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Show cycle even. 3; 3Wed. vi J. i;fi Sw d 3 'own. 33 two-e- - A Brandon and Mis. George and Mrs. children and Mr. to Nevada Killiam went business week on a combined rr pleasure trip. ... and Mrs. Clyde Rowly Mrs. Lucy daughter, Stella. went aP7.ley and Dean Rowley some do shopto Roosevelt and consut a physician last and - ovide one Cord tf of ee velt, - 35 has Rowley Dean been ill has and fever rheumatic time. for some were inMachine milkers of Jack homes the at ched Rowley. Tom Clyde Bieazard, Ksday. well each, )r, 6 i TO ' IS EDS Lindsay last Ged and jj3yne Miles was called to the last of Roy Farnsworth illserious to the due Thursday who has been ness of his wife, for the past pain m terrific Dr tome week. and Mrs. Thomas Magann Helper were visiting Sunday at the homes of Here Charles Fietkau Anna Anderson, and Ged Lindsay. Fieldsted Mr. and Mrs. Don home of George stayed at the Biandon the past week doing the chores and taking care of the while they were away. place Merrial Taylor Mr. and Mrs. the past week at the spent Killian home taking care of the Killians weie in place while Mr. of and sons Nevada. and Georgie Keith Farnsworth ill again are both UINTAH BASIN RECORD. DUCHESNE. UTAH have' both been qu.te well slnce last sum-mand weie well at that time, but pronounced the malady has came back on them again. Duchesne shoppers last week end were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevenson, Reed Lyons, Hr and Mrs. Charles Fietkau. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McMullen of Fort Duchesne were visiting relatives here Sunday. these Among shopping in Roosevelt last week were Mr and Mrs. Ged Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Farnsworth, Mr. and Mis. Charles Fietkau, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Birch and Miss Mary Birch are for a nouple of weeks visiting in Salt Lake City, with their and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woods. Mr. and Mis. Floyd Farnsworth took Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thayne and son, Barclay to Roosevelt Sunday. Barclay is quite ill and has been for the past six weeks. Fie is now in the Roosevelt hospital. A party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dell Andersen Sunday evening. Games were played and refreshments servde. Present weie Ramona Stewart, Stella Rowley, Ina Rust, Deloy Stewart, Margie Mnberg, Alice Andersen and several er Fietkau Mr. Charles Farns-i- h and Mrs. Edwin last Heber to a trip made to consult Dr. Nielson. 35 id matic fever. The boys with rheu- - ALTONAH tiiii Mrs. Ilosa la-1- Ames Ethel Beebe LaVere Timothy is starting to build a new garage at Altamont. e are glad to see one of our war veterans going into such a Rne business and one which we need so badly. Lloyd Crosby has received his discharge and is now home to stay. We are sure glad to welcome him home. Austin Taylor has purchased a ranch over in Wyoming and intends to move there with his family in the near future. Mrs. Alfred Rogers has returned to Mt. Emmons and intends to make her home here. Mrs. Ben Perkins and daughter Mary were visitors at the home of Mrs. Etta Smith on Friday of last week. James Murray of Altonah spoke at the afternoon meeting at Mt. Emmons last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mellwood Wall came in Saturday for the funeral services of Mrs. Walls grandmother, Mis. Olive Beebe. Those attending the funeral services for Mrs. Olive Beebe at Altonah were Mrs. Fern Snow, Mrs. Esther Boswell, Mrs. Mary Bennion, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard others. Mrs. Lillias Wilkins and son, Dastri'p, Mrs. Madora Mecham, Wayne spent several days in Miss Jean Holder, Peter Wall, Salt Lake City last week They Hyrum Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ames. returned home Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Orson Monson A group of friends met at the home of Mr. and Mis