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Show THE UINTAH BASIN RECORD MARCH 23, 1931 hanna mom Monna PWefaho - Louis Jensen, county agent, Lite In Jcpcn Is folk Subject j visited the Leon M. Burton home during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Claud McDonald to Salt took their' son. Jack, check-uLake for a physical , last Thursday. Mrs. Edith Burton and Mrs. Adaline Anderson attended an Improvement Era rally Wednesday evening dn RooseVeltJ MI. EMMONS Present Tracy Roberts Gayle Case' Henna Word lied hAimUn uatumay Neal Dastrtip, an Altamont rament meeting, cj senior student recently complet- - nin- Mrs. ed sufficient credits "'tot gradu-- ! stake president1? and U. g ation and has entered Snow stake president lege at Ephraim, Neal is par-- I special L.D.S. youth - ' eol-jMJ.- 1 The at the HSdnarrrrhaTsatur My Task. st3.e,cia1' nttQfXn5CtSM day evening with a large crowd Individual awim FS attending. After supper, a short program was presented. and the n graduation exercises in MeJhamto0 remainder of the evening was Leonard Ame- s- aft May. spent square dancing. Lorraine Defal.Miss Dastrup spent Mr. and Mrs. Leo B. motored to Roosevelt. Saturday. 1 Dee Hive And Mia ward Y.WmTiJ Mrs. Viola Defa is in Salt ed awards to the f0W kert She also visited Dastrup. Lake under the care of a doctor, Maids Have Dance Leona Titcomb frinds in Salt Lake, Those from out of town who Veretta and Bee Hive girls. attended the ward reunion were VVsrO ROUtllOlt Ifi Bernice Bosweilfe the Boy Scouts enjoyed a dance Mr. and Mrs. Myron White and eveGayle Case, Cana at the ward hall Saturday son, Mrs. Nina White and son; sen and Ann Bo pAf fintlirriflu i : .s . ning. Mrs. Afton Tumbow and a Ward officials and the Relief ' A. TheodorTtoiL. friend, of Salt Lake; Mr. and A. M- Burton and daughter, - Society are and famMrs. Rhoades Eugene preparing for the nal. regional direct Vada Lee, spent a couple of of Pleasant Grove. and Relief annual reunion ward ily, ill days in Salt Lake, returning Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Roberts Society j bazaar, which will be welfare, towas in wtol meet Sunday home Thursday. berry. and Charlie Fabrizio made a held Saturday evening, March of the Moon Lake Claude Wagstaff and son, Le Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Mower business trip to Fort Duchesne, 24. This yearly affair is usually dency, ward bishow land were in Salt Lake on busi and John spent most of last. held March 17; the anniversary connected with welfaSJ Monday. rel-jness Friday. ; week in Fairview, visiting Mrs. Bertola left last of the organization of the L.D. Dorothy chiland Mrs. Hyrum Smith? DiStefano Mrs. Joe atives. week to seek employment in S. Relief Society, but was post-Sa- to Layton dren spent a few days visiting Joan Bleazard was in Salt recently Lake. poned because of conflicting nephew, George in Salt Lake last week. Wtill Lake last week for a check:up BY 1M,0M . , , Mrs. gylvls Gels aad knkuf, Jehu, UNEXCITED W. K. Anderson to motored events. m anJ Mr. and Mrs. Myron White, by her physician, and to visit iously injured rcceiv for Mo., acInheriting )IM Salt Lake Friday. He was congratulations by phono On Tuesday, March 13. over school. George, 18 J Bette), of Salt Lake spent the week-enher sister, Barbara, MS from estate f Hatty Green Wilks, "world's wealthiest wo d an companied by Geno Defa. Ray-- ,20 members of the Relief arthritic patient J Mrs. Adaline, Anderson atwith Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moon, Dale Allred, Ben-- ety met at the ward hall to recently returned . to J White. tended a conference for elemennett Josie. They attended the quilt and make other articles for several years of iUne! Mr- and Mrs. Mick Jensen, of tary school principals in Salt basketball tournament, the bazaar; Ladies from the Al- . disease 2? Lake Friday and Saturday. She Salt, Lake spent the week-enThose from Hanna who at--! tamont section prepared and crippling ches he was mat)..! visiting Mr. and Mrs, Leland also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray tended Primary Conference at, served the noontime : lunch. W. Anderson at Magna. Wagstaff. Duchesne Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn. Farnsworth was school entrance "wh? A large crowd enjoyed the Roosevelt visitors during the Mrs. Robert H. Moon, Mrs. in charge of the luncheon com- - down Rata Lott Relief Society anniversary par- week included Mr, and Mrs. C. by two running Florence Roberts, Joy Defa. mittee. Mrs. Pete Wall has suffered a fractured t ty held last Saturday night. The W. Erickson, George Anderson,' Rob-MReid and Nadine I .Georgia. Relief Society members were and