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Show 4 UINTAH BASIN RECORD EDWARD S. RICH, Editor and Publisher PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT DUCHESNE, UTAH matter Entered as second-clas- s at Postoffice the at 1922, 26, May Display Advertising of act the under Per Utah, Duchesne, For Plates, Agate viat Rate, March 3. 1879. Line, 3e. Per Column Inch, 42c Classified and Reading Notices For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, Lost SUBSCRIPTION RATES and Found, Miscellaneous, 10c per Three Months $1.00 line, first insertion; 5c per line for $1.50 Months each succeeding Issue minimum Six $2.50 Year One charge, 30c. ADVERTISING RATES Suppoit The Red Cross Drive March is the month devoted to the Red Cross Drive the month in wnitu this gictit organization gets the funds necessary to keep it going for the next twelve months. Occasionally we hear some uninformed person criticizing the Red Cross organization, and the woik it is doing, but this ci iticiim is generally either founded or based on some local situation With an organization as 6Xt0nSlG ao that Ol tHG ivCCi C'iOSbj and working through as many separate human be- -' ings as it does, there is bound to be occasions when some individual does not measuie up to the hi0li standards set by this organization, but if we were to judge all things in that way every church and gov- eminent organization would be eliminated, and then what would be left? The Red Cross is one of the finest organizations ever instituted by man, and through it a great work is being done for the betterment of humanity. It is worthy of the support of every man and woman in the Basin, and no one should ignore or neglect the appeal for funds made by it. Let us do cur part both as workers and as us do our part both as workers and as ir coming years work. un-'riv- ed ni-L- et in-the- Ethel Beebe Among the out of town relatives attending the funeral services of Mrs. Olive Beebe Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Uzel Foote, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Preece, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Foote, Mis. Loren Caldwell,. Mr. Horace Foote, of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Mell- wood Wall of Roy, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beebe and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence De Haven ol Duchesne, and Hr. Frank Foote of Gunnison. Mr. Earl Jordan, the Watkins salesman from Duchesne, was in Altonah Wednesday. Wilfoid Shiner and Austin were transacting business in Fort Duchesne Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Stone and Mrs. Clarence Smith were Roosevelt visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Ida Conklin and family of Salt Lake City spent the week end transacting business in town, and and visiting friends while here, Word was received last week of the death of a new baby of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allred in Mr. Grand Junction, Colorado. and Mrs. Jack Allred left for Colorado to be with their brother and his wife. Albert Clark took bis son Ted to Salt Lake City last week for medical care. Mr. and Mrs. Morrel Prows of Salem and Mrs. Marian Vail of Sail Lake City were visiting relatives in town during the past week. They also attended the funeral seivicts of Mrs. Olive Beebe. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reay were shopping in Roosevelt Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beebe, Mrs. Mary Lue Jessen and daugh- t0 SaIt SewaeeJfp Rigby of imrview came to town last week to spend the 'summer at the home of Mr. and Meivin word that her son Lafe had ar- at Fort Douglas, after ffZSStS SftTS hospital at Fort Douglas for some time, while he is being treateJ or a les injury- Mrs. Lenora De Roil and son returned home from salt Lake city sat--- . rday, wheie they have for some time, 'ng attended Sacrament meeting at Talmage Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Shiner returned home Wednesday from Salt Lake City whore Mr, Shiner was operated on for a hernia bebiuary 25. Mrs. Wilfurd Shiner spent a lew days visiting in Salt Lake City last week. Hr. and Mrs. Ken Davis of Salt Lake City visited at tae home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ralphs for several days last ween while transacting business here. Wm. Ralphs has leased the Davis farm lor the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ralphs are living on the faim and assisting his father with the work. Ed Davis accompanied Fay Prows to Salt Lake City Sunday to purchase material to build him a house here in Altonah. A number of people from Altonah attended Correlation meeting at Mt. Emmons Sunday. Arvel Stone took his wife and Mrs. Clarence Smith as far as Duchesne The ladies Friday. went on to Heber where they will remain for a few days. Dads