Floyd made a business trip to Provo Farnsworth Saturday evening. over the week end. Mrs. Leland Stevenson is back Refreshments were served and the time was spent playing cards. home from the hospital. She is Ernest Mitchell and Clifford improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Chester HartStevenson went to Salt Lake man have returned home after City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexan- spending the winter in California. The special election der and daughter, Iris Lou, and was held March 9th. A meeting Mrs. Mr. and Howard Rowley and son, Dean, went to Heber large crowd was present. Free hamburgers and soda water were Sunday to consult Dr. Dannen-berDean has rheumatic fever seived to those present. Air. and Mrs. Allen Cook have and must remain in bed all summer and Iris Lou has a broken been here visiting with Airs. Mr. Cooks parents, and Mrs. bone in her wrist. Boswell. Mrs. Cooks Volney returned home brother, Elvin, w ith them. Air. and Airs. Lynn Hansen made a business trip to Salt Lake City this week. Airs Ina Aleeham and daughLois Robb ter, Jean, returned home after Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith and spending two weeks visiting in family of Park City were week Salt Lake City. end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Air. and Mrs. Waldo Hansen, William Abplanaip. Air. and Airs. Leonard Wall were Mrs. Dave Davies and family dinner guests at the home of and Mrs. Marley Davies and chil- Air. and Airs. Edgar Miles one dren of Talmage were Sunday day last week. visitors of Mrs. Delia Mayhew. Hardy Perkins has purchased Mr. and Mrs. Meldon Broad-hea- d the Ed Conklin home at Altoand son Douglas were visit- nah. and Mrs. J. A. Morrison Mr. Win Alower is here visiting ing of Duchesne Friday evening. with his sister, Mis. Peter Wall. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Smith and Air. and Mrs. Hyrum Smith visitwere of Bridgeland and son, Nile, were dinner guests family ing relatives in Utahn Saturday. at the home of Glen Ames last Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rowe of Sunday. Duchesne were Utahn visitors Cloyd Powell has been visiting Alt. Emmons during the week. in Sunday. Mr. Joseph Shanks was in Air. and Airs. Bernard Dastrup Duchesne on business Saturday. and family attended the show at Mr. and Mrs. Warren Strong Roosevelt Sunday evening. Dr. Miles was called to Mt. and son Wayne were in Salt Lake Tuesday on business. Emmons for Mrs. Zella Thacker, ill. Later A birthday party was held who was seiiously Sunday afternoon by Mrs. Engene Airs. Thacker was taken to ProAbplanaip in honor of her son vo for additional treatment. inRays tenth birthday. Guests cluded Della, Marlene and Weldon Brown; Maison Smith, Glade Ivie, Fay Robb, Blake Esauk and Floyd Abplanaip. Mr. and Mrs. William Abplan- Mrs. Chris Sorensen T. J. Abaip and Mr. and Mrs. dinner E. Kenison and were guests of Airs. Mary planaip returnd home Mr. and Mrs. Alma Smith at daughter, Vida, from Salt Lake City on Tuesday Bridgeland Sunday. of last week.- A. AI. Burton and Glen Sorensen were Duchesne viistors on son-in-la- REA g. elp ?ed ley i ih v r VnT J1 an 10 J , Sm Ly?Vot xampl exnpioyee d'Pdenl uponoi unttU mad :ks METAL - ollen I ul MINING INDUSTBY . OF UTAF Col r ar off milk by the middle of th t seventh week when raised Iks torro way. It's safe, easy, and dependably. arret BSSES' uh CALIF BlIIUEl WOE BY GENERAL MILLS 0. P. SKAGGS PIIOXE 347 DUCHESNE Buying Quality is More Than Luck! W hen you choose Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoes, youre not tak lng a chance. You are buying footwear of top quality ... backed by nj. almost half a century skillful shocinaking. $7.95 Tuesday. John L. Allred went to RooseTuesday with his Mr. Allred reAir. Flake. mained in Roosevelt to be with his sister, Airs. Sadie Reynolds, a ho is very ill. Leon Burton took his daughter to the hospital at Roosevelt reTuesday. She was able to turn home the following