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Show Friday, March I, 1946 for Helen L. Neil'on Substituting Mrs. Hazel Walters Funeral services were held here Mr. for the infant daughter of and Mrs. Guy Giles, with Wells services. Wright conducting the The opening prayer was offered Carol by Bishop Liddell; song, J. Carlson; and Lloyd Taylor first was the Reese Clayburn speaker; song, Mrs. Ethel Taylor and Mrs. Clara Young. Our symMrs. Giles. pathy is with Mr. and was callMr. Malcolm Walters ed to the bedside of his mother last Friday. She was seriously ill and died Sunday. The sincere sympathy of our communityWal-is with Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm ters and family. This v.as surely a saddened community Saturday, when they learned of the accident which happened to Frank Meyer. He had the misfortune to get his leg cut off in the bailer while chopping hay at the Liddell ranch. We surely hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Clayburn entertained at a supper Monday evening for Mr. and Mrs. and daughter, Hancock Wm. Bonnie, and sons, Courtin and Sterling, of Fort Duchesne. A few of our boys attended the banquet at Myton Wednesday evening. Among them were COZY THEATRE March 2, 3 Son Of Lassie Sat.-Sun- ., YYith PETER LAWFORD and JUNE LOCKHART First Show 7:00 Second 8:43 All Children Must Have A Ticket Wed.-Thu- March 6, ., Pacific. Afton has spent three and a half years in the Navy. Mr. Stanley Ross and his South 7 DOUBLE BILL Man Alive with PAT OBRIEN and ELLEN DREW Wanderer Of The Wasteland with JAMES WARREN and AUDREY LONG Joseph Clayburn,' accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Vere Neilson, who reported one of the grandest oanquets and programs and our returned boys surely appreciated it to the fullest extent. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Erundage made a trip to Vernal Tuesday where Mr. Brundage is having dental work performed. Mr, and Mis. Waler Meyer are lore from Sait Lake City, where he former was called to be with his brother, Frank Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Liddell were visiting In Salt Lake City this week. Mrs. Clara Young and Mrs. Hazel Walteis It ft Tuesday for the purpose of attending the Walteis at of Mrs. funeral Tooele the following day. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Larson and family were visiting at the home if Mr. and Mrs. Vere Neilson Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Walters and daughter Ruth, and Mr. Lyle Tooele returned from Young, Thursday. While in Tooele they ittended the funeral services of Mrs. Alvin Walters, mother of fr. Walters. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Clayourn, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Smith and Mrs. Myrtle Gallyei attended the .jneral services of Mrs. Joseph Ross, held in Arcadia last Saturday. Bishop and Mrs. Elden Liddell Mrs. Wells Mr. ai1 Wright Frank Liddell, Mr. and Mrs. Aina Smith, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. vValters, Mrs. Lyle Young, Mrs. Jess Beal and Carl Young atthe memorial services tended Sunday fur Joseph Anderton and vVayne Sexton. Mrs. Roy Taylor and son Ray left Sunday for Salt Lake, wheic they will visit for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Lisonbee were called to Bluebell Sunday evening, due to the serious illness of Mr. A. L. Lisonbee, father of Mr. Shelby Lisonbee. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Beal and family, who have been living in Salt Lake, have returned to their home in Bridgeland. Mr. and Mrs. Elden Brady and family were visiting relatives in Vernal one day last week. Mrs. Elden Brady was visiting in Provo with her paients Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Winnie Murphy was hostess to membeis of her quilting Those present club Thursday. were Mrs. Jane Murphy, Mrs. Nelda Murphy, Mrs. Evelyn Murphy, Mrs. Myil Smith, Mrs. Myrtle Gallyer, Mrs. Viona Gaily and Mrs. Vernetta Meyers. Mrs. Rosabell Violet Gentry took his little Ison, Don, to Heber for medical aid during the week. The little fellow was seriously burned when he spilled hot grease in himself. Alma Heines spent two or three days at Ileber under a doctor's care. He has had pneumonia and has not been recoverHowever, he ing satisfactorily. is impioving and feeling better at present. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Young, John Young and Jack Fausett went to Heber Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Young and family went to Duchesne SaturSunday. They day, returning John were by accompanied Young. