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Show V J THE BOX ELDER NEWS, HUPAY, JUNE 13, 1930 SEMI-WEEKL- TAGS THREE Y CORINNE NEWS XZzzlt by the Worlds Largest Producer cf Rubber and Guaranteed for Life! Heres the biggest tire value for your money, for these reasons first The Peerless, despite its low price, is built of - extra-durab- These Prices Defy Comparison Web Cord construc- 29x4.40 Its built by the worlds largest producer of rubber by exclusive strengthSecond giving processes. Third Its extra thick tread, sturdy side walls and narrow road grip afford greater driving ease, better allround performance and handsomer appearance. M. :nt its j $5.55 ORGANIZE BODY $6.35 29x4.50 $8.40 Heads a Movement to Pass Amendments. And any other size you need, equally low. is Central Chevrolet Co. : aU ? 17- - i in! Serving Many EBusinesses Experience of large fleet owners reveals the unusual reliability and economy of the new Ford A SIGNIFICANT TRIBUTE to the value of the new Ford is found in its increasing use by Federal, state and city governments and by large industrial comy cost panies which keep careful day-by-da- records. In most instances, the Ford has been chosen only after exhaustive tests of every factor that contributes to good performance speed, power, safety, comfort, low cost of operation and reliability and long life. Prominent among the companies using the Ford are the Associated Companies of the Bell System, Armour and Company, The Borden Company, Continental Baking Corporation, Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, General Electric Company, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Kellogg Company, Knickerbocker Ice Company, Morton Salt Company, Pillsbury Flour Mills Company, The Procter and Gamble Company, and up-kee- p, TAX REFORMERS le tion. CORINNE. June 12. Mr. and Mr. George H. Davis and children spent Thursday visiting at Logan. The Book of Mormon class of the ward Sunday school with their teachers Lorin Anderson and Ezra Burt, enjoyed a pleasant outing to the Crystal Springs Thursday night Mrs. Horace Turner and Mrs. Roland A. Reese entertained at a luncheon Friday at the Hotel Bigelow in Ogden In honor of Mrs. Lloyd Cheat and Miss Ruth Turner of San Diego, California. Miss Annls Dunn, who is employed at Logan, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Owen Dunn. Miss Allie Craner returned home from Logan on Sunday, where she spent the past week visiting with relatives land friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Smith of Said Lake City visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Turner on Sunday as the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Cheal of San Diego. Miss Hope Reeder, left on Sunday for Logan, where she will attend the U. S. A. C. summer school. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Davis and children spent Sunday visiting with relatives at Willard., 71 South Main Street, Brigham City, UtahTelephone 21 iti A permanent organization to promote the cause of tax revision was In the process of formation Tuesday afternoon, when leaders in the tax revision movement met in the state capitol at the call of W. W. Armstrong, chairman of the board of directors of the National Copper bank ; Judge S. R. Thurman, former chief justice of the supreme court, and Roscoe E. Hammond, former secretary of the state board of equalization. The organization will be state-wid- e in character and will be governed by an executive committee chosen from various parts of the state. W. W. Armstrong was chairman of the meeting and indications were that Mr. Armstrong would' continue ion aa one of the leaders and probably chairman of the executive committee. Mr. Armstrong waB chairman of the tax revision commission which studied the matter of tax reform and Swift & Company. Each of these companies uses a large number of Ford cars and trucks. The Associated Companies of the Bell System use more than eight thousand. Modem business moves at a fast pace and it needs the Ford. Daily, in countless ways and places, it helps to speed the production and delivery of the worlds goods and extend the useful service of men and companies. Constant, 6teady operation over many thousands of miles emphasizes the advantages of the sound design of the Ford car, its high quality of materials, and. unusual accuracy in mnnufactnrfng Beneath its graceful lines and Beautiful colors there is a high degree of mechanical excellence. An example of the value built into the Ford is the use of more than twenty ball, and roller bearings. They are hidden., within the car and yojrmay never see them. Yet they play an important part, in satisfactory, economical performance.. Their function is similar to the jewels of a fine watch. Throughout the Ford chassis, a ball! or roller bearing is used at every place where it is needed to reduce friction, and wear and givo smooth, reliable mechanical operation.. At many points, as on the transmission counter-shafclutch release, fan and and front drive shaft, these pump 6liaft, ball and roller bearings ore used where less costly types of bearings might be considered adequate. Additional instances of the high quality built into the Ford are the extensive use of steel forgings, fully - t, enclosed four-whebrakes. Rustless double-actin- g Iloudaille four Steel, hyel draulic shock absorbers, aluminum pis- tons, chrome silicon alloy valves, drive, three-quartefloating rear axle, and tho Triplex shatter-proo- f