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Show dff 'fl -- 11 THE SALT LAKE' TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 30,. 1022. V Defense to Investigate Pos-sibility Panel Has Been Questioned About Case. LOS ANGELES, CaL. March 29 A blanket challenge by the defense to the entire Jury panel appeared aa a possi-biUtoday In the trial of Arthur C. Burch, charged with the murder of J, Belton Kennedy here last August. Cause for the challenge first appeared when Mies Zoe Rutherford, being e e mined by Paul Schenck, chief defense counsel, said she .could not be a "fair Juror," due to the fact that a man representing himself to be a relative of w the district attorney called at her home ith ' eferense to Iba case-.- . the said the man talked with her mother and she overheard the conversation "He asked mother whether I was noisedMiss fa "VapiTal -- punishment..' Rutherford said, "and her that Burch was guilty. Mr. Schenck then asked permission to Inquire of all Jurors tentative'? accepted that time whether they' had retip to Such ceived visits Mrs. Hannah 8. O. Reas said that aomeono had telephoned her home shortly alias sho was summoned to serve as a Juror and had requested information as to her religious affiliations. .1 El Barilwlne said that someone had asked his neighbors what opinions he , had expressed concerning the case. Another prospective Juror, C. F. Miller, said that a man representing himself aa being from the district- had called during his absence from home and talked to Mrs. Miller, Miller said the man had Inquired whether he was a member of a certain fraternal organisation and in what business he was enty -- , . gaged. An immediate investigation will be made by the defense, Schenck said, and If it Is discovered that Jurors have beeq tampered with" by representatives of the district attorneys office he will challenge ' the entire panel. i Progress was slow todav. When court adjourned only seven jurors had been accepted tentatively. In addition to Miss Rutherford, who was excused at her own request, one juror was excused a being opposed to capital punishment and another because of a fixed opinion The defendants father and mother, the V. A. Burch of EvansRev. Mr. and Sir ton, 111., were in court this morning Burch came Into the courtroom with a emile and k sued hia mother before, taking his seat beside his counsel. Mrs, Burch was not present at the afternoon sessiou of court. ' The Range With the Reputation Here 1 Prof. Beckers program for the balance of the week: The Majestic Range THURSDAY t - Creditors of (J. S. Mail Company Attack Delay in Claims. of Payment NEW TORK, March Pie Crust Lemon Meringue Pie ' Lemon Filling Cream Puffs n4 Filling- Chocolate Eclairs Spanish Ruffs Neckties swQueen Victoria Afternoon Cream Rings and Filling -- , t i i J and also the answer of every user of the Egrs Majestic Tange, c -- - ' d joints where tight, with stove bolts and putty are usually used.v hand-rivete- SATURDAY This- me ans--t h ata -- The professor will prepare a. dinner for 13 people roast, sweet potatoes, white poconsisting of an tatoes, parsnips, 3 lbs. -- honeycomb ' dressing; and 3 dozen baking powder biscuits, i This dinner will be prepared before your eyes in exactly one hours time everything its own flavor and done to perfection and will be cooked in a single pan. From 3 to 4 the professor ' will lecture on general cooking soups, meats, fowl, fish, etc. 8-l- Dt X t The heat iii a Majestic oven is theame t at each and every corner there- are np t hot spots and it is neveinecessary tcPf turn a pan in a Majestic oven, as every- x thing is baked absolutely even, regard- t1 less of where it is placed in the oven. - I The Majestic is not only a perfect baker; but is also a beautiful piece of furniture, which adds to the dignity and beauty of any kitchen. The Walking Cake will bake a cake before your eyes,-1- 9 inches square and 7 inches high. This cake will be placed between two planks and 25, ladies will stand ou the planks, crushing the cake