended rded a second place in Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Giles stay with Dr. and Mrs. Loran st. Benson. and family visited in Orem and Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Timothy Heber last Sunday and Monday. and family, of Ogden have spent Robert Van Drimmelon atMrs. Elsie Bird a week visiting friends and reltended an administrators meetatives here. They returned to ing in Salt Lake March 16. In Mr. and Mrs. Nello Hicken Ogden Tuesday. week-envisitors here Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wall were in Heber on business last school cooks. ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wm. Preece, Mrs. Roosevelt, and family, of Spring Canyon Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Myron White md family, of Payson, came out to spend Easter with of Camp have moved back to Tabiona to Mrs. W. H. Linck, Mrs. Rex Floyd Langdon, Mrs. Lawrence Bur-ehMr. and Mrs. James Larsen, Lamb, Mrs. James Dalgleish, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lloyd. They Mr. and Mrs How-an- , Donna, Venice and Linda Lar- Cooke, California, was in Tab- help run the store. Mrs. Wm. R. Harris and Mrs. went a .ver to Fort Duchesne for iona on A Turn-bow- . week. last crowd attended and Venice furlough Mrs. large Mr. and of Duchesne; Miss sen spent Ted Thomas. High score was in Salt Lake His mother, Mrs. Mae Sunday uting, beautiful accompanied by Mr. and Tabmany useful Langdon of Salt Lake visited in gifts,an Burton, of Roosevelt; visiting their son and brother, won by Mrs. Linck. rsGam Lloyd. Audrey were received by the young! n iona. Sunday. Mrs, Morris Forhnsh, Larry, who is in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd and couple. Baird and Sherly Smith, of HeMr. and Mrs. Arvel Hardman Miss Barbara Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Johnson ber City. Mr. Mrs. and Giles family, Mrs. is Goodrich the Mrs. and Mr. former visited and family Freeman, of Salt and family motored to Midway Wood sons. Mr. and and Mrs. Speakers at Sacrament meetLisonbee. week-enFaye is Notice r. and Mrs. Bert hereby given that Fred Woolev over the to spend Easter. George Funk and daughter. Mrs. The young couple will make ing Sunday were Melvin J. Benthe Hicken DuBoard of Nello of Mrs. Education and Mr. and Mr. and son and Ariel Michie. Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Murphy Andrew Tolboe, Jimmy and their home at the Bonanza Buehler, of Heber City. and sons, of Salt Lake, spent chesne County School District and family left Sunday for Cal- Clark Nebeker were members Kenneth where is mines, at intend a its on office, Duchesne. Utah, ifornia trip. They at the home of will reecive the week-enRoosevelt and Mr. and Mrs. Reed Lemon picnic party who employed. bids until 10 a. m. to do some deep sea fishing of an Easter enjoyed a delicious lunch in a group of 18 girls during the week Mrs. Rose Gilbert. They also April 3, 1951, for the purchase while there. those from Among chaperoned Pleasant Valley Sunday afteron a picnic and Easter hike and Mrs. Blaine Broth- - had their baby blessed at Sac- of that parcel of land who Mr. attended were White Clarence Mrs. and Mr. r. and Mrs. Jess Chris-Irs- . rament meeting :Sunday. His South and West of the lying are remodeling their store to noon. and Mrs. Carl Blanchard, of Saturday. Gail Anderson. Mrs. name is Lynn J. Murphy. Ross Green arrived from KoA. C. Tolboe spent a few Rangely, Colo.; Mrs. Arlo Blanunit. a State across it make Highway Mrs. Orlean Labrum and girls the istensen and daughter, leave. Dan Davidson days in Salt Lake City last chard, of Montwel; Mr. and Mrs. rea last week on a Mrs. and of the Mr. Southwest highway and Mrs. Calvin Jensen. of Salt Lake, visited at the Roosevelt High School campus. and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Da- week, returning home Wednes- Hosea Lisonbee. of Castle