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Show Friday, March UINTAH BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH 4, 1949 UINTAH BASIN RECORD Musical Tastes PUBLISHED FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK $3.00 - 1 er SUBSCRIPTION RATES $1.50 $2.00 - 6 Months Year Payable la Advance - 3 Months Sundown Sam Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thayne of Mtn. Home spent Sunday visiting' with Mr. and Mrs. Merrill NEW YORK. -- Miss Louise E. Thompson, who has Just completed twenty-stat- e survey of American musical tastes, reports that while residents of Missouri liked "Turkey in the Straw, in California they were still dewey-eyeover The Rosary. WestWearing a leather-fringeern frontier Jacket and .boots of the finest quality, Miss Thompson told of her adventures as a Gallup poll of musical preferences. Miss Thompson said that her trip, which began in California and ended here recently, was and really was by way of being her vacation. Used Station Wagon She made the trip in a station wagon accompanied only by her dog. Scooter, who has cocker spaniel and other relatives in California. Billing herself in various towns as "Your Western Neighbor," Miss Thompson depended on the folksy touch to get people to open their hearts to her about their musical preferences. In the survey part of my crusade I discovered that adults like music with a dash of popular," Miss Thompson said. "When I asked housewives what complaints they had to make about radio musical programs, they said that they did not have good music conducive to hard work In the mornings." Miss Thompson said that she believed ' that mystery programs gradually were ousting good musical programs on the radio, thus creating a musical void that should be filled without delay. None Ever Asked "Why this tour and crusade?" Miss Thompson asked. "Because no one has ever asked adults what they wanted In the way of radio Teen-ager- s music. write in and ask radio stations for swing music, thus creating the Impression that the entire nation wants this type of music. Miss Thompson said that while she did not make specific Inquiries to determine Just what songs were popular In each region she visited, she believed that the old favorites such as "The Rosary" and folk tunes such as "Turkey in the Straw would long remain favorites. Asked what she was planning to do with the results of the survey, Miss Thompson said that she would give It to the newspapers and let it go at that. The survey showed Bing Crosby in the lead as Americas favorite radio singer. Evelyn MacGregor Is the favorite woman singer and the "American Album of Familiar Music" Is the top favorite among radio musicals. d d PEGGY ANN CASE one-wom- Evan Hansen spent three day! in Salt Lake City last week attending to business matters and visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hansen. The newly elected board of the Moon Lake Electric Association held the first meeting last week In addition to taking care oi matters of business, officers for the year were named. Wm. Field-steof Boneta succeeded himself as president, Arthur Soder-quis- t of Vernal is the new vice president, with Lyndon Hansen of Mt. Emmons, secretary. Mr. and Mrs. James Babcoch have moved into the Dean Cos home. They had been living on the Fay Reay place. The Altamont Farmers defeated Pink and Tonys team, oi Roosevelt, in a fast basketball game played in the high school gym Tuesday evening. Again or Thursday night on the same floor they defeated Duchesne. Saturday night in Tabiona they scored a victory over the Tabiona team d I was wanderin out in that eastern section of the mountain country t'other day, known as T4S, USB&M, (what in ell ever that means); it was sun risin time and Old Sol came up bright an pleasant. It was a beautiful In passin by I sightmorning. ed the gatherin of the natives. Always being of the nosey kind, 1 meandered round and asked a few questions, here and there. 