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Show Friday, March Sirs, Glen Sorensen Mr and Mrs M. H. Christensen and Earl Christensen were Roosevelt visitors Saturday. They George Anderson. The missionaries present were Ellis Burton Roscoe Perkins and Albert Keni- Refreshments were served to nineteen. Albert Kenison was velt visitor Tuesday. Mrs Harold Thompson was a Price visitor one day last week. Albert Kenison is few days this week in spending a Salt Lake. Walter Kenison returned home from Salt Lake Wednesday, He has been employed there for the past few months. B. J. and Arley Sorensen were Duchesne visitors Monday. Mr and Mrs Ellis Burton and A. M. Burton were Roosevelt brought Earl's wife and new baby home from Myton with them. Myrtle Donohue and Jennie Kofford were Price and Rains visitors over the week end. They returned home Monday. Mrs Don Sauer came Sunday from Mountain Home, Idaho to spend a week with her parents, Mr and Mrs Elray Larson. Her Monday. husband, Lt. Don Sauer left by plane for Pennsylvania because Mamie Keguidlions of the death of his brother in a St manne corPs regulations of car accident. 182j directed that sergeants wear A cottage meeting was held chevrons above the elbow and at the home of below the elbow. Monday evening vis-ito- rs cor-pora- ls Red Cross Field Men Tackle Yanks Problems Overseas PREVENT $, 1&44 FOOD WASTE Mt. Emmons News Too large servings of food, or food poorly prepared or poorly Deane Case accounts seasoned, for much Ethel Beebe Bemeice Carrell waste of food needed in our war effort. Milk dishes should b Mr and Mrs Clinton Bowden, Miss Ellen Evans made a t Last week Mrs Rowena Rogers D S temple. Mrs A, L. Snyder, to Salt Lake last week to trip prepared in a double boiler to Mr and Mrs Milton Anderson, have and mother of the bride, accompanied dental work done. avoid the possibility of a scorchMrs Mary Bowden and son, Lew accompanied her Gall-yMr Mrs Wm. and ed taste. the young couple to Salt Lake were Roosevelt visitors Monday. daughter. Niles Gines has received his of Arcadia, to Vernal where and was present at the temple call for Induction into the ser- To Bishop Glen Mohlman and Ed Mrs Gallyer underwent a major rites. Mr and Mrs Mecham will Liquify Solid Honey Conklin were in Roosevelt on Mrs Rogers returned remain In Mt. Emmons until he is vice. This is the second time operation. Honey that has crystallized he been business Monday. has called. home the latter part of the called into service. He has recan be liquified by setting the Miss Marie Mitchell has reShe expects to spend cently passed tests for admission Junq, the son of Mr and Mrs week. or can in warm water, not jar Oliver Bowden, was operated on some time at the Gallyer home into the air corps as an aviation turned to her work in California over 140 degrees. Overheating after a three-weefor appendicitis Feb. 17 at Price. when her' daughter returns from cadet. visit with may injure the color and flavor. home folks. Mrs S. R. Greenhalgh taught Wm. Brotherson of Boneta was the hospital. Mr Laney, the poultryman J. M. Junior Taylor came home last the first and second grades while an Altonah visitor Monday. Martin of Lebanon, Kanto Mrs his from leave was here on sas, who was in Lake. Salt spend Friday night Springville Snyder Mrs Wilford Shiner taught Mr recently passed away. from Mr business the his and with Mrs S. K. last atweek. Daniels navy father, She is also a sister of Mrs RosStones .class in school Monday. tended church services in RoosePvt. DeVere Iorg has returned alie Ingalsbee of Myton and Mrs Mr and Mrs Stone took their ba- Austin B. Taylor. and Mrs S. K. Dan- velt Sunday evening where their to his army camp in Oklahoma L E Potter of Roosevelt. by to Roosevelt for medical at- ielsPrincipal and Mr and