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Show PAGE TWO THE BOX ELDER NEWS, SEMI-WEEKL- FRIDAY, AUGUST Y The Cox Elder flews 26 FOR AUTUMN Published every Tuesday and Friday Semi-Weekl- y, Editor and Manager. Subscription Rates S. C. WIXOM, One Yenr S2.50 1.25 .65 Six Months Three Months Entered at the Post Office at Brig ham City, as Second Class Matter. Millinery and A Motor Oil That Troves Its Super!ority New Hat Modes OUssorcasES prepared for your inspection A Lovely Heres an ofl that proves its superiority by a single, Now that Peach aay is approach- -' ing, and on general principles, would it not be a good thing to clean up the city, trim the shade trees skirt-- , ' ing the irrigation ditches on the clean weeds all from along th streets, fence lines and giv the city that non-visco- beautiful, clean appearance that our pride-naturall- Heavy Satins and the more sheer materials in all the wanted colors. among in stylish Hats just the one needed plete your costume. . best-know- .0, to com- e. ELITE MILLINERY ooxruxt BXttsmrjL iU SUM IRON HORSE IS WONDERFUL FILM Official Intifsia of tho Pennsylvania Grade Crude Oil Aaeodattaa Permit No. 50 , s.at.b. Theres an extra quart to every gallon Wixom Service Stations Distributors , Local MANTUA NEWS C0R1NNE NEWS MANTUA, Aug. 26. Last day evening the Bee Hive girls motored to the Crystal Springs and enjoyed swimming and dancing. Darres, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Tinus Kelson had his tonsils removed at the Mahannah hospital last Thursday. The Gleaner girls entertained their mothers Thursday evening. A fine program and games were enjoyed, after which refreshments were serv- each dress you will find our enlarged stock of With us Rolls-Royc- Line Of Frocks easily grasped fact. Quaker State Medium Motor Oil has an extra quart of lubricant in every gallon because Quaker States exclusive super-refinin- g process removes the content which makes up 25, or more, of the volume of ordinary motor oils. Quaker State Medium Motor Oil is all lubricant 100. Thats what makes it so superior 'that's why it has set such remarkable performance records and has won the recommendation of the makers of many of our n cars among others, Franklin, Wills Ste. Claire, and civic demands? This could be made an individual work, and let each property owner take care of his premises. In looking over the city, one will find that some of the streets present a most deplorable appearance. One may see' limbs of shade trees broken partly ' off and hanging down to the ground; then there are sprouts growing up from the roots and spreading out, i having the form )f a bunch of bushes. I There are many low limbs and a lack of uniform trimming of the trees; j weeds are growing along the ditches-anfence lines in many places. j i cannot help admiring the splendid assortment of You LET US CLEAN UP THE CITY This conditions is entirely unne-- ' cessary and could be removed by a few hours work on the part of each; Individual property owner. A city and Its people are judged by their appear- ance largely, and we suggest that this matter be given due consideration by our citizens, and a little civic pride' manifested in keeping the city clean,1 beautiful and well taken care of. This is an opportune time for clean-in- g up the city. Begin today. Frocks 4. While the first transcontinental railroad was under construction 'in 1865, General Sherman, back from his inarch through Atlanta to the seas, remarked of the railway: I should be unwilling to buy a ticket over it for my grandIn five years he rode over children. the line with General Grenv'lle M. Dodge who was construction engineer of the Union Pacific. In the picture of this stirring period in American history The Iron Horse, at the Elberta theatre, Walter Rogers plays the role of General Dodge, the friend of track layers and the enemy of bad Indians. The picture presents the colorful life with vivid realism, most of its incidents being based on actual facts of history. Research workers found in their work of gathering data, the statement of William M. Thayer, in his Marvels of the New West to the effect that: The construction of the Union Pacific across the continent was the greatest marvel of our age. The consummation of the enterprise settled the high destiny of the New West. From that moment old things began to be new. Progress was wonderful, and now it sweeps on more grandly than ever. Continuing with