1 learnt that the Natives had Just completed a big wigwam, or teeto pee, which they intended turn over to the Great Father, Players on the Altamont Farmers that day, Him be willing. After team are Harry Fieldsied, Bothinkin things over, and as the neta; Anthon Rust and Inland sundown only found me one day nearer the setting sun, I 'lowed as how I would camp for the day, and, them permitting, look over the wigwam awaitin the approval of the Great Father. Come the setting sun, the great pow-wowas finished, and the big wigwam accepted by the Great Father, with the word well done. And after the powwow, I moved on west, toward the land of the settln' sun. Its campin time, put a bit of wood on the fire Sam, its gettln chilly tonight. Goodrich, both of Bluebell; Jack Fisher, Altonah; Erwin Rust, Johnnie Lambert, Hal Barton, Harold Phillips and Hyrum Mt. Emmons. Bruce Hartman Is the coach. Kelly Sprouse of Roosevelt visited at the Floyd Case home on Tuesday of last week. He also Lou-tensoc- w attended the basketball game between the Altamont Farmers and Pink and Tony team of Roosevelt during the evening. Mrs. Sprouse and baby returned with her husband after a y visit at the Case home. Marvin Hilsop is again employed as a lineman for the REA after spending most of the win-- . ter in Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hanberg enNorma Robb tertained at a party Thursday at their home. Card and Mrs. Bob Pine and evening . Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Anderson, all games were played and a supper was served by the of Vernal, spent a few days rehostess. Guests were Mrs. Ina of home at the cently visiting ten-da- UTAHN I deli-co- Don Lewis. Melvin Broadhead was in Salt Lake City last Friday taking care of business affairs. Ivon Brown made a business trip to Heber last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lewis and family of Provo spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Lewis parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Strong and son, Wayne; Mrs. Theron Robb and son, Bryon, were in Salt Lake City during the last week on business. Mrs. Alma Smith and son, Howard, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abplanalp Sunday. Air.-anMrs. Dale Walker and daughter were in Roosevelt last Friday on business, Mrs. Delia Mayhew and family and Mrs. Joe DiStefano made a business trip to Roosevelt last - d Saturday. A large crowd of people from Utahn attended quarterly con- ference of the LDS Church in Duchesne last Sunday. Carolyn Robb spent the week end in Tabiona visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abplanalp. Those who were in Duchesne last Friday shopping and taking care of business were Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mayhew. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McDonald and daughter, of Talmage, were visiting Mr. and Mr3. Dave Davies last Tuesday, Mecham, Mr. and Mrs. Volney Boswell, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Orr and Evan Bennion. A new well is being drilled on the high school grounds. Some inconvenience has been experienced at the school during the winter because of lack of water. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rogers and children have moved back to Mt. Emmons after spending nearly two years in Roosevelt. The Thacker family, who had j Rawlins been occupying Allreds house, have moved into the Lorraine Thacker home. Mr. nad Mrs. Lesie Pearson of Boneta visited Sunday with Mrs. Pearsons mother, Mrs. Fred A. Case. Mrs. Olive Thompson and two daughters, Alvorina and Ellis, spent the week end at their home in Layton. Other teachers mak-in- g the trip to outside points over Saturday and Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Loutensock and Mr. and Mrs. Hal Barton. They visited in Salt Lake City. Joseph Swasey and Willis Potter, members of the LDS Stake High Council, were speakers at Sacrament meeting Sunday afternoon. y A dairy school was conducted here Friday and Saturday by County Agent Louis A. Jensen. Specialists from the Agricultural College at Logan were present to discuss topics of interest to dairymen. A dairy lunch was served each day by Parley Lamber Creamery. theyctirCris Retain Policies of Boys Town BOYS TOWN, NEBR. The new director of Boys Town does not plan to deviate from the policies of his famed predecessor. Father Flanagan. Several months under new leadership have brought no changes