glass windshield. The Ford policy has always been to use the best possible material for each part and then, through large production, give it to the public at low cost. torque-tub- e r, . Spring Chicken 20c Per Pound a o Fried spring chickens make a delicious Sunday dinner these, late spring days. Every chicken is a nice, plump bird weighing from 1 Vi to 2 Our Brigham pounds. will have market City them all day Saturday at 20c per pound. Include these in your big California at low summer fares week-en- d Flashing anas and broad ocean beaches of California call blue Pacific. On you to a cool summer vacation beside the Pacific will take Southern your way to Southern California, Del San Monte, Santa Barbara, Francisco, you to Lake Tahoe, vacation center famous and other the Yosemke, Big Trees, at but slight additional cost. Travel West on the direct Overland Route, over die River High Sierra with Donner Lake and the great American far below. Canyon Examples of vacation romdtrifis: Los Angeles i both ways via j e San - Francisco Los Angeles one way via San Francisco one wav via Las Vegas ; $41.52 $47.50 Can Francisco San Francisco ' direct via Reno circuit via Portland $62.15 $40.00 On sale until Sept. 30; return limit Oct. 31. Fastest Trains to San Francisco On June 1 Southern Pacific again cut time to San Francisco. The five transcontinentals on the Overland Route, already ;ocrat he , . ht3 are now even fastest by hours from Ogden to San Francisco trains bring these with faster. Close connections at Ogden before. (Between San Fran San Francisco closer than ever trains daily from Five . trains and cisco Los Angeles, 9 daily) San Francisco to the Northwest, and faster service than ever ? 8 the. before, after June 15. de luxe, now extra-far"Overland Limited," leaves Ogden 7:32 p.m., arriving San Francisco 4:30 next afternoon. 44 minutes faster. ."San Francisco Limited, train, leaves Ogden 10:05 a. m., arriving San Francisco 8:30 next morning. 1 hour, IS minutes faster. "Pacific Limited 20 minutes faster. "Gold Coast 20 minutes faster. "Fast Mail (coaches only), IS minutes faster. Through Pullmans, Ogden to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Times shown are Pacific Standard Time. GOT&Saem FaenOa D. R. OWEN, General Agent. 4 1 So. Main St., Salt Lake City Phones : Wasatch 3008 ; Wasatch 3078 have which, with the legislative tax ad- following described . real , property, visory committee, gave the legisla- situated In Box Elder County, Utah, ture the outline of the tax program. Mr. Hammond and. Judge Thurman Section 29 and1 31, Township 11 were Mr. Armstrongs associates in North, Range 4 West, S. L. M., U. S. this work. The new organization will work for Survey, together with all water and the passage of the four amendments water rights thereunto belonging, exwhich pertain to tax reform and which cepting rights of way and reservoir will be brought before the voters this site of record. fall. The amendments create a tax' Dated this 6th day of June, 1930. commission of centralized power; Terms of sale: cash. provide for the taxing of intangibles; JOHN II. ZUNDEL, to for the have provide legislature authority over the taxation of mines, Sheriff of Box Elder County, Utah. and provide for a $5 per capita equalBy JOSEPH R. OLSEN, Deputy. ization fund for the district schools of the state. Telegram. , the I nicest, smoothest red ripe tomatoes for selling in our Brigham City store tWatWe have seen this season. They will sell at only 7c per pound. Be sure to get several pounds, as they are firm and nice and will keep for several days. I ! USED CARS With An OK That Counts! 1926 Oldsmobile 1926 Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Ford Ton Truck 1929 Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck All cars with an Our Brigham City store has prepared a wonderful treat for you. Klondike melons are, coming in just right now. Every We r one ripe and crisp. . have arranged to sell them at 3c per pound all day Saturday. Be . sure to get one for Saturday night or Sunday. 25T0RES Surety of Purity $160.00 $175.00 $275.00 $145.00 Stake $550.00 OK that counts! Central Chevrolet ifr. lira Notice to Mocltholders The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Brigham City Canning company. will be held at the Box Elder Commercial Club, Brigham City, Utah, Monday, June 16, 1930 ah 3 p. m. for tho purpose of electing a board of five directors for the ensuing year and for the transactions of any other business that may properly come before the meeting., J. L. PIERCE, Secretary. 3) Dont Forget Next Sunday is FATHERS' DAY Special ICE CREAM BRICKS (Three Flavors) Co. SHERIFFS SALE In the District Court of the First Judicial District of the State of Utah, O.P. SKAGGS A and Ion mi to-w- it: secured . e, robl$ tted We Bumper, Ford Motor Company Watermelons 3c Per Pound ... Now even faster use list. Fresh Tomatoes 7c per lb. : , delivery. . in and for the County of Box Elder. , J. Y. Ferry, plaintiff, vs. John K. Spiers and Victorine Spiers, his wife, Newel Taylor and Ida M. Taylor, his wife, John Doe and Richard Roe, defendants. SHERIFFS SALE. To be sold at Sheriffs Sale on the 28th day of June, 1930, at 12 oclock noon, at the Front Door of the County Court House in Brigham City, Box Elder County, Utah, all the right, title, claim and Interest of the above named defendants, of, in and to the We put up special candy for Fathers who are going fishing to take with them. Hollywood Candy Co. |