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph MCuir, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Ivie and Mi. and Mrs. Alden Thomas WTere visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Young one day last week. Mr. and Mis. Joshua Timothy week. had as their dinner guests SunFrancis Brooks made a trip day Mr. and Mrs. Reed Lemon to Salt Lake City last week. and afmily, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Timothy, Golden and Alvin Timothy, Mrs. Bascom of Vernal and Mrs. Ellen Timothy. Edmund Webb and Henry Nel-;o- n attended the meeting of the M rs. Chris Sorensen Diy Gulch Irrigation Company at Roosevelt on February 10th. Harold Sorensen had an elecMr. Webb and Mr.' Nelson are tric milker installed on Monday Class C directors. of last week and Arley SorenChalmers Wash of Roosevelt sen had one Installed the folwas in Ioka on business Thurs- lowing day. day. Quite a number of local peoMrs. O. A. Dart left for Salt attended the basketball game ple Lake and Ely, Nevada last Fri- and dance at the Altamont High day to visit with her daughters. School Thursday evening. Mrs. Paul Lemon spent ThursMr. and Mrs. Bill Ericksen day afternoon with Mrs. Donna the week end at the home spent Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Yergensen of Mrs. Colleen Thacker. Evans reE. Mrs. Martha of North Myton bench were Ioka turned to her home in Boneta visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Stoker, Mrs. Jack on Saturday. Mrs. Kate McDonald and Mrs. Spencer and John Haglund spent Wanda Jarvis went to Tabiona Friday In Roosevelt. Mrs. Marie Bensen, Mrs. Celia Saturday afternoon to attend the Jones and Mrs. Eva Miles were shower given for Mrs. Ralph aostesses at a stork shower for Giles. Mr .and Mrs. Jim Tidwell and Mrs. Wayne Ames, at the home of Mrs. Jones Friday afternoon. family arrived on Saturday to Mrs. Percival gave two readings visit with Mrs. Tidwells parents Several local people attended and Mis. Tom Gentry sang a the wedding dance at Tabiona couple of numbers. The rest of the time was spent in playing Satuiday evening for Mr. and games, after which delicious re- Mrs. Ralph Giles. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sulser, freshments were served to 28 their daughter, Relva, and son, ladies. of Midway, and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hardman Buddy, and daughter, Watkins are expecting a visit from their Jack son Russell and wife of New Maxine, of Salt Lake City, arrived Sunday to visit with the y furJersey. Russel is on a refamilies. Sorensen They lough. Lucile Percival is spending this turned to their homes Tuesday. Mr. and Mis. Arley Sorensen week in Provo. Dale Jones, who is employed and Glen Sorensen accompanied m Duchesne, spent the week end Mr. and Mrs. Sulser and Mrs. with her mother, Celia Watkins to Roosevelt Monday. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Burton were Jones. Wilford McConkie of Roosevelt Dichesr.e Yisitors on Monday. On Tuescliy evening of last was a business visitor in Ioka week the M. I. A. of the Mtn. Tut sday. Rex Lamb of Myton was in Horne and Talmage wards held their Gold and Green Ball in the ioka Tuesday. A capaThe bishopric and their wives, Talmage ward chapel. and the M Men and Gleaner city ciovvd was in attendance. Elmer Frandsen came home Girls attended a fire side chat at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Saturday evening. Mrs. Frand-ce- n and son, Don, went with him Russell Robison Sunday night. V. G. Gentry and Mrs. to Carbon county on Sunday for Mrs. Tom Gentry were calling on Mrs. a few days visit. The school gave a Washington Paul Lemon Satuiday. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Timothy, birthday program Friday afterAlvin and Golden Timothy and noon. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Jensen Mrs. Ellen Timothy were visiting visi tors in DuMr. and Mrs. George Huntng of were business chesne Monday. Randlctt Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jarvis were Reed Lemon was a Myton vsit-o- r at Myton Monday evening. Thursday. Percival entertained at a family dinner Sunday. The guest3 were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Percival and sons Maik and Neil of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Peicival and family, Lucille, Evan and Horence Percival, all of Ioka, and Mr. Ralph Scott of Provo. Mr. and Mis. Bruce Calder of Magna were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Garret Stone Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Riehens and isitors iittle son were Vernal last week. Seveial from Ioka attended Primary conference at Roosevelt Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Johnson announce the marriage of their daughter Ardell to Mr. Don Hudson of Salt