or shakeup to the city of little men. In small things as in big things, Msgr. Nicholas H. Wegner sticks to the pattern established by Msgr. Edward P. Flanagan, who died May IS In Berlin. Like Father Flanagan, Msgr. Wegner holds "there is no such thing as a bad boy." Also like his predecessor, be plans to travel and "spread the Boys Town Idea." Just as Father Flanagan did, Father Wegner makes trips with the e football team, makes a dressing room visit, watches games from the players' bench and delivers a half-timpep talk. He says he plans to make only such minor changes at Boys Town as changing Uqaes dictate. pre-gam- e two-da- Sunshine State "It Grows as It Goes." is the motto adopted by New Mexico, the "Sunshine State. Yucca flower is the state flower and the road runner is the unofficial bird. seml-classic- New Director to H. P. Motor One-Eight- A horsepower electi motor can do as much work on farm as one farr hand. one-elgnt- h hard-workin- g Survey Shows Showers Replacing Tubs in U. S. CLEVELAND. The method of bathing is slowly joining the old wooden tub in front of the kitchen stove as a thing of the past, a survey of observers on the postwar bathing scene shows. Blame It on the war, they said. The tub Is going down the drain to make way for the shower. "During the war, people got accustomed to taking showers," Charles Jauch, secretary of the Cleveland Builders exchange said. "There were no tubs on dread-naughor in barracks for the men in service. Priorities made It difficult for civilians to get tubs." ts BUTLER GRAIN BINS IH GALVANIZED STEEL AVAILABLE NOW! 3 CAPACITIES! bint or available In popu I or 1000, 2200, and 3276 buihti capacities, and In bolted steel sizes up to 53,000 bushels. Bint are hipped In order received. ORDER NOW . , LIMITED SUPPLY! A FEW DEALERSHIPS ARE STILL AVAILABLE Sell the Bestl Write Today! PARAMOUNT SALES CORP. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH PHONE 832 RICHARDS STREET Utahs Exculslve Distributor Serving Entire Wsit.rn Unit.d States Unfamiliar Mechanism Of , Mrs. Opal Barton Vary Greatly, Survey Shows Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Duchesne, Utah IRENE FRETWELL - C. L. FRETWELL, Publishers J. VERN RIFE, Editor-Manag- BONETA Bus Confuses Driver 28 WILKES BARRE, PA.-- For years, Andrew Ondash was a trolley operator who knew every inch of rail along the line. He knew, too, that everywhere the tracks went, the trolley was sure to go. Then the company put buses on the line he had served so many years. The new mechanism was unfamiliar. But Andrew took a firm grip on the wheel and turned. The bus left the highway, hurdled a ditch and ploughed 10 feet Into the underbrush. Andrews bosses said It was all right they felt everyone must learn some time. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Mower spent Tuesday night as guests of his sister, Mrs. Opal Barton. Mrs. Alma Wilkins returned home from Vernal Friday, where she spent the past week visiting relatives. Edward Barton left on a business trip to Price Monday. Shelby Taylor of Mtn. Home spent the past week at the at the C. D. Brotherson home. Ned Taylor is also at the Edward Barton home where he is employed. Mrs. Guy Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexander of Mtn. Home were dinner guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brotherson. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oman and family moved into their beautiful new home during the past week. A number of children have been suffering from severe colds during the past week. At present Edlin Barton is Just recovering from one. Too much sunshine, mud pies, slush and spring fever all mixed up together Is probably the reason. Mrs. Leslie N. Pearson was visiting Sunday in Mt. Emmons with her mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Case. SOUTH Oil FARMwHOME&r CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CO ATTENTION TO POULTRYMEN PLANS AND ESTIMATES: If for you plan a building project to SSKVIC XTSX310I UTAH STATS invite you we summer XCOHOMiLi this lOALl GiUCULIl&J use our library of plans and let Jensen A. us give you a free estimate on Louis By it will cost Cattle owners suffer consider- what