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Show Friday, March IS, Leona Shields, TflUN Glern Case Mrs. Warren Strong s. Lloyd Ir; and jlr. and Snyder were'in Roosvelt on business last and family 0f Salt Lake aty were visiting with the formers FlMr.y' and Mrs. Eugene Abpla-l- p parents, Mr. and Mrs. William motored to Heber Tuesday. Snyder, Tuesday night. Mr and Mrs. Bud Mr. and Mrs. Alma Smith of Johnson and in Utahn last daughter of Tooele Bridgeland were spent Mon-da- y night at the home of Mrs. Thursday. from Salt Johnsons parents, Mr. and Mrs Aenona Mayhew, a at the William Ralphs. Bud left for was guest Lake City, and Mrs. Austin the army March 12. home of Mr. Mrs. Velma Ralphs and son Mayhew Friday. crowd attended the returned home Saturday from A large in Duchesne Frid- Roosevelt, where they had been junior Prom visiting for some time. evening. ay Albert Clark went to Heber was Roosea Shanks jjseph Monday to see his daughter, velt visitor during the week. who is in the Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wright, hospital at Clark and small that place. He returned home rs, Elma daughter were visiting Mr. and Tuesday. Austin Beebe and Olive Beebe Clarence Wright Sunday. Mrs. and daughter, were Roosevelt visitors Tuesday. Bert Mayhew The Gold and Green Ball was Loreta, and A. E. Mayhew motheld Lake Tuesday night in the ward to Salt Tuesday. City ored hall. Donna F'arnsworth was the Mr. and Mrs. Steve Esaug attin Duchesne queen and .Arthur Timothy 'was ended the show prince charming. Shell Prows Sunday evening. was crown bearer. The Warren Strong was in Strawbgrand march and a floor show were erry Monday on business. also features of the evening. A large crowd was present with BORROW DONT SUBSCRIBE, many people in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Carroll took their son, Jack, to Roosevelt Monday for medical care. J. Arthur Timothy arrived on Tuesday on a short furlough. Arthur is serving in the navy and has been going to the E. M. school at Camp Gilmore, t, Idaho. He reported back for duty March 10. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allred announce the arrival of a baby girl, bom March 3, at the Roosevelt hospital. Both mother and baby are doing nicely . A birthday dinner was given Sunday for Jerry Clark at his home in honor of his birthday anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Clair Liddell and family of Myton, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Clark and daughters of the Bonanza mine, Brig and Jim Timothy. Miss Margaret Shiner, who Is if you keep employed in Salt Lake City, is hmoe for a few weeks visit. your radio and other Pvt. Jack Fisher is home on a furlough, after completing his electric appliances in basic training at Camp Fannin, perfect repair . . . only Texas. Mrs. George Fisher, Jr., and a few electrical appliaMrs. Velma Ralphs accompanied Fay Prows to Salt Lake City nces are available. Wednesday. Carroll gave a Mrs. Aldon in honor Sunday birthday party of her son Dons eighth birthday. The afternoon was spent in playing games and refreshLIVING COSTS ARE ments were served to Sharel, Alta and Bonnie Ames, Barbara IT, BUT ELECTRIC Janes and Stewart Allred, Leon, RATES ARE LOW! Elaine, Jerry, Laura and Dean Carroll, Lula Bell Farnsworth, Patty Ralphs, Cora Lee and De Lar Maxfield, Grant Mohlman, Robert Clark and Virgel Miller. The D. U. P. entertained their husbands at a party Monday The evening was spent night. in playing games and refreshments were served to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones, Mr. and UNITED Mrs. Bernard Dastrup, Mr. and STATES Mrs. Aldon Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Maxfield, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Mr. Wm. Maxfield, Drue Mrs. and Mr. BONDS Wm. Ralphs, AND Allred, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mrs. Beebe, Mrs. Ellen Madsen, STAMPS Nina Boswell and Mrs. Georgia