Lake ity. The Sunday School officers held a party at the home of Evan Percival Wednesday night of last Mr. and Mrs. Charles 40-da- - V v V ' T ." G VoHi fa , S .1 V, - I'O V v, t i 4 1 11 Clothing' Remodeling Classes Held In IJasin By m3 Two Extension Workers During the month we have had two piominent visitors in the Basin. Mrs. Myrtle D. Peterson, assistant director of Extension work, and Mis. Lois P. Smith, extension clothing specialist. A clothing remodeling school was held at Altonah, under the direction of Mrs. Lester Max-fielRelief Society president, who was assisted by Bernice lalfrcyman, county home agent. Many useful ui tides were made sink as all types of childien"s clothing and ladies suits made from mens clothing, etc. A class was given at Roose-- I veil under the direction of Mrs. Jensen. .Lionel About fifteen women wrre helped during the d ly with remodeling problems. It was repoitod by Bernice I.Uluyman home demonstration 'agent, that many professional le modeling lips weie given u hie H vdd be useful to the women who uere m attend.inee. Si 2 d, New Spring Suits and Coats 14.95, 1 7.50, 19.95, 29.95 SHORTIE COATS 21.95, 25.50, 29.75 LONG COATS 17.50, 21.95, 25.50, 29.95 S II 0 I A T Mil's RHarLe AND SAVE $$$$$ aaiYA'aagMBnmflryiij SB ! m;t. dwu.l k. haioihy, IIIMI1M) OF Dl (TIESNK (.II;L HOME 1 ROM ARMY Sgt. Daniel R, Timothy, son of Mr. ami .Mis Frank W. Timothy, of Salt Luke City, bus been dis-- j i barged In in the Army nt the bolt Doug is sepiu at ion center. Timothy is the Midland of Lain. i May Lyman Timothy, n daghter of Mr. and Mis. Chester I.,man of Duchesne. f,t. Timothy, who strved 37 im ntl.s in the states ns an in- I Lester Sweat Marion Ames S. Shields Mrs. Pearl Zirker spent WedMary Thomas has been at Manti this week doing temple nesday night at the Roosevelt where she received work. hospital, to treatment for arthritis. Fred Snyder made a trip Mrs. Elsie Bird has returned Provo during the week to spend hospital, from the Roosevelt a few days with Leland Pitts. atmedical received she where the Mrs. George Fisher spent week visiting with her sister at tention. Mrs. Stanley Ross and son Price. Francis left Friday for St. AnMr. and Mrs. Leland Steventhony, Idaho, where Francis will son wei e in a car wreck Frireceive medical care. Mrs. Stevenson as injured day. Mary Hansen, who is visiting We wish her quite severely. her sisters, Mrs. Voy and with a speedy recovery. Marvin Fairbanks, spent .last Mr. and Mrs. Junior Taylor week in Salt Lake City, where have been visiting at the home she did temple work. of Austin Tayler this week. Thomas M. Gilbert has a comMr. and Mrs. Reed Foote of pany from Vernal boring for an Salt Lake City spent the week artesian well on his farm. Up to end at the home of Glen Ames. date they are down, and have Mrs. Sim Atwood, not reached water yet. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Hardman and Clela Following are those from out Wall spent the week end at the town besides the Ross family of home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard attended the services for who Wall. Ann Ross: Mr. and Elvira Mrs. We were sorry to hear of the Nielsen of Vernal, Mr. Otto Mrs. Dale Best moving to John family Gilbert, Eliza J. Gilbert and Idaho. Shanks of Roosevelt, Mr. Martha Those attending the funeral of Mrs. J. R. Clayburn, Mr. and and Mrs. Chase at Ogden were Mr. Mrs. Alma Smith, Mrs. Myrtle and Mrs. Boswell, Mr. Mrs. Volney and Mrs. Leslie Boswell, Mr. and Mis. Arthur Snow. Austin Taylor has just returned after a business trip over in Wyoming. Leland Pitts spent fhe week end with Nile Smiht. Bruce Hardman took his wife out to Provo on Wednesday of last week to be with her father who is ill. Mrs. Anna Bench is now spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Bernard Dastrup. Those attending to business matters at Roosevelt during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Dastrup, Leonard Wall, Lynn Hansen and Hyrum Smith. The George Washington Ball at Mt. Emmons was a big success. Everyone wore constumes. Mr. and Mis. Hugo Mitchell took the prize for the best costumes. Boneta people took the prize for the square dance and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brotherson' won the waltz prize. DUCHESNE HIGH SCHOOL NOTES As usual D. H. S. is still talkbasketball. ing about Friday night we play the final game in the distiict to see who goes to State us or Alterra. We have high hopes of winning and if we do we will be one of the smallest high schools ever to go to State. The game is to be played at Vernal Our boys went over Tuesday night to practice on the floor and get a little used to it. The pep-clu- b is marching for three minutes