Heber, Utah ASHTONS able loss of income each year which can toe avoided by the FOR SALE Send your orders proper pest control methods. Cat- for Ritchi" Hatchery baby chicks tle grubs cause a loss of 2 to 5 to Sam Weiss Hardware, Roose32 tf dollars for each infested animal velt Utah. cattle Beef to market. shipped make an average of 50 pounds FOR SALE 'Late 1948 Olds, Sedan. Radio, heater, or more of extra body growth oversize W. W. underseal, clock, when summer spraying during a taxes 1949 paid, low miletwo or three times during the tires. or season for fly control. Lice in- age. Sell below list price. See Duchesne. fested animals fail to make suit- write Pete Abplanalp, 34 It p able gains during the winter. Cattle grubs can be controlled DEMONSTRATIONS: by the use of Rotenone, which Is (HOME us you a home demonLet give the only chemical giving practi- stration on how to do away with Grubs cal, dependable results. wash days with a BENDIX may appear from January until your Washing Machine. Automatic May or June. Treatment should Heber, Utah ASnTONS be made as soon as holes appear Effective treat- FOR LEASE State your own in the lumps. ment can be obtained by dusting, terms. 357 acres 'Summit County. 30 acres timothy, plenty water, 8 spraying or dipping. Recommendations for each are tourist cabins. Write Bybee, 1414 given as follows; Dusting This First Security Bank Bldg.' S.L.C. 34 It uspa method is useful during the cold weather and is especially handy for dairy herds. Sprinkle a lib- FOR SALE Seed Grain, Dickto eral amount of Rotenone on the Wheat, Colorado 37 Oats, Freeby back of each animal, rough the Barley. Loryn Ross, Arcadia. 34 2t p hair the wrong way with the into to the powder get finger tips the grub holes. Spraying This is used in dairy herds and on Notice To Creditors beef herds where corrals and 'Estate of Wayne B. Nelson, dechutes are available. Use spray ceased. Creditors will present claims equipment, developing 400 pounds of pressure. Use pounds of with vouchers to the undersigned 5 pr cent Rotenone powder or at Duchesne, Utah, on or before 6 pounds of 3 per cent Rotenone the 20th day of April A. D. 1949. WALTER NELSON. plus 10 pounds of wet-tabAdministrator of estate of sulphur in each 100 gallons be Wayne B. Nelson, deceased. Frank Defa, accompanied by of water. The spray must on driven forcefully into the hair RULON J. LARSEN, and Thela Harry Montgomery to penetrate into the Attorney for Administrator. Campbell, made a business trip the back grub holes. It is also advisable Duchesne, Utah. to Roosevelt Saturday. to rake or scratch the back so Date of first publication Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Fabrlzio to dislodge the scabs which February 18, A. D. 1949. as in Lake Salt several spent days formed In the grub holes. have City on business last week. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Williams Dipping use a solotion contain- Notice to Water Users to 10 pounds of Rotenone of Provo were week end visitors ing 7 The following applications have powder plus 10 pounds wettable in Hanna. 100 of to filed with the State Engibeen eash gallons sulphur Mr. and Mrs. Nell Fabrizio, of to appropriate water in DuSalt Lake City, spent the week water. Animals should be held neer chesne County, State of Utah, end visiting with - relatives and in the dipping vat for two minthe entire year, unutes to best the obtain grub throughout friends in Hanna. They returned otherwise less designated, all control. to Salt Lake Tuesday. locations being from USB&M. extracts Rotenone Other may Word was received In Hanna 19926 'Raymond D. McMillan, be more available and if these during the week that Mrs. Lot- are used follow the directions on Boneta, Ut., 2 sec. ft. of water tie Maxwell, of Orem, and Mr. for Irrigation use from a spring Russell W. Olsen, of Provo, were thd container. area in Bob Lindsey Hollow, the recommendaon the circular A married Saturday, February 12, liveall point of collection being located in Salt Lake City. They are tions for the control of N. 26 deg, 30 min. W. 1032 ft 1949 been has stock for pests just making their home In Provo. We received and Cor Sec. 20, T1S, R4W. from be at obtained may Join in wishing them a happy area beg. at a point The office. the spring County Agents married life. 26 deg. 00 min. E. 275 ft. N. Mrs. Tracy Roberts and famIt is vain to expect any ad- from S4 Cor. said Sec. 20 is ily spent Wednesday visiting vantage from our profession of embraced in the following trawith Mrs. Velma Abplanalp at the truth it we be ndt sincerely verse: N. 37 deg. 20 min. W. Tabiona. 