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Show $?' 'inrrr r:v $ -- pace three. THE BOX ELDER NEWS, SEME WEEKLY 32Z A .V 'I 4J o ?i f , oH . ( i i4 w t Well 'Armed GEN. PERSHING TV)'"? iS4 ' TUESDAY, ! COMMENDS AID d, le li y wi; he incl t 1 9 Li Pit Wil as istoi 'd s ator mera Piet ha') ' show Misti pai own he! 3 US ire PRACTICES IN ALL THE COURT First National Bank. Building Poet Exchanges Overseas An Taken Over by the Military Authorities Vie ive r - Tremonton,. 1 Ing id J tMr. Ford has Stewart-Ritchi- e I' iggn irhnr" WADDOUPS em- DAVIS . J. LOWE Lawyer 'CALUMET. P0l7DEn.1 a JOHN W. PHILLIPS Motor Co. p ABSTRACTOR s Brigham City. smsj2 a Utah Brigham City E. ployed the experience obtained by 15 years at the head of the biggest automobile concern in the world, and has given to the public the latest and best construction in use today at, the very cheap price of $975 Brigham City. W professional Cards:;'. Asserting that the valuable aid rendered by the war service of the Y. M. DENTIST C. A. had been a large factor in the filial great accomplishments First National Bank Building, Second of the American army. General Pershing, ia Floor, East Entrance communication to E. C. Carter, In Brigham City, Utah. , charge of asaociatioij 'operations with the American Expeditionary Forces, pay; a splendid tribute to the work WiM. Ei which this agency accomplished under LAWYER extreme difficulties and handicaps. The Y. M. C. A. served the army betCOUNTY ATTORNEY When company comes ter than could have been expected," PRATICES IN ALL THE COUFfS say-General Pershing. there is no time to " Utah At its own request the American T. waste no chances to Brigham City, M. C. A. has been relieved from main- - j be taken so mother taining post exchanges with the Exsees that there is alWIM. peditionary forces overseas, the need N ways a can of v for such service having been relieved with the signing of the armistice. Cor Practices in AH The Courts respondence exchanged betweeif Gen- eral Pershing and E. C. Carter, in), Office:- - First National Bank Building BflKlEIG " gharge of the Y. M. A, with .the Utah Brigham' City, Carin decision. resulted this army, on hand. Calces, pies, . . ' , ' ter wrote to General Pershing January dough nuts, muffins and 39th as follows: all good things to' eat . Dear General Pershing: must be dressed up in A year and a half ago you retheir best taste and'fcj quested the Y. M. C. A. to underAND CONVEYANCER. looks. 4 take operations for post exchanges for the American Expeditionary ytah Brigham City, Then, too, her reputa-tio- n Forces In order that officers and as a cook must ' enlisted men .may not be taken and she be upheld & away for that puipoue fiom their stakes it on Calumet paramount military functions of time. She knows it every BONDED ABSTRACTERS. training and fighting. EFFECTIVE VACCINATION will not disappoint her. INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE As soon as hostilities ceased wo Order a can and have the raised with you the question Utah Brigham City, company kind of bakings whether time had not come for the every day. Y. M. C. A. to be relieved of the Calumet contains only such operation of post exchanges in ingredients a9 have been view of the fart that there was no VETERINARIAN. approved officially by the longer the same pressing demand U. S. Food Authorities. Residence, Garland, Utah. Phone No. on man power of the army for You save when you buy it. Day or night calls promptly attended j training and fighting. When we You stvo when you use it, to Auto conveyance f first raised the question with you it did not appesr to you that it was LICENSED UNDERTAKER feasible in the best interests of AND EMBALMER maximum service to the army that ' a change be piade. Now the situ- DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE atton is materially altered. AUTO HEARSE , .io, D"y Thought Recent general orders from main OR 113-- J OR 378 PHONE 113-God grants liberty only to those wo headquarters and requests froa love it and are rendy to guard and d i SEVENTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE, comraandfhg officers have laid cdk fend It Daniel Webster. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE the Y. M.. C. A. increased respond-bil'Me- s in promoting educational, athletic and entertainment activiWhen baby suffers tvith eczema or ties in the American Expeditionary some Itching skin trouble, 'use Doans Force. This is placing a rapidly! Ointment. A little of it goes a long incjeasing burden upon our per- way and It is safe for children. 60c sonnel. The array is also now preadv tf. a box at all stores. Phone No. 31. paring for the delivery of all supplies for poet exchanger which Room 22, First National Rank 1 have been imported, New Food for Horses. Building manufactured and delivered by the A new substitute for oats made with Y. M. C. A. Utah coarse treacle is given to horses in , City, In view of the changed, situation Paris. I wish to know whether you do not tjjlnk It would be possible for the . To feel strong, have good appetite B. army at a very early date to asand enAT LAW and ATTORNEY soundly sleep digestion, sume full responsibility for the joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, Will practice hi U. S. Supreme or 6ir. maintenance of post exchanges the family system tonic. Price, $1.25. cult Courts, State Courts, and U. throughout the