Peak He is visiting his parents. Mr. MarII parents from here of ivLs. and home Bishop mines; Mr. and Mrs. Evan Good- and Mrs. Virgil Ferguson. The Board of Education reserves vidson and family visited the day. ion Ross during the week. program at Sunday an Easter program Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sands, rich. Lloyd Goodrich. Ernest all mineral, gas and oil rights. Bernell Turpbows Sunday. evening, Lynn Fairbanks, of Salt Lake, vis- .Garland Reed and Lee Cooper Winkler. Everett Goodrich. Mr. was given in Sunday school. The The Board of Education re of Heber. Mick Sizemore, the direction of the was looking after interests here serves the transacted business in Salt Lake and Mrs. Norman Clark, of Bo- - time was well spent, both foi right to accept any ited in Tabiona Sunday. nanza; R. G. Lisonbee, Logan; the ones who took part and thi jol student council. Fea- - during the week. and to reject any or all bids, or Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ottosen City last week. Mrs. Marion Shields spent waive any the evening were two to Evanston, went W. E. Burton spent a few Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Lisonbee, ones who listened. a in bid. and family informality Mrs. Clayton Webb and Mrs. Bridgeland. jlays, home economics Friday at the home of Mr. and By order of the Board of Wyo. to visit Mr. Ottosens sis- days in Salt Lake City this week of Mr. Mrs. Norman Good- Clarence Jones and son, BUI. and exhibits. Also on dis-- e Mrs. Ralph Shields, caring for Education of were Duchesne to there. who matters lives ter. business They attending County t woodwork and handi-libit- s their children while they made School District. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. attended the matinee In by Miss Nelda and visiting at the home of Mr. rich accompanied in the shop, Grant Monsen and family to a trip to Salt Lake. afternoon. Saturday C. C. Mrs. MICKELSON. Biltz. Clerk Mrs. and Bernard June Clegg. s Mrs. Olive Sorenson and son ois Allred and son are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence First Publication, Mar. 23, 1951 Mr. and Mrs. Webb Mercer Burton has been visiting at the Ouray Sunday on business. Mrs. Sam Jenkins and Mrs. Dean visited at the home of er spending the winter and children spent Eas- Last Publication, reMar. 1951 of Salt week a Biltz home and and 30, for spent Lake, children, s Marie H a m a k e r and small of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fausett, s. ter in Vernal with Mrs. Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Law- mained for a longer stay. lazel Farnsworth vis-il- t Upalco. mother, Mrs. Elsie Dean spent a few days in rence Maxwell. Uintah County Sheriff Sny- daughter Visitors at the Virgil Tergi Salt Lake City last week, where Lake over the weekt Workman, a was der, of Vernal, Myton the little girl received an eye 800 home Saturday were Mi Julius Zirkcr came from Salt The new fashions are a bare visitor Thursday. and Mrs. Lyle Gingell. of Boos examination. Lake to spend Easter with his Mrs. Lydia Peatross. who has minimum of dress designed to Word comes from Glen Jen- evelt. Mrs. Tom Gentry an family. Lilly Page and Vickie Notice is hereby given that show a bare maximum of girl been visiting at the home of Mr kins, who is stationed with the Sharlyne Stone. Zirker also spent Easter with Joseph A. Young, contract holdand Mrs. Loyal Perry in Salt armed services in this Mr. and Mrs. Joshne Tine the Zirkers. SerU. S.l Lake Indian er, City, returned home Iasi that he is in the hospitalcountry Irrigation end family, of O J?n an Bird thy with K Mr. and Mrs. Charlie week. She was accompanied by rheumatic fever. vice. Fort Duchesne, Utah, has at the home of lir. ux visiting and daughters. Deon. Delaine filed her son. Pvt. Max Peatross. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ander- Mrs. William Ostler, of Reoee with the State Engineer, and Mildred, spent Easter at the a who enjoyed a short furlough son and Mr. and Mrs. Walter velt, end Mr. end Mrs. Heed request for an extension of home of Mr. and Mrs. Clair time 1951 to before returning to his Anderson, of Upalco. visited Lemon this week. March here from 23, To be sold at also Sale Sheriff! Duncan in Neola. They at Fort Benning. Ga. to station which March Mr. and Mrs. Ben Webb, of in 23, 1953, with Mr. ar m Mrs. Wallace See on the 9th day of April, 1951; called at the homes of Mr. and make and submit proof of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Roberts ley Wednesaay visited Ben a parent! Myton, Mr. Roos2 and at at m. at evening. the door front of O. S. p. Solomonson, Mrs. of Provo, spent Mrs. Harold Anderson are leav- - 51r. and Mrs. Edmund Webt and of water under children, Applicachange Mrs. and DuEmery . evelt, and Mr. for change in the County Court House, des- the Easter week-ention No. visiting ing Upalco to make their home Tuesday. Nielson, at Myton. Mrs. Roberts mother. Mrs. Lydia at Big Bend National and place chesne, Utah, the following of Dean Lloyd is making an ex diversion, point cribed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Gi- of use of 17 sec.-fproperty: Peatross. and her brother. Wm. Texas, where they both Park, of water tended visit In Salt Laka Witt Mrs. have and Mr. The North 50 feet of Lots lbert and family. Peatross in Myton, end at the his sister. Mrs. Vincent FlageoU diverted from Lake Fork River and 19. and the West half of home of her sister. Mrs. Paul employment. Jack Gilbert and family. Bishop in Duchesne County under ApSharlyne Stone returned tc sons, and Mrs. Marion Ross and and plication No. 403, Certificate the North 50 feet of Lot 20, Krause, in Ft. Duchesne. Salt Lake Sunday after spend BOURBON Mr. Block and Mrs. Loryn Ross Duchesne 16, Townsite, James Dalgleish and Blaine No. 1228. ing her Easter vacation Witt I Utah, together with all build- B r o k a w accompanied District family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Northat is the her It represented parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gar Mrs. and children. work has been completed and ings and appurtenances thereto Commander William Sutteer. of Norman Goodrich and Mar- rett Stone. man Labrum and girls all spent the water applied to beneficial belonging. Ft. Duchesne, to Salt Lake City tha Thorsen were busy during ARZY H. MITCHELL Easter at Greenriver. use. Additional time is requestSaturday to attend the 32nd the week and Scott Lusty of Sheriff Duchesne money to i Ut. gathering Mr. and Mrs. of County, party submit Proof to and ed birthday anniversary prepare Provo in Red the Cross. Easter Last help 1951 They rePublication, 6, at spent held Apr. family the American Legion of Change. with Mrs. Lusty s sister and her the Newhouse hotel Saturday port a total of $30 was collected, i Protests resisting the granting A cottage meeting was held evening. MrV and Mrs. Jack Gilbert of said request, with reasons Mr. and Mrs. Vern Edwards Wednesday evening at the Sam must be in affidavit therefor, Wednesentertained at a party and filed ISSUED BY THE UTE TRIBAL returned last week from a trip Jenkins residence. Present were Mr. and Mrs. form, with extra copy FISH AND GAME BOARD to Salt Lake City. They were President and Mrs. Bernard 403 State day evening for Mr. the with Engineer. and Mrs. Voy Fairbanks. the 1, by Mr. Edward's Winkler, John Goodrich, Mr. under Lake WHEREAS, accompanied Salt City, proviState Capitol, Chad Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Gam or 6, 1951. sions of Section V of the Or- mother. Mrs. A. E. Edwards, of and Mrs. Wallace Seeley, Bishbefore on May Utah, Glen SnyGilbert, Mr. and MrsMrs. A hearing will be held on this dinance adopted by the Uintah Salt Lake City, who will visit op and Mrs. Gardner Goodrich. Loryn Mrs. Lynn Bird, Margaret Bird, der and Mr. and request for extension of time and Ouray Tribal Business Com- here. Mr. and Mrs. Luckv Madsen Mrs. Marie Hamaker, Mrs. Ruby before the State Engineer at mittee, October 9. 