267 ft., N. 34 deg. 00 min. W. and honest In our actions. ' Mr. just and Mrs. Alfonzo Defa and James 53 ft., N. 45 deg. 15 min. W. Sharpe. RooseIn family spent Saturday 184 ft., S. 47 deg. 30 min. E. man When a hear I young velt where they were attending 240 ft., S. 36 deg. 00 min. E. of spoken of as giving- promise to business affairs. 50 ft, S. 36 deg. 45 min. E. 533 first the I question genius Mr. and Mrs. Leo S. Defa, Mr. high Does is him about ft., S. 36 deg. 00 min. W. 50 ft., always and Mrs. Alfonzo Defa motored ask N. 35 deg. 45 min. W. 278 ft., he Ruskin. work? to Provo one day last week for N. 42 deg. 00 min. W. 255 ft., the purpose of consulting a phyN. 49 deg. 30 min. W. 138 ft., sician. N. 9 deg. 30 min. W. 68 ft., Mrs. Ruby Roberts spent SunComMembers of the S. 50 deg. 00 min. E. 140 ft., day visiting with Mrs. Vivian mercial Club will hold the an- S. 42 deg. 30 min. W. 258 ft., Curry. nual meeting and election of of- S. 52 deg. 80 min. E. 55 ft., N. Mrs. Retta Pilling spent the ficers, viz: Vice President and 53 deg. 00 min. W. 58 ft. to beg. week end in Duchesne visiting two members of the Board of The water will be conveyed by with relatives. Directors, Monday, March T, two ditches a total distance of 1949, at the Duchesne County 4,437 ft. where it will be used Court Room, at 8:00 p. m. from May 1 to Nov. 1 to irriHILDUR W. JOHNSTUN, gate 100 acres of land embraced Secretary. in EHNE14 and NESEj4 Sec. First publication Feb. 25, 1949. 29, NW&NW Sec. 28, US, Mrs. Garda Seeley Last publication March 4, 1949. R4W. 20164 Mrs. Hazel Farnsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Marian Barrett NOTICE OF FAILURE spent a few days m Salt Lake TO CONTRIBUTE TO ANNUAL Talmage, Ut., .015 sec. ft. of water for domestic use from a last week. Mrs. Barretts mother, ASSESSMENT Mrs. Clark, of Altonah, cared well bet. 75 and 300 ft. deep for the children while their parat a acpoint N. 195 ft. and E. 105 Notice is hereby given in ents were away. Sec. cordance with Paragraph 15, Cir- ft. from SW Cor. of NE& Mrs. Wardell left Monday for R5W. 12, T2S, her home in Salt Lake after a cular 430, dated April 11, 1922, 20353 William Wayne Taylor, that the following months visit with her daughter, Ut., .022 sec. ft. of water Upalco, have failed to contribute Mrs. Zola Stevenson, for domestic purposes from a of the share their proportionate President' and Mrs. Bernard well 32 ft. deep at a point Winkler and family were among required expenditures for the N. 363 and E. 65 ft. from those attending conference and performance of labor and imthe dedication of the Duchesne provements to the following des- NW Cor. SWliSWVi Sec. 27, Stake and Ward chapel at Du- cribed mining claims situated in T2S, R3W. 20387 Max Birch, Duchesne, chesne, Sunday. Duchesne County, State of Utah: .05 sec. ft. of water for Ut., Word comes from Bonanza BLACK DIAMOND MINING that Mrs. Rulon Goodrich broke CLAIMS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 miscellaneous use from an well bet. 30 and 100 ft. deep at her leg recently in a fall. Incl. a point N. 115 ft. and W. 530 The senior Sunday school class McAndrews $437.20 John from SE Cor. Sec. 27, T2S, ft. enjoyed a sleighing party Thurs487.20 D. J. Thompson R5W. The water will be used day evening, under the direction 243.60 Swenson Josephine of Bernard Winkler. In the party for domestic, stock watering, Ir487.20 Thomas E. Hall were Mr. and Mrs. Norman rigation, milk cooling and dairy243.60 Florrie Thompson Goodrich, Wallace Stevenson, ing purposes. 487.20 Carma and Ardis Goodrich, La Carrie Thompson 20388 Reed Lyons, Mountain Vern Powell, Doris Allred, John BLACK DIAMOND MINING Asa Webb and Wayne Workman. CLAIMS 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, & Home, Ut., .022 sec. ft. of water for domestic use from a Miss JoAnn Goodrich in- 13 Incl. well bet 50 and 150 ft. deep at a her while jured sleigh spine $417.60 John McAndrews point N. 162 ft. and W. 171 ft. last riding Sunday. 