American Expeditf. adv. ' S. Land Department. Force? tionary ( Very cordially yours, Suita 33, First National Bank Bldg. (Signed) EC. CARTER. Possible Reason. Brigham City, Utah. General Pershing immediately acted Z No, Roberta we dont know' why upon the suggestion made by Carter tout card game is called bridge, to loye life. Follow the examp. NO LOOKING BACK IN BRIGHAM and relieved the Y. M. C. A. of its task .s becnuM it is principally a le set .by the Saviour and search aiter of maintaining the post exchanges. H Evidence New Boston Tran Constantly Being game of come across. the lost one and then our lives will be ATTO R N EY At L A W said: Published script enriched and the joys of living will My Dear Mr. Carter: come home with great force. I have leceived your letter of Since the long succession of Brig Never can tell when youll mash a 52 North Main St., Brigham.-xny-2- 1 President Clawson followed with a January 29th asking whether, in in were first ham published or view reports of burn a of buffer he cut which bruise, present changed situation. sermon on cheerfulness in finger It would be possible for the army scald. Be prepared Thousands rely detailed the history of a man who lost the local press there has been no look to assume full responsibility for on Dr. Thomas Eclectic Oil. Your his eyes and his arms yet who ing back. Brigham evidence contin maintenance of post exchanges ues still in to and better pour adv. W. druggist sells it. 'Oc and 60c has passed through a big university throughout American Expeditionwere whose those first pubreports own latyor and supports himself by his Force. ary EMBALMER AND UNDERTAKER and who has an ambition to go throu- lished many years ago, verify all they As you correctly state', the T. M. To Protect Birds From Cats! unmistakmost a in said and hearty martin-housuniversities. C. Oxtord A. and a Harvard undertook the The gh management pole supporting of DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE of post exchanges at my request at or any other birdhouse, and also the This man is the most cheerful .individ- able way. Read .the experience N." 116 East Elizabeth First Mrs. te a a Fryfi, time w house 8 when was imJn-which in it trunk of tree of 261. ith a Phone greatest ual anyone can possibly meet up A cold settled on my a cat She St. no be available portance that should Boldier by says; protected placed, Vith man, any and he has no' patience comshould be taken away from vital guard, writes George Gladden In an arno matter how great his, misfortune, kidneys and brought on kidney CALL ON functions of training and ticle on birdhouse construction In the military didnt act My right kidneys plaint. who cannot see the silver lining and fighting. AS reasons which imPeople's Home Journal. Barbed .wire at all. My back ached terribly and 1 T. find some cause to be glad for life. me at that time to requsst wound around the trunk of the tree, pelled m could hardly do my housework, but held aw ny from it by tying around you to undertake this work no FOR. The closing selection by the choir back w as so sore when bent oVer or long-- r exist, I am glad to approve the support or tree trunks, a number was Gunonds Unfold Ye Portals' and lifted. I took a box of Doans Kidney & of stalk of rose bushes or any other your suggestion in reaching this the benediction was pronounced by Pills and me prompt re' a-brought branches Consid conclusion. with they thorns. natural ration has been Elder S. N. Lea lief. given to new burdens in commo(Statement given Feburary 26, tion with entertainment, athletjc 113.) Constipation causes headache, indiand- - ed icat.on that you , StoroaeA.' Sour Optimistic Thought For Tbit .Try STILL USES DOANS. dizziness, drowsiness. For gestion, , have assumed, 1 have accordReverence is ennobling and felt tc said-"- I Mrs. use Doan's On a March 3, 1917, mild, opening medicine, Frye Eat slowly, masticate your food thorbe degrading only by the vulgar mind. ingly given directions that army 30c a box 'at all stores, tf. still use Doan's Kidney Pills at vpi4 thenie-jve- s., Regulets, oughly. Eat'but little meat and none and r tskeoyer at all for supper.. If you are Mali tunes' and they always give me the M.Vlv their own post exchanges. In making this1 change permit me ; troubled with sour stomach take one same good results. to. thank, you tor the very valuable of Chamberlains Tablets before going i Price 60c at all dealers. Doqt simply TIlllBIIMlIg ' services and, assistance, which the adv. ask for a kidney remedy get Doans to bed. Y. M. C. A. has rendered to the Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Frye had. Foster-MilburAmerican Expeditionary Force In Co., Mfgrs., Bub adv-1j falo, N. Y. handling these exchanges. . Handi, fjOR a Bad Cold. capped by shortage of tonnage and REHABILITATION Take Chamberlains Cgugh Remedy, land transportation the T-.0. A. , Must Be One's Own Work. ; has,' by extra exertion, served th It has stood the test of time and can i - adv.tt The clinching of good purposes with of the wastes of war will not be an anhy better then could have been be depended upon. expected, and you may ba assured right actions Is what makes the man,! easy task, but we have the utmost This higher heredity does not come; that its aid has been a large facfaith in our countrys ability and re- from ones father or mother, but Is the tor ip the final great accomplishsources to