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Show te Ada in This HKead to Build Paper tad Help B,Icur ,rrh;f Community. OWN t eot(iume 41. rrr city, & after Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah, Tuesday, August 17, 1937. ' Brigham Girl Will Teach In Maryland Hh rlMlNE-O-TYP- E S TWO erel i , mn- By LESLIE HUMPAGE r i; - Olsei Oddities d D an s4j B L I N, Ireland. 18 was eating lunch in when the wind blew an friKtdan td lvi, wspaper into his lap. the contained an announce-ake- a g of his brothers airplane I in France 18 years ago. :rry $' 'I Wis. Wearing a ;kiaj)lSON, rnei! Je gingham dress as a tea rrmf:i, Mrs.' Cornelia Bennett her friends in Sanreceiving forma, bounty jail. e is serving a three-mont- h for contempt of court "1 she refused to pay $971 nse incurred by her hus-- C in his divorce suit ast her. G rj Miss Dorothy Larsen, who has spent the summer in Maryland and Washington, D. C., accompanied by Miss Mary Koppleman of Cornwall, New York, arrived in this city last week for a short vacation with Miss Larsens parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. Larsen. Miss Larsen has attended the University of Maryland the past few months, taking a special course in art and interior decorating. She has accepted a position on the teaching staff of the "Neighborhood a private school in Silver School, Springs, Maryland, and will report for duty in about ten days. During the winter she will take private lessons in art from Miss Bosdeck in Washington, D. C. BUILDINGON FOREST STREET 1PR0VED h... pped Old Theatre Is Converted Into Business Block JLND WORDS a seed beside a path, y busy way, jhance, or fate I say not which, I me, one tammer day e the path; and lo! clower k looming there, r aa eye hath looked npon, DlJt sweet as It was fair. jj self-sam- t ;5 a eympathetlc word, trwatch It grow, 1 i c "'ga needed, when ! U cood we sow; i i.v) 1 J 17 ( ri i i the man again, ' ladsome way , : ad, I knew I sowed (1 teed that day. 1 A;II:ought t we like about a pessi-i- s that when we borrow jung from him, he doesnt to get it back, anyway. Bernards haps most of our readers have the newspaper reports of the emard dog who caused fatal SS to the Httle daughter of a doctor. . After that accident stated these dogs were to be !yed. last verified report that comes Is that 15,000 Swiss francs wen offered the prior of the s t Et. Eeraard Hospice, Swit-tty tie International Hu sLji Ireau at Geneva for ar;trx;"an of spacious sult-- 1 1Cited kennels in order fb tic's One dogs. la oiler, Miss lent of the bureau, says Hav- visited the hospice and I ff owned daring twelve years 1 1 Bernard of the pure breed the hospice, a faithful and bent friend, I beg yon to t my offer. to believed that the conditions i mrf wkJci the dogs live at the ggeZBe taye not been what they he that provision of date 1 :mels with adequate for exercise will eliminate ferod which has caused so d, y, Ely mi til i troCIa, 5 Kn!.ich uis Kcahach had 1 va ) Minnesota lake tl aaed about it. . His so vivid that he st Jalis bed and dived th iwindow: into the re he landed uninju I"' yj ,T" IIoward: oward of Co appears to have on of a' certain uh . rlioa in that communil to an advertis town3 MWae newspaper, b: I want the i dec , d, fulminating, ed, ingratious, gall-i- n indent, gleeking, odious, carping, yed, spawning, si od eaval who swamp ? to come and see is man enout (hlo j , K structure. A portion of the building has been leased to John Richards, Jr., operator of the Richards Market at Garland, who will install a modern commercial cold storage plant which, when completed, will contain 381 individual cold storage lockers, each with a capacity of ten cubic feet, in which can be stored about 400 pounds of fruits, vegetables and meats. These will be available for individual d rental. The R. M. Kaiser company, distributors for Beckers Products, will occupy the main portion of the first floor in which will be erected a large refrigeration system for the storage of keg and bottled beer and soft drinks. Mr. Kaiser will also furconduct a new and second-han- d niture business and will be in the new quarters about September 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser will have living quarters on the second floor In a apartment. The space in the rear of the building, consisting of 70x70 feet, will be used by Mr. Bloom and son in the operation of a bonded fur, wool and grain storage house. There will be four floors for storage, together with a large elevator and a storage fur vault in the basement. year-roun- four-roo- m Foreclosure Suits Are Filed Here The Federal Land Bank of Berkeley, California, filed two suits in the district court here the latter part of last week, the action being to foreclose on certain mortgages. One suit was against William B. Mason and Lillian Mason, his wife, et al., the 'other against WTlliam S. Mason