1950. the Ute RJennis Nielson, of Monticello. 403 ' State Captiol. Salt Lake Tribal Fish & Game Board is and family, Viola Mott and Buckalew, James I. Bird and visited at the home of his sister Utah, at the hour of 2:00 given authority to make procla- Francis Fowler returned Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jenkins. City, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goodrich, small nephew and brother-in-laMay 10, 1951. Protestants mations and to declare seasons day from a visit in Provo and m., p. Hale Holgate, Sunday evening. at the hearing and on hunting, fishing, bag limits Orem. They were accompanied of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Goodappear may for Glen Snyder left Monday of and other regulations, and by Venice Fowler, who is at- rich stayed with them while will look adduce testimony in support WHEREAS the Ute Tribal tending high school at Provo; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Salt Lake where he their protests. Fish Si Game Board has made by Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mace Goodrich went to Salt Lake, for employment. Mrs. Snyder JOSEPH M. TRACY and thorough investigation and children, of Provo; Mr. and where Mrs. Goodrich received due will ioin him later. State Engineer Mrs. Leonard Smith and Mrs. First Publication, Mar. 23, 1951 and received recommendations Mrs. Alma Larsen and family. a medical examination. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bird Ronald Bowden visited in Sol- - Last Publication. Apr. 6. 1951 from the Ute Indians. AND Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fowler and NOW. THEREFORE. WE. THE family, of Orem; and Mr. and went to Altonah on Saturday Friday with Mrs. Olga UTE TRIBAL FISH Si GAME Mrs. Theo Aston and children, to attend the wedding of their omonson. the Easter son, Deloss, to Donna Maxfield, BOARD PROCLAIM THAT of Linden, who spent at the Earl Fowler daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LinMINERS QUIT BRITISH PITS THE FOLLOWING REGULA- week-enford Maxfield. The young couple TIONS BE EFFECTIVE APRIL and Lucky" Madsen homes. Evidently British coal miners naMrs. Vern Edwards and will make their home in Salt 15. 1951: havent found work in thesatisthat is hereby given Notice tionalized mines entirely persons, other than enroll- daughter. Carol Ann. and Mrs. Lake. Harold K. Palmer. Agent for ed No Mr. and Mrs. Howard GoodUte Indians shall be allowed A. E. Edwards went to Price 1741 S. factory. B. Palmer, to attend a rich and son, Joe. of Helper, to and visit Statistics show that the num- Dorothy to in fish reservation Friday waters AnLos any Harvard Boulevard, shower. spent Saturday and Sunday here ber of miners on the job as geles. California, has filed with without first securing a Ute Tri- bridal 1,000 of rate Mr. and Mrs. A. J.. Orr. of with relatives. the at bal fishing license, in addition declining for a request State Engineer the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Timothy a week during the later part of an extension of time from Mar. to a Utah State fishing license. Riverton, visited at the home of after- and son. David, of Altonah. and Todd. Miss Alice Sunday 1950. By the end of the year, All within in fishing 26. 1953, March 26, 1951 to Easter greet- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenkins the total employed was 686.000, which to make and submit proof the boundaries of the Uintah noon.to toMissextend the 709.000 year Todd and her fath- were Sunday guests of Mr. and with un- and Ouray Indian Reservation ings compared water of of Mrs. Earl Murray. before. As a result of a man- der appropriation for must conform to the rules and er. A. M. Todd. Application No. 11570 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Powell Mr. and Mrs. James Dalgleish United the appropriation of regulations power shortage, the to governing seasons, of 2 sec.