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Show BOX ELDER NEWS, THURSDAY, PAGE 6. MAKE FARM UFE INTERESTING LETTER How many farm homes in Utah, WRITTEN 8YAN0TABLEW0MAN we wonder, are beautiful and Mrs Sarah Kellogg of Denver, Coloi sanctified through flower gardensr Bearer of the Womans Belief Corps Bends Thanks to Mrs. Finkbam. Our observation compels us to saj. The following comparatively few. Why is this letter was written by Mrs. Kellogg, true, we ask, amongst a people of 1623 Lincoln ve., Denver. who are famed admirers of the , Iolo.,toMrs that beautiful? The only answer Ljnn.Mass.' Pink-lam- We is Dear Mrs 1lakhain:- For five years 1 was troubled with s tumor, which kepi havent time to given, take care of them; we are too , BSSI,XUV3 In this busy with other things. great mental depression. I was unable to attend to my house work, and life became a bur connection may we not suggest den to me. I was confined for days to my bed, lost my appetite, my courage and all hope. " I could not bear to think of an operation, that many of us are altogether and In my distress I tried every remedy which too busy with other things. Our I thought would be of any use to me, and reeding of tbs value of Lydia E. Finkharai lives become a constant grind, a Vegetable Compound to sick women decided to give it a trial. I felt so discouraged that I little hope of recovery, and when I began servile devotion to our physical bad after tbe seoond week, to feel better, thought it only meant temporary relief; but to my I kept gaining, great surprise I found that size. while tbe tumor lessened in The Compound continued to build up my general health and the tumor seemed to be absorbed, until, in seven months, the tumor was entirely gone and I a well woman. I am so thankful for my recovery that I ask you to publish my letter in newspapers, so other of women may know of the wonderful curative powers of Lydia E. Finkbam'i Vegetable and our greed for gain, while our aesthetic! our ethical ouT spiritual, our intellectual naneeds tures are literally starved. Is it any wonder that some The our boys hate the farm? farm to them has never meant Other than hard work; incessant toil; everlasting digging, pitching, shoveling, ploughing, sowing, From early Monday gathering. till late morning Sunday night it is one ceaseless round of manua toil. Is it any better for the girls? Not one whit. It is cook and wash and iron and sew. And what diversion does this farm life offer? Practically none Monotony of routine labor on the farm has so deadened the social instinct of many of our young people that their imaginations can not possibly picture any pleasure pastime or amusement beyond dancing party, a buggy ride, an hour on the street corner or some frivolous game at a home party,' Perhaps, too, they are censured by parents for engaging in these pastimes. Not infrequently hav we heard of a parent saying, When my work is done Vm tired enough to go to bed. IU see that you have enough to do hereafter.' Parents, do you not see that While labor is honorable, while toil is necessary, it isnt all of life Life should and must to work? hold out other inducements than a mere slavish subservience our calling. Boys and girls want something besides hard work They want something to make farm life attractive to them. The faculties for the happiest life, we maintain, are on the farm. We spoke recently of the value of a choice collection of books as being an element in making farm life interesting and worthy. , We , Cures old Sorts. Westmoreland, Kans., May, Ballards Snow Liniment Co. 190a. VourSnow Liniment cured an old sore on the of my chin that was sup. The sore was posed to be a cancer. stubborn and would not yield to treatment, until 1 tried Snow Liniment, which did the work in short order. My sister, Mrs. Sophia J, Carson, Allensville, Miffin Co., Pa. has a sore and mistrusts it for a can cer, Please send her a 50c bottle, Sold by all druggists. , Compound.' When women are troubled with Irregular or painful menstruation, weakliest, leucorrhcea, displacement or ulceration feel- of tbe womb, that bearing-dow- n lug, inflammation of the ovariea, backache, flatulence, general debility, indigestion and nervoua proatration, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once remove! such trouble. No other medicine In the world hae received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine) Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Health is too valuable