and Chloe Mason, his wife, and others. Effect For Peach Days Planned a fun during his 11 ing on West Forest street, purchased some months ago by L. Bloom and Son of this city, is being converted into a splendid business block, sufficiently large to house three separate enterprises. With the exception of the walls, the building has been practically rebuilt, including a new roof, and is now a very splendid New Lighting Jscnolliies To-mah-to- Elwood Sercomb es, It's Still Tomato Died Saturday Week! TREMONTON. Elward Sercomb, 63, for many years a resident of this locality, died Saturday at eleven a. m. in a Salt Lake City forty-fiv- e he bad been for the where hospital, past two months. Bom January 4, 18J4, in Iowa, he was a son of Albett and Carrie Skinner Sercomb. Unmarried, he was a laborer. Surviving are ,his mother and a brother, Bert Sercomb, Salt Lake City, and a sister, in Long Beach, California. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at twelve noon at the Larkin Mortuary in Salt Lake. Interment was in the Mount Olivet cemetery. SALT LAKERS ! TRIM BRIGHAM j ON SUNDAY j N. 0. Nelson Team Defeats P. & W. By 12-- 4 Score The N. O. Nelson Plumbing company softball team of Salt Lak City came to Brigham on Sunday and in a game at Pioneer Park at twelve noon defeated the P. & W. Billiards by a score of 12 to 4. The game was arranged by Joseph Sorensen of the Coleman & Sorensen company, local plumbers. Difference of opinion make the whole world chin, bnt whether Bill Munsey, pitcher for the Nelson yon ere the common, garden variety of human that (ay tossed superb ball, striking team, or tho ritsy class that says youll get tomatoes when yon out ten men. Jack Reeves, also with ask for them during Tomato Week, August 12 to 19. Anno Shirley, the Salt Lake aggregation, hit & bnt Eric Blore, RJC.O.-Radi- o star insists its featured player, has been an upper crust butler to many times he cant home run, a triple, and a double in Both were getting rather belligerent say anything bnt four times t JbaL-- . to lead in when someone got them to compromise and call tomatoes "love apples. the hitting. Dutch Hess and Bud Frye, home tomato juice as a means of keeping Buy tomatoes! s boys, played excellent ball . for the in down the waistline. These will be losers. In fact, the local men all thousands of grocery stores when According to George E. Holt, chairplayed good ball but It seemed that organized groups in the eleven west- man of the Utah Canning Tomato the visitors had the game in ern states launch Tomato Week, from Growers Stabilization Committee, the their hands. of canned tomatoes August 12th to 18th, to aid Utah and Utah carry-ovOn tomato western in excess other is of 300,000 cases apManager George Knight said the growers. Nelson team suffered several injuFaced with a large surplus of proximately six times the carry-ovThis week marks the advent ries during the season which weakcanned tomatoes on the eve of this of recent years. new a of obtained type of merchandising in- ened the team, causing it to lose bumper crop, growers Mr. Holt said the assistance of years cooperation of members of the West- chain stores was solicited and the stitution among us, known and styled a chance to enter the Salt Lake ern States Chain Grocers association drive will be similar in character to as The Consumers Development tournament. Association. Having bought out the A number of the ball players from in an aggressive campaign to push the other emergency tomatoes. of the sale drives conducted by the chain Brigham Cash Grocery on Main Salt Lake were accompanied by this may be termed their wives and while here were stores offered are As a result, consumers during the last year. By re- street. In reality store owned and con- guests of Page & Watkins, as fola cooperative savon a distinct such that drives lieving hand, surpluses represent prices trolled largely by its share holders lows: Messrs, and Mesdames George ing. Stores in the drive have de- have stabilized the market for nine in this community and adjacent ter- Knight, Clyde Messenger, P. H. mersame different and and at the time crops signed special advertising Its shares and capital inElmer Simms, George Brandley, chandising plans to point out the have brought attractive bargains to ritory. will be subscribed to and Bud Bishop, Bud Coanburg, Bill Munvested value of tomatoes as a food, and of the consumer. widely divided among our home sey, Crupy Cope, Jack Reeves, Sid people. Clark, Art Sheldon, Jack Clark, Don The institution is of a truly co- Buchanan, Bill Schultz and Paul operative nature so we understand, Lawson and a lady friend. They all and may be termed a sarta Share took dinner at Alexs Cafe. the profit plan. That is, a liberal The visitors appreciated the courportion of the net earnings are tesy of the city in sprinkling the returned back annually, to members