as flat as a pancake but, lijfe truth crushed to earth, it will After1-irise again. rises to its natural state it This is well worth will be served to those present. seeing. Professor-lleeker re- d-i b. EXTRA SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY -- U4he-heat4s-hid- side, the range, resulting In a perfect, baker. Meat Day This is the model range used by Prof. Becker all this week. The Majestic combination bums -- 12-fo- se , coal, wood and gas. t Spyid a few moments in our Kitchenware Section after the Cooking School eaxh day. You will be delighted with the many labor- - and s t X Free Free To , The kitchen range is used over 1000 times each year.' Why not enjoy, the utmost comfort, pleasure and economy? That means a Majestic. , , s the fipt 50 women we have to offer. Free attending t D x 5 D t' &) g. 'AWAWAWW-- tc , C-B- Reach Baseball Golfers -- ASTHMA Early. DONT SUFFER ANdTHER DAY if you have spasmodic or true asthma In m,,t take HOMODY.VK CAPSULES caer they act like magic ami make the worst suffnrers forget they had asthma. Tell your friends who suffer they give mire end quick rellef-y- our money bai k if they fail. Guaranteed free ftom "done, tnjuilnudor hahit forming drugs, CAPSl LES aie for sale at drug stores Inexpensive (Advertisement BE VVER. Marchr 29 Mrs. Margaret Griffiths, 0 years of age, who walked across the plains to Fait Lake In 1866 with on of the pioneer companies, died Haturdav of last Week at her home In Adsmavllle alter a brief illness of la grippe. The funeral aerviies were held Monday afternoon in the meeting house at Adamevllle, under the direction of Bishop Willard Rees Many friends followed the body Jo the K D V the Poking School .today will be transient, killed presumably bv a train, whose body was taken from the Weber oStatelro-tci-to- r river at Gate ay. Monday--, was hurled. in gireji jl .small-tathis city today. The bodv was taken Flour. from the river by fetation Agent J E Mitchell and Watchman J. L. Smith, assisted by members of the section gang at Gateway, and brought to Morgan by Deputy Sheriff D. H. Heiner and Undertaker R. 11 Welih. Kxamlnatloif of the body dlsclu&adthat both- legs and ons arm bad born broken and the head and body -- Une-ee erely bruised and cut. . Gaw's Identity waiDextabllshed bv his check book and a number of cancelled Goods. checks found in his buckets. He did his banking at Eolla, Mo , but hts home, it was ascertained, was at Edgswood, Mo. Supplies After s telegram had been sent to relatives at Edgewood a reply was received directing that the body be buried in this city and adding thnt the expense would Jbe paid bythe family. that Vw yaw Mountain View cemetery at Oaw was about 4 vears of aae and struck bv ths train Tters while crossing the where Interment was made The grave -- had bean on tba laiific coast wax dedtonted by rhsse MurdmK during the rniiwsjrlirtdge at Gateway, and this Mrs. Griffiths was bom at Pen gam dy. the finding of a coroner a Jury yesterSouth Wales, January 13. 18H. Fhe lived ' day, e at l.ehl nine years and after the death of her husband, John GrFfiths, which Pioneer.. Woman HOMO-JDY.N- t :x tinie-saver- Man Found Dead in River, Killed by Train , Is Buried Fred Oaw, f r ships, and those claims were- paid. Supplies ordered by officers of the company and delivered In equally good faith have not been paid for. Reconditioning 'on two of the ships the George Washington end the America wa paid for by the shipping board Admiral Benson promised the work would be paid for, but because Admiral Benson forgot to mention some of the other government-owne- d boats, operated under the same charters, the bills were not paid. S9V Here is his answer ' -- nt ' se Honey Cake Without Honey and "- . Doughnuts Secret, Cake Hot Sauce Filling-Four Prize Cakes world. Although congress has set aside fur the Bpectfle 'bP'imying continued lhe innocent creditors, yurpmie the "the board may destatement, shipping cline to pay these bllrn until the claimants have gone through costly and Interminable