I rights .v. ERNEST WILSON NAMED FOR REPRESENTATIVE UNITED STATES ARMY Ernest Wilson, of the American Mrs. Grace Dalgleish Legion, has been appointed as a representative for the U. S. The anniversary of the foundAny one Army in Duchesne. ing of the Relief Society of the wishing information regarding L. D. S. Chrrch was celebiated or enlistment in the Friday evening at the Myton Army should consult Mr. Wilson. ward chapel. A large crowd gathered to enjoy a splendid All are not just because they program of musical selections, do no wrong; but he who will readings and novelty numbers, not wrong me when he may, with Mrs. Leonard Harris, presi- he is truly just. Cumberland. dent of the Relief Society, m charge. A bazaar offered many Mrs. Their Nielson. Emery articles for lovely hand made has been who small son, Eugene, sale, and was liberally parton-ize- d with his grandparents who were visiting by the many the past two weeks, reduring anxious to buy. A dance comwith them Sunday. home turned evenings entertainpleted the W. H. Linck and daughMrs. ment which was climaxed by a ter, LaRue, left Friday for Salt served delicions lunch by the Lake City where LaRue received members of the Relief Society. attention and was hosmedical Mrs. Ed Ponton was hostess to Mrs. for treatment. pitalized members and guests of the Frihome Sunday, rereturned Linck day Bridge Club last wreek. Preswas ent were Mrs. E. W. Kronquist, porting the young patient Mrs. Wm. getting along nicely. Mrs. Wm. Preece, Miss Clotilda Leveling of East Koehler, Mrs. Bliss Lott, Miss St. Louis, Illinois, airived FriAlice Todd, Mrs. Floyd Lamb and to visit at the home of Mr. day Winner of Mrs. John Blaine. Mrs. Devon Gentry. and high score was Mrs. kronquist. and Mrs. Carlos Roberts Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lusty and of Provo were week children and the Peck leased family have at the home of Mrs. visitors end ranch west of town and are now' Lydia Peatross, Mrs. Roberts settled in their new home. mother. Mrs. Ellsworth Cook spent a Miss Beverly Partridge left on few days last week visiting with for a visit with relaThursday her daughter in Heber City. Price. in tives Mrs. L. A. Gaylor visited in Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jones and Salt Lake City last week. of Midvale ate visitors children Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Perry rehome of Mr. and Mrs. at the from Burley, turned Thursday Loyal Perry. Mrs. Jones is a Idaho, where they visited with sister of Mr. Perry. Nielson. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Clarence Mrs. Liddell, who has in They visited other relatives a throat infrom been suffering Salt Lake City and Provo as to the Roosewas taken fection, they returned. to revelt Thursday, hospital, Miss Marie Warburton of La reis She treatments. Point is a guest at the home of ceive as improving. Mr. and Mrs. Merrell Lisonbee ported Mr. and Mrs. Mylan Bywater ZiVn from Clear- Hardinger field,edto Saturday to their attend property of Salt Lake City were week interests in Myton and spend a end visitors at the home of Mrs. few days visiting here and at Hardingers parents, Mr. and La Point. Mrs. H. D. Roberts spent the week end visiting with friends CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED E BASIN FARMERS AND RANCHF:Rv We have a good FRIENDS: suP'y of We appreciate the business we fenein; materials m all height. invite Held fena barbed wire, get from you folks and our and posts. Prices are still staple low you to come in and visit store. Our daily truck service assures you prompt delivery on IIEBEK, UTAH your purchases from us. FOR SALE Well built two. apartment house in Dueh esne, 4 IIEBElt, UTAH real good buy that will provi(i FOR SALE - Good registeied an income while you live in Hereford Bull. El Ray Larsen, side. See E. S Rich at the ReCor! 7 Office, Duchesne. Talmage, Utah. TO OUR UINTAH MlLi CONOCO Motorists Lesson I from World War II is that cais with d engines dont quit easy. Though some are being traded for styles sake now, you can Safely figure that the owners are repeating on engines! They make sure to get them the same as you can do by using Conoco N" motor oil, with its added ingredient. This acts magnet-likforcing engine parts to attract and hold a sui facing of lubricant. And thats protective q Oil-Plate- Oil-Plate- jJ MOTOR OIL rmmbr another big fbitigi Don't lay octant SAY CONOCO N MNf CASOUNf and d Oil-Platin- g e, close-bonde- Oil-Platin- the wear-fighte- r! engine ED Like a shield over the inner surfaces that you want preserved, g is in position against wear . . . in position todiscourage carbon, gum, and sludge to encourage oil and gasoline economy. You want all that, and its yours for the asking. Just ask for Conoco Nh oil in any car. In the case of an older car, you certainly need a Spring oil change now, so this is exactly your time to Pay just a bit more for it I See Your Conoco Mileage Merchant. Continental Oil Company fine-finish- Oil-Platin- Oil-Plat- AT LAST! Fou can get re,)ai, for jour older model uaj parts IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF tag Washers. We have the THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DIS- parts. Send ir.