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Show THE BOX ELDER NEWS. Semi Weekly "PAGE TWO BOX ELDER C. C. She Box gt tor fema -- Semi-Weekl- B. C. Every Published Tuesday and Friday C. WIXOM. Editor and Manager y, Subscription Rates: - 60 Entered at the Post Office at Brigham City, as Second Class Matter. James W. Jones, George Moyes, Cecil Bargeron, Guy McKay, Hubert Bowen and J. P. Lemon, all of whom are under the supervision of Azra Paul. Most all of the work accomplished by the 1253rd Company is as follows: e automobile road through A rock, sand, forests, and steep hills; p a 550 footstone dam at the located at Willard canyon; four miles of horse trail; a wooden mess hall seating the whole company; shower and washing building; officers dining room, seating all officers and foremen; cooks room;' blacksmiths wooden floors for all shop; forty-tw- o tents; a table and toilet article cabinet for every tent; a telephone line camp. Upon arrival at the camp on wa3 set up between Mantua and the June 14th, work was started on the road leading to the camp, wooden forms for the new Johnson ditch project, and millions of tons of rocks were moved to provide for the large Windsor stone spillway, sixty feet wide, and an apron sixty feet wide and sixty feet long. The then accountable for keeping thfe men healthy, hearty and happy, are; Dr; Lewis II. Bronstein and his 'men,' Joe Celml and Harry Fuirk; private first class, S. five-mil- A Suggestion To Autoists stub-cam- Last Saturday, two boys of this city, one 6 and the other 14 years over to Bear d of age, River and after fishing for a time decided to go further north. They caught a ride to Tremonton, then to Garland, and from there to Plymouth, and from that community they caught a ride to Malad, Idaho, where the older boy has an. uncle. Their parents did not know where they had gone and when night approached began to worry about their whereabouts. The uncle at Malad questioned them to find out If they had left home upon consent of their parents and finding they had not, telephoned to one boys father, telling him the lads were in Malad. The father secured an automobile through a friend and it was midnight before he returned with the runaways. Probably all this trouble could have been avoided if the driver of the apto which first gave the boys a ride had questioned them and after learning they belonged in Brigham City, refused to take them on and urged them to return home, or, after finding out who they were, have turned them over to mi officer in an adjoining town. It would be a good practice for autoists to take more precaution before picking up youngsters along the highway; to find out who they are, where they belong, and refuse them rides that will take them farther away from home. solution hitch-hike- the "Mouth-Teste- d Antiseptic Does your mouth wadi do tho things it should under We everyday conditions? wanted to be sure about Mi 31 so we tested it in toe mouth. In normal gargling time it definitely destroyed toe germs that cause sore' throat and infection. And it neutralized every odor! , Currency. Depreciation And Life Insurance' In a very interesting editorial, the Insurance Field comments on. the fact that many prospects for life insurance are hesitating because of fear that the value of the dollar will change in the future, and that the policy will be paid off in a depreciated currency. This is very much like refusing to take out insurance on the grounds that the world is shortly coming to an end. If it does, your dollars wont be any good to you anyhow, and you might as well have invested them in Insurance as anything else. Money in the bank will vary in value if governmental money policies are changed so will money in stocks, bonds, commodities or anything else. The difference is that while money may be lost entirely life insurance still offers unexcelled safety, irrespective of inflation, deflation, or reflation! What life Insurance is, is simply reducing to a minimum the element of chance In preparing for the future. Its purpose is to provide stability, safety not profits. It takes notice of an ancient human failing the difficulty we have In refraining from spending money we have saved which is within quick and easy reach. It takes our savings, invests them with the lowest possible element of risk, and returns them when most needed. Dont worry about currencies, gold standards, managed dollars and the rest Theyre beyond your power to control. In considering life insur- - ... Bli3PWt9c two-first-a- W. Beda; acting sergeant corporal, jameB tBurgess; mess sergeant, pri- vate Stephen Stephenson, mess cook, who has just left us; lieutenant G. S. Gunn; sergeant Sam F. Biofore; corporal Sereno Hack, the supply sergeant (Continued from first page) 2.00 One Year Bix Months... Three Months MEN ENJOYING CAMPS ROUTINE Friday, id Several men of the company were given the opportunity to work by in groups of twenty. the That is how the 550 foot stone dam was built In Willard canyon. There was a misunderstanding between the people of the community and the C. C. C. Cookies upon their arrival. The lapse of time proved that the men were just plain young men who were worth being treated as men and not what they were thought to be. The commanding Captain Sharp and Captain Crowell, both from the Thirty-eight- h Infantry, including Lieutenant Atkinson, of the Marines, say that they were commanding the best group of men they had ever come in contact with. All that the commanding officers wanted in return' was cooperation. They