litigation. "We represent 00 New York merchants and contractors who, trying to do their share towards building up an American merchant marine, suffered financially to the extent of about $1.500.000,. We knew that the world over, where merchandise is delivered In good faith to ships, bills therefor 'are considered as liens against the ships. When the banki uptcy of the United tStsrtea Mail linn came we discovered the government had turned over $18,000,000 worth of its ships to a company which had neither .cash nor credit and from which It had not even required a bond The shipping board now claims the line was responsible for the debts, not the government." The creditors committee then claimed that ths shipping board had used discriminatory tactics In paying bills. In some cases If appeared, " the state-edeclared, supplies had been ordered Special to The Tribune. MGRitJAN, March 1 FRIDAY of the United representing creditor States Mail Steamship company today issued a statement charging that the attt-TutakeiPtowards them byythe United -- States shipping board is "rapidly .becoming a scandal In the eyes of the maritlfhe ! Tea Rolls Tour FREE prizes given daily. The committee 29 . " rj ; A damsvil Ie Jk . v Khan states,- - Slam. A force cover all losses. "TBs building formerly which was sent In pursuit,purtttive wa attacked was occupied by - a corn- y. by the Tirrgands, who were repulsed wtth - . a loss of twenty men killed The troops then stormed and captured the fort of MUSICAL IS GIVEN. . the brigands, killing eighty more of Ftudent of the Jordan Junior high them The British losses were one man oH,r gfive a fmisKul at the at 8 1875,'khe Killed and five Wn wounded tl, lost oclmk moved to l Adamsv Jll,whfreahe.Jiadl Thompaan seviral on gave the and since resided She la survived by the folharp COSTLY BLAZE IN DAVENPORT. Robert Mart h nt placed several cornet Mrs. Maigaret Pearce, lowing children: comet. 29 Ten members 'tlAVEXFOHT, March the of Iowa, school Eire Mrs Harah A. Jones Mrs. K.sl E. Jostring here late today destroved a orchestra partkipated, playing violin and seph and J. R. Griffiths, all of Adams-vlll. Davidson and Market piano solos and T. L. Griffiths of Reaver. Hhe brick Structure at streets, causing a Ices estimated at sevalso is survived by twenty-righ- t n eral hundred dollars fortv-threOrigin LUNCHEON PROGRAM ANNOUNCED. great grandchildren of the fire Is thousand unknown lunchit Is announced llmt the Moml The Nlcholn and one Wire A Sheet Metnl company of Kansas eons of tne Ung'neering Council lyof Utah lav lit Id at the Commercial will hereafter City suffered a loss estimated at BRIGAN08 BURN VILLAGES. The keniainder of was dull, beginning t 12 15 o'clock eat h MonI'EI.HI. British India, Man h 29 Chi- owned by Waxcnherg therimpeity of Rock day The progiH.n committee hus Brady nese brigands on March 19 attacked and Island and by the Davenport Loan A Infor g serlts of papers on tl.s adpartly burned fhe town of Muse, in ths vestment company. Insurance is said to vancement of the stilus of the engineering prodaote-eom-Paii- eeurrett-there-tm'-Juh Dies . four-stor- y Housecleaning Needs. Paints and Brushes. profession, and this will be led off with Monday on by H Trdtrrm tidiest atpcr hat Js Engineering " -- V CONFERENCE IS HELD. tlA ,he . w!rrti. dis ttfflcd bf cJTr,of. States bureau juf chemtsTry" t gan Trancnao," conferi ed with state department of agriculture ls yesterday with- regard to froten oranges, .bad nuts and some other commodities reported to have been handled, in interstate omnierce orfi-gaa- - grand-tiiildre- w -- $loo,-Oo- fl CHURCH PLAY ANNOUNCED, Tna Christian Endeavor society of Westminster I'reshytcrtan church will give a morality pkiy, Every Youth," i row evening ut oclock in the (hurch building. Tht play is for the purfiosa of the enlarging cliynji improveiuont fund. Desirable Store Room for Rent . . door east of Orpheum. f ' Well lighted, desirable. Now One occupied by E. D. Smith Sons, nntil April 1st,- & - a. Apply Atlas Block, 'Room 411, |