Shiner. - Kerk-sei- k Bishop and Mrs. Walter were of "ML Emmons visitors Friday. A large crowd gathered in the ward Hall Friday night in honor of Earl Dunsmore, who left for the army March 12, also in honor of the following service boys, Power & Light Co. who were home on furlough: Sgt. FishClarence Snyder, Pvt. Jack Arthur J. er, Bert P. Allred, a, out-of-to- Far-ragu- ... dont FQSyiCTORY BUY .WAR UINTAH Mona and Veva Miles spent Friday and Saturday at the home of their sister, Mrs. Lloyd Shiner, at Altonah. Mrs. Ned Mitchell, who is employed in the O. P. A. office in Roosevelt, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Hansen. La Farge Dastrup made a trip to Salt Lake City on Wednesday of last week to get groceries for his store. Carl Case accompanied him to enlist in the merchant marines. Carl was rejected on account of being color blind. Principal and Mrs. E. LeRoi Jones and Mrs. Ray A. Hopkins entertained Sunday in honor of Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Jones brother, Lieutenant Raymond Wiscombe, who is home on furlough. Besides the guest of honor others present were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wiscombe and sons of Roosevelt. Mrs. Howard Lucas is spending some time in Columbia, South Carolina, where her soldier husband is stationed. She reports having a very enjoyable trip in the ward hall. A large crowd east. A shower was held in honor of Mrs. Bovee Mecham Saturday in the ward hall. A large crowd was in attendance. The time was spent in playing games after which a delicious lunch was served. The bride received many beautiful and useful gifts. Oral Thacker of the U. S. nayv and his wife are spending part of Orals leave of absence with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ftawlins Thacker. Oral has been in the South Pacific for eleven months. His leave will be up Violet Gentry Mr. and Mrs. True Hatch of Myton were visiting friends in Ioka Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mecham of Hancock Cove were in Ioka Monday. Mrs. Lester Blanchard and little son, of Myton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gentry during the past week. Several from Ioka attended the show at Roosevelt Sunday night. Koy Timothy of Craig, Colo- rado, is spending a short time with his sister, Mrs. Reed Marion 1 WILL BE OrEN EVERY DAY FROM MARCH 1st ON Except Sunday and Holidays Will Have a Full Line of DAIRY AND POULTRY FEEDS CALF AND CHICK STARTENA White fawn flour and cereals CORN, OATS, WHEAT, IIOG FEED when I can get them. Will Take Orders for CHICKS OF PURETEE-TES- T HEBER, UTAH They win arrive in much better condition than chicks shipped from a long distance. FIRESTONE TIRES AND TUBES 1T ave Several Sizes of Tractor Tires in Stock Partenip-Fircston- e Home Insulation J CASE IMPLEMENTS AND PARTS foTCIIIEs Knox & Feeds ImplementsUTAH DUCHESNE S. Shields Private Delmar Ross arrived on the 18th. His wife is mak- March 7th for a ten day furing her home in Provo for the lough with his parents, Mr. and duration. Mrs. Lynn Ross. Private Ross A quilting bee was held at has been in training at Camp the home of Mrs. Etta Crosby, Fannin, Texas, in the infantry Those present were for the past four months, and is Thursday. Mrs. Joan Perkins, Mrs. Olive leaving March 15th for a base Miles, Mrs. Bessie Hanberg, Mrs. in Maryland. Pearl Case and Mrs. Vera A girl was born to Mr. Holder. A delicious dinner was and baby Mrs. Jennings Solomonson served to the ladies. at the Roosevelt hospital on Mar. Bishop Walter Kerksiek, Wm. 7th. All concerned are doing R. Evans and Glendon Hanberg nicely. e attended the State Scout ;Jan-ixreMrs. Arden Evans had an opein Provo Saturday. The ration for appendicitis at the Moon Lake Stake Scouts were Roosevelt hospital Monday mornawarded the Gold Star for the ing, March 12. She is reported second successful year. The Mt. to be improving slowly. Emmons made the " Mr. and Mrs. delegation Ray Gill left of trip