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Show j Friday, June Uintah basin record, duchesne, utah 6, 1941 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE UINTAH BASIN RECORD E. J. Schonian, Publisher PUBLISHED EVERY FKIDAY Classified DELINQUENT Boy A. Schonian, Editor AT DUCHESNE, UTAH LOST: grey and black AiJ Reservoir Company, Mt. Home, Utah male cat, weighs about 15! fol set amount opposite due and delinquent the matter Entered as second-clas- s ADVERTISING RATES levied Apnl 14. 1941. on Reward for information leadir j lowing' TJesTn account of Miss Jennie recovery. who and Postoffice at Mrs. Mrs. James C. Neal Mr. accompanied J. at the and 1922, 26, Dalgleish May stock of the company Display Advertising the Duchesne. capital Duchesne. Amt. Due Flat Rate, For Plates, Per Agate Duchesne, Utah, under the act of Lionel Babccck attended an O.E.S. them ot Ft. Share3 Cert. No. Margaret Smtih, daughter of Name meeting in Park City last week $109.74 SATHERS Pay Expensofl 844.18 March 3. 1879. Line, 2 C. 9.75 your home to Roosevelt 75.00 returning Wednesday. They were Mr. and Mrs. Owen Smith left J. W. Bleazard unissued Sc' Per Column Inch, 30c visit a Bleazard D. I. 144.56 (5c per mile) with the Mrs. J. M. Monday for Bluebell for by 1112.00 accompanied pure Classified and Reading Notices 105.95 with her aunt, Mrs. Steve Hamil- State of Utah of Vernal. Francke 815.00 1070 of any Watch or Diamond p S. Clauss SUBSCRIPTION RATES For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, Lost Rosalie 52.00 ton. T. C. 400.00 Beggs returned Wednesday 1100 at $25 or higher SATHE. Land Bank and Found, Miscellaneous, 10c per Three Months 78.26 75 from Santa Monida, California af602.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Roth and Federal Reliable Your Credit for line 5c jWv per 29.35 line, first insertion; 225.75 1.00 ter spending the winter with his daughter, Betty of Vernal were T. W. Sweatman 1178 Six Months Roosevelt, Utah 4. Bank Manti each succeeding Issue minimum .65 City He guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koeh5.00 1085 32.00 daughter Mrs. H. K. Palmer. One Year Chatlin 30c. 6.50 Eugene 50.00 WM. DAYBELLS better charge, unissued expects Mrs. Palmer to join him in ler Sunday. Betty will be their Aaron Stevenson 52.00 all breeds $3 to $8 delivered 500.00 1123-114- 3 a few weeks. guest for a while. Lions Reed 36.60 let chicks $15. Send 281.50 unissued L. A. Hollenbeck and Titus Jones for dC' Mr. and Mrs. True Hatch and Albert Kenison HEYI TAKE 7.70 661 E. 2 S. St. Salt 59.25 unissued of Duchesne were Mytcn visitors small son spent Saturday at Ka-m- Leora Farnsworth Lake Cto 2.09 16.06 unissued Wednesday. visiting friends and transact- Lottie Stevenson 39.26 302.00 1185 Mis. Mary Bachelor of Sandy is ing business. Bleazard Jack 17.18 We will gaurantee to meet or 132.17 1130 j, Mrs. her sister with visiting Mrs. W. S. Peatross and daugh- C. W. Erickson 6.50 50.00 unissued any price up to 20 To in the si. WiHis Potter George Behunin in Pleasant Valley. ter, Josephine left Sunday for 22.75 of T 75.01 1135 Utah, including Salt Lake c The Relief Society enjoyed a pot where they Leon M. Burton 68.25 also mail order 525.00 Washington 1199 houses, state Mrs. Ottosen of L. at home E. the luck dinner 5.82 will visit with her son,, Keith Pea44.75 1136 interstate SATHERS Year T Mable Wilmer Murray Wednesday after- tross and Hogensen 61.48 Carlos 472.95 1144 daughter, Mrs. liable Credit Jeweler Mrs. C. M. Reynolds The special work of the Roberts. noon. 8.94 63.75 1145 Burton Lawrence Roosevelt, Utah bee. 4t; 9.86 meeting was a quilting 75.88 unissued Thomas Guynn of San FrancisHarold Stevenson Mrs. Andrew Stork arrived from 26.00 200.00 1183 CASH of Brown co market Mr. and Highest Washington, Lorin Allred 24.12 Las Vegas, Nevada Friday to at185.50 unissued for old gold and prec, D. C. were in Myton Monday on Edward L. Burton 71.26 tend to business matters in Myton, 548.18 Indian A. G. Burton SATHERS Credit Je. metals connected the with business 28.68 220.65 1080 returning home Monday. Mr. and Irrigation Service. were Loyd T. Burton Co. Roosevelt 4; They to 126.75 975.00 Mrs. Stork contemplate coming E. W. C. L. Killian Mrs. and Mr. of guests 2.60 20.00 unissued Myton later this month to enter E. A. Farnsworth Kronquist while here. .78 6.00 860 the business field (here. P. Pearson John Care Albert Hook returned Monday 16.35 126.00 Mrs. W. E. Burton left Thursday Geo. Rust B. a 1.08 8.33 774 for Salt Lake City to visit rela- from Price where he had been L. J. Shirts Sarah 23.45 180.42 guest cf Mr. and Mrs. Granville Alma Thayne 871 tives, returning Sunday evening. 