Blaine Brotherson. i other injuries and ii Notice is that Mrs. Isaac and of hereby given Baum, erts honored and presented with a critical condition at 1 A large group from here at- - the Board of Education of Du Heber, have been rel- ' Mr. and Mrs. Art Fabrizio and 7 corsage of pink roses. dance at Altamont chesne County School District atives and friends invisiting diets hospital, Opded the tended. vtcinthts Sat-ity in were fine B.Y.U. Roosevelt. famiiy students, home for the is a native of Mt ft Everyone enjoyed the at its office, Duchesne; Utah, Friday evening. this week. lurdav brief vacation before spring parents. Mr. and Mrs food and program, which conAnderson visited Mrs. Maud bids a. will 10 Mtns. m. receive until Mr. and Dallas Thompsisted of an Arthur Godfrey tal-e- Mr. and Mrs, Keith McDonald April 3, 1951, for the registration began lived here for many purchase sont ami son, Charles, of Roy, 'Mrs. Vaun Lott and Mrs. LaVell quarter Wanda Sdlr? JeaMechanT scout show presented by a n Duchesne a couple of days of that of land their visited parcel Annie Mrs, lying sister, attended Wheeler, the Relief Deane Case and Peggy Ann group from Tabiona. Elwood last week. South and West of the y Mezenen, and family last social and bazaar held Case. . Carter portrayed Mr. Godfrey. Paul Hill and Lewis McCol-lick- , State across Highway the D.uchesne chapel Satur-- . Perry Young, an employee of After the program, a dance 5 of the Salt spent TVmmnann Lake, the highway Southwest of the accompanied them on day evening. Sears. Roebuck in Salt Lake, was held, with the school or- week-enhere. Roosevelt High School campus. 4 Mls- frvln Cole and spent Sunday with his vieifoS chestra furnishing the music. is friends Fred Tew parents, The Board of Education reserves visiting thi Mr.1 and daughters were dinner home at f 1 guests Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Young- 8ing in Mapleton this week. all mineral, gas and oil rights. of r. and Mrs. teachers and officers SpirenBCnn and Parker Awin0 Theil A special U. oOI?e wnlhe Gomm, Burton Tew,. Jr, spent the The Board of Education re- wil' Compld and his on Sunday. 'S.A.C. students and members of meeting was held Friday night week-enhere with his parents. serves the right to accept any r Mtri Annie .the at the home of Miss Nadene were .R.O.T.C.. Elmi? home Bm MMrS for AnderMr. and Mrs. George and to reject any or all bids, or E1S StrJ Fork. i end Mrs. Reta Lott the week-eno1 With Parker was They planned the Pri- son were in Mt. Emmons Sun- Waive any in a bid. Gertrude Williams has informality atended in to held be at the his fiancee, Miss Dorene At .D.UP. i mary conference day, where the latter was a EYES EXAMST By order of the Board of been staying this week at the home of Mrs. jneeting Rozella Poulson wood, of Spanish Fork, another May. Present were Mrs, Lena guest .speaker at Sacrament Education of Duchesne ot home her Bella. County daughter, this week. student A. C. Make the Gines, Mrs. Deon Rhoades. Mrs. meeting. Appoiatw attending School District. Mr, and Mrs. Weston Bates Clarence Baum - and Albert DeEtta Casper, Mrs. Elaine S. Mr. and Mrs.- Regnal Garff, ; SATHER JEWS. A large group from Talmage C. C. MICKELSON, Clerk Mrs. trip1 Rhoades. ' of Salt Lake, and Buford Chris Webb. Mrs. Twila Roosevelt Dg ,?.ade abusiness attended the Moon Lake stake nn Publication, Mar. 23, 1951 and brought tensen. of Fairview, were guests J0 Provo SuVfLe,,Ur Ina Van Tassel, Mrs. Leone M.I.A. award program at Mt. First ; Last Mar. .1951 30. Mr. Publication, Bates, home a load of phosphate. Brown. Mrs. Elaine G. Webb, Emmons Sunday evening. Friday at the Floyd Case home Miss Nelda June .Clegg, Mrs. Nadene Ottosen, Mrs. Florence Johnson and Mrs. Bernice f r? f Mrs. Lona Gines and A large crowd enjoyed P.T.A. meeting last Thursday- - night. Miss Emily Madsen, of Duwas the guest speaker. chesne, She told of her experiences in Japan while teaching American G.I.s at an army camp there Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J P. Madsen, also attended the meeting. Kent E 11 e r t s o n spent the weekend in Mona 'With nw foRCs. Thomas DiStefano accom pbnied him as far as Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Ferron Gines and son and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gines spent Sunday visiting Mr and Mrs.