with Wn Brotherson March 12th for Salt Lake City, Boneta. Bishop Kerksiek went where Mrs. Gill entered the L. D. on to Salt Lake City to attend S. pending an to business matters before re- tion.Hospital, were accompanied by They turning home. Mrs. George Bird, who returned The annual ward Gold and home after a visit at the home of Green Ball was held in Mt. Em- her son, Ray Gill. mons ward hall Friday evening. Mrs. John Zirker, Jr., Mrs. Miss June Rogers was crowned Julius Zirker and Mrs. Stanley queen and Norman Lister was Ross were in Vernal March 7th, The attendants prince Charming. dental work done. were Eva Dean Crosby, Glenn having Mrs. Jay Gill visited in Vernal Case, Delma Thacker, and Fred Wednesday with her parents, Mr. Snyder; the flower girls were and Mrs. Merkley. Kathryn Hartman and Arsenath Mrs. Lynn Ross was ill a tew Snow; Ralph Thacker was crown days last week with flu. bearer and Pats band from Mrs. Elsie Nielsen and children Roosevelt furnished the music. and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hor-rocEugene Hartman, George Givand daughter Marva Mae, ens and Jack Fisher are home on attended the show at Duchesne furloughs, making a visit with Thursday night. the home folks. The boys have Visitors Sunday at the Frank taken their basic training at Horrocks home were Mr. and Camp F'annin, Texas. Mrs. Reed Feitkau and family of Miss Fern Rust left this week Springville and Mr. and Mrs. for Malad, Idaho, where she will Clarence Foy and children of care for 'her sister, Mrs. Harold Duchesne. reMrs. Horrocks Jones, who is 111. turned with Mr. and Mrs. Feitkau Mrs. Stella Webb left Monday to spend a couple of weeks. for Roosevelt, where she will be Sunday dinner guests at the employed for a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley home of Marden Broadbent. Ross were Mr. and Mrs. John Among those who attended the Zirker, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Julius shower for Mrs. Bovee Mecham Zirker and Mr. and Mrs. Ed from out of town were: Mrs. Zirker. Otto Lloyd and Mrs. Fames Lloyd Byron Gilbert of Roosevelt was of Ioka, Mrs. Leland Ottosen of a week end guest of his cousin, Tabiona, Mrs. Leon Burton of Byron Gilbert. Talmage and Mrs. Fay Miles of Complimenting their son, Pvt. Mountain Home. Delmar Ross, a turkey dinner Mr. and Mrs. Lyndon Hansen was served Sunday afternoon at and son Lynn, and daughters, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Mrs. Ned Mitchell and Mrs. Her-sch- Ross. Guests present were Mr. Iorg attended the funeral and Mrs. Floyd Ross, Mr. and services for Mrs. Hansens fath- Mr3. Marvin G. Shields, Miss er, Martin Allred in Altonah Saturday afternoon. Others who went from Mt. Emmons were I t Earl Case and Floyd Case. Earl Case was one of the speakers at the services. Glendon Hanberg went to Salt Lake Monday. el home of Mrs. Elsie Nielsen were Mr. and Mrs. Wanles3 Shields and family, Mrs. J. C. Nielsen, and Mrs. Venice Purdy and children of Bridgeland. W. C. Foy and Jack Wimmer of Duchesne were Sunday business visitors at the home of M. G. Shields. Miss Nellie Taylor of Roosevelt was a week end guest of Norma Mae Shields, While at work Thursday John Richens got a piece of steel in his eye. He was rushed to Roosevelt, where Dr. Miles removed it. Visitors at the sacrament meeting Sunday were Porter L. Mer-re- ll of the stake presidency, Al White and Orin Olsen of the Stake Elders Quorum, and Mrs. Cecilia Gilbert, all of Duchesne. Mrs. Lynn Ross and children, Pvt. Delmar Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ross were business visitors at Vernal Tuesday. A party was given In the ward hall" Tuesday evening, complimenting Pvt. Delmar Ross. A program was given and dancing was enjoyed by a large crowd. Refreshmentj were served to the group. There were many friends present from Bridgeland, Upalco and Myton. Mrs. Frank Holgate and Mrs. George Marrett spent the week end visiting their parents, and