this account,, Mr. The road was comThayer wrote: pleted in three years, six months and ten days. Two hundred and sixty-fiv- e miles were built in 1866; 285 in 1867 and the remainder finished on May 10, 1869. Strangely enough, the itself required three years in thepicture making, with John Fork directing a huge cast on the open prairies of Nevada and Wyoming. CORINNE, Aug. 25. The Ladies club held its monthly meeting Thursday afternoon on the lawn of Mrs. A. R. Dixons home at Tremonton. The meeting being the clubs annual The ,ladies motored from picnic. here in autos and a social afternoon was spent playing games and in social conversation. Luncheon was served from one jlong table, cafeteria style, by six young ladles, to twenty-fiv- e ed. ladies from Corinne and twenty Mrs. Lewis Jeusen and children from Tremonton. Farmers of Utah are intending to WANTED Big fat hens and springers have returned home from . Evanston, Mr. and iMrs. Lance Hammerland of 289-plant 15 per cent more acres of Evald Peterson. Phone (tf) Salt Lake Wyoming, where they have spent the winter wheat than were City, spent two days last last planted two d. months. week past YOU with Mrs. Mary or IF havent visiting gun your bought fall according to a report of Frank Rodha Anderson of Thatcher Is come In. We will try to shells, isthe guest of Stella Peterson and Andrews, agricultural statistician, Mrs. Cleon McMillan and daughter agree on the price. John Rock-woosued Tuesday. and son of Siloan Springs, Arkansas, Margaret Anderson for a week. (a!9-tf- .) ( The increase would bring the total iMrs. L. J. Hailing left Wednesday are visiting with Mrs. McMillans for Salt Lake City for a few days acreage planted this fall to 178,000 FOR DRESSMAKING, Remodeling parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C Murphy. and Sewing of all kinds, see Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Crouse and son visit with Mr. and Mrs. Rose Hailing. acres or 23,000 acres more than were W. A. Skidmore, 1st East between Billie Myers of Wichita, Kansas, Under the direction of the Relief planted last fall. Mr. Andrews points spent 5th and 6th North, or Phone 360-two days last week with Mrs. Crouses Society, Dr. C. L. Jensen of Sandy out that the report is not a forecast removed tonsils . from five children of acreage that will be planted, but (a26s2.) brother Wm. Hill and family. here on August 19th, at the home of merely a statement of intentions as Miss Nellie Hartsell of Dallas Texone Suit; $29.50 for as is Lucius Hansen and Walles Jeppesen. reported Aug. 1. It is expected that $17.50 for visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. Subscribe for the Suits Ernest Jeppesen left August 20th the growers may modify their plans two Owens. Thomas The Tailor, opposite the for Overton, Nevada, where be will when they learn of the intended inMr. and Mrs. S. Owens, Miss Nellie crease. (a26s27) Hartsell and Liberty Theatre. teach school, this coming year. Wayne Owens spent Farmers of the nation as a whole Mae Hailing of Union Oregon, now in Ogden canyon. Sunday RENT. FOR modern aparta nurse of St Marks hospital in Salt are intending to sow an acreage of ment. Dr. Alice Rich and Miss Pearl Inquire of Wm. Hadley, 29 Lake City, Is visiting at the home of winter wheat 13.7 per cent greater Woodruff of Ogden spent Monday eveWest 3rd (A9-tSouth. than was sown last fall, making the Mrs. L. J. and Cannon Hailing. at the home of Mrs ning acreage greater than at any time FOR SALE. Hot Point electric stove. B. M. visiting Shaw. since 1918, according to the report. New plates with oven; $35.00. A Mrs. James Ackrell of Black Pine, Intentions are to plant 48,637,000 as (a23-tf- .) Phone 563. Bargain. Idaho, spent Monday and Tuesday compared with 42,767,000 sown last visiting with Mrs. David Evans at the fall. PLENTY OF MONEY to lend on the home j of her mother, Mrs. B. M. Shaw. Increase is also shown in the reright kind of real estate. Norman Miss Fay Woods is visiting relaLee. (a26-tf- .) ported intentions of the agricutural-ist- s tives at Elba, Idaho. of the 11 western states. It is Mrs. C. Tolman of Tremonton spent FOR SALE. 21 Head Ramboulet reported that 6,789,000 acres will be Tuesday visiting at the home of Mrs. Rams. O. lambs. D. January planted compared with 6,249,000 acres B. M. Shaw. PREVENTS Ranch, Standrod, Idaho. planted last fall. Mrs. A. R. Kafton returned home Jy26A26. SB&525ER COLDS Visit at Tuesday from a FOR SALE or RENT. A comfortable Boise, and Burley, Idaho. The pleasant home. Norman Lee. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Murphy and (Jn3-tf- ) Enid, Mrs. M. L. Wells and daughter food tasting Take your FOOT TROUBLES to Dr. fwo Aberdeen Hiawatha and Mrs. Cleon Mcdaughters, G. M. FISHBURN, 508 First Nation- Millan tonic, rich in and son and daughters were Lump, per ton. ...$8.50 al Bank Bldg., Ogden, Utah. tf. dinner guests of Mr: and Mrs. $6.00 Pea, per ton all cod-livJames oil vitamins. C. O. D. If interested in WATERLESS COOK- Harlan at Ogden Monday. will Miss Ruth Peterson of Bear River ERS, see Mrs. A. S. Jeppson, or S. i is the of City her guest cousin, Miss (a26-30- ) phone 559. Phones: 206-- J and 566-Carma Bosley. Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield. N. J. 3 Miss Alta Turner is visiting relaWASHER BARGAIN. We have two second-han- d in Salt Lake City. tives exin taken washers, Miss Irene Rader, daughter of Mr. change for the wringerless washer, that ends washday's; last hard halt and Mrs. Edward Rader, and Wm. Will sell cheap for quick clearance. Peters, son of Jack Peters, were unitAct at once. Hansen Furniture & ed in marriage at Brigham City Music Company. Wednesday. (Jy8-tf- .) g Miss Irene Rader was given a misFOR RENT. 3 to 6 rooms, barn and cellaneous shower at the home of Brigham City, Utah garage; best location, 142 her parents Wednesday afternoon. A D. H. Rosenbaum. (a26-3social afternoon was spent playing Additions Dear Friends: BUY PETERS Weatberbird Shoes games and a tray luncheon was served to twenty-fiv- e The fall term of school will begin Monday, Sepguests. The honorfor Children at HOLSTS. It. ed was the guest recipient of many tember Fifth. If you wish your children to make FOR RENT. Four room houses, mod- useful gifts. worthy records you must equip them with proper tools. Bishop and Mrs. Abraham Evans ern except furnace; $20 a m&nth. We have the class of supplies which will make Apply at 108 S. 2nj West. These are visiting in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Doty of Richhouses are absolutely in A- -l repair, for efficiency in any department of school work. thoroughly cleanedK painted and mond spent Sunday with Mrs. Dotys Consult the teachers early and find out just what kalsomined, and well worth $20. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Owen Dunn. Mrs. David Evans who has been Do not apply unless you are willchildren need so your that they may start right ing to take care of a nice home. visiting her mother, Mrs. B. M. Shaw prepared to accomplish something. Also furnished house for good, for three weeks, left for her home at When it is not convenient for you to shop Boston, Mass., Thursday morning.' clean people. (a9s2-pd- .) Mrs. Elsie Wolf returned to her your children, let them come to our store. We apprehome at Denver, Colorado, after visitBIG SPECIAL IN FELT HATS (Clip this ciate their trade and show them every courtesy. ing two weeks with her mother, Mrs. $6.50 Felt Hats for .... $4.95 Alma Cord. The little folks like our pure soda water, candies L $6.00 Felt for Hats $4.50 and other Acerage of Wheat Slated for Increase WANT COLUMN Ham-melan- d. Made-to-Ord- Semi-Week- ly Soled for Service When we finish soling 1 pair of your shoes, they are soled for service-lon- g, hard service. Only the best grade leather is used in this shop. Its time to repair those school shoes. Goodyear Shoe Shop "DOC PETERSEN I News f) Elder Peach? Mc-Int- ire two-wee- ks COAL! er Scotts be selected at the Special Dance at the N. Lee Emulsion M 27-- Academy of Music, Thursday, September The Peoples-Dru- Co. The following firms are giving voting coupons with all purchases: So.-Mai- 0) goodies. Yours for service, RAY The Druggist. Felt Hats for $3.45 Felt Hats for $2.50 Big line of Satin and Velvet ' Hats combined.' $4.00 $3.00 BE BON TON MILLINERY Blau ft Blau, Props. -- 8. man. J.h.1, i::uii.KK. , Stohl Furniture Co. Hudsons Gephart Stores Fishburns Gephart Stores Hyrum Jenfeen - out and send to Lewis Jones, Secretary) Brigham City, Utah) For angle-wor- m He. rubbed oh the back ov the neck, will cure a man ov lielng. t dont helenve thl,. unie, issue Co. You Will Please Count Ten 10) Votes Cure for Lying It Is sed (by naturalists) that to this list will be published next W. R. Mehner Electric , Forsgren Shoe Store Merrell Lumber Co. it Mu, thp Address: ; for selection as THE BOX ELDER PEACH. ttien |