were more-- than pleased. Our new commanding officer is Lieutenant Harold Bye, of the United States Navy. The best men of the company are in the remaining number. Those not deserving in the vigorous and healthful work in the Civilian Conservation Corps were either sent home or had gone home on their own accord. Those excusable are the men who were called back to itheir old jobs, The truck drivers who haxO made possible the safe transportation of stub-cam- p, rsj many men to and from the' camp, are; Pat Tuohey, Roy Kresean, Harold Cleaver, Stephen White and Bob . Tuohey the safe and fast driver hailing from New York, is the one who carries all the food and necessities to and from Brigham. Judgment from the people with whom the cookies of Camp Box Elder have associated, has proven that these men are only native born citizens, representing the younger generation of the United States of America, Mostly all of them are extremely sociable and entertaining because of the different environment in' which they have lived before coming to a land of people unfamiliar to them. Is this not true? I leave you and all you other readers of C.'C. C. news to judge from your own associations with them. They are the best type of American young men. In an article written by myself lit. the May 212th Company paper, Ive stated that the purpose of the C. C. C. is to help protect the forest and to carry out the sound development of the locality about these forests, . in prosperity and permanence. ' I hope this statement to be true of the towns about the Box Elder camp." The camp fighters are in training for their bouts at the Bluebird arena on Friday night .This article was written by the proud, honorable and loyaL American camp reporter. Du-co- CARMELO C. DAQUINO. OUR ADS BRING RESULTS! Schedule t - Pech DaJ Friday, SepteahTT 1?:30 a. and Main strwvFHC school band H- - S. (CN Band Wver high Bchtfr?6 Nye, director). 12:30-1:3- 0 n (Free Fruit), 1; 30-- 30 4: 5:30-6:3- 0 njH p. Court House, J 6:30-7:3- 0 Court House, 7:30-8:3- V p. park, Brigham 0 mJ p. B. e p. Court House, MuMc& Saturday, September wX 10:30 a, m. Parad, and Main street) t high school band , , band. 3. Bear band. 4. Ogden band. 6. Williams Corps. 6. Union Pacta? 3 12:30-1:31:30-4:3- park, 5:30-6:3- 0 p. p. 0 0 Court House, 7:30-8:3- m.-- .w U. P. Shopg 0 p. Count House, 6:30-7:3- m.--- ffi 0 Court House, wH J Municipal p. m. Rif? South p. m- -W B. R, h. (Band chairman, Rite-Wa- y W Store). If 1 THE EDDY DRUG LID STORE V l v. -- "t "i t m TW! ance, simply remember that it is a good deal more likely to keep your money unimpaired than any investment. open to you. WANT COLUMN FOR RENT 3 or apartment nicely North; Third East modern furnished. 50' (sl5-t- f) FOR SALfc Wagon chassis. Complete (815-2for 41. I. L. Glennv , 2) FOR SALE Bartlett pears, First West street. 313 North, (s8-1- - 2) inn 1 FOR SALE Chevrolet ton truck, cheap; equipped with beet rack. 542 South, First West (sl5-p- d) FOR SALE Blacksmith shop and residence. Easy terms. Phone 286. (sl-o- 3) . FOR BETTER CONCRETE Use Brigham sand and gravel. Special price on long hauling. Eugene Hillstrom, phone 345-(all-olO-- p) SEE OUR HORTON WASHER Before you buy. Petersen Electric, (j27-tphone 430. CASH , PAID For dead and useless cows and horses. Phone 493J& .. Reverse charges.. itf) f) - CATTLE Taken in on merchandise. Merrell Lumber & Hardware Co. AVOID the regret which is sure to follow selection of a' range by old" fashioned standards Look twice before you buy any range. Look once at ordinary ranges. Look again at Hotpoint, the electric range which will be modern for years to come; v. MEAT, POTATOES The Hotpoint Electric Range cooki with a clean, flameless electric heat. Automatic temperature control and electric timing free you from pot watching, enable you to cook entire meals while you are miles away. and GRAVY A MEAL is built around these three standbys meat, potatoes, and gravy. Invariably they are the first dishes that come to your mind as you plan your dinner. But in spite of their hunger-satisfyin- g and nourishing qualities, this triumvirate can become monotonous unless it is supplemented by other dishes. I1ANY time-honor- Band ll. Hotpoint Electric Cookery brings out the flavor of foods, from brings praise family and friends. Hotpoint cooks foods in their own juices, preserves the full-bodi- tfvtfimtt ELECTRIC RANGE health-givin- g ed vitamins and essential minerals in vegetables and meats ed However, it is often a problem side dishes in your own head. Of course, you can quiz your neighbor, or ask the members of your family what they would like. But even this source of information is often lacking in ideas. to find these The thing to do is read the advertisements in The Box Elder News. Your local merchants display their food-stufon our printed pages. You'll read of new vegetables and fruits thht have just arrived. Your appetite will be aroused by the tasty creations of national food manufacturers. With pencil and paper you can make your market list and menus before you step outdoors. fs Mo) C3 a v to 3t 11 V SEE AN I EleCtriC are a RANGE iier -e MANY MODELS OP THE BEAUTIFUL H OTPOINT r tl ELECTRIC RANGES ARE ON DISPLAY FOR YOU IN OUR NEAREST STORE. DROP IN. WELL SHOW 0U, TOO, HOW EASILY YOU MAY HAVE ONE COMPLETELY INSTALLED IN YOUR HOME ON SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS. OR, IF YOULL PHONE US, OUR B PRESENTATIVE WILL BE GLAD TO CALL ON YOU. mraEmsHmx EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE w t pr as i i |