417.60 D. J. Thompson Sec. from SE Cor. SWV4SW14 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Monson 417.60 Carrie Thompson R4W. 7, T1S, and two boys visited relatives in 417.60 Jess Thompson 20427 Bluebell, Sunday. Floyd Farnsworth, 417.60 Morris Thompson The Junior Girls held their Mountain Home, Ut., 0.045 sec. 69.60 D. Rees J. Rose prom Tuesday evening. A of water for miscellaneous use And that each of the above co- ft. beautiful floor show was prea from well bet. 100 and sented by the following girls and owners now owes the amount set 200 at a point S. 135 deep in his and that name; their partners: Lucy Powell, opposite ft. and E. 70 ft from NW Cor. Wayne Workman, Ardis Good- the event of the failure of each Sec. 18, T1S, R4W. i rich, Wallace Stevenson, Dolly to contribute his proportionate be used for dowater The will Rola Bird, Bird, Bird, Jimmy share of such expenditures and stock mestic, Melvin Bird, Lenna Gale and watering, milk coolthe interest of and irrigation purReed Anderson. Lucy Powell was improvements, ing, dairying each in the above named claims queen, Melva Rae Rust, flower will be declared forfeited to the poses. girl, and Gene Barrett, crown Protests resisting the grantwho have made the bearer. of any of the foregoing aping The Primary officers ended expenditures and Improvements. plications, with reasons therefor, amounts the penny drive for the Primary Payment of the above must be in affidavit with Childrens hospital in Salt Lake are due and payable to Mr. James extra copy, and filed form, with the with a party for the children on I. Gurr at Vernal, Utah, on or State Engineer, 403 State CapiMonday. The youngsters enjoyed before June 1, 1949. tol, Salt Lake City 1, Utah, on folk dances and light refreshHUGH W. COLTON, or before April 24, 1949. ments. $35 was collected and at ED. H. WATSON, Law, Attorney turned to the Stake Primary secUtah. STATE ENGINEER. Vernal, retary. First publication March 4. 1949. First publication Fob. 25, 1949. SUBSCRIBE. DONT BORROW. Last publication May 27, 1949. Last publication March 25, 1949. rracy Roberts le powder Notice n. 0, A year ago it required on a national basis $6.24 for 100 lbs. of broiler feed. This year, same week, it cost $4.70. Laying rations are proportionately less certainly the feed outlook is better than it has been for years. We supply only the best chick3 in dual purpose and laying strains. We can supply leghorn pullets for 35 cent3 each. - Send for price list on other breeds. RITCHIE HATCHERY PHONE 190 HEBER, UTAH SPRING CLEANING NEEDS: Spring is just around the corner and house cleaning time is here. We have all the items you need to do the job right. ASHTONS Heber, Utah FOR SALE Surge Milker, parts and supplies, Sam Weiss Hard32 tf ware, Roosevelt BRING THEM IN: If you have a pair of old greasy, grimy overalls or coveralls that you dont dare put in your washer, bring them in and let us show you how a Bendix Automatic will clean them in two minutes. ASHTONS Heber, U"'v FOR SALE Singer sewing machine, foot tread, recently overhauled with year guarantee, also Warm Morning coal heater in good condition. Mrs. Heber Moon, 33 2t c Duchesne, Utah. TRY A RECORD PHONE CLASSIFIED 134-R- 1 Harsh & Milligan Decorators Roosevelt - Utah - - Livestock Bought and Sold Call or See DEL COMBS HARTS CABINS Duchesne Phone 471 Complete Optical Service EYES EXAMINED Daynes Optica! Roosevelt, Appointments at SATHER JEWELRY Utah-Mak- KgaygEggasigie LELAND e wunw STEVENSON Licensed Plumbing and Heating Contractor Member National Association of Master Plumbers PHONE 2 ALTAMONT n. ft FINANCING Arranged in n. n. ft NEj-iNWV- 5 minutes on ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BUY. ASHTO NS Heber Utah CONSISTENT FAIRNESS of social Regardless standards, financial circumstances and the funerals cost the best Interests of the family are served Impartially. ... AMBULANCE SERVICE Dillman Mortuary Phones Duchesne 297 Roosevelt H. B. or 441 168-- MOTT Notary Public Nort of Ooanry Gvurt House ' Duchesne Utah |