- your worn w TRICT OF THE STATE OF broken parts and get one UTAH, IN AND FOR THE from COUNTY OF DUCHESNE. - I el t ,t Plaintiff, vs. FORNIIJ E. WILSON, and MARY B. WILSON, his wife, IRMORTFARMS RIGATED GAGE COMPANY, a corporation, and BANKERS TRUST COMPANY, a corporation, (and unknown, all other persons esclaiming any right, title, tate or interest in, or lien upon the real property described in the complaint adverse to the plaintiffs ownership, or cloud- ing plaintiffs title thereto.) Defendants. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought, otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is an action to quiet the title on real property described as South half of the Southwest quarter; Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 24; also Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 25; Township 2 South, Range 2 West, Uintah Special Meridian, Utah, containing 160 acres of land, more or less, together with all improvements thereon or appertaining thereto.. RULON J. LARSEN, Attorney for Plaintiff. P. O. Address, Duchesne, Utah. First publication March 8, 1946. Lft publication April 5, 1946. J. ASHTONS HEBER, UTAH DARRELL E. LAMBERT, IF YOU COMPARE WISH ( Our services are leasonably priced as to meet the approve of the most critical observer We invite comparison. AMBULANCE SERVICE Dillman Mortuary Phone DucHsne Roosevelt 297 168-- KELLYS BEAUTY SHOP Between 11 and 3 call Duchesne G96 for appointment. LAUNDRY SERVICE Family Laundering and Shirts Wul Call For Ami Make Deliveries MRS. LLOYD BELT - - I TAB DUCHESNE Call in and let us you with your min, help feed and trucking problems. Oats Chops Barley Wheat Dairy Feed Flour Laying Mash Corn Chick Starter Seed Grain Growing Bran Mash Pellets Order vour babv chicks Duchesne Flour II. ir ! s us. through Mill a HOLLENBECK Notary Public North of County Court House I Duchesne tali Plenty of Materials Rewinding and for Repairing Motors On Hand. Utah E. A. CALI. Roosevelt, Phone 138-- Fay Prows LARRO FEEDS GENERAL II VI LING Altonah, Utah n k-l- I con n- t: msTuimiTou E Hi SUMMONS L. A. HOLLENBECK Attorney-al-Iot- Utah Diiehesne -- nstun 1 1 36-3- in Provo. Doyle and Tommie Lisonbee, who were hospitalized for a few days at Roosevelt, were able to Minnie Hamilton return home Tuesday. Kenneth Carlile, Wayne Jones Department Commander James and Elwin Lewis motored to Dalgleish returned home Sunday Ogden and back last week. While after spending several days visthere they purchased a thorough- iting American Legion Posts bred bull. as they throughout the state Mr. and Mrs J. T. Berry of celebrated the 27th birthday anVernal were guests last week at niversary of the Legion. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Lionel Babcock left SatVan Tassell. Mrs. Berry is a sis- urday for Salt Lake City. She ter of Mrs. Van Tassell. was joined by her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lazenby Nina, who is a student at the SUMMONS and family spent Friday in Wasatch Academy in Mt. PleasHeber. ant and came to Salt Lake to IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Mrs. Delphia Moon of Hanna De with her mother during the THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE spent Monday visiting at the week end. lome of Mr. and Mrs Ted Nye. OF UTAH, IN AND FOR DUMr. Harvey Partridge returned Mr. and Mrs. Weston Thomas Monday night from Copperton CHESNE COUNTY. noved into their newly purchased where he spent the week end Wallace Johnson, home recently, the former home at the home of his sister to be Plaintiff, of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew John- with his mother, vs. Mrs. Susan son. James S. Jones, Trustee and Trust Partridge, who is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Van Tassell for the Equitable Owners of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kronquist noved last week to their newly were the Proposed Townsite of Tab-ionthe home at of Mr. guests purchased ranch. and Mary Ann Swift, toand Mrs. James Dalgleish, SunMrs. Jessie Maxwell and Mrs. with all other persons gether day evening. Irene Thomas enjoyed Monday unknown claiming any right, in Salt Lake City, where they title, estate or interest in or .heir station in Florida, after attended the Breakfast of Hollylien upon the real property visit-aig a few here jpendmg days wood program, at K U T A sta-Jodescribed in complaint adverse at the home of Col. Davis to plaintiffs or Mrs. Thelma Nye, while ownership, Mr. and Mrs Limvood