-fhome the at import and children and Miss Doris were dinner urbon Whiskey guests posseslimit, hours, Draw bag 86 Proof Kingdom is expected daily water from the Babcock as prescribed by of Mrs. Dalgleishs parents. Mr. Allred, of Midvale, arrived SatTillers Products 10,000.000 or 15.000.000 tons of sion etc., to limit, Utah Corporation, N.Y County, Duchesne in American coal this year. Fish St Game and Mrs. Ed Hart on Easter urday to visit relatives. . be used for irrigation purposes. the Utah State Ute Tribal Sunday, where they enjoyed a and the Commission that $200 It is represented St Game Board. visit with Mrs. Del Combs and Fish construcon has been expended Reserson. Gary, who eame from Cowand Uintah All tion of works, and it is estimat-to vation waters shallOuray to be drey. Colorado, to spend Easter open ed that it will cost $250.00 licenat the Hart home. the proper (holding and public apply works complete the -- ATMrs. George Tanner, who for the for except use. ses). fishing the water, to beneficial the winter at the home area: described The spent the following All protests request, with Uintah River from the Power of her daughter. Mrs. George granting of said must be made Plant bridge in Uintah Canyon, Olsen, hear Price, reasons therefor, to where it croases the home Sunday. in affidavit form, with extra down Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thomas. Jr. road. Said waters hav9tate the Lapoint with filed and copy Salt ing been closed as a conserva- and family, of Salt Lake City, 403 State Captiol, YOUQ Engineer, visitors measure, will remain closed were Easter week-en- d Lake City 1. Utah, on or before tion Mrs. until declared, by the Ute Tri- at the home of Mr. and Mav 6. 1951. St Game Board, as be- Ted Thomas Sr. Who profit from "Information, A hearing will be held on bal Fish Miss Edith Nell Preece went to restocked of sufficiently extension ing for this request profits? I can answer for the mine whore Salt Lake City last week to warrant State Engineer the time before I work: St GAME to visit relatives and friends. FISH TRIBAL UTE Lake Salt EVERYBODY PROFITS. Figure It out at 403 State Capitol. Visitors at the ranch home or BOARD of 10 CKIAt4QE City Utah, at the hour E. Cronk are his brother Sr. John Read, yourself. The supplies wo buy, the Charles a. m.. May 11. 1951. Protestants (Signed) PHONE 711 Mrs and Mr. UTAH DUCHESNE. Chairman of the Board and and Wa8$ an( taxos wo pay, the. now job may appear at the hearing Neb McCook. of beCronk. to sworn and ALSO Henry Subscribed of in support end improvements wo make, can't help but adduce testimony fore me this 27th day df March. Mr. Cronk recently sold h GALE CARD ,elr ranch property on South Mvton benefit everyone in one way or another. 1951. JOSEPH M. TRACY moving bench is and considering EVA M. HAAS. Notary Public O STOP IN AND SEE US O State Engineer 23, 1951 First Publication. Mar. 29. 1951 to Nebraska to make his horn Mar. Publication, First .ft Publication. Apr. 6. 1951 Last Publication. Apr. 12. 1951 with his brother. d ARCADIA Visit Here Easter Week - Visits Son Salt Lake City Hospital d i; - ! Bleaz-Ralp- h Soren-Midwa- y; Notice d. gil-soni- Du-isito- I d n . Ntola-Rooseve- lt self-servic- e 20-da- at-kh- y e Alta-Zhursd- pre-nd- er - Root-evel- Hor-rock- Hor-rock- Notice To Wctcr Users otlee Of Gharlffo Sclo w GREAT d x' STRAIGHT t. 17-1- 8 Collect S30 For Rod Cross loro Me-cha- m . Proclamation Mv-to- n Notice To Wcter Ueors d non-India- t. . eor.ii: and lamina resisting OCP returned get its Chucks Associated Service CAR WAOUED QEE With U pitas. OIL fr Every or GREAOE J03 sister-in-la- NEW end USED 'j';'; Last FOR 4 |