to risk in ex- periments with unknown and untried medicine or methods of treatment. Remember that it is Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound that is curing women, and dont allow any druggist to sell you anything else in its place. shall have much more to say on this subject. We want to say now that small space of the farm garden set apart carefuljy cultivated as flower garden will make a more attractive, a better, a richer, a purer The lessons taught by home. beatitiful flowers, as gated upon morning, noon and night, are far ther reaching and more effective Flowers than we can estimate. to most people of all are symbolic that is beautiful and good anc true. They are the silent monitors that hold sweet converse with our better selves. Beecher once said that They are the sweetest thing that God ever made anc The forgot to put breath into. is did it that God of not beauty breath into them forget to put but he made them just 'as they are on purpose, to minister to the wants of His children. Let us all have them in and about our homes. A, M. M Deseret Farmer. That Tired Feeling, If you are languid, depressed anc incapable for work, it indicates that vour liver is oat of order. Herbine will assist nature to throw off bead aches, rheumatism and ailments akin to nervousness and restore energies and vitality of sound and perfect health. J, J. Hubbard, Temple, Tex 1, writes, March 22, 1902: I have used Herbine for the past two years, has done me more good than all the doctors . When I feel bad and have Perhaps Mr, Carnegie will himself that tired feeling, I take a dose of Call the attention of the committee Herbine. It is the best medicine distributing his hero medals to the chills and fever. ever made for 50c Case of Mayor Weaver. bottle. Sold by all druggists The laxitive effect of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets is Newspapers should not be blamed agreeable and so natural that you do lor mistakes that are made, when you not realize it is the effect of a medi stop to consider the fact that persons cine. For sale by the Eddy Drug who are eye witnesses to an event do " store, not agree regarding the facts. After An Iowa man claims to be entitled speaker has delivered a sermon no to the Servian Throne,' He displays two persons will agree as to what was his wisdom by remaining in Iowa, said, just so in other events. When a however. newspaper man calls upon the people Just What Everyone Should Do. J. T . Barber of Irwinville, Ca., always keeps a bottle of Cham berlain.s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand ready for instant Use. Attacks of colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on so suddenly that there is no time to bunt a doctor or go to the store for medicine. Mr. Barber writes: I have tried Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which is one of tbe best medicines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of it in my room as I have had several attacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine I ever used." Sold by the Eday Drug store. Mr. careful estimate made by a Portland florist place, the number of roses Born to the wife of Chas. Stokes a now in bloom in Portland at 1 0,000,-00- 0, while other estimates are twice boy. Mother and child doing well. been About ten or twelve men have as high. The Lewis and Clark Exengaged to put up hay on the East position grounds are decked with the S de for the ProwoDtory Stoik Co. blossoms which are found It is reported that Mr Hirmon fragrant everywhere in great profusion. The Granger was married last Friday. Willis Stokes has been quite sick magnificence of Portland roses has hut able to be around again. been a source of astonishment to School will be out this week at early visitors from the East. Nel-- s Boothe Valley, Miss Margaret n io the teacher. Huge Task. , June 12, It was a huge task, to undertake Cowboy. the cure of such a bad case of kidney The attendance at e Lewis and disease, as that of C. F. Collier, of Clark Exposition on Thursday; Jure Cherokee, la , but Electric Bitters did was but a few it. He writes: 1, the opening day, "My kidneys were The day so far hundred short of 40,000. could not sit on a chair I gone, was fine, and the opening exercises without a cushion: and suffered from were characterized by an enthusiasm dewhich means much for the success of dreadful backache, headache and howElectric In Bitters, the enterprise, pression. I found a cure, and by