day. Guy Jones of Salt Lake City, a former resident of Talmage, was a business visitor here last Thursday. William County Superintendent Bond was a Talmage visitor on Friday. Air. and Airs. Stan AIcDonald and daughter, Dian, and Erma Sorensen were Duchesne visitors Saturday. Air. and Airs. Arlcy Sorensen were in Duchesne Saturday, Dean Larsen Air. and Airs. where Duchesne to moved have a home. have purchased they Mr. and Airs. Leland Ottosen visand family of Tabiona were friends and relatives iting with n Talmage Sunday. and Mr and AUs. Win. Larsen children of Bluebell were Sunday E. Kenison vis, tors at the Alary son-in-a- velt i Shoos for Men and Young Men home. Airs Alice Sorenson went to have dental Ke.er' Monday to FT. DUC HESNE, UTAH J woik performed. to Im W. Davies returned visit-hvi- e after Home Monday with relatives for some A number of Altonah people attended the dairy improvement program and meeting at Altamont Alonday night. Chase Watterson took his son Cleon to Pice Alonday for medi-ca- d care. Phyllis Allied was able to come' home from the Roosevelt Alonday. Phyllis on for appendicitis 23rd. wras operated on February Emmett Clark went to Salt Lake City Alonday to receive medical care at the Veterans hospital. Air. and Airs. Johnnie Guenon and Air. and Airs. John Jenkins of Leadville, Colorado ai rived in Altonah the latter part of the week to attend the funeral services of Lon Dump. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Barker and daughter returned home from Wells, Nevada, where they have been employed for some lime. Air. and Alls. Ken Davis, son Cal, daughter Tillie and Mr. and Airs. Lavar Davis of Salt Lake were visiting and transacting business in Altonah for a day or two last week. Mr. and Airs. Hugh Stevens and daughter Wanda of Orem attended the funeral services of Air. Dump Alonday. Airs. Jean Fisher and son Ray returned home from Salt Lake City Alonday. Her sister, Airs. Lavean Timothy accompanied her. Am. and Airs. Timothy are planning on moving to Altonah in the near future. Airs. Ethel Beebe was released as secretary and tieasurer of the Altonah ward Relief Society Sunday in sacrament meeting, and Mrs. Etta Berrett was put in her place. George Aleeham returned home last week after spending the winter visiting in Helper and Salt Lake City. Alts. Mary Browning and son, Lee, of Salt Lake City, came to Altonah on Tuesday of last week, NORTH HANNA Shirley Turnbow Sunday School Superintendent Curtis Pace has chosen Ferris Giles as his first assistant and Joe Wilcken Jr. as his second assistant. We wish this new supin much success erintendency their work. was held A special meeting Sunday evening, Alarch 3rd, sponsored by the Relief Society, with President Phyllis Moon conducting. The program, which follows was in honor of Prest. George Albert Smith. Opening song, Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words To Each Other; opening prayer by Pearl Aloon; welcome address by Phyllis Aloon; song by Singing foi Alothers, We Ever Pray Life Our Thee, Prophet Dear; Sketch of President Smith by A. When Foster Rhoades; solos, You and I Were Young, Maggie," and Silver Threads Among the were presented by Alay Gold, Atwood, who accompanied herself on the guitar; tiibute to President Smith from Scouts, by Ed Curry; message to Relief Society from President Smith given by Douglas Wadsworth; pledge of loyalty, by Vera Moon; song, We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet; prayer, Emma Hardman. Mori is Atwood left Saturday for Salt Lake, after a weeks visit with his parents. He was accompanied as far as Heber by Airs. Delbert Sweat and children who have also been Hanna visitors during the past week. Air. and Airs. Frank Chiarelli and Francis Chiaielli spent a few days last week at their home in Hanna. They returned to Provo Alonday, and were accompanied out by Ferris Giles. Francis is going on to California where he expects to find work. Aliss Vivian Chatwin of Tabiona was visiting