12.32 94.75 870 Mrs. George Behunin 'who has Cooper. John L. Thayne 10.01 77.00 unissued Emil Munz, Titus Jones and Harold Sorenson been receiving medical attention in II. R HOLLENBECK j 39.78 306.01 1099 were to Wilkins of Duchesne Lillis Schonian Price was sufficiently improved Roy 12.79 98.41 953 Public f members James H. Wilson Notary return home Friday. among the 15.70 120.75 1010 a Who attended Masonic Lodge here Elsther Draper Est. Wm. Stewart came in from North of .39 2.99 unissued Mrs. E. Behunin to attend his bees in this dis- Monday evening. 48.36 372.00 d R. Rust County Court House W. H. Paul, who left several Elton trict Saturday. 33.85 260.38 1187 C. Brandenburg Stanley and Smith Duchesne Mr. and Mr's. Kenneth weeks ago to seek a new location, cw; 24.04 185.00 1152 L. Allred small son arrived Friday from Col- was transacting business in Myton John 6.76 52.00 L. Allred Thos. umbia to visit with Mr. Smiths Tuesday. They are at present lo- Edwin S. Anderson 17.63 2 136.00 297-43- 9 3.77 29.03 parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Smith, cated in Salt Lake City after F. L. Burton 506-89- 7 51.52 396.32 returning home Saturday evening spending some time in Calif. Jozsa Ciprian 277-41- 5 51.16 393.57 MERRIL H. LARSEN accompanied by Jeanette, a daughMrs. Andrew Tolboe and son. Rudolph Jozsa 39.46 303.50 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Smith. Acey left Tuesday for Salt Lake Elsie Larsen Est. 778 4 18.85 145.00 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bailey and City where the boy will undergo a E. D. Larsen Attorney-at-la2.89 22.21 822 son Billy cf Spring Canyon are vis- minor operation for the removal J. E. Miles 22.67 174.38 636 itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. cf metal plates used to mend a L. M. Miles I'Ut Duchesne 9 20.15 155.00 Chase McDonald Eldon Behunin in Pleasant Valley. fractured arm. Mrs. A. L. Swain and children of And unless payment is made before, so much thereof as may be Rex Gile3 left fer LoSalt Lake City were week end gan where he willTuesday enter special necessary to pay the delinquent assessment together iwith. the cost of advertising and expense of sale, will toe sold at public auction to guests at the home of her parents, training for WPA workers. They Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Smith. the highest bidder fer cash, at the company office on the 18th day of been has who Mrs. Lee Cooper, were accompanied by Mrs. SWain's at 2 Oclock p. m., 1941. June L. A. HOLLENBECK is ill, reported steadily brother Donald Smith, when they seriously Order of the Board of Directors recovering. By returned home Sunday evening. Attorney-at-LaMiss Hazel Diehl, who remained E. D. Nyberg, Secretary Donald expects to find employment to visit friends after the close of Itti I Duchesne there and remain during the sum- school, left Monday for her home Date of 1st pub. May 30 Date of last pub. June 13, 1941 mer. VACATION TIME IS ACCIDENT TIME in Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. James Dalgleish Honoring the soldiers who gave of JUNE Brides, Fishing season, summer vaca- accompanied by R. C. Walker on lives in war, the Wm. Sands their Roosevelt visited in Park City No. 5 of the American Legion tions, and the beginning of the high period in high- Decoration Pst Day where they were sponsored a program at the Preson the joined by Mrs. is danger-tim- e way fatalities. Summer-tim- e Walker and daughROY A. SCHONIAN byterian Church Friday at 11 a. Notice To Water Users and Mrs. R. C. m. and Dr. Jean, ter, highways. The program was conducted by Marion S. Shields and daughter, Anne. Registered William Hays, Duchesne, Utah Commander L. P. Anderle. Rev. We are being shocked daily with the horrors of Dalgleish Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zorko and Hailwood addressed a audiNurse Martha