them was ever, think seems to Banker Bigelow that the fact that the wheat market restored to perfect health, I recomwent down instead of up is ample ex- mend this great tonic medicine to all cuse for his having robbed his friruJa with weak kidneys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by the Eddy Drug store; and assoeiates. He says that bad price 50c. the wheat corner succeeded he would Vitaliis, -- A ATTRACTIVE. ascertain particulars regarding any subject there are so many conflicting stories that the editor cannot decide which is true, Eastern Utah Advo cate. 190-5- have paid it all back and wjula have been the wiser, A sad incident has Georgia, A man newspaper because f. a good every Saturday. Be warned. Its with The Box Elder News ke Old Hampshire Bond, "made just a little better than seems necessary. It would be F, 0 creating brseds of thornless blackberry bushes and try to produce a breed of graftless politicians. No Secret About it. of the I. O. will be held Odd-Fello- well if Luthlr Burbank would turn his attention from w, Odd-Fello- vs- - the Eddy Drug store. APPLICATION FOR Hard muscles and strong body do depend on the quantity of food eat, but on its perfect digestion proper assimilation. When you Kodol Dyspepsia Cure your all the nourishment out of tbe food you eat. It digests what eat regardless of the condition of thestomucb and conveys tbenutrlment properties to tbe blood and tissues, builds up BDd strengthens the entire system. Kodol cures Indigest- Kennedy s Laxative Honey and Tar ion, Dyspepsia, Belching, Sour Stotn-acCures ail Cough, end expel Cold from weak heart, - etc, Sold by the the system by gently moving tt bowels. Eddy Drug store, sys-ge- ts h, Underwear White . - J MAILS ARRIV, From south No 7 U From south No 9. 8jt From south, Local & Cache Valley No II ' From north No ft j From north No 10.. . From north Local & Cache -- Will be continued through the season.- - to their address Anyone can have any of the garments sent In your resending few a mail for pennies postage. by mittances include a few cents for postage we will return the stamps if too much is sent. -- Valley No We will sell two boxes of Royal Blue Matches for 5 Cents or 12 boxes for 25c as long as the stock lasts. 12. l0iIi MALAD VALLEY B, B, MAIL CLOSES: No A. Nelson & Co. Bear River City, Utah. North bound Coring Garland Tremont, , 17 -- We will continue to pay 18 cents per dozen for Eggs. We are overstocked with A lot of A No. 1 MENS SUITS and during June and July will give & discount of 10 on every . purchase of these goods. It will pay you to look at our stock. None better. - 10.1U i 7 MAIL ARRIVES: No 18 South bound Garland,-- . . Tremont, Ooriune 3 P, O. opens 11.00 a. m. Sunday from Hj Office hours from 8.00 a. m. fc p. m. B. 9 F, Boom! PoatmwJ J IBIKTSHONEM Oures Coldai Prevent 1 H. C. Christiansen, s Merchant Tailor, Has a nice selection of fine Cloth for the SPRING and SEASON to select SUITS fromj3rStyles and Materials SUM-3IE- R Up-toDa- te. .M & Hm. jChicagOjJLates IJbavehecelebrate This entire collection of Woolens is guaran- teed Strictly Ale Wool No mercerized cotton yarns used as a substitute for silk in the ' manufacturing of these woolens. , My price tags on my suits are honest and Glover x stables; x Cartl Southbound No 10. . . " -- I'. Southbound, Local & Cache . Valley No 12. iMxsm X. A. NO. 400L Llvery and Peed & k L E PATENT. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utab, May 2, 1905, W- - H. Notice is hereby given that Fred W. J Tbackwell of Ogden, Utah, and bis -P- ROPRIETOR O- FJoseph F. Heald of Brook line, Mass., have made application for a United States patent for tbe Lead King Mining Claim, Contact Mining Claim, Apex and Silvered Lead Rigs, lode mining claims, consisting At All Hours..., of 1476, 989.2, 1170.5 and 1500 linear feet, respectively, of the lodes, and surface ground as shown by the official Depot. ' Utah plat, beiDg Survey No. 5350, situated BrighamCity lu the Paradise Mining District, Cache County, Utab, and described in the plat and field notes of survey on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 17 deg 15 min to 17 deg 58 min East, as follows, Commencing at cor, No. 1 of Lead King Mining Claim and running LIVERY thence N 49 deg 21 min W 1175.6 ft to intersection of Easterly side line of Silvered Lead Mining Claim, thence FEED N 1452.3 ft to cor No. 2 of Silvered Lead Mining Claim, thence W 600 ft to cor No. 3 of said claim, tnence S i323.2 ft to