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Show UINTAII BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH CLASSIFIE favafllfy DEPARTM Shop WANTED IADI and to relieve stuffiness, invite Ek AGENTS WANTF: in every comnT" rural city, to sell line oi h, necessities to her neighbois. Our eludes such scarce items as che." soap. Liberal commission , THE laundry DeAHnntaf.nmnAnv 111.31 if nose fills up S bon Is be .her horsi i father, R illy, leavit OFFICE EQUIPME WE BUT AND SELL North, ne Office Furniture, Files, Typewrite,, add . no In Machines Sales, Cash SALT LAKE DESK EXCHAvtlle sale as West Breadwey, Salt LaX, city clear the son, and how a little each nostril relieves stuffy transient ox congestion. Also relieves distress head colds Follow directions In lolder, Its wonderful ol CD ! visiis ra-7EO-ri- si ;;; POULTRY WHITE LEGHORN CD! her, men INSURE your poultry future with Jaggers, pure top ranking money making , to the doc Leghorn chicks hatched from breed 2 to 6 years old. Straight run $ Pora exp let chicks $28 00. Cockerel chicks i receives 100. Volume discount. We pay exm, 30 Years Experience Write for Factual F older GRAHAM HVTCHFRT A PVLLETi HAYWARD. CALIF. In thos TAration Used Cars- - Irailerso often, w boy now, rip you lanother. JtojitvmiiU'WK. r rtttil. Your ( lilf feeling of fatlguo may bo due to Constipation igether. his shoul ne he t in mar "the cross can steal your energy. Take Natures Remedy (N R ,Yes, constipation Tablets). Contains no chemicals, no minerals, no phenol derivatives. NR Tablets are different act different. a combination of Purely vegetable 10 vegetable ingredients formulated over SO years ago. Uncoated or candy coated, their action ia dependable, thorough, yet gentle, as millions of N Its have proved. Get a 2Sf! box or larger economy size. today Caution: Take only as directed. -- dersfna Put Every Spare Pweeter, a brook You Own Benmd ... And a Lasting TOMORROW ALRIGHT HB ing the r more clc Vie:ping-sto- PeVitoTth, Buy War Savings BoJSJeS LAXATIVE Larks wm s f the i f 1 n yi oi The eoi . f. mome i IPhen shi ONE WORD SUGGESTION two rhe tf her we v FOR ACID INDIGESTION le nuias; ship ilass pas . Tender thi be Thin - tab w3nain ept the SNAPPY FACTS oung pe ess. ABOUT In the or a mo yes mak it the tal KUTA RUBBER 2:OD P. M. MONDAY THRU mi lorid FRIDAY he fathe ilh&nan in cl coking w ible, stou le old Is nan in b t her wi Q the Ca day It no! far distant when packages of fruit, vegetables, other foods and perishable materials will be sealed with flexible materials In the form of lacquers, adhesives and plastics. The How To Relit Bronchitis eated, Big Few sources of substitutes for Creomulsion relieves prompt anians cause it goes right to the seat cT. that I trouble to help loosen and er lone: aid germ laden phlegm, and tende i, . to soothe and heal raw, 116 flamed bronchial mucous Mmn branes. Tell your druggist to se a bottle of Creomulsion with tt lushed derstanding you must like theTiaptain y quickly allays the cough or yc ,, to have your money back. overlooked by U. S. scientists. In 1943 more than 2,000 varieties of plants were tested rgt rubber their for possibilities. vehicles have been mainly responsible for the development of America's 3,000,000 the miles of roads and highways largest and finest highway system In the world. Rubber-tire- d S,vV- , . CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, p M Dai natural rubber have been j Bronrppreciat fith gre; ate clea hunk ol Mmnie, eat by I atter, bi .to the I M 11 ed. F fl Wi read he ofra.., For relief from tho (orluro Pilea.PAZO ointment hae becnisnumsnea for mere then thirty years. Here'rtates. First. PAZO ointment soothes InW ra u, D' nreas. relieves pain and itching. S PAZO ointmaat lubricates iu'lid casui ,, dried parts helps prevent ersekmi soreness Third, PAZO ointmenl iiCrosg in to rodaoo swelling and check blwg the fl 0( ,, Foarth, U'e aasy ta use. PAZO meats perforated Pile Pipe mks me Oil an thorough. simple, Yoiasnt plication tell yon about PAZO olnlmenl r Htmmmnjmti she tf. irdly ea Dont MONTHIW FeiiialeVkteSJ MANY DOCTORS ij (Also Fine Stomachic Tonic) job lilt Lydia B. Plnkhame VcRctable Cate I run pound la famous to relieve Pr Vk, RECOMMEND net1 pain and accompanying when ie em V weak, tlred-ofeelings to functional monthly dlsturbsSeratejy Taken regularly PlnkhamsC atm sp pound helps build up resist srke ow against such annoying symp Tlnkhams Compound 19 ,r Larks especially for women if med 0, you fure and thats the kind of to buyl Follow label directions ean e t ut THISTONIC It You "Tlr Easily ", have low resistance to colds and minor Ills due to lade of the Vital Elements natural A & D Vitamins g Scotts Emultry taking sion daily the year around! National survey shows many doctors recommend Bcotts to help build up resistance, bring back energy and stamina! Buy Scotts today at all druggists! LYDIA good-tastin- IT'S CCOD-TASi- E.PINKHAMS& meatl mm .Minnie WNUW Uhed c enty of mess j ighty 1 Duche m vJ,'ut that Llished bi Mrw,r?:orJefp 0lft,d Modern !! with its hurry Irrpffulaf bablts. Improper rtn insrl 81 drinkinj Its riak olaxpoeureon ice that tinn throws hwiry strain u, -iAAn oY ths kidnsyse Thy sr spt to sad fall to Sh sod othsr Impurltias from nj1 Wood. .f You mar suffer a??in8 Wrudi hurnb Ling u r ik hssdachs, Lf pains, swMUnA tirael narvous, all worn out. OiJJ anted of kidnay or bladder v m 10 you tlmm burning, scanty sr too m safely agination. F Try Doans Pills. Doans s harmful kidneys to pus off wests. They hevs had more th" Udly. century ot publie approval. tnUlt mended by (retefid ueera sn! hdled tl Ait your nnyMorl x1 ? j s- Keep the Battle Rolling With War Bonds and Scrap k'k'k'k'iHHrk & ia - y ; iy i 4 1 There's a burglar downstairs, dear, anything I can bring from the kitchen when I've finished with him? you Can I help It, fellers, if shes near-sighte- a papoose?" p,gfimii!ftwuiwiiPiiTU!i d and thinks Im mi miachu that catch If 1 |