Mrs Birch Ben-nio- n little granddaughter received a after a few days visit with his tention. were among those who made name. The child Is the infant parents, Mr and Mrs Claude Mrs George Reay left Monday for her home in Canada, after the trip to Vernal Friday night daughter of Mr and Mrs Lee Iorg. to see the basketball game be- Harmston and was born in LouisHugo Mitchell is driving truck spending some time visiting her tween Altamont and Uintah. ville, Ky., where Mr Harmston for Lamond daughter, Mrs Lee Jessen and Lloyd while the latMiss Maxine Snyder and Ar- has been stationed the past year. ter is ill. son, Dean Reay. nold Mecham were married MonKeith Case, who has been in Mr and Mrs Ralph Sharpies Mrs Lenora Deroff of Salt Feb. 28 in the Salt Lake L the Army Air Base hospital at and Lake City is visiting hr parents day, Mr and family were Spokane, Wash., for the past Mrs Niles Gines visiting Mr and Mrs Lott Powell. Sunday. one-hatwo and months with a Loren Lloyd is home after his Mr and Mrs Dean Reay, Mrs stubborn eye infection, has been illness at the Vernal hospiwere Cole and long George Reay Lyle y His tal. granted a furlough. shopping in Roosevelt Wednesparents, Mr and Mrs Floyd Case Mrs Reva Redden was a guest day. are expecting him to arrive home at the Mrs Lee Jessen entertained at party the school faculty Roberts the latter part of the week. a quilting Friday. Present were Tracy gave In Altamont Saturday eveMrs Lucia reT. Mahaffey Mrs Dru Allred, Mrs Oscar BeeMr and Mrs Douglas Wadsturned home Monday from a trip ning. Mrs Lavina Murphy was visitMrs worth entertained the Sunday to be, Mrs Wilford Shiner, Bremerton, Wash., where she in Roosevelt Monday at the Austin Beebe, Mrs Dallas Ames, school officers and teachers and visited ing for two weeks with her home of her Mrs George Reay, Mrs Dewey their partners Tuesday night at sailor son, Paul. son, John Mr and Mrs Hugo Mitchell and Jessen and the hostess. the ward hall. After an evening Mr and Mrs Earl Reese attended Mr and Mrs Gilbert Beebe and of games, a delicious lunch was til basketball game at Vernal on daughter, Barbara were in Roose- served. AltaMrs Morris Wilson of Ephraim velt on business Monday. Friday evening between mont and Vernal. Pete Flemetis, who vas induct- spent a week visiting Mr and Mrs Several of the young ed into the navy recently, i3 sta- Cliff old Roberts and family. folks Mrs Lavar Pace and daughter Mrs. W. G. Gentry tioned for the present at Farra-gu- t, gathered at the home of Lela . . . and it might be and Lurrine Mitchell Idaho. Sunday spent Sunday visiting Mrs Tracy W. H. Stone spent the week evening and had a party. Table Miss Naomi Foote returned to Roberts. wifes rolling pin Father Wendell Lutemer of end In Salt Lake City. Salt Lake Wednesday after visgames were played and refreshif remember you at the Roosevelt said Holy Mass at the Guy Percival of Provo was vis- ments were served. iting for several days Miss Sunat the home was a of his parents Lurnne Mitchell home of Mrs Tracy Roberts home of Arlene Snyder. her on j our anniv ersary iting Mr and Mrs Chas. Percival this guest of Donna Rae Labrum at George Carroll attended the day morning. with a handy electric Roosevelt Tuesday night. Mr and Mrs Clifford Roberts week. banquet for the officers of the Mr and Mrs William Mathews Mr and Mrs Claire Wlnterton Uintah Cattle Assn. at the entertained at their home Thursappliance. Electricity Shurtleff hotel in Roosevelt last day evening1 celebrating their were Roosevelt visitors Satur- and Clem Mathews went to Salt can the work lighten Lake Sunday. 