- Bill Hayes, of Straw p i Mia-Mai- - i ' J lt W -- d Soci-mon- - d j i r. , nt ! Neola-Rooseve- - week-.'Societ- lt Daynes 0; d - I ; i d Ot-tose- n. Optical d. - -- . Young. Mrs. Bernice Young served lunch after the meeting. Mr. and Mrs, Joe DiStefano in Provo. spent the week-enWhile there they attended funeral services for J. A. Washburn. They were accompanied by Don Mayhew, of Utahn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van n Drimmelon and . daughter, in spent the week-end Su-so- Lo-da- n. d ' - Mr. and Mrs. Lu Ottosen and family shopped in Roosevelt Saturday., Mr. and Mrs Ralph Smith was .in, Heberon business Saturday. Mr. . and lfp&KyXnderson and son. and Joel Lilly white visited Ip Salt Lake over the weekend i ; n . . Notice To Wctor Ucoro Notice is hereby given that Harold K. Palmer, Agent for Dorothy B. Palmer, 1741 S. Harvard Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, has filed with the State Engineers request for an extension of time from Mar. 26, 1951 to March 26. 1953, in which to make and submit proof of appropriation of water , under Application No. 11570 for of the appropriation of 2 sec.-fwater from the Babcock Draw In Duchesne County, Utah to be used for Irrigation purposes. It is represented that $200 has been expended on construction of works, and it is estimated that it will cost $250.00 to complete', the works and apply the water to beneficial use, ' All protests the granting of said request, with reasons therefor, must be rpade Ip affidavit , form with extra opy and filed with the State Engineer, 403 State Captiol, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, on or before ... May. ,6, n 1951 v - A. shearing . will be, held on this ' request for extension of time before the State Engineer at 403 State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, at the hour df 10 a. m.. May. ll,1951, Protestants .IK.. : 4 n t. X resisting ll P-- a. ul FfMay Cehudey MARCH 22-- jnay appear at the hearing and addtttimony? in support of their Last PuMlcyUon, ' ' i ;: mXSSZZl'' ZX-' CivVui CarfeM v V' V .1 TRACY - Itate Csdneer- First PuUkatlonTlJar. nSf'.. . ' - I? vK : ul UtMtor AjfwV t l.5. - 23. .1251 6. 1231 To VJztzr : y y Notice U hreby Joseph A. Yeikts. ecjnkl cr. U. S.I IiiditA 8r- vlce. Fort DuebwmCA I 4. has filed with the State' imdtteer, a request- - for-a- n oxtension of time from .March 23, 1 1951 to March 13, 1283, in- - which . to make, and submit proof of change of water under Applies tlon No. for change In point of diversion, and place of use of 17 sec.-f- t. of water t, . -- 1 ejw .1 JS-. caaACvsvf Yodpt caooC Ruid i Drivea Oodji rxdittin available bn 'npeoyadl wlimi- judt dttch Loaf stt fluid &?. im gbrSrn, fiwd up again toudaing panhift or clutch! in Mfi3ouf cam IL. diverted from Lake Forte River In Duchesne County under Application No. 403, Certificate A : A MEW SAFETY IOAD i ON SLIPPERY Faouaio;u ?ujd derive aasurea axtra smooth -- TWa starts , , . laa. chance for chance of breakage or other paroJ MMOga. Many owners of Dodge Mvin2 alone can soon of Fluid vo. Experience it on your job! uJob-Rate- d" yl News Mi - Catleea f XtUamixt Mi Thureiar MARCH BIG j N-t- t DOUBIdlATURi ( cau--i I CU.-- 1 j'J I 'l ft I T j CZ2zn In Tfco Cky ttvdsf Gene Autry .Cywrgai CsMwm -' Last Publication. Apr. 6. With Fluid Drive, theres less less tendency to skid on wet or icy pavements You can start in higher gear, apply power gradually and get away smoothly and safely. Tires last longer, too another money-savin- f - advantage of Fluid Drive! wheel-spinnin- f. WHAT J?? kU jrtzt tciJOTitins .nuett III uni Wi you tStnv on an - A.40 01 01 4 coimircio, rsr, nM M.rabaoo 'AH i 'Tr aevea -A1 1 iosi MEANS TO ." factory-engineere- !xr7i.r coos D" YOU truck is engineered A to fit a particular job . . . save you money last longer. Every unit from engine to rear axle is KatecT d to haul a specific load over the roads you travel and at the apccds you require. Every unit that SUPPORTS the load-t- on axles, apings, wheels, tine and body -i- s en- Provide the strength an capacity needed. MOVES the propeller shaft and reef ueered fc right to meet a particultf operating condition. "Job-Rated- ... vnuj .? ; COJIVKHIllCJl Oil ICUSI "JOB-HATE- A Dodge the factory No. 1228,. that the work ha been completed and the water applied to beneficial use. Additional time is requested to prepare and submit Proof of Change. Protesta resisting the granting of said request, with reasons herefor. must be in affidavit form, with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer, 403 State Capitol,. Salt Lake City, 1, Utah, on or before May 0. 1951. A hearing will be held on this request for extension of time before the State Engineer at 403 State Captiol. Salt Lake City,1 Utah, at tk fc?ar of 2:00 p. m.. May 10, 1231. Protestants may appear at the hearing and adduce testimony in support of their protests. JOSEPH M. TRACY State Engineer 'irst Publication, Mar. 23, 1951 1 ROADSI psotacts your load. It la represented miii iSTWcC UCK WITH FLUID |