ball field for the game and also the or patrons having membership in use of a shower at the municipal the association. The distribution be- swimming pool. ing in cash dividends, determined and A return game will probably bo paid on the patronage basis or trade arranged in the near future at one volume contributed by the member of the lighted parks in Salt Lake Rejoice during the year. City. The local boys say if this To This institution will for the present happens, they will sure bring home be conducted as a food store, very the bacon. Be complete in that respect In the near future after having secured the City at225 More than 5,000 persons citizens of necessary space and equipment, we Approximately merof tended Garlands Wheat and Beet Willard, including entire families, in will expand into other lines celebration Saturday, it being the company with soil conservation ser- chandise and services, as may be in Mrs. Louise Sorensen, city recorder eighth annual festival honoring the vice officials and employes, forest keeping with our charter and aims, of of the the and wishes Brigham City, returned Sunday community mainstays of Bear River valley ag- service officials and Willard C. C. C. from Spanish Fork, where We will holders. our share and evening help entertainA in of the full camp riculture. officials, gathered day peaks she attended the Black Hawk Envolume trade such hold for Brigham ment greeted the throngs, and Gov- of the Willard mountains Saturday and to the campment as homecoming celebratown, belongs flood to rightfully at afternoon the control a was the review visitor ernor Blood week. tion last to flow allow business rather than work of the past yearcelebration Saturday evening. She also visited with her parents to other nearby larger trading cenwas a To the Willard it an educational people, program Following Mr. and Mrs. Newell Monk, old resihas This of institution kind ters. in the Garland tabernacle, sports, grand outing to celebrate the safety merits and will no doubt fill a dents of Spanish Fork, and with, rodeo, wrestling, boxing, and danc- they are receiving under the flood worthy need and be welcomed in other relatives and friends. uncontrol project being carried out ing entertained the crowds. midst. Sentiment in favor of our The challenge of the future for der the direction of the soil conis well established, and the farm lies definitely in the field servation service with the aid of they hare achieved great success in C. men. C. C. of social values, Dr. Lowry Nelson, all the thrifty, well balTo the forest service men, it was practically director of the Utah experiment staanced countries of Europe and are tion, told an assemblage at the morn- an opportunity to let the public know now gaining ground and favor very The Burbank family held their ing meeting. Production of the farms, what is being done in rehabilitation rapidly in most parts of the United annual reunion Saturday at the Box he explained, is but secondary to of a great natural forest which, dur- States. Elder county parkthe greater objective of developing ing the past few years was almost There were 125 members of the earnnet of the The distribution and lack a rich community life. destroyed by family present novel as is and both ings, explained of fire control. Features of the occasion were the Homes Provided Interesting, In fact, very desirable. . C. C. men were rIso The 150 of a sumptuous family dinserving on Based and the fair patronage means a whereby It is only of their work in terracing and amusements in the proud ner, games trades plan. Further details will be homes can be established and main- entire mountain trees sides, afternoon a luncheon in the and planting enterof the the sponsors tained, children reared and trained and carrying out the conservation given by evening. prise and Information and advertisto be useful members of society; services plans. ing dispensed often as the plan where churches may be built, and At two p. m. the group gathered i progresses. of for the schools provided good and ate dinner and listened to an society, declared Dr. Nelson. Saturday of this week is the openMiss Ruth Allen, student nurse at program. Talks were ing date and the good citizens of Guests were introduced by John J. interesting made by Mayor Ezra W. Nebeker; the Dee Hospital in Ogden, spent are invited and and vicinity Shumway, master of ceremonies A. G. Nord, superintendent of the Brigham the week-en- d in this city. to attend. All welcome. E. J. Holmgren, celebration chair- Cache National J. P. Martin, Forest; hunCONSUMERS DEVELOPMENT man, gave a brief address. One regional engineer of the forest serMisses Mary and Naomi Tingey of dred children In gay costumes and vice; C. F. Smith, superintendent of ASSOCIATION, this city spent Sunday visiting with bi32 South Main Street. with brightly decorated wagons, the Willard camp, and