13th wedding anniversary. Pres- day. week. A. WilMrs Foster Mr were ent and Mrs and home. at Mrs Ida Conklin James Lloyd went to Denver ford Shiner attends the home Rhoades, Mr and Mrs Douglas last week on business. ANNA nursing course at Mt. Emmons Wadsworth, Mr and Mrs Dailey The and green ball was A ship made Moon, Mr and Mrs Leo S. Defa, held In gold ready received a every Tuesday. the ward hall Wednesday call; Med Allred helped feed George Mr and Mrs Alfonzo Defa, Mr with Ella Ames as queen A call from the Will Divine; LIVING COSTS A HE Fisher's cattle while Mr Fisher and Mrs Parley Reid, Mr and night and Boyd Lemon as king. It silently lifted its great white went to Vernal to the funeral of Mrs Ray Lee, and Mr and Mrs Mrs Orie Cook and children of UI II UT ELECTRIC wings his sister, Mrs Mary Bodily, last Lloyd Roberts. The evening was Bluebell with spent Saturday In answer, Thy will not mine. week. spent playing games after which Mrs Cooks RATES ARE LOW! parents, Mr and Mrs J. B. Murray attended sacra- a delicious lunch was served. A. Angus. J. We as and watched waited it Mr and Mrs Dean Giles and ment meeting in Mtn. Home on soared aloft, Glen Remund of Duchesne was family of Idaho spent a few days in Ioka Monday. Sunday. in the blue of the night; Out Mr and Mrs Aldon Carroll visiting Mr and Mrs Leo B. DeMrs O. A. Dart entertained Watched as it floated beyond the Mr and were Saturfa. Other guests visitors were Roosevelt the members of her club at her clouds, Mrs Bob Sweat of Fruitland. day. FOP-VICTOIt from our sight. home Thursday afternoon. Hiding RY of and Ellis Leola Mrs Mrs Wayne Powell and daughfamily Mr Mrs Oscar and Nelson of ter of Wattis came in last week Heber are spending a couple of and this With grace ship beauty were visiting their daughend to get her mother, Mrs Wm. weeks at the home of Mr and Upalco sailed on, Mrs MonF. James Lemon ter, Ralphs to be with her Wednes- Mrs Moral Gines. Far, far In the azure blue, Mrs Leona Sweat and children day. UNITED Till it seemed but a speck in the day when she has an appendecLyle Reynolds of Roosevelt and of Heber' are spending a week STATES tomy at the Price hospital. distance, Elmer Manwaring of Ballard Then it vanished from our view. Mr and Mrs Wilmer Murray with Mr and Mrs Earl Atwood. were at sacrament speakers was Relief of Myton were . visiting at the Society meeting Sunday. Shes gone! cried one, as she home of Mr Murrays parents, held at the home of Mrs T. M. meeting BONDS Melvin Mecham of Hancock disappeared, Giles Tuesday. After meeting, a Cove Mr and Mrs J. B. Murray. AND In Ioka. spent Thursday "Gone?" said another, Gone Bishop Glen Mohlman was party was given in honor of Mrs STAMPS Mrs Is Lemon Paul staying at where? Present were called to Roosevelt Sunday to at- Jodie Wadsworth. the home of her parents, Mr and She's not gone! Only gone from tend a church welfare meeting. Mrs Vida Curry, Mrs May At- Mrs James for the present. our sight! Junior Taylor of the navy is wood, Mrs Myrtle Rhoades, Mrs He husband Lloyd been sent over- "She still carries on over there. has Mrs Lavar Austin his Pace, TayCrystal father, visiting seas. Mrs Pearl Moon, Mrs Etta lor. Mr and Mrs Broadbent, Mr and "It is .we, ourselves, too small to H. H. Dunn left Monday to Moon, Mrs Ruby Moon, Mrs Vera Mrs Paul see; Nelson, Mr and Mrs went Van He Mrs Price. Tassell, Moon, Daphine join his family at Too Heiner childish to understand," Miss and of Fredrickson Wm. Mrs Emma Hardman, Mrs Viola out with Oscar Hansen, Roosevelt attended the gold and For, "Lo! Here she comes!" unTraMrs Mrs Nettie Defa, Defa, Snyder is acting postmaster shout the others, green ball Wednesday night til an appointment is made. cy Roberts, Mrs Connie Lee, Mrs Mrs Ethan Nelson of Upalco As she safely reaches the land. Mr and Mrs Aldon Carroll, Cassidy Reid, Mrs Florence Rob- was a Power & Light Co. luncheon guest of Mrs Daisy Dean Crookham Lott Powell and Harry Shields erts and Mrs Delsa Michie. Tom In of