Northerly end line of Apex, thence S 89 deg 35 min W 221.8 ft to cor No. 3 of Apex, thence S 26 deg 26 min E 1173.4 ft to cor No. 2 of Apex, thence N 89 deg 35 min E 19.1 ft to intersection of Westerly end line of At Anv Old Time. Contact Mining Claim, thence S 1 deg 21 mia W 365.3 ft to cor No. 2 of Con tact Mining Claim, thence N 88 deg 16 min E 989.2 ft to cor No. 1 of said jFL Hack Meets all Trains. claim, thence N 1 deg 21 min E 238.6 ft to intersection of Southerly end line of Lead Ring Mining Claim, thence N Block North 36 21 min E 815.1 ft to cor No. 1 of First Natl Bank Bldg. saiddegclaim, the place of beginning, containing a net area of 46.297 acres, the following conflictshaving been excluded: Keystone, Survey 6059, of .226 acres; La Platte, Survey 6069, of .473 acres; Sunrise, Lot 38, of .082 acres; Mountain Boy, Lot 39, of 2.930 acres and Lorette. Lot 39, of .639 acres. Said claims are situated in the N. E. J and S. E, i seo 11, Tp. 8 N., R. 2 E. S. L. M. The quarter Sec. cor. on East boundary Sec. 11, Tp 8 N R 2 E bears as follows from Cor. No. 1 of each of said claims: Lead King Mining Claim, N 3 deg 19 min E 159.4 ft, Contact Mining Claim, N 17 deg 12 min E 681.9 ft, Apex, N 67 deg 53 min E 832.1 ft, Silvered Lead Mining Claim, S 68 deg 11 min E 1060.7 ft. Said claims are of record in the office of the Recorder of Cache County at Logan, Utah, in book 2 of mining deeds at to Chicago and the East over the pages 191-2- ; 180; wily double-tra196 and 205-railway between respectively. the Missouri River and Chicago. ExThe adjoining and conflicting olal ms cellent service In every particular. are the Keystone, Survey 5059; La One of these trains, the Overland Limited, Is the most luxurious train Platte, Survey 5069; Sunrise, Lot 38; In the world Electric lighted Mountain boy, Lot 39; Lorette, Lot 39; throughout. Red Jacket, Lot 40 and Queen of the Direct connections at Omaha via Lot 40. The Hills, Lins to St. Paul and Minneapolis. I direct that this notice be In the Box Elder News, at BrigTickets, reservations, tnd full ham City, Utah, the newspaper pubInformation can be obtained from C. A. Walker, General Agent, lished nearest said claims, for a period of nine weeks. 6 By, Frank D. Hobbs, 38 Wert Second South St.. Atlo Bid,, Register. HWI4I Salt Lake Otj, Utah, q L. H. Grat, Attorney, WliVwiwri.e Hi 7" 1st pub, May 4, last pub, July c, reasonable. Tailor Shop Immediately South of Utab-n- a Hotel Min-Clai- Up-To-D- Hack meets all Trains at Jensen Bros., DO YOU TAKE to-wl-t: THE NEW E? and STABLES ood Rigs ck Quantity, Ladies aSc at i Quality OUR Odd-fello- It is no secret,that for Cuts, Burns, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore eyes, Boils, etc., nothing is so effective as Buck tens Arnica Salve. It didnt take Joseph N. Stohl is now in long to cure a bad sore I had, and position to take care of you on is all O. K. for sore eyes, writes D Farm Loans. tf L. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. Northbound Not Northbound No 9. Northbound, Local Valley NoIL EXCURSION, this year at the Reduced Lagoon near Farmington. rates have been secured on all rail, toads for the event, which is scheduled for June 2i, and every person can take advantage of them whether Indications OJd Fellows or not. point to a very large attendance. Sports and games of all sorts will be provided; there will be bathing and bottling and prizes will be offerred for the oldest the oldest the Rebckah, youngest the youngest Rebekah, the prettiest baby, either sex, the largest family of and for other features , Trains on all roads will be run right through to the Lagoon, the Salt Lake & Ogden road having been equipped with new iron of late, so this can be done. Everyone is invited. in O. it printed someNow the man not he did like. thing is dead and the paper still comes out I 0. 0. The annual excursion occured stopped I, no one MAlt.S CLOSE. 6, That Is, are you a subscriber the Box Elder News? of IF NOT 82 look this copy over carefully and see if it is not worth 2l2c, the price charged by the year It gives you the local and state news; It is filled with other reading matter of interest; . We havent had a dissatisfied subscriber yet- - Give it a Trial; Only $1.25 a Year. 4 North-Weste- rn pub-Jlsh- North-Weste- rn ed DYSPEPSIA Tto 8. DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT .00 bolt 1 I contain ramxi C. CUB! EirriTT JH Ontnth Mur at t trial rita, which u!t lor SO lakmtoiv 01 . CO&FASfYi CHICAGO & |