at the home of Air. and Airs. Orin Curiy Sunday. Andrew Johnson and Airs. small daughters are now staying at the home of her parents, Air. and Alls. Orin Curry. She expects to remain here until her new home in Orem is completed. Air. and Airs. Venice Turnbow of Suit Lake plan to make their home here. We welcome them back into our community onre more. Aliss Gwen Reid was visiting Carina Aloon Sunday. Air. and Airs. Venice Turnbow motoied to Heber Alonday and returned the same day. They weie accompanied by Mrs. Alar-vPace and Airs. Grace Giles. The final peiformance of the Road Show which has been traveling through the stake was presented at the Hanna ward hall Monday evennig, Alarch 11. The wards represented were Tabiona, Din hesne and Ilanna. A large crowd attended and the proceeds are to go towards the new stake house in Duchesne. el Friday, March being called here by the illness mother, Airs. of the former's Olive Beebe. A shower was given by Airs. Lee Jessen and Airs. George Eer-re- tt in the ward hall Friday afternoon for Air. and Alls. Dick The young couple reJessen. ceived many beautiful gift3. Refreshments were served to those present. Sheriff Dewey Meriwether of Duchesne was in Altonah on business during the week. Airs. Clinton Bowden is spend ing a few days with her father, Alma Case, who is seriously ill in Salt Lake City. Air. and Airs. Austin Beebe, who are serving on a mission in Texas for the L. D. S. Church, were called home on account of the serious illness of Air. Beebe's mother, Airs. Olive Beebe. President E. L. Alurphy of Upalco, Wm. Brotherson of Leon Burton of Talmage, Earl Case of Mt. Emmons, and Grant Foote of Salt Lake City were visitors and speakers at Sacrament meeting Sunday. Airs. Ruth Fietkau and Alad Allred spent a few days visiting at the home of their brother, Bert Allred and family, in Grand Junction, Colorado, last week. Arthur Timothy returned home last week after spending several months in the navy. He has his honorable discharge. We are glad to see Arthur home once more. Bo-net- a, Mildred Muir Air. and Airs. Otis Mecham and for Salt Lake married in the UPALCO 15, 1W3 City and were L. D. S. Temple Tuesday. They were accompanied by Arthurs parents and two brothers and Eieens father, Berneice Carrell George Evans, and Mr. and Mrs. Airs. Lavina Alurphy and Scott Lusty of Arcadia. We wish daughter, Mrs. Drucella Taylor the young couple much Joy and and small son, Gerry, were vis- happiness. Alls. Ada Nelson is home on iting in Roosevelt Friday. Airs. Eliza Alurphy accompanied them a short furlough with his parand spent the afternoon visiting ents, Air. and Airs. Oscar Nelson. Mrs. Ada Hatch is enjoying a her grandmother, Airs. Aleril visit from her brother from Salt Sullivan. Airs. Mr. and Claude Iorg Lake City. Air. Clark from Orlum Bench spent the week end in Salt Lake and also visited their son, Her-she- l, was in town last week buying at Bushnell hosptal, Brig- cattle also calling at the homes of Mis. Eliza Murphy and E. L. ham City. Ned Alitehell has received his Murphy. discharge from the army and Is now at home. SUBSCRIBE, DON'T BORROW. Lee Barker and family were calling at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Eliza Afuiphy, on wummssm MMEWm Saturday. William Alathews has been quite ill for the past week and his nephew, Freddie Mathews of Bluebell, has been Assisting with the chores. Hosea Lisonbee and son of Bluebell were in Upalco Alonday Delbert Angus arrived here tin latter part of the week from Salt Lake. He has tented Ar thur Knight's farm and wil make his home here during tin farming season. Kay Durfey is here visiting at the home of his brother, Reed for a few days. Kay is herding for the Colemans ol sheep Heber. Beth Alitehell was an over-ligguest of Berneice Carrell Sunday night. Berneice Carrell, Beth Alitehell, Berlie Iorg and Joyce Rogers were visiting at the home ot June Rogers Sunday afternoon. xur. and Airs. Hugo Mitchell and children were calling on Air. and Alls. Earl Reese Sunday evening. Jaca Spencer of Ioka was- - in Upalco Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Claire AT ills and Aleil Jennings of Bridgeland were calling at the home ol Wayne Williams Sunday on bust ness. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Perkins of Mt. Emmons were visiting Mr. and Airs. Howard Lucas Satui-da- y evening. Several of the high school stu- Harold Mecham spent Sunday in Pleasant Grove visiting their daughter and family, Mrs. Herbert Mecham. Aleeham Edward telephoned his wife, Aladge Mecham, that he had arrived in Salt Lake City. Edward has been overseas for about a year serving in the army. Aladge went to Salt Lake Sunday night to join him. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Young spent a few days in Fleber last week. Air. and Mrs. Thad Turnbow of Heber were visiting Mr. and Airs. Alma Humes over the week end. Aliss Esther Sears of Spring dents attended the girls basketCanyon has been visiting with ball tournament at Duchesne last her grandmother. Mrs. C. AI. Saturday evening. Williams drove his Wayne Sweat, last week. Geoige Collard of Provo called school bus Saturday, taking ah at Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brooks the girls basketball team iron the Roosevelt High School. home Sunday. Arthur Hackins, from ColoLester Sweat and Wm. Pace were at Heber Saturday. rado, and his parents and two Mrs. Ace Bethers and daughbrothers, were guests at the ter, Helen, spent Sunday with home of George Evans Sunday Mr. and Airs. Bert Sweat. evening. Leland Potts, Orson Page and Bob Sweat is visiting relatives and friends in Fruitland lor a two sons of Woodland were here on business the latter part ol few days, Francis Brooks took Lew Me- last week. Leland was calling at cham to the Veterans hospital the home of his brother, in Salt Lake City during the Potts. week. Lew got his foot caught received word George Potts and seriously cut while driving Sunday of the death of his a catapillar and had spent some brother, Bert Potts, of PoiLland, time in the Heber hospital be- Oregon. Farrell Hatch made a business fore going to Salt Lake. We home for his speedy recovery trip to Grand Junction, Colorado, last week. and return home. Arvin Nelson js home spendNever, with the Bible in out ing a short furlough with his Mrs. Oscar hands, can we deny rights tc parents, Air. and another, which, under the same Nelson. Aliss Eleen Evans and Arthur we would claim circumstances, for ouiselves. Gardiner Spring. Hawkins left Alonday morning TED: "Clem and I were wonderin' what you thought of that new movie alxnrt the chronic alcoholic, Judge. Understand you saw it before we did.-OLJUDGE: Well ... its true most of us never see a case as extreme as that in real life because they are so few and far between. But it does jxnnt out one thing... chronic alcoholics are abnormal ami weve got to change our ideas about how to help them. CLEM: In what way, Judge?" OLD JUDGE. Weve got to realize that execs-,- , c di inkers are sink-rinfrom mme than a craving for alcohol. Accoiding to 7 if you dont keep your radio and other electric appliances in . . . perfect repair . . . only a few electrical appliances are available. LIVING COSTS ARE UP, BUT ELECTRIC RATES ARE LOW! FQJWICTORY BUY UNITED STATES WAR ' BONDS j AND STAMPS UINTAH Power & Light Co. psychiatrists and medical men at one of our great universities, the alcoholic is a sick jxrson. The study of hundreds of cases shows he is suffering from some physical, social or emotional condition ... just as in the case of that poorchaoin the inclurc. Fortunately, they represent only a very small percentage of those who dunk." TED Is anything being done to really Ih Ip these folks, Judge?" OLD JUDGE: Yes... a great deal in clinics throughout the country. And with the coojx'ration of the (leverage distillers who sincerely want their jinxluct used only in nxxleration. tmson J bv iiftrrw t vf A uniiu n iinttuft InUuiturs, ii |