Shanks has filed Application No. 14098 to County large Mortician the tolls of war, the seemingly unnecessary slaughter small daughter and Mrs. Arthur ence on the theme of patriotism left Friday for Chicago where she appropriate 1 sec. ft. of water from from Ely, and several musical numbers were will attend a four months course Strawberry river in Duchesne Friday rtal and maiming of so many soldiers and civilians, but, Leigh arrived Duchesne to visit with their parThe Legion held their at the maternity center hospital. county; said water will be diverted enjoyed. because we seem to be growing used to it, we fail to Nevada ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Dart and Kenneth Zirker arrived home on from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 incl. of services at the cemetery feel any shock of the fact that the traffic death toll Mr. and Mrs. Matt Uresk. Mr. Usual to the program. Friday from Logan where he ha3 each year at a point N. 56 deg. 15 to irrigate 175,000 acres of. returned home Sunday and prior been attending school at the U. S. 45 min. W. 2923 ft. from the E,4 the location of which is dear: for the past two years greatly exceeds the American Zorko Cor. Sec. 17, T. 4 S., R. 7 W., in the others remained for a longer A. C. the Application. It is now s dead in the World War, and that traffic deaths in the visit. Mr. ajid Mrs. R. S. Lusty spent USB&M, conveyed by an enlarge- posed to abandon 825 sec. ft ment of the Fenskie canal and Elma Cox, daughter of Mr. and last seven years have been GREATER than the TONo. 7781 and to4 Wednesday in Heber and Coalville used to 70 acres of land Cox, left Friday over-nigTAL NUMBER OF AMERICANS KILLED IN ALL Mrs. Ellsworth and were of their embraced irrigate the remaining 175 sec. ft. Iron. guests in of 15 Secs. and parts for Price to visit with Mr. and Duchesne river into the Duct: daughters in Provo. THE WARS IN THE NATIONS HISTORY! 16, T. 4 S., R. 7 W USB&M. Mrs. Elby Bently. O. Mr. and Mrs. S. canal at a point N. 23 'i, feeder Roberts Solomonsno, Protests Tracy. the and resisting granting There doesnt seem to be much we can do to stop Visitors at the home of Mr. Mrs. Charlie Bird and her daughter of said Application, with reasons E. 80 ft. from the S',4 Cor. Andrew Tolboe Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Defa of Larin sepent Decoration Day at therefor, made in affidavit form, 35, T. 3 S., R. 4 W., USB&M. the toll of war, but there is something that we can do, Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andermust be filed with T. H. s, water will be conveyed each of us as individuals, to stop the toll of highway son and daughter, Enid of Vernal Salt Lake spent several days visit- Richfield. ' State Engineer, 403 State Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Roberts canal from April 15 to The people of our community ing Gene Mrs. and Mr. and accidents. We can, each of us who drives a car, Wright this week. Miss Beulah Salt Lake City, Utah, with 15 and delivered to the Red 5 Napoli and spent Decoration Day at various Capitol, Bonnie Jean of Miss Kay Gibson accompanied cemeteries in. Duchesne, Utahn, Ro- one extra copy and $1.00 filing and U. S. Dry Gulch canals of: determine now to WALK AND DRIVE SO THAT and daughter, California. M r s. Orangewood, fee on or before July 13, 1941. them. U. S. Indian Irrigation pf osevelt and Myton. ACCIDENTS JUST CANT HAPPEN! Wright, before her marriage, was T. H. HUMPHERYS Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. Collett and in lieu thereof an equal and Mr. Mrs. Silas Ross and That slogan should be made a of all vaca- Miss Marie Anderson, a former and family left Saturday for Salt daughter Coleen spent the week State Engineer of water will be diverted resident. reLake Mrs. Date where tion plans, as well as being kept in mind daily as we Myton Callett will Lake first cf in Fork river into the 1941. end Arcadia 16, River as Green and pub., May Dr. R. A. Joseph spent the week ceive medical attention. of the Moon Lake pr ' Date the and of of Mrs. Hale last 1941. guests Bishop pub., June 13, go about our usual occupations. It will help greatly end in Salt Lake City with his Orin Collett of Yellowstone spent as a supplemental sr and used Holgate and Mr. and