Mrs Gentry Thursday. my sister, minory Mrs Orley were transacting business In VerWadley spent a week in Heber visiting Mr and nal Monday. Forrest Rhoades of Tabiona Mrs Delbert Sweat and family. was visiting his sister, Mrs Clyde Lloyd and June Roberts took THE OLD JUDGE SAYS... a load of swine to Salt Lake on Lambert this week. Vc. accomwere Wednesday. They panied on their return trip by Mrs Blanche Defa and daughter, Dorothy. Mrs Louise Turn bow and Mrs Vera Moon were Relief Society Jennie Morrison teaching In the lower precinct The following were shopping this week. Mrs Lavar Pace and and visiting in Salt Lake City Mrs Phyllis Moon, the upper precinct. Friday, Mr and Mrs Melvin Royal Ellis of Heber was visMr and Mrs Bert Broadhcad, friends and relatives In iting Bemiece Abplanalp Mayhew, Hanna and Tabiona Thursday, and Herbert Lang. Father W'endell of Roosevelt Sunday and Monday. A supper party was given in was calling on friends here Sunhonor of Dan Gines, 2(c petty Hanhome from on his way day officer, at the home of Mr and na where he held Mass. Miss Carma Morrison, who has Mrs Moral Gines Thursday. Those been ill serveral days, Is much present were Leola Ellis, Mr and Mrs Eob Casper, Mr and Mrs better now. Mr and Mrs Steve Esauk and Clarence Casper, Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Ferris family and Mrs J. A. Morrison John Giles, were shopping In Duchesne Sat- Jones, Mr and Mrs Lyle Webb, Wanda Ivie, Mick Sizemore, Mar-v- a urday. Wagstaff, Alta Nye, Mr and Mr and Mrs Theon Robb and Mrs Venice Tumbow, Lorraine In Roosewere Helen daughter, Gines, Boyd Sizemore, Floyd velt Saturday on business. Defa, Gean Mrs Fern Gilbert who has been Williams, Dorothy visiting her daughter at Van Gines and Arthur Fabrtzio. Pvt. Venice Tumbow spent a returned Couver, Washington, in relatives home Monday after a delightful few days visiting Hanna this week. He left Fritrip. .Mrs Don Lewis was shopping day night with his wife for his camp in California. In Duchesne Wednesday. Mrs Theo Gines and Mrs Leola Calvin and Ray Broadhead attended the basketball game in Ellis spent Monday visiting in Tabiona. Duchesne Friday night. "Somethin special catch your eye in the "It all goes to prove v hat I've said time and Mr and Mrs Leonal Webb moMrs Pete Abplanalp and Ivan t imeagam, Chet.. prohibition does not prohibt(. Judge?" paper, Brown were in Heber Monday tored to Heber Monday, accom"Sure did, Chet.. .an article here telling Its been tried in this country 47 times in where Mrs Abplanalp went to panied by Mrs Mildred Webb and about prohibition in India being written the last 33 years and discarded everywhere Alta Jones. consult a doctor. of! by the Madras government as a dismal in three states. Was found to be a except Wm. Mr and Mrs Abplanalp failure after a three-yea- r trial. They found failure and abandoned in Canada, Norway, and Mr and Mrs Gene Abplanalp City. She says New York is out that enforcement was ineffective and Sweden, Finland and Russia, too. and family were in Roosevelt some city. there was a steady increase in boot"Same thing happens every time. ..as soon that and Eridgeland Saturday. Mr and Mrs Ned Fairbanks of f the law which and violations other rs t legging ff7lKjunnsvotcdout,wegIiquorw ith has been who Mrs Jack Olsen, Indian canyon were visiting Mr increased penalties failed to check. its crime and corruption moves right in." and Mrs Bert Mayhew Sunday. very ill, Is much better. Mr and Mrs Morrison just reWarren Strong and Therein ceived word from their daughter Robb W'ere in Pleasant valley on 7 liu vdtrttistmfnt sftm nnd bv Coni from t of Alcohohc Pntroft htdusittts, W Lt. Betty Jo, who Is In New York Sunday. son-in-la- w er yoummswo sommiUG lf u 15-da- w t T x 1 I v. Is V f. n 2 1 UM, )our the very Important