at the half; Alterra pep-clu- b is to have three minutes too. This game really means a lot to us and we hope to have the maich perfect. Our second team challenged Roosevelt team to a game but since they wouldnt accept our caallenge we are going to play Alterras second team. Next week there is to be a girls tournament held here in Duchesne. It is on the seventh and ninth. As our girls havent lost a game this year we think we have a good chance of winBut we ning the championship. have heard that the other schools are really working to defeat us. We tried to have school last in order to get out a Saturday Bud. M. Thompson week sooner, but the least said Released From Service about that day, the better off FORT DOUGLAS, Utah, Feb. everyone will be. We" just hope 18.- - T5 Bud M. Thompson, son that next Saturday proves more successful. I guess we just have of Mrs. Effie Thompson, of spring fever, and three months dishas been Utah, of school left too! from at Fort the army charged Douglas Separation Center. T5 Thompson, who served 6 New Weed Killer as a truck Makes It months overseas Easy To dtiver with the 107 Med. Bu., is Have Weed Free Lawn Asiatic-Pacific to wear the authorized Theatre of Operations COLUMBUS, Ohio. American Ribbon, American Theatre Rib- homeowners now keep their lawns bon, Good Conduct Medal and fire of weeds at an average cost the Victory Ribbon. of $1.00 a season as the result Trior to entering the army of a new development in 2,4-February 3, 10113, Thompson was a weed killing plant hormone, a student at Duchesne High scientists at the Ohio State AgSchool. ricultural Experiment station revealed recently. Know Your Traffic Laws Developed from cn ester of acid, Tho State Road Commission with reference to state highways, this chemical which has been e kills most and linul authorities wiih refer- named broad-loa- f weeds harmless ence to highways under their jurbutis Inisdiction may designate through to common lawn grasses. stead of digging highways and erect stop signs at thereto or eveiy summer the average housespecified entrances may designate any Intersection holder can now merely spray on as a stop intersection and erect this chemical and enjoy a smooth e lawn. like signs at one or more en- and weod-iie- e is manufactured trances to such Intersections. by the Sherwins-Williams Co., world's Eveiy driver of aveluele shall stop at such signs except when hugest makers of paints nnd indneeted to proceed by a police secticides. The pioparation is particularly olfnar or traffic contiol signal. effective against dandelions, bind stria tor, ia authiui.ed to wear weed, poison ivy, i lick weed, plan-tathe Ameriean Theater Ribbon, thistle and many other weeds Good Cuiulmt Medal, and the the scientist said. It will not Vutoiy Ribbon. injuie the sml ami is harmless Rnor to onto! Ing the Army on to humans and animals when Nn ember 2t, 1913 he was em- used It according to directions. ploy! d us a miner nt Bingham is odoih.ss and Cuiuuii, Utah. The at lion of the chemical Is T5 e, Weed-No-Mor- back-breakin- g Weed-No-Mor- n, son R. G. Ross also were there John Capson made a trip to Salt Lake City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moultcn of Roosevelt were calling on friends in Arcadia Sunday, Last Friday Marvin G. Shields and John Capson were business visitors at the R. E. A. office at Mt. Emmons. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ross spent Monday at the Bushnell hospital in Brigham City, visiting wiCu their son Delmar Ross, who is confined there since his accident on January 27th. Max Bell of Salt Lake City spent last week visiting relatives Arcadia. in C. A. Larsen left last for an extended visit to Salt Lake City. Mrs. Archie Larsen left for Salt Lake City last Friday, where Mrs. week she will visit and receive medical attention. Mrs. Aroetta Holgate has been visiting for the past week at the home of her daughter and son-in-la- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Larsen. PFC. ALDEN THOMAS RELEASED FROM SERVICE son of Pfc. Alden Thomas, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Thomas, and husband of Thelma Ivie Thomas, was discharged cf Duchesne, from the army at the Fort Douglas Separation Center Feb. 12. Fairbanks. Pfc. Thomas, who served 20 Mrs. Loryn Ross and daughter months overseas as a machine Barbara Jean of Salt Lake City, gunner with the 124th Cavalry are guests at the home of Bp. S. P., is authorized to wear the and Mis. Marion Ross. Theater of R. S. Lusty, Clark Lusty and Operations Ribbon with four batArden Evans returned Saturday tle stars, Good Conduct Medal, from a business trip to Richfield. Victory Ribbon and the Combat Deon Bird is staying at the Infantrymans Badge. Francis Ross home while Mr. Prior to entering the army Ross Is away. November 1, 1943, Pfc. Thomas Mrs. La Verne Lusty and Mrs. was employed as a farmer at Margaret Gledhill were quilting Duchesne. at the home of Mrs. Scott Lusty Gallyer of Bridgeland. Sterling T. Fairbanks, who is spending the winter in Salt Lake City, spent one day last week with his sons Voy and Marvin China-Burma-Ind- ia Friday. Several friends were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sharon Holgate Friday evening, honoring Garn Gilbert on his were Refreshments birthday. served to the group. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fairbanks and Voy , Fairbanks made a trip to Provo Saturday, Relief Society meeting was held last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Marion S. Shields. The lesson was conducted by Mrs. La Verne M. Lusty. There were 22 members present. Word was received by Mrs. Wanless Shields and Vernal J. Nielsen that their father, J. C. Nielsen, who is very ill at Heber, is slightly improved. The Boy Scouts, accompanied by their Scout Masters Marvin Fairbanks and Sharon Holgate, and .Stake Scout. Executive A. Hale Holgatea nd M. I. A. President Le Nar Riehens and some fatheis were in attendance at a Scout meeting in Duchesne, where an Arcadia Registered Scout troop was organized Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Call and attended the memorial family services at Duchesne Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Calls brother, Joseph G. Anderton, who was captured by the Japs at Bataan, and has been listed as missing until recently the war department listed him as dead. Visitors at the M. G. Shields home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allred and family of Mrs. Neal Gowans of Tooele, Bluebell and grand daughter Darlene of Bluebell, and Afton Murray, home on furlough from the such that weeds literally strangle themselves to death because 2,4-is a plant hormone which effects the growth factor of broad-lea- f plants and can be used to destroy them as well as stimulate them. D Mtn. Home Soldier Visits In Grasse, City Of Perfume FRANCE, January a complete change from army routine, Private First Class Thomas A. Richards of Mountain Home, Utah, with the 232nd Regiment, 442nd Division, found a comfortable motor coach excursion to Grasse, city of perfumes, one of the surprises of his recent ten-da- y furlough at the United States Riviera Recreational Area in southern NICE, France. Buses provided by the army corps take furloughing GIs on daily tours into the hills of the Cote d'Azur to the city of Grasse, 1200 feet above the Mediterranean sea. fields of jasmine, violets and orange blossoms cover the rocky terraces surrounding the town. transportation Essences obtained from these flowers form the basis of the worlds finest perfumes. In Grasses factories, Pfc. Richards and other restees learned about the processes by which the scent is extracted from flowers. The scenic beauty of the tout as well as the story of perfume is vacclaimed by the khaki-cla- d acationists as an unforgettable part of their vacation on the Riviera. Pfc. Richards has been in the army 20 months, and overseas 14 months. He is now stationed at Salzburg, Austria. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs John Rishards, Somerset, Colorado. His wife, Mrs. Richards, lives at Mt. Emmons, Utah. c v S S' n fi w lc P w Pure humanity, friendship, and home, interchange of love, bring to earth a foretaste of heaven. They unite terrestrial and cele- S' a g joys, and crown them with blessings infinite. Mary Baker Eddy. stial pi SI Si th le dl B; or Quality CMck s Pay Bigger ProSIts the years we have been breeding and hatching, that good breeding will always pay dividends. But before we started in the hatchery business, we spent a long period fitting ourselves for this highly specialized work. bi ir th During we have found therefore, believe that we are in a favorable position to produce the kind of chicks comparable in quality to anything produced elsewhere in the country. Most successful poultrymen feel that it is true economy to invest a little more in good stock at the We beginning. felt that way when we first staited in business we feel the same today. All of our breeding sloik is of the highest quality. Our chicks inherit the vigor, good health and egg ability of the parent birds. We, mi Ti Li Li ! f J Du nin tov ... Shipments Made In A Matter Of Hours To Uintah Basin Points. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE & PRICE LIST SEND AT ONCE TO GET FAVORABLE SHIPPING DATES. foi t!ii ove ben 7 eve i Bno cht me ' aYt h'fi ! PHONE 190 at Myi 0 HEBER, UTAH |