Mrs. Oto in controlling the No. 1 threat to life and limb and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Todd the week end with hi3 family. to 70,000 acres of 4 Nielsen. Mrs. and her irrigate Holgate who have . been visiting their To Notice Water Users Bernell Rhoades and Bill Moon Collett Lake project under said happiness. Betty Lee accompanied granddaughter, Mrs. Alan Sims in are employed at the Michie saw daughter described more to them Green River. specifically Salt Lake City, returned with him mill. The U. S. Bureau of Reclamain the State filed PROSPECTS FOR THE MOON LAKE ROAD The were week end following Monday morning. j Mr. and Mrs. Alfonzo Defa spent guests of Mrs. Eliza J. Gilbert; Mr. tion, 336 Federal Building, Salt gineers office. With the opening of the summer season our Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Dart enter- a few days in Salt Lake visiting and Mrs. John A. Gilbert and fam- Lake City, Utah has filed Applicathe Protests resisting tained at dinner Sunday honoring relatives. tion No. to change the point of said res ily cf Tcoele. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Application, with V thoughts again turn to Moon Lake, probably the most their son and daughter-in-'aw, Mr. Miss Crystal Allred spent a few Moore and daughters and Mr. and of diversion and place of use of affidavit in made therefor, used of all recreation spots in the Uintah Basin, and and Mrs. Ralph Clyde Dart who days in Duchesne this week visit- Mrs. Aadell Parker of Salt Lake. 175 sec. ft. of water from the must be filed' with T, H. Her-'-, were recently married. Present ing friends. and Duchesne in rivers the inexcusably rough road leading to it. Strawberry Sunday guests of Mrs. Eliza J. erys, State Engineer, 403 were the brides parents, Mr. and Lloyd Roberts accompanied Joe Gilbert were Joe shanks and Ray Duchesne county. Under Applica Capitol, Salt Lake City, UtaM Much of the road, of course, is in a fair condition; Mrs. Arden Drollinger and family Defa to No. 7781, 700 sec. ft. of water tion Oregon Sunday where he Mayhew of Utahn. one ertra copy and $1.00 filing the section from Duchesne to Mt. Home, maintained of Ioka, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zor-k- o will to was have been diverted from the weeks a vacation. spend on or before July 20, 1941. Mr. and Mrs. Aoner Ross and Duchesne river at a and Mrs. Arthur Leigh of Ely, June Roberts and Mrs. Mae Robpoint E. 2600 by the state, and the forest road from Twin Pots to Nevada, T. H. HUMPHER'-StatR. C. Walker of Roose- erts motored to Provo daughter of Midway and Mrs. Rob- - ft from the sw Cor- - SeC- - 12 T. Tuesday ert Rosa of Moon Lake, hut there still remains that wholly un- velt, Alva Dart of Myton, Mr. and week the Joseph spent 3 s R- - 5 w., USB&M and 300 sec. where Mi's. Roberts will receive end with his brothers Stanley and cared for stretch of eight or nine miles crossing the Mrs. O. A. Dart and family and medical was of first publication, -have been diverted from care for a few days. ,Ros3; Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson Indian grazing ground which proves the rule that the guesta of honor. Strawberry river at a point S. 1000 23. 1941. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. ft. from the Nw Cor Sec 1( T Date of last publication, E. W. Kronquist left Thursday of Provo spent a few days visiting no chain is stronger than its weakest link, or in this for D. B. were Mr. and 4 S., R. 5 W., USB&M. The water 20, 1911. Winnemucca, Nevada to meet Mr. Chancey C. Lee, Mrs. Ander- Mrs. Farnsworth Rulon Thayne and Mr. and from both streams was to have instance that no road is better than its poorest sec- Mrs. Kronquist on her return trip sons father, who at this writing is Mrs. Norman Stapley of Salt Lake been used from April 15 to Oct. The Record does Expert Pr1"' from Los Angeles where she at- very ill, tion. Mr. and Mrs. Alden tended the wedding of her nephew Mr. and Mrs. Leo Defa and fam- City and For the past several years delegations have fre- George Rushworth Jr. They vis- ily spent a couple days this week Farnsworth of Kamas. Lynn Ross entertained at quently waited on the Indian Agency in the hopes of ited friends in Winnemucca and visiting relatives and friends