functions of the American Red Cross Is the direct communication it affords between the fighting man and his people back home. Here Red Cross Field Director John L. Barnes (left), of White Plains, N. Y., gives a message to Sgt. William J. McDonald, Jr., of Mamaroneck, N. Y. Picture was made In Sicily outside a straw Italian hutch with the rear headquarters of the 1st Division near Mt. Etna. One of On Masera Island, up In the Persian Gulf, where there le not a single tree standing and the wind blows across the Island ceaselessly, Red Cross field men brought fishing tackle, books and writing paper to service men. Most welcome gift from the Red Cross was clippers for hair cutting the boys had been without a barber tor months. In Persia, a Red Cross Field Director was able to locate a soldiers mother whom be hadnt seen for IE years. In Africa, Red Cross field men In flew In Army planes, hitch-hikesupply trucks, bumped In Jeeps over bombed convoy routes, through blinding sand storms and glaring sun to help men with personal problems and emergency communications, and to deliver magazines and books, cigarettes and chocolate to Isolated posts and bases. In Italy, Red Cross field men accompanied the troops in on the Invasion barges. In India, a sergeant was sentenced to the guard house for disorderly conduct. His officer couldnt understand the boy's behaviour. He was a nice kid he'd never gone to pieces before. The officer asked the Red Cross Field Director to see him. The Red Cross man discovered a very worried boy. His wife bad not been receiving his allotments, she wasn't W3ll and needed an operation. She thought the soldier must have cancelled his allotments and a misunderstanding had arisen between them so that she was no longer writing him. The field man got in touch with ths Red Cross chapter in the boy's d town Immediately. It took care of her, financed her operation and saw that she had adequate funds to provide for herself until the allotment again came through. When' the Red Cross man explained what had happened to the soldiers Commanding Officer, the latter promptly released the boy from the guard house. From then on the boy was all right His worries were over, and the Army bad gained a good fighting man. All over the world, In every theatre of war and active battle front go the American Red Cross field men helping soldiers with major and minor personal problems, bringing them recreational items such as magazines, books, comfort articles, athletic equipment and their contact with home. These men share the conditions and hazards under which the soldiers fight. They also share their lives. They are on call day and night whenever they are needed. G.I.s overseas have many problems. Often home seems very, very far away. With the Red Cross there at iiand wherever he may be, the soldier knows he can always get In that he need touch with home never feel alone with problems he home know bow to solve himself. service men 3.000,000 Cross field Red through passed last offices year. men's On the mud clogged roads of of Italy, through the far Jungles desert on posts lonely New Guinea, Red Cross field men take your place beside your boy. In order to con tinue this sen ice, the Red Cross urgently needs conti ihutions fiont the American people to Its $2n0. 000,000 War Fund drive this month doesnt More than NEW GUINEA That Long Distance Call May Have Gone to New Guinea of an Telephone lines arc the materials are army. Bell Syriem men and unbroken on helping to keep those lines many hattlefronts. So if a Lon? Distance call gels delayed onee in a while, there s a good reason. he The additional equipment that could I tere. used here is serving the soldier over life-line- s 4 5l. VUui. Suhi 5.1. fU. &5.t.yA Cc. dont BUY .WAR Wil-cke- n, UINTAH |