Show Congo O State Scheme New Nc York Jan Jail 20 Tho king of ot tho the Belgians has ha paid II a private visit to London In furtherance of oC a n new scheme for or the better hetter government of oe the Con Congo Congo Congo go Free State Slate n a 1 London dispatch to the th Tribune says It is reported to be his hits Intention to Introduce n a strong Drills clement Into the administration of that colony colon King Icing Leopold It Is bs bum hewed has taken laken this title step as a means of weakening the tIme growing demands for tor lull lilt International Inquiry Into tha time true Irue state of ot affairs In the time Congo ongo Iret Iree 1 l but hilt It Is III not surprising to learn that the time wish to strengthen n his adminis administration by I a n few competent line hns created much mitch Indignation In I sels sole |