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Show tilSTAH BASIN' RECOTiD, MARCH 10, Notice To Water Users The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Duchesne County, State of Utah, throughout the entire year, unless otherwise designated, all locations being from US B&M. 1 65 16 Paul E. Reimann, 83G Yale Avc., Salt Lake City, irrigation use from Strawberry River, trib. to Duchesne River at a point Ut.; 7 sec, it. for N. 1018 ft. and E. 676 ft. from WV4 Cor. Sec. 14, T4S, R7W. The water will be diverted by means of a head gate and conveyed by ditch a distance of 8000 ft. where it will be used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 15 to irrigate 500 acres of land embraced in Secs. 11, 12, 13, and 14, T4S, R7W and Secs. 7 and 18, T4S, inciROW, and for ft. and Elwin W. Birch, deep at a point S. 1539 E. 1911 ft. from NW Cor. Sec. Mountain Home, Ut.; 5 sec.-funan for irrigation use from 31, T1S, R4W. The water will Holnamed creek, trib. to Big be used for domestic, low to Cottonwood Creek to dairy barn and lawn Lake Fork River at a point N. 400 ft. from NW Cor. SWli spraying purposes. SWV4 Sec. 30, T1S., R4W. The Protests resisting the grantearth water will be conveyed by ing of any of the foregoing apditches a distance of 2970 ft. plications, with reasons thereand used from Apr. 1 to Oct. for, must be in affidavit form, 31 to irrigate 120 acres of land with extra copy, and filed with embraced in SV6NV, Sz Sec. the State Engineer, 403 State 30, T1S., R4W, and for Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah, incidental on or before April 30, 1950. purposes. HAROLD A. LINKE 21226 Arthur' E. Snow, State Engineer fo,r misBoncta, Ut.; .27 sec.-ft- . First Publication. March 3, 1950 cellaneous purposes from a well bet. 25 and 200 ft. Last Publication, March 31, 1950 21132 t. stock-waterin- g, year-roun- d stock-waterin- g 6-i- n. 190 U. S. Population The census bureau reports that the population in the U.S. rose to a record high of 147,946,000 on Jan. 1, 1949 from 145,434.000 a year ago. is the salt of common life. You may have to live in a crowd, but you do not have to live like it, nor subsist on its food. Henry Van Dyke Individuality Leland Stevenson Licensed PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTOR Phone Altamont 2 Member National Association of Master Plumbers SAVE orT MATTRESSES $10.00 Credit For Your Present Mattr Turned In on a NEW INNERSPRINg MATTRESS PHONE DUCHESNE 3 year-roun- d dental stock-waterin- Leo 21024 .025 Ut.; use from a purposes. g sec.-f- t. S. Defa. llanna, for domestic well bet. 30 a point N. at deep 45 ft. and W. 450 ft. from SE and G-i- n. 40 ft. Cor. SWUSWVi S?c. 11. T1S, R8W, and for incidental 21114 Every Oncome Taxpayer should tell Ms Congressman to... j Duchesne County School District, Duchesne, Ut.; .25 sec. It. for miscellaneous well 80 purposes from a It. deep at a point N. 300 ft. and E. 1561 ft. from SW Cor. Sec. 25, T1S, R4W. The water will be used for domestic, sanitation, culinary and irrigation purposes. G-i- n. 21177 Andrew Jorgenson, fr irrigaMyton, Ut.; 5 sec. 1't. tion use from Wells Draw, trib. to Green River at a point N, 200 ft. and E. 880, ft. from NW Cor. See. 17, T4S, R1W. The water will be diverted by means of a diversion dam and conveyed by ditch and flume a distance of 7,200 ft. where it will be used f,rom Apr. 1 to Nov. 15 to irrigate 1G0 acres of land embraced in SMiNWVt Sec. 16, SNE'A and for stock-waterin- g See. year-roun- d 17, T4S, R1W, incidental purposes. ENJOY THIS Wartime excise taxes on many necessities, as well as luxuries, can be repealed without loss of income to the government. All Congress has to do is TAX THE UN-TAXE- profits of tax-exem- pt D commercial corporations-su- ch as Foundations, Trusts and others. Taxing the untaxed will produce ONE BILLION DOLLARS in brand new revenue. That's more than enough to a good portion of present wartime excise taxes-- or repeal reduce all of them. Tell your Congressman that you and everyelse body want wartime excise taxes knocked out. Heres the way it can be done-- by taxing the untaxed, first. Co-operativ- es, Ad this aip SIGN AND MAIL IT TO YOUR CONGRESSMAN YOUR CONGRESSMAN WALTER K. GRANGER House Office Building Washington, D. C. YOUR NAME Tax Equality League of Utah Straight Bourbon. Whiskey 86 Proof National Distillers Products Corp., N. Y. 915 KEARNS BLDG. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Si YOUR ADDRESS JLa! |