in a Mrs. y party Sunday birthday reReno until when Salt Lake j and Murray. Sunday they getting some improvement project inaugurated on turned to Myton. to her little daughter Mrs. V'iolet Lazenby, Miss June this section of road, each time with no success. So Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Adams and Rose, Donna. Ice cream and cake (were Miss Blanch Rose, and Miss as we know, no delegation has yet approached daughter Bonnie of Roosevelt were Lucille Rhoades of Provo were in served to 12 little friends. Pauline Lloyd spent Sunday the Indian Agency this spring, but constant failure guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Hanna to spend Memorial Day. at Miss the Holgate home. Mr. j and Dalgleish Mrs. Bill Van Tassell Saturday evening. dulls hopes, and we are not too optomistic about the Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Marion G. Shields, Mrs. Zorgensen and child- spent the week end in Vernal visitMarion Ross and Mrs. Vernal Nieli ren and Miss Norma Smith came ing friends and relatives. results of similar efforts this year. sen attended commencement the over from Roosevelt Mr. to and Mrs. Ferrin Van WagonDuring his campaign, Governor Maw promised visit with their parents,Sunday Mr. and er were Hanna vsitors thiis week. exercises at the B. Y. U. Wednesan oiled road to Moon Lake, though we know of Mrs. A. O. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Sweat of day Whore their son and brother, Mias lone Bird who has been at- Heber spent a few days in Hanna W. Ralph, was a graduate. any time .limit set on the fulfillment of this promise. Clarence Horrocks spent the a school for special train- visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atwood tending Certainly such a project is completely in line with ing in auditing end with his family. week n for the Indian and family. his ambition to make Utah more attractive to tourMiss Sybil Lusty spent Tuesday enables us to give prompt, efficient and com Mr. and Mrs. A. Foster Rhoades Service, returned Monday the of her Lois sisters, night from guest Montana. to and and Lois more Billings, to motored Provo this ists, fortabJc ambulance service any time at a n10' fully utilize the natural reand Barbara in Provo. Arthur son and Week. and Gerry sources. We hope the time wont he ments notice for invalid or emergency off when daughter, Johnny and Jacqueline Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Sagers and work on this project is started. Remund of Duchesne Lloyd - - anywhere, anytime. weie of Duchesne were Myton visitors The Record OUloe Specializes In visitors Monday of Mr. and Mrs. In the mean time, it looks like some Monday. They were joined by Fine Commercial Printing Marvin G. Shields. cooperative CALL effort toward at least a temporary improvement Archie Larsen is able lo be out of efFected. this road mightbe our only prospect. A year after a few days illness. Such work is entirely out of the line of duty of again ago Mrs. Francis Ross is spending with the added incentive of getting the road in pre- these and carries with it no compensation, other a week in Myton at the home of men, sentable condition for the visiting editors of the state than the The Uintah Basins Only Complete Mortuary while they are vacasatisfaction of having contributed in a com- her parents in at their annual summer outing, the Oklohoma. tioning of the Farnsworth Canal & Cessment 1112-956-9- YOUR HAND OFF! y, 94S-970- Professional , out-of-to- Sa-lin- 1113-unissue- 865-106- 997-105- r w 938-118- w - Legal Advertising ht thr-g- aid Hum-phery- part gra-"- S ! I e Engine-Dat- Ln compli--menter- far Anibulaiice Service' For Sickness or liineryency dont Our Special Nash Sedan Ambulance Iiri-gatio- states far traus-portalio- ROY A. SCHONIAN state help loud voikeis mus solicited and through the donation of their time, with the assistance generous of manv other individual volunteers, a real improvement was munity project of benefit to all. Whether or not they would care to repeat this performance would be a matter entirely lip to their own judgment and desires. Custards Baked custards and vanilla junket are tasty with a sprinkling of grated nutmeg. Baked Service Business Phone 271 Residence Phone Duchesne. Utah 21 T! |