successfully meet t.he sit- Work of the man on himself. David ments of the American army.,. , uation. ' j ; Starf Jordan. Very cordially yours, ,v , I Signed) JOHN J. PERSHING. The First National Bank is at you; service In financial matters. will last for years shtii - lSUf, ATTOhNEY-AT-LA- This machine does not have the common faults of old line tractors. It has tried and proven construction and ever H. LE ROY B. YOUNG RENDERED ARMY The Best Tractor Ever Built ARCH - . DUNN LEE v Dr. J. W. Chambers, Jr. DU mer lell, e im nch incl aw wonderful opportunities in. the work at reconstruction and that work must only be carried out in the battle sections of France but In the st tl hearts and homes of. all humanity,. ad The state of Utah has Its problem for grot there are 11,000,000 acres of arable jf a lands here that are waiting to be culget: tivated and at the same time, the popbe C ulation is moving from the rural districts into the cities, statistics showiBoii ter i ng that 70 of the people now reside m the cities which is just the' reverse retr of the situation twenty years ago. We will must be fearless and get the desire to T do hard work. He related a touching ;e u woman a incident of forge worker in io i France whose husband and four sons era r ai Nad been killed in the war and who 'OU earned her living and did her part in r so the war by hammering out horse-shoe- s 3U shile her infant baby played on the dirt floor of the shop, and each night io s'ft she trudged 18 miles with her sack of i orseshoes over her shoulder and her ou' hen j baby In her arms, to deliver the shoes iut t to the department in Paris. That kind of work won the war. We must get rid of the desire for luxury and the love of the dollar and make money a means to an end, the upbuilding of iside mgdom of 'God upon the earth, fam closed by reading the alcount of the le pr Pharisee and the Publican. impf' The choir sang uie anthem Overnot tom Hansen Furniture and Music Company C.H. BRYAN, D.D.S. HOWELL JONES thejht 29 a ! m son e p. satis so tl ehaii pport r mo thrill 1th tt my b throw of Gog and Magog by Stephens and the benediction was pronounced by Patriaretf Adolph Madsen. CHAS. E. FOXLEY jy-2- At the evening session, an inspiration address on Mutual Improvement was delivered by Supt Ernest P. Horsley; scout? craft was beautifully elucidated by Samuel Clawson and inspiration remarks were made .by Elder Edgar Young and President Clawson. Th choir sang the selection Happy Days for the second number and for an intermediate number, it "was asked for again and rendered. Eider Young, referring to the beautiful singing, declared that the Mormon people are lovers of art. He told of the building of the social hall and theatre in Salt Lake City by 'the pioneers and he spoke of some of fhe experience has had with world, famous actors. . He presented Helen Keller as a daldrg example of a happy person, ww who is deaf, blind and dumb and yet one who has learned to speak and learned to hear through placing her hngers on the lips of a speaker and in that manner can" hold converse jwftfi her fellow man. Mls$ Ketlar was, once ftoked if she loved life and instantly declared that she did because God gave 'kto her. How much more had we , un-io!s- if i j THE MOST JESSE HOOPES W. COLEMAN i Plumbing Heating , 4 n 0 1 - DANGEROUS ko organa of tba human body are ao J'Portant to health and long life aa the Jlaneyg. When they alow up and com-"'nto In their duties, look out! rlna out lag what the trouble la without way. Whenever you feel nervous, eak, dizzy, suffer from sleeplessness, have pains in the back wake up once. Your Kidneys need help. These signs to warn you that your kld-- vn 8 are not performing their func-yProperly. They are only half their work and are allowing Im ,ties t0 accumulate and be convert-- a into uric, acid and other poisons, will 'h are causing you distress anddriven j.stroy you unless they are m your ayatem. ce DISEASE Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem OU Capsules at once. They are an old, tried preparation used all over the world for centuries. They contain only with soothing oils combined g and strength-givin- g herbs, well known and used by physiGOLD cians In their daily practice. are im- MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsule in laboratories the direct from ported to taKs Holland They are convenient relief or and will either give prompt A for your money will be refunded. to them at any drug store, but be sure GOLD get the - original imported MEDAL brand. Accept no substitutes, la sealed packages. Three sizes. system-cleansin- OVER-EATIN- G is the root of nearly all digeztive U weak or evil; If your digestion less and use out olekilter, better eat , IlHlOlOi the new aid to better digestion. Fioasant to take effective. Let help straighten cut your digestive troubles. MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT EMULSION Bad Taste in Your Mouth. When you have a bad taste in your mouth you may know that your digestion is faulty. A 'dose of Chamberlains Tablets will usually correct the disorder. They also cause a gentle movement of the bowels. You will Trad this to be one of the best medicines you have ever become acquair.'ed adv. with. IRSTM10MBANK BRIGHAM CITY MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE BANK CAPITAL & SURPLUS iiJimimiiwnuffiMi.wHi?7ii,if i;mnwm $100,000.00 ihiiii)ui)iihi)iII, jf |