Gines s.sier, clouding plaintiffs title thereto, from their returning honeymoon and Miss Nina Sizemore are visDefendants. trip, through California and New iting in Salt Lake this week. THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE Mexico. also relavisited They Mis. Lottie Maxwell returned ABOVE NAMED DEFENDnome Thuisday after spending a tives in Compton, California. We ANTS: the married congratulate newly few days in Pleasant Grove. You are hereby summoned to Mr. and Mrs. Bernell Rhoades couple and wish them many years appear before the above entitled of life. married happy g spent a few days last week Mrs. Mary Tascainer of Bing- court within twenty days after in Trovo and Salt Lake. is a guest this week at the the service of this summons upon ham, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rhoades of home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford you, if served within the county Salt Lake were week end guests in which this action is Van Tassell. brought; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. otherwise, within thirty days afMr. and Mrs Dean Webb Clark. ter this service, and defend the Week end guests at the home spent a few days this week in above entitled action brought to Heber and Salt Lake City. On of Mr. and Mrs Leland Otten-soto the land described title quiet their return acwere trip they were P. J. Ottensen and Lee in the complaint; and in case of home companied Charles by Fi isby of Colorado. your failure so to do, judgment Mrs. Thelma Nye was hostess Webb, who is slowly recovering will be rendered against you acfrom illness after spending sevat a birthday party Monday afto the demand of the cording eral weeks in the L. D. S. ternoon in honor of her daughwhich has been filed complaint ter. LaRennas ninth birthday. hospital. with the Clerk of the above Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wadley Refreshments were served to a and son, Ross, are spending this Court, and copy of which is large crowd of girls and boys. herewith served upon you. Mrs. Maxine White and daugh- week in Salt Lake City. HAY E. DILLMAN Mrs. Elma Clark is visiting ter returned home last week afin Duchesne this Attorney for Plaintiff. week. ter spending two weeks with P. O. Address their mother in Provo. Roosevelt, Utah Mrs. Anna May Ellis of HeSUMMONS First publication Feb. 22, 1916. ber City was a guest last week IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Last publication Marcli 22, 1913, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISNello Ilicken. TRICT OF THE STATE OF ter service, and defend A large crowd attended P T. the UTAH, IN AND FOR THE above entitled action; and in A. meeting held in the school COUNTY OF DUCHESNE. case of your failure so to do gym Monday night. Many prob- HELENE NYBERG, judgment will be rendered against lems were discussed in the busiPlaintiff, you according to the d mands of ness meeting. Superintendent vs. the complaint, which has been Bond was the guest speaker on ELWOOD W. SMITH, and MRS. filed with the the progiam. clerk of said After the business ELWOOD W. SMITH, whose court, and session and program dancing and copy of which is another and true name is un- nexed hereto and id leshnicnts were enjoyed by all known, served upon (and all other persons you. ,'! esent. unknown, claiming any right, This is an action A bridal shower was given brought to title, estate, or inteiest in, or quiet the title on In the following afternoon honor Saturday ot lien upon the real property des- described Mrs. Carl Rhoades in the ward lands, Northcribed in the complaint adverse east hall. Many useful and beautiful quarter of the Southwest to the plaintiff's ownership or quarter; and Northwest quarter rides were loeeived by the clouding plaintiffs title there- of the Southeast Hide, We wish to congratulate quaiter of Secto.) tion 18, Township 1 South, lWr. and Mts. Call Rhoades and Range Defendants. 4 West, Uintah wish them many years of Special Meredian, happy THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE Utah, together with all improvewnuined life. SAID DEFENDANTS: ments thereon and A huge crowd attended the appurtenances 1 ou are hereby summoned to belonging thereto. wedding dame in the appear within given days after RULON J. LARSEN, l'houl gjni Saturday night by service of thistwenty summons upon 'Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rhoades, Attorney for Plaintiff. you, if served within the county P. O. Lieutenant Addiess, Duchesne, Utah. Colonel and Mrs. in whuh this action is brought, First publication March ''onu-Davis t last we.it fur 8, 1916, otherwise, within thiity days af- - Last publication April 5, 1946, 11 1 1 -- vis-.tm- OIL-PLAT- 11 ASHTONS n. -- wanting another 1 ASHTONS a, lfr vat Sill ci: irrp bos pood MADE BY GENERAL MILLS ROY ELIA SON DUCHESNE PHONE S'6 J i i |