brother Max, who has enlisted in the navy, and expects to leave soon. Ted Bell of Salt Lake City spent the week end here attending to business matters. Mrs. Lenar Richens ha3 been confined to her bed with flu for a few days thi3 week. The Relief Society met at the church house Tuesday and quilted two members Twelve quilts. were present. Orlene Ross came over from Roosevelt Tuesday night to attend the party in honor of Pvt. Delmar Ross. Mrs. Charles Fletkau Mr. and Mrs. Rue Miles and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Street drove to Heber on Thursday of last week to attend the funeral of a brother of Mr. Geo. Casper. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Casper have spent the past two weeks in Heber, visiting Mr. Caspers brother. Our bishopric, Lorin Stevenson, Faye Miles and Sidney Rust spent a couple of days last week in Salt Lake, taking care of business matters in connection with our new church house. Mrs. Cloyd West returned home from Vernal last week feeling much improved in health. She has been receiving treatmetnt In Vernal for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Snow of Boneta were visitors at Sunday School and sacrament meeting. Bro. Snow was one of the speakers at the meeting. Mrs. Thomas Richards andLor-n- a Thacker were Mountain Home Visitors Sunday. Rand Rust was a speaker in Boneta last Sunday, Mrs. Cecil Kofford a gave party In honor of her daughters sixth birthday on Monday, March 12th. Games were played and re- -i freshments served to Mrs. Ivan Street and sons, Mrs. Kirt Walker and sons, Mrs. Edwin Rowley and children, Mrs. Ben Lyons and son, and Mrs. Dell Andrson and children, Beverly E'ietkau and Peter Nyberg. About twenty ladies attended Relief Society meeting Tuesday. A very intresting lesson was given by Mrs. Helen Nyberg. The a.tcinoon was spent quilting. WILL A FABRIC FADE? To tell whether a fabiic will fade or not, ravel a yarn each If light or way of the goods. white splits show on the yam RATIONED FOOD ALLOW ED at regular intervals, the fabric FOR IMPORTED WORKERS was dyed in the piece and it cart De to fade. If the feeds A farmer who imported colorexpected is a unravel even, thread, workers may get allotments of the color is even all through, If for apthem foods rationed by it is "vat dyed and will hold plying to the local rationing color. where the in board locality the ranch or farm is located. Wool Euetory Such allotments will be limited When the Romans invaded Britain to a usual seasonal tapering. they established the first wool facTRY A RECORD CLASSIFIED tory In that country. BEES NEED BUMBERSHOOTS Lemon. Mr. and Mrs. William Fausett, Sr., spent Sunday with their son Mr. and and daughter-in-laMrs. Dick Fausett of Upalco. Dale Jones, Florence Percival Fay Roberts and Leona Johnson attended the Pvt. Robert Humes is spenddance at Myton last Saturday ing a week visiting his parents. night. He spent the past four months W. G. Gentry was transacting at Camp Fannin, Texas. business in' Duchesne Tuesday. William R. Clifton spent last He was accompanied as far as in Duchesne. Friday Mrs. Myton by Mrs. Gentry and Mr. and Mrs. Alma Humes Tom Gentry, who spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. spent Monday at Heber. They brought Otis Mecham back home Devon Gentry. with them. He is getting along Max Mrs. and Jensen Mr. returned to Ioka Saturday after fine. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brooks, the winter at Hill spending and Field where Max was employed. Pvt. Lewis Mecham Roberts spent Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Lambert of Roosevelt were in Ioka Sun- evening in Duchesne. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brooks day. Reed Lemon and son, Boyd, were in Salt Lake City Tuesday Dean Washburn and A. V. Sor- where received Brooks Mrs. enson attended the dairy meet- medical care. Mrs. Earl Sweat returned to ing at Roosevelt Thursday night. Mrs. Otto Lloyd, Mrs. James her home Sunday from the HeLemon ber Paul Lloyd and Mrs. hospital, where she had spent were Upalco visitors Saturday. the past ten days. Mrs. Archie Benson was callA delicious dinner was served ing on Mrs. Charles Percival on Friday evening at the home of Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Erooks, Mrs. Ellen Timothy is reportin honor of Pvt. Robert Humes on sick be list this the ed to and Pvt. Lewis Mecham. Those week. present were Mr. and Mrs. Al-dwas road The county grader Muir, Mr. and Mrs. Jess working in Ioka Sunday. Mrs. R. D. Young 'Johnstun, children and Cook Orie Mrs. W. Rockhill, all of Mrs. J. and of Bluebell were visiting the Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duchesne; formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dude Young, J. A. Angus, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Reed Lemon has purchased Young, Paul Jack Faucett, Humes, the Tom Pack farm in Ioka and Mrs. Mr. Francis and Young, will farm it this summer. Brooks, Max Roberts, LaVerna Orlan Nelson of Camp RobRoberts, Joe Muir, Jennie Lee erts, Calif., and Oscar Nelson, Mecham, Fay Roberts and the of Tooele, are home on a short of honor. guests visit, and were guests of their Lew Roberts was Karol Miss sister, Mrs. Donna Lemon, a week end guest of Mrs. R. D. Mi j Young. Joe Muir and Dean Young Timothy and a visiting navy boy, spent Wednesday night at the Jim Thacker of Mt. Emmons. home of Mrs. R. D. Young. The following program was renMiss Twila Sweat spent Sundered: duet, Mrs. Leslie Barker day visiting at the home of her and Max Barlow; jokes, Ethel parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph reading, Dave Carroll, Sweat. She is employed at Hill Beebe; and harmonica selections by Geo. Field. Berrett. The rest of the evening and Miss Miss Alice Pace was spent in dancing. Gloria Pace attended the Junior Linford Maxfield attended a Prom Friday night. They reSatBoy Scout meeting in Provo turned home Sunday. urday. Mr. and Mrs. Randle Wardle Preparing Hash and family of Tooele spent sevIn making hubh on top of the eral days visiting at the home of range, never let the meat part actuMrs. Wardlcs parents, Mr. and ally boil. Let the sauce do the boilMrs. Delbert Shiner. ing and add the leftover meat just Altonah was well represented long enough before serving to heat A. meeting at Altamont thoroughly. Otherwise the meat will at P.-toughen. Saturday night. K .. ''li& At4 V " Cf.y 'A3&J tj J 4 f - Ai i, - , fVV ' .vi'STv & A La-Ve- T. " - ; K ; i iA. , "f. ' r v " en Open for Business I HE Melvin Bird and Jack Josie. Dinner guests Sunday at the Mt. Emmons News Ethel Beebe ,ois Bobb 1945 m-- ' A . 4t ; They say that bees never get caught in the rain. Maybe you claim youve seen different. But the changed natural light as a storm approaches is supposed to make bees get busy and fly home. or They may be weather-wis- e not. But youve simply got to be! for Spring weather demands an oil change in the car you cannot replace, and Conoco NM motor e oil will your engine for extreme resistance to wear Conoco N(h oils additional ingredient a climax of notable research. This effort developed the Thats really how to hold down carbon, gum and sludge. Thats really how to keep up engine power. Thats really how to get good mileage from your oil and your gasoline. Surely Conoco N th is woith its today. slight extra cost. Oil-platContinental Oil Company oil-plat- The special magnet-lik- t ten effect that makes e lubrimetal attract cant fastened square in the path of friction. And you can credit the same intensive research with makengine defy ing your corrosion. Then both worst causes of wear are curbed. And youre safer from g oil-plate- d lay-up- junking s walking! e EVERY TIME your rod loyi It, think cl lour Conoto CONOCO HiltogtMinhonl. quality of comes from patented ' life-givin- g MOTOR OIL n L. C. CONOCO LABRUM AGENT ANI) DUCHESNE, DISTRIBUTOR UTAH J |