Ephraim in Weston, Idaho. relatives doll carriages, appeared White, former bishop of Willard. cycles and in a parade in the morning. Mrs. trucks One hundred and twenty-fiv- e Social Mr. and Mrs. Judd Harmon of A. D. Rich was In charge of the and private cars made the trip to Ogden spent Sunday in this city feature. the celebration over a new road conA visiting with relatives and friends. At the ball game in the afternoon structed from Mantua by C. C. C. n The annual Farm Bureau summer and men during the past year. It was between Mr. and Mrs. Don Rasmussen and the latter won the opinion of many who made the outing, scheduled for Thursday, of Garfield, spent Saturday and baby been one has 26th, to postponed August the when that by a score of 3 to 1. public, opened trip in this city with relatives 27th on to account of Sunday August The fight program was exception- this spot will become one of the day and friends. comSocial the Democratic most County in vacation attended. popular places ally fine and was largely ing on Thursday evening. This will Windmill Pearce of Springville won Northern Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Nelson of this ll give an opportunity for those who decision over Stan a wish, to attend both functions. city announce the birth of a in the headline boxing bout, The officials of the Farm Bureau Friday at a local hospital and Ralph Morley of Ogden took two are anxious all farmers that and Mother their and son are reported to be is out of three falls from Hy Sharman of education The board willing of 'Salt Lake City. that the high school band go to wives and families come out and doing well. in the annual social on varieties of flowers, Preston, Idaho, Friday, August 26th. participate Twenty-fiv- e 27th. August Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Thurza Young anand is exhibited provided were being Transportation totaling 150 entries, nounce. the birth of a girl bom at the Garland Garden club flower paid for by the Peach Day comSunday at a local hospital. Mother show, with Mrs. J. M. Gaddie, presi- mittee, also money to pay for the and daughter are reported to be dent of the club, and J. W. Trini-ma- n band members lunch while there. Due to the State Municipal League convalescing. We are very anxious that &1! in charge. Mrs. S. Norman Convention being in session August children in who beauhave the the parents Lee of Brigham City Judged the 19th, regular for meeting of the them to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rowe of Ruth tiful array, awarding fourteen prizes band make It possible scheduled for Nevada, have been guests at the home Council, City Brigham Preston school as the with Also combined attend, high to the winners. the flower show was the summer band is coming here to play for our Thursday, August 19th, will be post- of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fryer the past poned to Monday, August 23rd. week. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Hancock recreational exhibit, at which chil- Peach Days, September 10th. PEACH DAY Signed: F. JOSEPH LAW, of Salt Lake City were also weekdren from seven to fifteen years EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. (adv-lt-) end guests at the Fryer residence. Mayor. were represented. NEWFIRM es LOCATING IN BRIGHAM Takes Over Cash Grocery Store Main Street er er The old Liberty Theatre build- went ( or es watch-word- Jttle Poetry SEEPS To-may-to- Number 40. Orion Eskelsen, city electrician, met with the board of governors of the local chamber of commerce last evening and presented a plan to provide a new lighting effect for the Peach Days oelebration here on September 10th and 11th. It was suggested by the electrician that a large steel metal sign, cut in the shape of a peach, be erected at the south and north entrances of the city on large poles; that the sign be painted the peach colors and the Peach Days, Brigham City, words, September 10th and llth. Each year the dates will be changed to the time of holding the festival. It was also suggested that the street lighting effect, used during the Christmas holidays, be eliminated and the lights be used in another form on either side of Main and Forest streets. The usual banners and streamers will be used. This is just a mere outline of Mr. Eskelsens plan, which was accepted by the board and Peach Day jnanager W. L. Holst, but when it is fully worked out, the decorating and lighting scheme will be very beautiful and effectual. farmer-consum- er Geh-rin- g, GARLANDS MANY ATTEND CELEBRATION WILLARD OUTING A SUCCESS SATURDAY Wheat and Beet Residents That Flood Danger Is Conquered Holiday Proves A Success Recorder Home From Celebration - Burbank Family Holds Reunion - over-grazi- ng Local Items Farm Bureau Postponed Day Garland-Tremonto- Brigham-Honeyvill- six-rou- nd e, Bir-re- Parents, Notice boy-bor- Notice |