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Show GARDEN TRACTQRy for Garden TracuT'ITT'' Bott. 2496 Olympna Dr., h'oI. Caeh LENSES DUPLICATE THE OPTICAL simT'' f 14 Boston Bldf, Salt Lake Ct, Lenses duplicated. Wnoielau. J service. Mail cwwwwnws rs . , . - in WANTED BARBERS ARE IN DEMANlTT while you learn barberine in r MOLER-SAL- T LAKE BARBER rn? 170 Regent St.. San u USED CARS - Customer Is there a specialty of the house tonight? Waiter Yes, sir. Its our All Out Blueplate. Customer Just what is an All Out Blueplate? Waiter Were all out of most everything on it You can see tbe time I have maintaining a she always does 10 np and 30 forward! speed By BOODY ROGERS FOR SALE WHITE SO SPECIAU year production of iun..; d pure top ranking straight run, pullet or cockerel Wnte for folder, price, and i 10 Graham Hatchery lad Pallet plni Hayward Calilon, tan j iTryon Fresh daily. treat! All leading varieties. Write or call for Customer Some of these things are marked with stars. What does one star beside a dish mean? 7n , free circular and RAMSHAW It ran . means we out of that terday. yes- What two free price list HATCHERIE! 3687 South State St Salt Lake City, Utah Customer does stars mean? Two Waiter stars mean that the OPA banned that dish this Changed Calendar Most European countries chanj the date of the beginning of tt calendar year from March 25 January 1 during the 16th century 1 noon. Customer Whats the chances of getting these things with no stars beside em? Waiter Fifty-fiftCustomer I see you have a choice of soups. Waiter No choice; just a risk. may have it and we may not. Customer Is the tomato soup We canned? Waiter (amazed) I should say not If you want canned soup its 15 cents EXTRA. is the fish today? Waiter Fish is the only product we see enough of to know much about It looks good. Customer I think Id like some sardines. Waiter TRY ALL- - aza is. BRANBURGERS TO STRETCH sal KEJi You want to make the meat you t today go as far as possible and serve it as tastily as possible. here's a grand way to stretch ter burgers and at the same time p them new Make''br. with kelloggs m-burgers Delicious! Also, gives you all the va able proteins, carbohydrates, vitac. and minerals found m s W taste-intere- st! all-bh- Customer How 1 Kelloggs egg 2 teaspoons Brantargm n salt Vi teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons minced onion 1 tablespoon shopped parsley Beat egg slightly, add salt, pep? onion, parsley, milk, catsup t Let soak until most of untune is taken up. Add beef and t thoroughly. Shape into 12 pat! Bake in hot oven (450 F.) about, minutes or broil about 20 miniita Yield: 6 servings (12 212 inch bn: n. Dont be silly. Where do you think you burgers). are. at the RITZll! Customer Maybe FU. just have some vegetables. Waiter Maybe. The vegetable situo . bon changes from minute to minute. Customer Is your spinach canned? Waiter Oh, no. We can't afford canned vegetables. Pm afraid have to be satisffeduith FRESH youll ones! Customer Oh well. Ill leave It all to you. Bring whatever you can spare. Waiter Now youre talking sense. Customer And will you bring sonie catsup or chile sauce? Waiter-OH, YOC MEAN YOU WANT THE $3 DINNER! CHRONOLOGY OF FAMOUS HISTORICAL NUMBERS 1917 Fourteen points. 1919 Ten-mil- 1923 28,000 limit e acres Dome. 1925 1927 Four-whe- and Teapot brakes. Twelve stock market tips with every lunch. 1928 Two cars in every garage. 1929 Five million share days ln?i300 banknjPtcies a week! 1933 One hundred blue eagles per block. 1934 Forty billion debt limit 1935 Nine Old Men. QUICK RELIEF FOR JSS, STUFFY NOSE When nostrils are clogged reach for cooling Mentholatum, quick! Instantly it releases vapor Menthola-tionsth- at start 4 vital actional I) They help thin out thick mucus; i ; 2) Soothe irritated membranes; 3) Help i, reduce swollen passages; 4) Stimulate . nasal blood supply, I Etery breath brings quick Tchefi Jars 3 Of. I imn: - hlehway Pects. reform per mlnut- ultimatums day elve Year Ternl 194- 1- Four Freedoms. 1943 Twenty-fivthousand salary limit BOV, OH BOV...THOSE ROLLS SMELL GOOO' ANO SO FAST, EMMV... YOU'RE ONLY JUST BACK FROM TOWN! ''aunties the RECIPE ' u HOW ROLLS CAN Giving me . THEYRE V' I -- ('jf'p,'-;; . A NEW, QUICK KINO., ANO SHE SAYS THEYVE TZ 7 T V f GOT EXTRA VITAMINS') s - . v. , FlEISCHMANNS YEAST DOES BE SO GOOD.. THE TRICK1 ITS THE ONLY ANO GOOO YEAST THAT HAS ADDED FOR YOU. VITAMINS A ANO 0 AS WELL AS Bi AND G. THATS WHY I NEVER USE ANY OTHER KINO Ptv r ' I , I'VE USED FLEISCH MANN'S FOR YEARS. ALL THOSE GOOO VITAMINS GO RIGHT INTO YOUR BREADS WITH NO GREAT LOSS IN BAKING J Y' ; ?W 1940-Tw- f NEW RECIPE BOOK. THINK OF this 2r?frrrREC,PES P0R BREADir ano au. m cdloq. Yi n e 1943-- 48 Points to a ration book headache ' r - fw to mdfm Stand-d- in. hw brand, TS roJW. r. .'jir FWKfiBonn-- t book Wt brao. writ. kt, 491 WW,in9)0,Sl,NYwKN.T. Advancement, Twinkle, twinkle, little chart BTiat a baming thing thou art. Listing points and groceries Following the recent freeze! Showing what a girl can do with her coupons very new If at adding shes not stuck . And she has a lot of luckl Churchill had one ' gainst hia doctors during complaint hl, hbiess. K Roelofj Jr. hear, wouldnt let him .moke la the Sen tent K 7,7 to Attention of Intellect The attention of the intelto a natural prayer by which we tain the enlightenment of the on. Malebranche. mnX'lan 1939-Te- l p thins Baby Chicks of put- ter PQ U LTR Y LEGHORN A 100 them. W a i - STORES m OGDEN. PROVO. SALT LAKE cm POCATELLO. BOISE. BLACKS Customer Suppose yon come back in a few minutes. Id like to go over the menu carefully. Waiter Whats the use? Customer Theres quite a long list of things here. Waiter Yes, but we dont serve Customer Whats the idea ting them on the menu? Waiter Morale, I suppose. TRAILERS USED CARS TRAILERCOACHl' Liberal Credit Term JESSE M. CHASE Sell Buy Trad cr ' Preserve Our Licr Eond Buy U. S. War ,r0' |